Beiträge von Itachi.

    At the request of a forum member I added this.

    was made by another community but it is functional.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    This is what a check is for.

    which already exists at the source.

    jaa klar aber brauche eigl dieses system nicht wegen den barren sondern für Yangspeicher weil ich wenn ich es über meine quest laufen lasse zieht er bei mir Yangspeicher ab obwohl ich kein Yang mehr im inventar tragen kann

    kriege es über quest nicht gelöst das wenn ich im inventar 2 milliarden yang hab das ich dann keine Yangspeicher mehr abgezogen kriege.

    if you want to store the yang and receive it in bars.

    you can add tables to the player database.


    ingot_1, ingot_2...

    and create a function in the binary along with it a class in uicommon.

    to ask if you want to change to yang or save to the slash store and the option to do nothing.

    then create a window that takes that value from the player table by means of a query which is not complicated to know how many bars it has and add a function to change those bars into yang or the specific item.

    And it has something extended and 100% functional.

    I think that's the best idea for what they are talking about.

    1. quest barren begin
    2. state start begin
    3. when 81011.use or 81012.use or 81013.use or 81014.use or 81015.use begin
    4. pc.change_gold(item.get_gold())
    5. item.remove()
    6. end
    7. end
    8. end

    Erfüllt diese simple Quest nicht genau die geforderten Anforderungen an "Goldbarren"? (Außer natürlich der folgenden Bedingung: if (IsOpenSafebox() ...)

    Oder übersehe ich irgendeinen monumentalen Unterschied, das das Nutzen von dem oberen Code berechtigen würde?

    I have nothing against lua.

    but it's 2020.

    now if you want something extended add a subtype to the item_use type

    that changes the die value by one value to yang.

    and have something 100% extended add to uitooltip that shows that value improved system.

    and they save on paying 10 to 20 euros. :PandaReeRun::NeonRainbowFast:

    Kann die Yangbarren ihrgentwie nicht benutzen wenn ich die Yangbarren anklicke tut sich nichts und mein Client schließt sich
    und wenn ich mich wieder einloggen will kommt "Fehler beim Verbinden mit dem Server"

    Beim compilen hab ich keine Fehler bis auf eine Warnung bei der Char.cpp

    It is also not necessary to edit quest for the damage inflicted. You can do this from the source.

    Sure, for a few bosses, maybe. I just think it's more practical for future cases, you might need it for other aspects and not only for a dungeon ranking list. I mean, at the end it obviously depends on your needs.

    You can do this from the source of the game to count how many times you have killed the boss.

    the duration and maximum damage they have been able to do to the boss.:thumbup:

    if you are going to show a preview of skills the right thing to do is not only to show the animation of the skill but also the effect of the skill.

    so users can have a correct preview of each skill.

    Everything can be opted out without editing quest.

    and I use it this way.

    All information directly to the database, without the need to edit quest files.

    But you don't need to edit the quests for the remaining time, I am not saying that, I was just saying for the damage dealt, somehow you have to register the damage dealt to a specific vid

    It is also not necessary to edit quest for the damage inflicted. You can do this from the source.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Medienelement zu sehen.

    you can do it through c++ and python or through lua.

    Both methods are functional.

    if you want to visualize skill animations you need the function in the render target.

    and the effect loading function.:thumbup:

    I can understand what you're saying.

    but this can all be developed in a different way that allows for better use and editing.

    without having to edit the game source or the dungeon quests.


    s-sure, except AFAIK the time remaining and time/dmg ranking, you can just already have the list in the client and update it with the infos you must obtain from the server.

    Everything can be opted out without editing quest.

    and I use it this way.

    All information directly to the database, without the need to edit quest files.

    I can understand what you're saying.

    but this can all be developed in a different way that allows for better use and editing.

    without having to edit the game source or the dungeon quests.


    But tell me what German project is so big today that it can be called a reference?

    because I know none currently.

    I have seen some public that are not bad.

    But are they made by Germans?

    and a good project takes many months of work.

    and who has worked on it can rectify it


    is specified as edit if you use the sash system.

    which changes the effects.

    added effect in the taskbar.

    updated information: now the bonus will change from red to green if the blend is activated or not.

    This is very simple. This person only did a python development.

    For this to work properly.

    you must do it from the source which is not difficult.

    What happens is that many are called developers and forget that to be so is to have creativity and imagination to carry out a project.

    The rest for more knowledge you have, you are just a programmer.

    If I empty myself, I will show you that it works soon as I have it on my server working fine.

    Leaving this interface 100% with a clean code takes time.

    And whoever is willing to do the job in the right way will not charge you cheaply.

    Now about what they say about programmers.

    They really exist very good.

    but really someone who is totally professional will be in the metin2 scene?

    And that is worldwide.

    who can work in this work environment and still continue on the scene is because of nostalgia or because we like its development.