Beiträge von DiiZeR

    Hello! I came across an interesting bug. I uploaded stuff from my home server to a newly purchased VPS, game, db started, runs fine.

    However, when I would enter the game, as soon as the character would appear, the client would close (Tested several times). I have collected the following packet errors.

    When the client closes, it almost always complains about another packet error. (There is absolutely no such problem on a hosted server.)

    Thanks for the help in advance!

    What might also be of interest is that the game, db clang++-devel version is compiled backwards.

    Yes, I misspelled devil in the topic, accidentally on devel.

    But it's still installed, but still missing. And when I link libIl, it writes unsupported file layout.

    Hello! I have a problem, I have an updated source (clang++-devel), which works perfectly on bsd 12, on a home server.

    I put it on vps, game,db, but it is missing libs on startup, which I can't do in any way. I've installed gcc, devel, etc. with pkg install.

    Anyone who can help me with this would be appreciated.

    Hi Guys! How can I expand the refine proto? Vnum4, count4 does not work!

    Thanks for the helping!

    I think it should be expanded here!