Hello! I came across an interesting bug. I uploaded stuff from my home server to a newly purchased VPS, game, db started, runs fine.
However, when I would enter the game, as soon as the character would appear, the client would close (Tested several times). I have collected the following packet errors.
- [QUOTE]0728 14:14:16188 :: Phase Loading does not handle this header (header: 115, last: 1, 115)
- 0728 14:14:16189 :: Unknown packet header: 64, last: 1 115
- 0728 14:16:14861 :: Phase Loading does not handle this header (header: 115, last: 1, 115)
- 0728 14:16:14862 :: Unknown packet header: 101, last: 1 115
- 0728 14:37:28114 :: Phase Game does not handle this header (header: 130, last: 75, 130)
- 0728 14:37:28147 :: Unknown packet header: 217, last: 75 130
When the client closes, it almost always complains about another packet error. (There is absolutely no such problem on a hosted server.)
Thanks for the help in advance!
What might also be of interest is that the game, db clang++-devel version is compiled backwards.