Hello! I am looking for protection against Target, Range Damage. Anyone know of any that are good? I definitely need server side protection.
Svside, cshield not interested
Thanks in advance
Hello! I am looking for protection against Target, Range Damage. Anyone know of any that are good? I definitely need server side protection.
Svside, cshield not interested
Thanks in advance
Alles anzeigenAlles anzeigenHahaha, thanks for publishing this chat log. Now I’m more than certain that this guy is on a whole different level of stupidity compared to most others. How broken does your ego have to be to constantly leech off someone for help, steal their fixes, and then present them as your own, acting like you’re the greatest dev the Metin2 community has ever seen?
This guy is, without a doubt, the definition of a meme.
And yes, it’s Amnezia. I’ve received multiple screenshots from people showing him trying to sell files under the name "Nives", and what a coincidence, the PayPal email used is the exact same one as "xAmnezia". Once a meme, always a meme.
But of course, he has no problem trashing others for selling a finished project—one that was proven to be completely stable, free of coredowns or crashes. Keep up the good work, "Amenzia - Nives".
But tell me, how many times have you sold your trash files, only for people to be forced offline just hours after release because of constant crashes? LOL
OT: Still one of the best offshops you can use, regardless of minor bugs. Show me a shop system that doesn’t have any.
Echt kp wie man sich so viel Müll zusammen Reimen kann & zusätzlich aber der jenige ist der mit pub Files online geht und versucht seinen trash Server weniger als 3 Wochen nach Start schon für 3 Euronen los zu werden. Werde mich hier garnicht erst verteidigen, weil du dich 1. nun auch längst damit verraten hast wer du bist. Demnach denke ich du weißt selbst was für ne riesige Blamage du bist. Und 2. Juckt mich dat hier weniger als dein 50.? Account.
Kannst mich auch Michael Jackson nennen Wenn's dir dabei besser geht.
Suche später mal dir screens zusammen wie du deinen Schrott bei Neulingen los werden möchtest. Beim nächste Front zeigt sich ja dann über welchen Typ du eigentlich mit deinen Worten sprichst. Denn genau über dich selbst lol.
Can't you see that no one is interested in you? XD
Those of you acting all smart over there have you never made a mistake? Have you ever sold any kind of system before? Especially an offline shop, which qualifies as a pretty big system? No! But sure, go ahead and use Ken, Dracarys offline shop from the 2018–2020 versions, with 0 support. xdd
Most of you couldn’t even interpret a single line of the offline store's code, yet you call it "bad." Well then, go ahead and create your own show us what you’ve got.
Ever since Ikarus started selling the v2 offline store, I’ve usually received a response within 3–4 hours, regardless of when I messaged him. I was among his first customers.
Keep it up buddy!
Dear Community,
i just found out, on my server there is some weird bug with the archer ninja.
I saw some topic about this before, but i dont find it, maybe somebody can help me with this topic.
GIF for this bug:
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Many thanks if somebody can help me to solve it.
Ich würde auch gerne wissen, warum ikarus v2 schlecht ist?
What the heck are you saving into the system, after the update, cshields requires a pc restart, that doesn't seems legit.
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The metin2 cheat programs are not exactly legal either, before I used to get blue deaths when injecting rextbot.
new patch? All cheat software pass the protection...
Check the item, and mob_proto, in my case a wrongly written weapon damage caused these errors.
Here you go:
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It often closes the client with a packet header error, I don't recommend using it for anyone who is thinking about a live server.
i posted a fix for the wrong sized packet on their discord weeks ago.
Which Discord server?
It often closes the client with a packet header error, I don't recommend using it for anyone who is thinking about a live server.
Can anyone provide more information? Is it safe to remove or not? What errors can this cause?
Sale history, and notification if sell anything, when player is online?
Why only crypto? Please create a paypal account, or bank transfer option.
I need this system. Maybe someone can code it and sell it?
Hello! I would like to know what you think is the best offline shop currently available? I am not interested in any published offline shop.
I've heard of Ikarus offline shop, but I don't know if they do design modifications.
Thanks for the replies!
SetSize function is missing.
My bad, add this to the end of the function:
Width clamps at SPLIT_AT, height calculates affectCount / SPLIT_AT (in floats) and rounds up to the nearest integer. Might be a little overkill, but it works. I couldn't test it more then 5 minutes. Tell me if it works
Thank you! Woking!
Kann mich gerade irren aber affectCount ist doch Standard nicht definiert dieser Part sollte ihm also ebenfalls fehlen
affectCount = 0
SetSize function is missing.
uiaffectshower.py, replace __ArrangeImageList(self) with:
Alles anzeigenCode
- def __ArrangeImageList(self):
- xPos = 0
- yPos = 0
- affectCount = 0
- SPLIT_AT = 10 # how many affects per line
- if self.lovePointImage and self.lovePointImage.IsShow():
- self.lovePointImage.SetPosition(xPos, yPos)
- xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP
- affectCount += 1
- if self.horseImage and self.horseImage.IsShow():
- self.horseImage.SetPosition(xPos, yPos)
- xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP
- affectCount += 1
- for image in self.affectImageDict.values():
- image.SetPosition(xPos, yPos)
- xPos += self.IMAGE_STEP
- affectCount += 1
- if affectCount % SPLIT_AT == 0: # if true, the current line is full
- xPos = 0
- yPos += self.IMAGE_STEP # add another line
Thanks, it works. However, when I hover the mouse over it, It does not print anything. The sysser does not write anything.