Beiträge von Ikarus_ Developer

    There is a bug about the stealth of the assassin with buffs actived.

    If the players near the assassin that is using the stealth move the camera zoom , the effects become visible again.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    source : myself

    Sameone could need to add

    #include "../UserInterface/Locale_inc.h"

    at the beginning of the file source/EterBase/StdAfx.h

    to include the defines in Locale_inc.h

    ------- EDIT ------

    Due to some change on client-source someone may require a small fix to be added to this system:

    1. // SEARCH
    2. void CEffectInstance::__Initialize() {
    3. // ADD
    4. #ifdef __ENABLE_STEALTH_FIX__
    5. ReleaseAlwaysHidden();
    6. #endif

    If I use licenses for my products, it is to prevent the worms with which this world is full from exploiting the work of others for personal revenues.

    Licenses are also a protection of the customer, who will be happier to spend his money without what he buys is published one day for free .. It is not always possible to obtain this result but we do everything possible

    I don't like posting correction code, it's not very respectful of who worked to make this release. If he read my advice I'm sure he can do an update to fix it.

    I appreciate your work and i thank you for share.

    I gues you would like to know that there are some big problems with this shop.

    I took a quick look at this code, and I immediately noticed that you don't delete some objects pointed to every query you run and this causes memory leak. In short, you risk that in a very populated server the ram will end after a few hours.

    I hope you will see this constructive criticism as an aid and not as an attack.


    As already said (the moderators have removed my message even if it was polite, I can't say why)

    I installed this system to this guy 3 times because he changed the files 3 times. I don't send my systems as zip because reselling them in this way is very easy. The boy owns the system in his old files, it is not my duty to move it from old files to new ones.
    I don't privately answer this guy simply because he's rude.

    I thank those who seem to have understood that this boy is behaving badly.

    if i buy the offline shop, do you fully install it and configure it for my already existing systems? I have stuff like sash, aura systen, soulbindung and others like this. Do you configure your system for it correctly? And whats about channel switcher bug? I have a channelswitcher installed, do u fix this bug?

    Sorry for late, i don t use metin2downloads as daily forum. Installation is free , and i mean a clean installation to make the system works perfectly with your files.

    There arent bugs about channel switcher, it is not like the free system released... It's written without any base code, it is written 100% by me and doesnt have chance to duplicate items (actually there aren t unresolved bugs reported.)

    you are right but i prefer work with python

    anyway my "complete tool" on my machine give me way to make more actions (eg. compile offlineshop-library and put it on extern folder and other related things which there arent in the general gmake)

    The clock detenction of gmake doesnt touch the file, this mean you have to compile the file every time if you dont touch the file, this tool touch the file if the last edit is in the future

    I wrote this small tool in python to manage easly the server source in a unique script to run.

    The tool is written in Python 2.7 but it should works fine with next version.

    Basically, the tool can help you to build/touch/strip without navigate in the differents paths.

    The tool can perform:


    build game/db

    build game/db with clean

    build game&db (consecutively)

    build game&db with clean

    -Touch (which dont' create new file when is used with a wrong name):

    perform Touch of one or more files in game/src (by inserting the names separated with a space)

    perform Touch of one or more files in db/src (by inserting the names separated with a space)


    Strip game (by copying it)

    Strip db (--same)

    Additional features:

    - the tool find if a file is edited $val seconds in the future (eg. if you have set a wrong date in your compiler) and it will touch the file automatically.

    - the tool is written in procedural python (no OOP) so you should read easly it even if you are not an expert with python.

    - You can run more than one commands in sequence by separating them with one of these character : ("&&","&","|"," ",'\t',"-",',') (es. : 1&9 -> build game and strip game)

    - the tool can get command-line arguments to perform what you need (you could take a look under to know the command you can pass)


    - To run a script in python in the compiler you need to have installed Python (i recommend python27 which i can guarantee it will works). If you haven't installed python you can do it by using pkg manager (pkg install pyhon27) or ports (cd /usr/ports/lang/python27 && make config-recursive && make install clean)

    - If you get some problem with the script you can post a comment in this thread to know the solution, anyway it should works perfectly with martysama source (most commonly used).

    - To run the script you should give 7XX octal permission.

    - To run the script you need to go at the same path where is the script and to use "./" to run it.

    - If you are creating the scriptfile using notepad++ (or some external editor) is possible to have a problem about the EOL character (you have to set it on "Unix EOL").

    - You have way to enable/disable the question "exit?" when the build fail

    - To run the script you should put it on "Server" folder, when you can find game, db, common, etc.

    For any kind of problems i recommend you to write a comment in this thread (instead of pm) because another user could get same problem and find here the solution.

    i hope it would be usefull.




    I like working with polite, grateful people and patients like you, thanks for the review.

    i want remember to every one the actual price (150€) will expired in date september 2th, after which the price will become 200€.

    I recommend to don't wait last day to buy if you don't like to be the last of a long tail of people who have to get installation before you.

    I will publish a tail list of installation (which will be always update in real time) in a web page to keep update who are waiting the turn.

    I think it could happen that the last day the unique available payment method will be western union.

    if you don't like this way of paying I advise you not to wait for the last day.

    Hey, I don't want to buy the system (Offline Shop) because I already have one but I would like to know how it is programmed. Which patterns were used and how does the offline shop communicate with the database (direct query?)?

    Basically it works using caching to manage the informations during operations which dont need to "save" permanently the informations (items search, open shop as guest, get list of shops , ...the most common operations).
    Other Operations (like create shop, edit price, add item, remove item, change shop's name, ...) have to save permanently the informations and so use queries.

    The queries are executed using ReturnQuery (which get less lags than using directquery relative the general and global efficient of the core)

    I can show you the switch statement to be as clear as possible.


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