Beiträge von Ikarus_ Developer

    Most of your actions were not relevant to the Metin-cache.

    There was only one dupe on my shop (v1) not related to the m2 cache, which i solved and shared the patch in a few minutes after the report. All the others was dupes related to the m2 cache.

    You often ignored your customers. They approached me for official shop dupe fixes because you didn’t respond. You stopped providing support, and now you’re coming back because you need money.

    All the people work if they need money, I don't see anything strange about it honestly. do you give away your work?

    I closed the sales and kept the support still active for a whole year (a whole year meanwhile i was not selling but only helping). After that year i closed also the support. All these things were done transparently and publically.

    Before, I talked with you and explained how you could implement the offline shop without relying on buffer size. You told me I couldn’t code, but it’s simple—you can use server-side paging.

    Yeah totally crazy what you recommended. I already solved the buffer size years ago, in 2019 so your recommendations are useless.

    I do not recommend working with him or purchasing his products; both are just bad ideas

    Yours is not a disinterested opinion.

    Finally i don't see any clocky's offline shop just because it is so simple to talk, less to do things hard, right?

    An sich eher nur hässlich als schlecht. Er bezieht sich wohl auf die public Version, währenddessen man keinen Support hat. Denn Fakt ist, das bei Ikarus seinen Offlineshops gefühlt jede Woche neue Dupe/Bugfixes nötig sind. Sowie der V1 bis zum Ende hin tatsächlich 30+ Fixes nötig hatte bis dieser mal clean war, existieren ja auch bei dem neuen V2 schon echt einige. Soviel wie ich an diesem Shop damals fixen musste, kann ich nichtmal mit 3 Händen abzählen. Und diesen ohne Support zu nutzen ist halt einfach Bullshit. Vor allem für anfänger. Aber selbst als Käufer wissen wir ja, das Ikarus sowie beim V1 irgendwann die Fliege macht, und alle Kunden ohne Support einfach stehen lässt sobald er genug verkauft hat. Und ich selbst, damals auch als Kunde, erhielt seine ganzen Fixes nichtmal. Ich musste ihm schlussendlich hinterherlaufen und jagen als ich irgendwann erfuhr das auch er noch nen Repo hat wo umdi 20-30 Dupe/Yangbugs und Crash fixes vorhanden sind. Als Käufer hätte ich diese von ihm bekommen müssen, und nicht nur einige Monate später aus dritter Ecke mitbekommen sollen. Mir selbst gab er nichtmal irgendeinen Link davon beim kauf. Weder von irgendwelchen Fixes, noch von seiner Lizenzscheiße als er einfach verschwand, und man diese zufällig in einem Forum finden musste.

    Ikarus ist ein unzufälliger Idiot mit nem schlechtem Support sowie Charakter, welcher seine Kunden irgendwann einfach stehen lässt und nie wieder antworten wird. Ich glaube bis vor dem Verkauf vom V2, hat er über ein Jahr auf keine Nachricht reagiert. Und das ging jedem so. Wird wieder das selbe Spiel sein wenn er mit dem V2 genug Kohle gemacht hat. Dann heißt es 1-2 Jahre Adios, und kommt erst wieder wenn er neues Taschengeld durch einen V3 benötigt.

    Wer was anderes behauptet kennt ihn noch nicht lange. :)

    I always answered to all the clients until the support was active. If i ignored you (i don't have any "Nives" in any app so no idea who you are) i probably had my reason (which could be reselling, sharing, scamming, or simply toxic). Who think that giving a "150€/180€/200€ once" payment would receive a life-long support is just a stupid person Who dont know how hard is to help 200/300 clients every day. All the things in the world become obsolete, Your PC, your smartphone, your car. You have to upgrade them once they become obsolete, but for some reason this seems impossible to you m2 slavers.

    Related for dupes, m2's cache of items and characters is a sieve. it's been giving dupes forever and after 25 years of development there are still surely uknown ones.

    All the time a client reported me a bug (any bug not only the two dupes in v1) i always sent him back the fix in 1/2 hours, i never ignored anyone who was still receiving the support (i was ignoring all the resellers and scammers/ leakers ofc).

    Apparently you like to whine but if people still buy daily after years then I'm probably not that bad as you say.

    :!:Exclusive for Martysama's Supporters

    Hello Everyone! The IkarusShop V2 will have a Christmas Discount Weeks period from Dicember 21th to January 6th!

    The First, Second, and Third purchase of ULTIMATE version will get an extra Discount! Hurry Up!

    More Details here: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Also the tutorial to remove license check is made by me, once i stopped the sales i forwarded to clients the tutorial so that they can remove the license (shared still using google drive folder).

    Do you see it? You neither know what u are talking about.

    The google drive folder i shared has hundreds of emails inserted as guest (read only) which are all the clients having right to download the patches.

    All patches have their date, two years of support can be checked by looking at the dates.

    The archive the leakers are forwarding on free forums (releasing the system) is downloaded from google drive, from my shared folder with my clients. So the reason they can do it it's because i SHARED all fixes, not because i "DIDNT"

    You are saying only bullshits xd

    ya surely i would pay this price for someone who sold an offlineshop with million dupebugs before when even the support for it was shit. Not recommended 100%

    Thanks for your opinion.

    It says more about u rather than me xd

    I made support (for free) for two years.

    Any bug was solved immediately sending patch on google drive. The archive with all patches is still forwarded by leakers even now ahah.

    Milions of dupes? Nha xd

    One dupe was found on shop safebox, i solved it the day after the report. The other "dupes" are due to channel switcher installed with no checks, which makes unsafe any kind of item exchange method, not only my shop.

    Feel free to don't buy anyway, i don't care about a client that calls 2 years of free support "shit" and that says bullshits like you xd

    it's a martysama bundle, not a regular system for sale.
    All martysama costumers can buy it with no extra fees.
    All who are interested to buy it and martysama's files, receive it already installed on marty svf.

    Those who don't like it and cry can always watch others get serious while playing with their toys.

    Updated the post with important news!

    Pre-order discount weeks will start soon!

    27 September - 10 October

    Pre-order prices:

    LITE 349€ 269€

    PRO 549€ 449€

    ULTIMATE 899€ 769€

    The first 5 purchases of ULTIMATE will be further discounted to €699.

    The discounts will end on October 10th.

    Soon an open beta server will be active which give you way try the system before purchasing it.

    For each purchase it will be necessary to register an invoice, therefore the data necessary for this purpose will be requested.

    All installations will be carried out first for those who bought the ULTIMATE version in pre-order, then all others in order of purchase starting at 11 October.

    Payment methods are:

    - Papayl P&S

    - Revolut

    - LITE version only can be paid using giftcards.

    There's an image explaining the changes inside the thread post.

    The video expand all features showing all details.


    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Medienelement zu sehen.

    Good overhaul at all I guess, the future will tell obviously.

    Just as a good hint, maybe you looking for someone for different GUIs maybe you choose 3 (+2 to the existing one) so people can choose by themselfs which one they prefere. Because one of the biggest issues of your previous version was the annoying GUI. Maybe you think about doing something in advance to avoiding this situation.

    thanks for your point of view.

    Yes that was the main problem with v1, that's why I completely redesigned it and made the interface more user-friendly.

    Now you can open your shop even while searching in the search shop etc. It is no longer all in one window.

    Honestly I don't care to make multiple versions of the UI, the system uses the BoardWithTitleBar classes from so it will automatically take the form of the rest of the client UI. Anyone who finds it improvable can do so after buying the system at their own expense, it would be impossible to please everyone.

    My support is actually closed, i closed the sellings (of any product) 1 year ago but i continued to give support to my clients in the last year, and few months ago i stopped even to give support. The shop was sold with 'free support' but 'free' != 'lifelong'. I consider Ikarus Shop v1 obsolete and i don't recommend to use it actually. I don't recommend the leaked one neither obv. It's life is basically ended.

    It might happen that i will start to distribute a v1.5/v1.8 if I find someone I trust to help me to distribute it. My time is infinitesimal, so I could never start doing 2 installations per day again like I done in past.

    In that case , it would be a much simpler service than it was in past. In the past I gave away a lot of stuff for free. Whoever changed files received free reinstallation, whoever installed new systems connected in some way with my shop received the free adjustment. Many things given to people who have not been able to appreciate nothing. So in the future I will only distribute the product and any security patches, nothing else.

    Hi Guys,

    I m pretty sure most of you perfectly know what i m meaning for "DEVIL TOWER LAG AFTER WARP", It's a critical FPS Drop which happen very often just after a warp in a dungeon.

    I ve found the way to definitely fix it with a few lines short change.

    Just to spend a few words for those who want to understand something before copying and pasting the fix here is the explanation of the bug:


    The fix about duplication bug is free released right to know.

    I don't understand why this story still turns.

    If people like to use the leakered stuff and don't even bother to install the fix I released SEVERAL MONTHS AGO then saying around that my shop is bad seems a bit of a slander.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. <-- look at date ^^

    I m stopping the sales for 1 month (or few more) to give me time to complete the long queue of installations, and to work on some new product and complete the stuffs i m going (metin2 unrelated stuffs).

    The service is not closing, the support is still available for any kind of problem you can text me on my socials (skype, discord, telegram, or metin2 forums).

    See you next month!