Why should someone switch weapons as fast as this ?
Nice question, but there is a bug like that so... any ideas ? xd
Why should someone switch weapons as fast as this ?
Nice question, but there is a bug like that so... any ideas ? xd
Hello community,
I have this problem when im switching weapons like this: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
Any ideas how to fix it?
the problem is just when i already wear the one hand, and the i switch to two hand. If i dont wear the items, the slots are fine. Its just when i switch equip/switch from two hand to onehand.
Alles anzeigenthe problem its not on item_proto, i use .txt and i checked it.. it happens the same with bow and dagger
So because you're using .txt it's no longer an item_proto, even if it's called "item_proto.txt"?
#Edit to topic:
It seems like you have implemented this old big weapon pack or not?
Check the "columns" of your "not_a_proto"-File. Maybe the columnt count isn't correct and the "size" column is read from a wrong value.
IM NOT TELLING THAT .TXT ISNT AN ITEM_PROTO. FFS EVERYONE!!!!!!!!! Im telling i checked it! I converted .txt to .sql too from martysama (MIRROR2DB) and at size is saying size : 3!!! Im telling the problem its from src, but i dont know where to search
Itemproto -> Size -> change 2 to 3
the problem its not on item_proto, i use .txt and i checked it.. it happens the same with bow and dagger
Hello community.
I have this problem: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
Does anyone knows how to fix this problem? Two handed goes to 2 slots instead of going to 3 slots. I dont know why or where is wrong. Can anyone help me?
Hello community,
I have in sysuser and syslog
buffer_read_proceed: buffer_proceed: length argument bigger than buffer (length: 1, buffer: 0)
no have core crash .core
when character login, is locked dont send msg,open npc etc..
Hello community.
Im wondering if someone can share a fix to block these 2 hacks? These hacks are destroying the game...
Is there any fix for binary to hide the process or anything else like a .dll so i can add it with the StudPE at my .exe?
I want to block every injector...
Thanks for your time.