Beiträge von MrVibeX

    Hello guys, i have this problem with daggers, bows, fans and bells.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Also, the armor effect on ninjas, it doesnt work. At warriors it works fine.

    Any idea?

    I already defined the effects there.

    And InstanceBase.h



    I have installed special effect system, but the item for weapon effect when i click it disappear instead of going to the weapon slot.

    Check the screenshot below:

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    Any ideas?


    Im searching tamashi shining system but in costume page i want also to be fully working the costume mount slot and the sash/acce. Does anyone has it ??

    Could you share it please ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hello, i have this problem not only with this skill, but with some other skills too.

    When i dont wear an armor the skill is fine : Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    But when i wear an armor this happens: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Any idea ??

    Thanks in advance...

    Hello community. Any idea why this skill looks like this?

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    I have the original skills. Nothing changed. Does anyone have similar problem?

    Im paying for this fix. My discord: ReD#2880

    check syserr, probably missing files in your client

    Its not missing files. 86048 vnum works. 86049 vnums works. 86050 doesnt work. 86051 vnum works.

    If i put the model of 86050 to other vnum it is shown ingame normally. So maybe its src problem?

    Hello community. I added new sashes with vnum 86048 to 86051 but i have some problems.

    86050 and 86051 sashes doesnt show in character like the photo: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Sashes from 86052 to 86059 works fine and the models are shown on character . My source contains on item.cpp -> toSetValue += 10000; and on InstanceBase.cpp -> if (dwAcce > 97000) ...

    Any ideas why some vnums work and some not? item_scale is ok too... i have vnums there too...

    Could you please answer? i Bought the WHOLE guild renewal system from you, plus the guildstorage, and you didnt gave me all the files plus i need support ~!! I bought them, respond!