Beiträge von Loki70160

    Hello, i have problem with this system, after open shop battle zone, I have a display bug, which displays the price in combat points in all the other shops, as well as the area with the points that I can use

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    But the more I do that, the more it increases on the other side of my window

    Hello, I installed a sidebar to the left of the inventory, only, I have a problem, the buttons work at half, this to say that I can click only on the half of the button, the other half clicks on the map I don't understand why

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    My uiinventory windows

    Here is my return, regarding this function, it is not valid for the de-like costume system, the effects do not appear on the weapon costum, and when we equip the weapon or weapon costum, the effects of the armor disappears.

    Hello everyone, here I have a problem. Let me explain, my items go well in the special inventory, but when I deco reco the items disappear. After a reboot the items reappear. I do not understand why I have this bug.