Beiträge von Myth

    which source/files u use?

    Found the problem, for anyone else this happens


    Inside -> void CClientManager::__QUERY_PLAYER_DELETE

    Comment Out / Delete:

    (Don't know until what point it's safe)

    Deleting Limits didn't work either

    Forgot to post in the thread

    It's alredy like that

    1. snprintf(queryStr, sizeof(queryStr), "INSERT INTO player_deleted%s SELECT * FROM player%s WHERE id=%d",
    2. GetTablePostfix(), GetTablePostfix(), pi->player_id);
    3. std::unique_ptr<SQLMsg> pIns(CDBManager::instance().DirectQuery(queryStr));

    Hello guys i can't find where the problem is,

    tried recreating player table with this

    1. CREATE TABLE player_deleted SELECT * FROM player LIMIT 0;
    2. create table player_deleted like player;

    Tested this and works

    1. INSERT INTO player_deleted SELECT * FROM player;



    db conf

    1. TABLE_POSTFIX = ""
    2. PLAYER_ID_START = 100


    2. sys_log(1, "HEADER_GD_PLAYER_DELETE (handle: %d length: %d)", dwHandle, dwLength);
    3. __QUERY_PLAYER_DELETE(peer, dwHandle, (TPlayerDeletePacket *) data);
    4. break;


    Despite your belief that the model has been correctly added to the game, you should still show the MSM file and the path where the model is located. From observing people with similar problems, it often happens that minor mistakes are simply not visible to them.

    Make sure that the extension of your new model is lowercase.

    maybe its an gr2 > GR2 issue? Sometimes I have this

    msm Hair Data Count is 999 - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Msm Path (Tried With and Without Special Path) - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Hair Path - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    The Index Is fine because if i change to other hair it loads the gr2 and texture..


    I'm having a problem with some .gr2 models, i wanted to add a costume and hair today, i managed to add the costume but the hair model didn't load.

    I tought i made some mistake so i spent hours checking what was wrong, but everything is fine.

    I tried updating from granny 2.9 to 2.11 and convert the .gr2 model to 2.11 but it's still not working..

    This happened to me some days ago with some sash's from plechito that i tried to add, the .gr2 model were not loading and i couldn't figure out what was going ..

    Any ideas ?

    Appreciate it.

    I'm not that good with animated stuff i have got this model and it stays like this even tho it is attached to bip01

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    Is there a way to change the position in the .mse ?

    Hello since i was looking for this system and it was "hard" to find it because Sanii's page is gone,

    i had to put it together taking bits of code from here and there.

    It is full with all the fixes and working with armor and weapon costumes.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    With this system you can assign an .mse file to a Vnum via 1 single .txt file

    It is a nice system so everyone should be able to use it. :)

    Only thing left is to adapt it for Sash's/Wing's if someone want's to do that i can post it here.

    Have fun. :)

    My problem is that in Sell Mode i cannot Left Click on items in the Special Inventory

    Example - Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Does anyone have any idea what i'm missing or should do ?

    Would appreciate i forgot alot of stuff while i was gone :D