wrong, it's a separate system. however it is based on the mining system. this system is independent. in fact it uses a new item: "ITEM_AXE" and not the pickaxe.
Beiträge von [3DArtist]Guglielmo
I want to show this system and animation made by me.
it is a system very similar to Mining and it is possible to customize it.
p.s.: this system was created for a customer
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I'm excited to introduce you to my in-development program, designed to streamline and optimize the management of Metin2 private servers, tackling the tedious server/client operations.
One of the core features of the program is the automatic handling of new columns on `mob_proto`. Whenever new columns are added, the program seamlessly incorporates them into the "custom column" section.
The "Create Item" function makes it easy to generate new items. By pressing "Add to Database," items are automatically inserted into the database. The program also generates new `itemlist` and `itemdesc` files (if item descriptions are enabled), along with the necessary `msm` files. Additionally, it automatically recognizes whether you're creating armor or costumes, simplifying the process further. You can specify the quantity of items created; for example, setting the count to 10 while creating a sword will automatically generate "sword+0," "sword+1," etc., with all refinements already set.
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The "Item Manager" function allows you to manage every item in the game. You can search by VNUM or item name and modify all values of that item. The system automatically includes any new columns if present.
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The "MSM Manager" enables the management of MSM (Model, Shape, Motion) for each character. You can add new groups such as "ShapeData" and "HairData," modify existing groups, or delete them entirely.
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The "Mob DROP ITEM" function greatly simplifies mob drop management. You can easily add, modify, and delete drop groups.
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The "Create Mob" function generates new monsters, pets, NPCs, etc., with a single click. Pressing "Add to Database" automatically generates the `mob_proto` file dedicated to DumpProto and the new `npclist` file.
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Hi Guys
, today I want to present a small change I made to the attack animation when we attack from horse
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hi all, i have a bug for special Storage
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and re-login
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what is it caused by? src client or src server?
exclusive to my server, but if I get any offers, I will consider selling them
Name of your Server?
Memory International, is a server still under construction.. it will be released in Italy, and then in the future it will be officially released for all languages
the twohand animations are like i always wanted 2hand weapons in metin2.
whats your plan with it? any releases / sells in future?exclusive to my server, but if I get any offers, I will consider selling them
I want to show some of my works dedicated to animations. I didn't find it easy to understand how to adapt new animations to Metin's characters, but now I understand how to do it... I can adapt ANY animation. there are no limits
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they are still not perfect, I have to fix the belt movement, (for now it has only been fixed for two-hand)
mi piace l'idea, ma servono molti modelli.
The system is 100% finished
Gli oggetti sono solo costumi o posso modificarli in modo che siano normali pezzi di armatura?
it's a system with infinite potential, they're real armor pieces, but they can also be costume pieces
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That is really impressive. However, I suspect that the system probably won't change much in the P-Server scene. It will certainly be a really cool system for customization, but I can't for the life of me imagine anyone wanting to go through this balancing hell. By separating the individual pieces of equipment, you have to split the bonuses for the armors. Do you already have a solution for this?
I'm especially worried about new armor and who is supposed to prepare it for the system in case of an emergency. Mixing the old and new systems wouldn't make much sense unless you really use it completely cosmetically.
Still, a wonderful system and really interesting to see in Metin2. Hope you keep working on it and hopefully we'll see more of it in the future!
Edit: I have just thought about it again. If you replace the old equipment (chains, bracelet, etc), then the stuff could be really easy to balance. The players would look chaotic if there is no transmog system, but it is definitely possible.
is already set in this mode,
cuff =3D render shoulders + forearms
shoes = 3d render of shoes
belt = 3d render of the belt
nothing changes, only that the 3D model is displayed
this system is designed for old-style and middle servers
but it can also be used for new styles, you just need to find a very good 3D graphic designer
That's a very cool idea. Do you mind, showing us a full capture of the client, while in combat against monsters?
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there are many characters and many variations of each piece, too many videos to make >-<
the costume already exists for the helmet
hi, I'm here to present a system created in collaboration with a dev.
I created all the parts related to the 3D models.
it was a very long job... but in the end the system was finished.
each piece is real, and has its own bonuses
This system will bring a new generation of private servers.
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I have removed all the quests. I left only that of the blacksmith. but the problem
Code- quest fabbro begin
- state start begin
- when 20016.chat."Il papiro del drago" begin
- say_title("Fabbro")
- say("Il Papiro del Drago aumenta la probabilità che")
- say("il miglioramento di un item abbia successo.")
- say("In caso di fallimento il livelllo dell'item")
- say("diminuirà ma l'oggetto non sarà distrutto.")
- say("Diciamo che è un papiro consacrato migliorato!")
- say("Per crearlo necessito di:")
- local item1 = 25040
- local item2 = 71026
- say_reward("1x "..item_name(item1))
- say_reward("1x "..item_name(item2))
- if pc.count_item(item1)==0 or pc.count_item(item2)==0 then return end
- say_reward("Uhm... hai tutto il necessario!")
- say("Vuoi procedere con la creazione?")
- local s = select("Si", "No")
- if s==2 then return end
- say_title("Fabbro")
- say_reward("Papiro del Drago creato con successo!")
- say("Ecco a te:")
- say_item_vnum(71032)
- pc.remove_item(item1, 1)
- pc.remove_item(item2, 1)
- pc.give_item2(71032, 1)
- end
- when 20016.chat."Il manuale del fabbro" begin
- say_title("Fabbro")
- say("Hai mai sentito parlare del manuale del fabbro?")
- say("E' un libro che spiega in dettaglio tutti i")
- say("passaggi per il miglioramento dell'equipaggiamento.")
- say("E' come il papiro del drago ma con % maggiore.")
- say("Per crearlo necessito di:")
- say_reward("1x Pietra del Fabbro")
- say_reward("1x Papiro Consacrato")
- if pc.count_item(71025)==0 or pc.count_item(25040)==0 then return end
- say_reward("Uhm... hai tutto il necessario!")
- say("Vuoi procedere con la creazione?")
- local s = select("Si", "No")
- if s==2 then return end
- say_title("Fabbro")
- say_reward("Manuale del fabbro creato con successo!")
- say("Ecco a te:")
- say_item_vnum(70039)
- pc.remove_item(71025)
- pc.remove_item(25040)
- pc.give_item2(70039)
- end
- end
- end
hi, i have this problem
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happens with all quest