Hast du beides gekauft? Für den Switchbot hättest du dich bei LordZiege melden können. Der verkauft die Sachen von Sanii und gibt auch entsprechend Support. Du wirst keine Hilfe für geleakte Sachen erhalten.
Beiträge von Korgaz
Servus zusammen,
ich suche nen gescheites MSA-File für den Lykaner, wenn er mit Spitzhacke/Angel also OneHand rennt. Meine SysErr wird zugeschissen mit der Zeile (s.u.). Bewegung sieht gut aus.Meine jetzige Onehand sieht so aus (onehand_sword/run.msa)
und die im fishing Ordner so (fishing/run.msa):
Sind also eigtl beide gleich, ich weiß aber auch nicht, wie das aussehen muss
GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Cerberus race 8 mode 1)
Nakajima will auch net, bei dem hab ich die MSA-Dateien auch schon probiert mit denen ausm Client zu Ersetzen, aber funzt leider net:
GetMoveMotionSpeed: cannot find motion (name Nakajima race 20364 mode 0)
Vielen Dank im Voraus
Hey zusammen.
Versuch grad mich ein bisschen in die Gildenfunktionalitäten einzulesen. Wenn man das Gildenland gekauft hat und dann Sachen baut, werden die zwar hingesetzt, die entsprechenden Kosten aber nicht abgezogen - gilt aber nur für die Itemkosten, Yang wird abgerechnet. Weiß wer, wo ich da ansetzen könnte? Bin zu dumm mir die Files für Windows aufzusetzen und kann daher net mit VS debuggen.
Außerdem kann man keine Steine für das Herstellen von Erzbarren auswählen. Habe das Special Inventory von Sanii (offiziell bei LordZiege) gekauft. Kann es evtl daran liegen? Ich blick da bei dem Code (speziell dem Zusammenspiel der Skripte für das Gildenland ) noch net durch...
Beste Grüße
Korgaz -
Der spawnt nicht, weil die resurrection_vnums bei Fliege v3 leer sind. Musst da einfach die IDs der Geist Viecher eintragen. Ist beim Bogi für die Vnum 1032 (Gemeiner Bogenschütze) die Res_Vnum 1062 (Gemeiner Geist Schütze). Hatte die gleiche Situation gestern.
Gleiches gilt dann zB auch für Dunkler Anführer. -
Eine Frage hätte ich noch, weißt du zufällig auch, wie man das updaten der Sell-Price Farbe beschleunigt? Wenn man über die Items rübergeht und man kann eines anziehen, das nächste nicht, ist der Preis trotzdem kurz grau und nicht direkt rot.
Hat super geklappt. Musste nur ein paar Sachen anpassen, weil sich unsere Methoden nicht ganz decken und sonst Items, die man selbst nicht tragen kann, nicht rot als Tooltip Farbe hätten.
Danke dir! -
Code: uitooltip.py
- import dbg
- import player
- import item
- import grp
- import wndMgr
- import skill
- import shop
- import exchange
- import grpText
- import safebox
- import localeInfo
- import app
- import background
- import nonplayer
- import chr
- import ui
- import mouseModule
- import constInfo
- WARP_SCROLLS = [22011, 22000, 22010]
- def chop(n):
- return round(n - 0.5, 1)
- def SplitDescription(desc, limit):
- total_tokens = desc.split()
- line_tokens = []
- line_len = 0
- lines = []
- for token in total_tokens:
- if "|" in token:
- sep_pos = token.find("|")
- line_tokens.append(token[:sep_pos])
- lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens))
- line_len = len(token) - (sep_pos + 1)
- line_tokens = [token[sep_pos+1:]]
- else:
- line_len += len(token)
- if len(line_tokens) + line_len > limit:
- lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens))
- line_len = len(token)
- line_tokens = [token]
- else:
- line_tokens.append(token)
- if line_tokens:
- lines.append(" ".join(line_tokens))
- return lines
- class ToolTip(ui.ThinBoard):
- TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9490, 0.9058, 0.7568, 1.0)
- SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 0.7843, 0.0, 1.0)
- NORMAL_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0)
- FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0)
- MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.85, 0.85, 0.85, 1.0)
- LOW_PRICE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0)
- ENABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0)
- DISABLE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0)
- NEGATIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.9, 0.4745, 0.4627, 1.0)
- POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.5411, 0.7254, 0.5568, 1.0)
- SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.6911, 0.8754, 0.7068, 1.0)
- SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR2 = grp.GenerateColor(0.8824, 0.9804, 0.8824, 1.0)
- def __init__(self, width = TOOL_TIP_WIDTH, isPickable=False):
- ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self, "TOP_MOST")
- if isPickable:
- pass
- else:
- self.AddFlag("not_pick")
- self.AddFlag("float")
- self.followFlag = True
- self.toolTipWidth = width
- self.xPos = -1
- self.yPos = -1
- self.window_type = player.INVENTORY ##accerefine
- self.slot_index = -1
- self.defFontName = localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT
- self.ClearToolTip()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self)
- def ClearToolTip(self):
- self.toolTipHeight = 12
- self.childrenList = []
- def SetFollow(self, flag):
- self.followFlag = flag
- def SetDefaultFontName(self, fontName):
- self.defFontName = fontName
- def AppendSpace(self, size):
- self.toolTipHeight += size
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def AppendHorizontalLine(self):
- for i in xrange(2):
- horizontalLine = ui.Line()
- horizontalLine.SetParent(self)
- horizontalLine.SetPosition(0, self.toolTipHeight + 3 + i)
- horizontalLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- horizontalLine.SetSize(150, 0)
- horizontalLine.Show()
- if 0 == i:
- horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff555555)
- else:
- horizontalLine.SetColor(0xff000000)
- self.childrenList.append(horizontalLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += 11
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def AlignHorizonalCenter(self):
- for child in self.childrenList:
- (x, y)=child.GetLocalPosition()
- child.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, y)
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def AutoAppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color)
- textLine.SetText(text)
- textLine.SetOutline()
- textLine.SetFeather(False)
- textLine.Show()
- if centerAlign:
- textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight)
- textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- else:
- textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.childrenList.append(textLine)
- (textWidth, textHeight)=textLine.GetTextSize()
- textWidth += 40
- textHeight += 5
- if self.toolTipWidth < textWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = textWidth
- self.toolTipHeight += textHeight
- return textLine
- def AutoAppendNewTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color)
- textLine.SetText(text)
- textLine.SetOutline()
- textLine.SetFeather(False)
- textLine.Show()
- textLine.SetPosition(15, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.childrenList.append(textLine)
- (textWidth, textHeight) = textLine.GetTextSize()
- textWidth += 30
- textHeight += 10
- if self.toolTipWidth < textWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = textWidth
- self.toolTipHeight += textHeight
- self.ResizeToolTipText(textWidth, self.toolTipHeight)
- return textLine
- def SetThinBoardSize(self, width, height = 12):
- self.toolTipWidth = width
- self.toolTipHeight = height
- def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color)
- textLine.SetText(text)
- textLine.SetOutline()
- textLine.SetFeather(False)
- textLine.Show()
- if centerAlign:
- textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight)
- textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- else:
- textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.childrenList.append(textLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- return textLine
- def AppendDescription(self, desc, limit, color = FONT_COLOR):
- self.__AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(desc, color)
- def __AppendDescription_EasternLanguage(self, description, characterLimitation, color=FONT_COLOR):
- length = len(description)
- if 0 == length:
- return
- lineCount = grpText.GetSplitingTextLineCount(description, characterLimitation)
- for i in xrange(lineCount):
- if 0 == i:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(grpText.GetSplitingTextLine(description, characterLimitation, i), color)
- def __AppendDescription_WesternLanguage(self, desc, color=FONT_COLOR):
- lines = SplitDescription(desc, DESC_WESTERN_MAX_COLS)
- if not lines:
- return
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- for line in lines:
- self.AppendTextLine(line, color)
- def ResizeToolTip(self):
- self.SetSize(self.toolTipWidth, self.TOOL_TIP_HEIGHT + self.toolTipHeight)
- def ResizeToolTipText(self, x, y):
- self.SetSize(x, y)
- def SetTitle(self, name):
- self.AppendTextLine(name, self.TITLE_COLOR)
- def GetLimitTextLineColor(self, curValue, limitValue):
- if curValue < limitValue:
- return self.DISABLE_COLOR
- return self.ENABLE_COLOR
- def GetChangeTextLineColor(self, value, isSpecial=False):
- if value > 0:
- if isSpecial:
- else:
- return self.POSITIVE_COLOR
- if 0 == value:
- return self.NORMAL_COLOR
- return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR
- def SetToolTipPosition(self, x = -1, y = -1):
- self.xPos = x
- self.yPos = y
- def ShowToolTip(self):
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- self.OnUpdate()
- def HideToolTip(self):
- self.Hide()
- def OnUpdate(self):
- if not self.followFlag:
- return
- x = 0
- y = 0
- width = self.GetWidth()
- height = self.toolTipHeight
- if -1 == self.xPos and -1 == self.yPos:
- (mouseX, mouseY) = wndMgr.GetMousePosition()
- if mouseY < wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - 300:
- y = mouseY + 40
- else:
- y = mouseY - height - 30
- x = mouseX - width/2
- else:
- x = self.xPos - width/2
- y = self.yPos - height
- x = max(x, 0)
- y = max(y, 0)
- x = min(x + width/2, wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - width/2) - width/2
- y = min(y + self.GetHeight(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()) - self.GetHeight()
- parentWindow = self.GetParentProxy()
- if parentWindow:
- (gx, gy) = parentWindow.GetGlobalPosition()
- x -= gx
- y -= gy
- self.SetPosition(x, y)
- class ItemToolTip(ToolTip):
- isStone = False
- isBook = False
- isBook2 = False
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SURA,
- )
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ARMOR,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_HELMET,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SHOES,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_WEAPON,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NECK,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_EAR,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_UNIQUE,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SHIELD,
- localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ARROW,
- )
- item.APPLY_MAX_HP : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_MAX_HP,
- item.APPLY_MAX_SP : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_MAX_SP,
- item.APPLY_CON : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_CON,
- item.APPLY_INT : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_INT,
- item.APPLY_STR : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_STR,
- item.APPLY_DEX : localeInfo.TOOLTIP_DEX,
- }
- 23 : 230,
- 24 : 230,
- 25 : 230,
- 26 : 220,
- 27 : 210,
- 35 : 210,
- 36 : 210,
- 37 : 210,
- 38 : 210,
- 39 : 210,
- 40 : 210,
- 41 : 210,
- 42 : 220,
- 43 : 230,
- 45 : 230,
- }
- }
- FONT_COLOR = grp.GenerateColor(0.7607, 0.7607, 0.7607, 1.0)
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- ToolTip.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- self.itemVnum = 0
- self.isShopItem = False
- self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = True
- def __del__(self):
- ToolTip.__del__(self)
- def SetCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor(self, enable):
- self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor = enable
- def CanEquip(self):
- if not item.IsEquipmentVID(self.itemVnum):
- return True
- race = player.GetRace()
- job = chr.RaceToJob(race)
- if not self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT.has_key(job):
- return False
- if item.IsAntiFlag(self.ANTI_FLAG_DICT[job]):
- return False
- sex = chr.RaceToSex(race)
- MALE = 1
- FEMALE = 0
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE) and sex == MALE:
- return False
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE) and sex == FEMALE:
- return False
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType:
- if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < limitValue:
- return False
- """
- elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType:
- if player.GetStatus(player.ST) < limitValue:
- return False
- elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType:
- if player.GetStatus(player.DX) < limitValue:
- return False
- elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType:
- if player.GetStatus(player.IQ) < limitValue:
- return False
- elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType:
- if player.GetStatus(player.HT) < limitValue:
- return False
- """
- return True
- def AppendTextLineAcce(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- return ToolTip.AppendTextLine(self, text, color, centerAlign)
- def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- if not self.CanEquip() and self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor:
- color = self.DISABLE_COLOR
- return ToolTip.AppendTextLine(self, text, color, centerAlign)
- def ClearToolTip(self):
- self.isShopItem = False
- self.toolTipWidth = self.TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- ToolTip.ClearToolTip(self)
- def SetInventoryItem(self, slotIndex, window_type = player.INVENTORY):
- itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(window_type, slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.window_type = window_type
- self.slot_index = slotIndex
- if shop.IsOpen():
- if not shop.IsPrivateShop():
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- self.AppendSellingPrice(player.GetISellItemPrice(window_type, slotIndex))
- metinSlot = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]
- attrSlot = [player.GetItemAttribute(window_type, slotIndex, i) for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM)]
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- # def SetItemToolTipStone(self, itemVnum):
- # self.itemVnum = itemVnum
- # item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- # itemType = item.GetItemType()
- # itemDesc = item.GetItemDescription()
- # itemSummary = item.GetItemSummary()
- # attrSlot = 0
- # self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc)
- # itemName = item.GetItemName()
- # realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")]
- # self.SetTitle(realName + " +0 - +4")
- # self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26)
- # self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- # if item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType:
- # self.AppendMetinInformation()
- # self.AppendMetinWearInformation()
- # for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- # (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- # if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType:
- # self.AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(item, metinSlot, i)
- # elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType:
- # self.AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(metinSlot)
- # self.ShowToolTip()
- def SetShopItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex)
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.isShopItem = True
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- self.AppendPrice(price)
- def SetShopItemBySecondaryCoin(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex)
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.isShopItem = True
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- self.AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(price)
- def SetShopItemByShopEx(self, slotIndex, type):
- itemVnum = shop.GetItemID(slotIndex)
- PriceVnum = shop.GetItemPriceVnum(slotIndex)
- if itemVnum == 0 or (PriceVnum == 0 and type == 3):
- return
- price = shop.GetItemPrice(slotIndex)
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.isShopItem = True
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(shop.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(shop.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if type == 3:
- self.AddSHOPEXItem(PriceVnum, price)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToShopEXP(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price))
- def AddSHOPEXItem(self, itemVnum, price):
- self.AppendTextLine("Preis:")
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- name = "%s(%dx)" % (item.GetItemName(), price)
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(name, self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR)
- itemImage = ui.ImageBox()
- itemImage.SetParent(self)
- itemImage.Show()
- itemImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName())
- itemImage.SetPosition(75, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.toolTipHeight += itemImage.GetHeight() - 10
- self.childrenList.append(itemImage)
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def SetExchangeOwnerItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromSelf(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromSelf(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromSelf(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def SetExchangeTargetItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = exchange.GetItemVnumFromTarget(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(exchange.GetItemMetinSocketFromTarget(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(exchange.GetItemAttributeFromTarget(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def SetPrivateShopBuilderItem(self, invenType, invenPos, privateShopSlotIndex):
- itemVnum = player.GetItemIndex(invenType, invenPos)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.AppendSellingPrice(shop.GetPrivateShopItemPrice(invenType, invenPos))
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(player.GetItemMetinSocket(invenPos, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(invenPos, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def SetSafeBoxItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = safebox.GetItemID(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.window_type = player.SAFEBOX
- self.slot_index = slotIndex
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(safebox.GetItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, safebox.GetItemFlags(slotIndex))
- def SetMallItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = safebox.GetMallItemID(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.window_type = player.MALL
- self.slot_index = slotIndex
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(safebox.GetMallItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def SetItemToolTip(self, itemVnum):
- self.ClearToolTip()
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(0)
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append((0, 0))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def SetAcceWindowItem(self, slotIndex):
- itemVnum = player.GetAcceItemID(slotIndex)
- if 0 == itemVnum:
- return
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.window_type = player.ACCEREFINE
- self.slot_index = slotIndex
- metinSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlot.append(player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(slotIndex, i))
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(player.GetAcceItemAttribute(slotIndex, i))
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot, player.GetAcceItemFlags(slotIndex))
- def __AppendAttackSpeedInfo(self, item):
- atkSpd = item.GetValue(0)
- if atkSpd < 80:
- stSpd = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_FAST
- elif atkSpd <= 95:
- stSpd = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_FAST
- elif atkSpd <= 105:
- stSpd = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_NORMAL
- elif atkSpd <= 120:
- stSpd = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_SLOW
- else:
- stSpd = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_VERY_SLOW
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_SPEED % stSpd, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def __AppendAttackGradeInfo(self):
- atkGrade = item.GetValue(1)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_GRADE % atkGrade, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(atkGrade))
- def __AppendAttackPowerInfo(self):
- minPower = item.GetValue(3)
- maxPower = item.GetValue(4)
- addPower = item.GetValue(5)
- if maxPower > minPower:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER % (minPower+addPower, maxPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- def __AppendMagicAttackInfo(self):
- minMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(1)
- maxMagicAttackPower = item.GetValue(2)
- addPower = item.GetValue(5)
- if minMagicAttackPower > 0 or maxMagicAttackPower > 0:
- if maxMagicAttackPower > minMagicAttackPower:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower, maxMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minMagicAttackPower+addPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- def __AppendMagicDefenceInfo(self):
- magicDefencePower = item.GetValue(0)
- if magicDefencePower > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_DEF_POWER % magicDefencePower, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(magicDefencePower))
- def __AppendAttributeInformation(self, attrSlot):
- if 0 != attrSlot:
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- type = attrSlot[i][0]
- value = attrSlot[i][1]
- if 0 == value:
- continue
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value)
- if affectString:
- affectColor = self.__GetAttributeColor(i, value)
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor)
- def __AppendAffectInformationAcce(self, metinSlot):
- for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM):
- (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i)
- if affectType != item.APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE:
- continue
- affectString = ""
- if item.GetRefinedVnum() == 0:
- if self.window_type == player.INVENTORY:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- if not metinSlot[0] == 0 and socketInDrainValue == 0:
- socketInDrainValue = metinSlot[0]
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, socketInDrainValue)
- elif self.window_type == player.SAFEBOX:
- socketInDrainValue = safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, socketInDrainValue)
- elif self.window_type == player.MALL:
- socketInDrainValue = safebox.GetMallItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, socketInDrainValue)
- elif self.window_type == player.ACCEREFINE:
- if self.slot_index == 2:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(0, 0)
- if socketInDrainValue == 0:
- return
- plusdrainlate = 10
- maxdrain = 25
- maxdraincraft = 20
- if socketInDrainValue >= 21:
- plusdrainlate = plusdrainlate - (socketInDrainValue - 20)
- # affectString = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE(socketInDrainValue) + " ~ %d%%" % (socketInDrainValue + plusdrainlate)
- if socketInDrainValue == 10:
- affectString = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE(socketInDrainValue + 1) + " ~ %d%%" % (maxdraincraft)
- else:
- affectString = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE(socketInDrainValue) + " ~ %d%%" % (maxdrain)
- else:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, socketInDrainValue)
- else:
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- if affectString:
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- def __AppendAcceItemAffectInformation(self, oriitemVnum, metinSlot):
- (affectTypeAcce, affectValueAcce) = item.GetAffect(0)
- socketInDrainValue = 0
- if item.GetRefinedVnum() == 0:
- if self.window_type == player.INVENTORY:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- if not metinSlot[0] == 0 and socketInDrainValue == 0:
- socketInDrainValue = metinSlot[0]
- elif self.window_type == player.ACCEREFINE:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- elif self.window_type == player.SAFEBOX:
- socketInDrainValue = safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- drainlate = socketInDrainValue / 100.0
- else:
- drainlate = affectValueAcce / 100.0
- socketInDrainValue = affectValueAcce
- if socketInDrainValue == 0:
- return
- if self.window_type == player.INVENTORY:
- socketInDrainItemVnum = player.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 1)
- if not metinSlot[1] == 0 and socketInDrainItemVnum == 0:
- socketInDrainItemVnum = metinSlot[1]
- elif self.window_type == player.SAFEBOX:
- socketInDrainItemVnum = safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 1)
- elif self.window_type == player.MALL:
- socketInDrainItemVnum = safebox.GetMallItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 1)
- elif self.window_type == player.ACCEREFINE:
- socketInDrainItemVnum = player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 1)
- if socketInDrainItemVnum == 0:
- return
- item.SelectItem(socketInDrainItemVnum)
- itemtype = item.GetItemType()
- if itemtype == item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON:
- addPower = item.GetValue(5)
- if item.GetValue(3) >= 1 and item.GetValue(4) >= 1:
- minPower = max(((item.GetValue(3) + addPower) * drainlate) , 1)
- maxPower = max(((item.GetValue(4) + addPower) * drainlate) , 1)
- if maxPower > minPower:
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER % (minPower, maxPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- if item.GetValue(1) >= 1 or item.GetValue(2) >= 1:
- minMagicAttackPower = max(((item.GetValue(1) + addPower) * drainlate) , 1)
- maxMagicAttackPower = max(((item.GetValue(2) + addPower) * drainlate) , 1)
- if maxMagicAttackPower > minMagicAttackPower:
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER % (minMagicAttackPower, maxMagicAttackPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_MAGIC_ATT_POWER_ONE_ARG % (minMagicAttackPower), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- elif itemtype == item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
- defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2
- if item.GetValue(1) >= 1:
- defGrade = max(((item.GetValue(1) + defBonus) * drainlate) , 1)
- if defGrade > 0:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade), self.GetChangeTextLineColor(defGrade))
- for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM):
- (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i)
- if affectValue > 0:
- affectValue = max((affectValue * drainlate) , 1)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- if affectString:
- self.AppendTextLineAcce(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue))
- item.SelectItem(oriitemVnum)
- def __AppendAttributeInformationAcce(self, itemVnum, attrSlot, metinSlot):
- if 0 != attrSlot:
- (affectTypeAcce, affectValueAcce) = item.GetAffect(0)
- if item.GetRefinedVnum() == 0:
- if self.window_type == player.INVENTORY:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- if not metinSlot[0] == 0 and socketInDrainValue == 0:
- socketInDrainValue = metinSlot[0]
- elif self.window_type == player.ACCEREFINE:
- socketInDrainValue = player.GetAcceItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- elif self.window_type == player.SAFEBOX:
- socketInDrainValue = safebox.GetItemMetinSocket(self.slot_index, 0)
- drainlate = socketInDrainValue / 100.0
- else:
- drainlate = affectValueAcce / 100.0
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- type = attrSlot[i][0]
- value = attrSlot[i][1]
- if 0 == value:
- continue
- value = max(((value) * drainlate) , 1)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(type, value)
- if affectString:
- affectColor = self.__GetAttributeColor(i, value)
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, affectColor)
- def __GetAttributeColor(self, index, value):
- if value > 0:
- if index >= 5:
- else:
- elif value == 0:
- return self.NORMAL_COLOR
- else:
- return self.NEGATIVE_COLOR
- def __IsPolymorphItem(self, itemVnum):
- if itemVnum >= 70103 and itemVnum <= 70106:
- return 1
- return 0
- def __SetPolymorphItemTitle(self, monsterVnum):
- itemName =nonplayer.GetMonsterName(monsterVnum)
- itemName+=" "
- itemName+=item.GetItemName()
- self.SetTitle(itemName)
- def __SetNormalItemTitle(self):
- if self.isStone:
- itemName = item.GetItemName()
- realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")]
- self.SetTitle(realName + " +0 - +4")
- else:
- self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName())
- else:
- self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName())
- def __SetSpecialItemTitle(self):
- self.AppendTextLine(item.GetItemName(), self.SPECIAL_TITLE_COLOR)
- def __SetItemTitle(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot):
- if self.__IsPolymorphItem(itemVnum):
- self.__SetPolymorphItemTitle(metinSlot[0])
- else:
- if self.__IsAttr(attrSlot):
- self.__SetSpecialItemTitle()
- return
- self.__SetNormalItemTitle()
- def __IsAttr(self, attrSlot):
- if not attrSlot:
- return False
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- type = attrSlot[i][0]
- if 0 != type:
- return True
- return False
- def AddRefineItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0):
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlotData=metinSlot[i]
- if self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE:
- metinSlot[i]=player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- def AddItemData_Offline(self, itemVnum, itemDesc, itemSummary, metinSlot, attrSlot):
- self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc)
- self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- if self.__IsHair(itemVnum):
- self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum)
- self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26)
- self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- def AddItemData(self, itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot = 0, flags = 0, unbindTime = 0):
- self.itemVnum = itemVnum
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- itemType = item.GetItemType()
- itemSubType = item.GetItemSubType()
- if 50300 == itemVnum and not self.isBook:
- if 0 != metinSlot and not self.isBook:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME, 1)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- elif self.isBook:
- self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName())
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- elif 70037 == itemVnum :
- if 0 != metinSlot and not self.isBook2:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- elif self.isBook2:
- self.SetTitle(item.GetItemName())
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- elif 70055 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- else:
- if 50300 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILLBOOK_NAME, 1)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- elif 70037 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- elif 70055 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- self.__SetSkillBookToolTip(metinSlot[0], localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_FORGET_BOOK_NAME, 0)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemDescription(), 26)
- self.AppendDescription(item.GetItemSummary(), 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- return
- itemDesc = item.GetItemDescription()
- itemSummary = item.GetItemSummary()
- isCostumeItem = 0
- isCostumeHair = 0
- isCostumeBody = 0
- isCostumeAcce = 0
- if item.ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME == itemType:
- isCostumeItem = 1
- isCostumeHair = item.COSTUME_TYPE_HAIR == itemSubType
- isCostumeBody = item.COSTUME_TYPE_BODY == itemSubType
- isCostumeAcce = item.COSTUME_TYPE_ACCE == itemSubType
- self.__AdjustMaxWidth(attrSlot, itemDesc)
- self.__SetItemTitle(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- ### Hair Preview Image ###
- if self.__IsHair(itemVnum):
- self.__AppendHairIcon(itemVnum)
- ### Description ###
- self.AppendDescription(itemDesc, 26)
- self.AppendDescription(itemSummary, 26, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- ### Weapon ###
- if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- ## ºÎäÀÏ °æ¿ì ¸¶°øÀ» ¸ÕÀú Ç¥½ÃÇÑ´Ù.
- if item.WEAPON_FAN == itemSubType:
- self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo()
- self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo()
- else:
- self.__AppendAttackPowerInfo()
- self.__AppendMagicAttackInfo()
- self.__AppendAffectInformation()
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- self.AppendWearableInformation()
- if itemSubType != item.WEAPON_QUIVER:
- self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(itemVnum, metinSlot)
- elif item.WEAPON_QUIVER == itemSubType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- defaultValue = 0
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, defaultValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- break
- if bHasRealtimeFlag == 1:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(defaultValue if self.isShopItem else metinSlot[0])
- ### Armor ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- ## ¹æ¾î·Â
- defGrade = item.GetValue(1)
- defBonus = item.GetValue(5)*2 ## ¹æ¾î·Â Ç¥½Ã À߸ø µÇ´Â ¹®Á¦¸¦ ¼öÁ¤
- if defGrade > 0:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_DEF_GRADE % (defGrade+defBonus), self.GetChangeTextLineColor(defGrade))
- self.__AppendMagicDefenceInfo()
- self.__AppendAffectInformation()
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- self.AppendWearableInformation()
- if itemSubType in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR):
- self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum, itemSubType))
- else:
- # self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot)
- self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo(itemVnum, metinSlot)
- ### Ring Slot Item (Not UNIQUE) ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_RING == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- self.__AppendAffectInformation()
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- #¹ÝÁö ¼ÒÄÏ ½Ã½ºÅÛ °ü·ÃÇؼ± ¾ÆÁ÷ ±âȹ ¹ÌÁ¤
- #self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, 99001)
- ### Belt Item ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- self.__AppendAffectInformation()
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- self.__AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(metinSlot, constInfo.GET_BELT_MATERIAL_VNUM(itemVnum))
- ## ÄÚ½ºÃõ ¾ÆÀÌÅÛ ##
- elif 0 != isCostumeItem:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- if isCostumeAcce:
- self.__AppendAffectInformationAcce(metinSlot)
- self.__AppendAcceItemAffectInformation(itemVnum, metinSlot)
- self.__AppendAttributeInformationAcce(itemVnum, attrSlot, metinSlot)
- else:
- self.__AppendAffectInformation()
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- self.AppendWearableInformation()
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- if item.GetItemSubType() != item.COSTUME_TYPE_ACCE:
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_ROD == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10
- curEXP = metinSlot[0]
- maxEXP = item.GetValue(2)
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- self.__AppendRodInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP)
- ## Pick ##
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_PICK == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- curLevel = item.GetValue(0) / 10
- curEXP = metinSlot[0]
- maxEXP = item.GetValue(2)
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- self.__AppendPickInformation(curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP)
- ## Lottery ##
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_LOTTERY == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- ticketNumber = int(metinSlot[0])
- stepNumber = int(metinSlot[1])
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_LOTTERY_STEP_NUMBER % (stepNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_LOTTO_NUMBER % (ticketNumber), self.NORMAL_COLOR);
- ### Metin ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN == itemType:
- self.AppendMetinInformation()
- self.AppendMetinWearInformation()
- ### Fish ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_FISH == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- self.__AppendFishInfo(metinSlot[0])
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_GACHA == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- if self.isShopItem:
- restUsableCount = int(item.GetLimit(1)[1])
- else:
- restUsableCount = int(metinSlot[0])
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (restUsableCount), grp.GenerateColor(0.5, 1.0, 0.3, 1.0))
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_BLEND == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- if metinSlot:
- affectType = metinSlot[0]
- affectValue = metinSlot[1]
- time = metinSlot[2]
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- affectText = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(affectText, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- if time > 0:
- minute = (time / 60)
- second = (time % 60)
- timeString = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME
- if minute > 0:
- timeString += str(minute) + localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN
- if second > 0:
- timeString += " " + str(second) + localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC
- self.AppendTextLine(timeString)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.BLEND_POTION_NO_TIME)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine("BLEND_POTION_NO_INFO")
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_UNIQUE == itemType:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- else:
- time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1]
- if 1 == item.GetValue(2): ## ½Ç½Ã°£ ÀÌ¿ë Flag / ÀåÂø ¾ÈÇصµ ÁØ´Ù
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time)
- else:
- self.AppendUniqueItemLastTime(time)
- ### Use ###
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_USE == itemType:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- if item.USE_POTION == itemSubType or item.USE_POTION_NODELAY == itemSubType:
- self.__AppendPotionInformation()
- elif item.USE_ABILITY_UP == itemSubType:
- self.__AppendAbilityPotionInformation()
- ## ¿µ¼® °¨Áö±â
- if 27989 == itemVnum or 76006 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- useCount = int(metinSlot[0])
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (6 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- ## À̺¥Æ® °¨Áö±â
- elif 50004 == itemVnum:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- useCount = int(metinSlot[0])
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REST_USABLE_COUNT % (10 - useCount), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- ## ÀÚµ¿¹°¾à
- elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum):
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- ## 0: È°¼ºÈ, 1: »ç¿ë·®, 2: ÃÑ·®
- isActivated = int(metinSlot[0])
- usedAmount = float(metinSlot[1])
- totalAmount = float(metinSlot[2])
- if 0 == totalAmount:
- totalAmount = 1
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if 0 != isActivated:
- self.AppendTextLine("(%s)" % (localeInfo.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_USING), self.SPECIAL_POSITIVE_COLOR)
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_AUTO_POTION_REST % (100.0 - ((usedAmount / totalAmount) * 100.0)), self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- ## ±Íȯ ±â¾ïºÎ
- elif itemVnum in WARP_SCROLLS:
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- xPos = int(metinSlot[0])
- yPos = int(metinSlot[1])
- if xPos != 0 and yPos != 0:
- (mapName, xBase, yBase) = background.GlobalPositionToMapInfo(xPos, yPos)
- localeMapName=localeInfo.MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT.get(mapName, "")
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if localeMapName!="":
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION % (localeMapName, int(xPos-xBase)/100, int(yPos-yBase)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_MEMORIZED_POSITION_ERROR % (int(xPos)/100, int(yPos)/100), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- dbg.TraceError("NOT_EXIST_IN_MINIMAP_ZONE_NAME_DICT: %s" % mapName)
- #####
- if item.USE_SPECIAL == itemSubType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- ## ÀÖ´Ù¸é °ü·Ã Á¤º¸¸¦ Ç¥½ÃÇÔ. ex) ³²Àº ½Ã°£ : 6ÀÏ 6½Ã°£ 58ºÐ
- if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- else:
- # ... ÀÌ°Å... ¼¹ö¿¡´Â ÀÌ·± ½Ã°£ üũ ¾ÈµÇ¾î Àִµ¥...
- # ¿Ö ÀÌ·±°Ô ÀÖ´ÂÁö ¾ËÁö´Â ¸øÇϳª ±×³É µÎÀÚ...
- if 0 != metinSlot:
- time = metinSlot[player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM-1]
- ## ½Ç½Ã°£ ÀÌ¿ë Flag
- if 1 == item.GetValue(2):
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(time)
- elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_PER == itemSubType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- if metinSlot[2]:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(metinSlot[2]))
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_PER(item.GetValue(0)))
- ## ÀÖ´Ù¸é °ü·Ã Á¤º¸¸¦ Ç¥½ÃÇÔ. ex) ³²Àº ½Ã°£ : 6ÀÏ 6½Ã°£ 58ºÐ
- if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- elif item.USE_TIME_CHARGE_FIX == itemSubType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 0
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- bHasRealtimeFlag = 1
- if metinSlot[2]:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(metinSlot[2]))
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_TIME_CHARGER_FIX(item.GetValue(0)))
- ## ÀÖ´Ù¸é °ü·Ã Á¤º¸¸¦ Ç¥½ÃÇÔ. ex) ³²Àº ½Ã°£ : 6ÀÏ 6½Ã°£ 58ºÐ
- if 1 == bHasRealtimeFlag:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_QUEST == itemType:
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType:
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(metinSlot[0])
- elif item.ITEM_TYPE_DS == itemType:
- self.AppendTextLine(self.__DragonSoulInfoString(itemVnum))
- self.__AppendAttributeInformation(attrSlot)
- else:
- self.__AppendLimitInformation()
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- #dbg.TraceError("LimitType : %d, limitValue : %d" % (limitType, limitValue))
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE == limitType:
- self.AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(item, metinSlot, i)
- #dbg.TraceError("2) REAL_TIME_START_FIRST_USE flag On ")
- elif item.LIMIT_TIMER_BASED_ON_WEAR == limitType:
- self.AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(metinSlot)
- #dbg.TraceError("1) REAL_TIME flag On ")
- self.AppendChestDropInfo(itemVnum)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- def __DragonSoulInfoString (self, dwVnum):
- step = (dwVnum / 100) % 10
- refine = (dwVnum / 10) % 10
- if 0 == step:
- return localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL1 + " " + localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine)
- elif 1 == step:
- return localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL2 + " " + localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine)
- elif 2 == step:
- return localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL3 + " " + localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine)
- elif 3 == step:
- return localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL4 + " " + localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine)
- elif 4 == step:
- return localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STEP_LEVEL5 + " " + localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_STRENGTH(refine)
- else:
- return ""
- ## Çì¾îÀΰ¡?
- def __IsHair(self, itemVnum):
- return (self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum) or
- self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum) or
- self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum) or
- self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum) or
- self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum)
- ) and not self.__IsDragonSoul(itemVnum)
- def __IsOldHair(self, itemVnum):
- return itemVnum > 73000 and itemVnum < 74000
- def AppendChestDropInfo(self, itemVnum):
- hasinfo = item.HasDropInfo(itemVnum)
- if hasinfo:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine("|Eemoji/key_ctrl|e + |Eemoji/key_rclick|e - Chest Drop Info", self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- #self.AppendTextLine("[Chest Drop Info]", self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def __IsNewHair(self, itemVnum):
- return itemVnum > 74000 and itemVnum < 75000
- def __IsNewHair2(self, itemVnum):
- return itemVnum > 75000 and itemVnum < 76000
- def __IsNewHair3(self, itemVnum):
- return ((74012 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74022) or
- (74262 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74272) or
- (74512 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74522) or
- (74762 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 74772) or
- (45000 < itemVnum and itemVnum < 47000))
- def __IsCostumeHair(self, itemVnum):
- return self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum - 100000)
- def __IsDragonSoul(self, itemVnum):
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- return item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_DS
- def __AppendHairIcon(self, itemVnum):
- itemImage = ui.ImageBox()
- itemImage.SetParent(self)
- itemImage.Show()
- if self.__IsOldHair(itemVnum):
- itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum)+".tga")
- elif self.__IsNewHair3(itemVnum):
- itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum))
- elif self.__IsNewHair(itemVnum): # ±âÁ¸ Çì¾î ¹øÈ£¸¦ ¿¬°á½ÃÄѼ »ç¿ëÇÑ´Ù. »õ·Î¿î ¾ÆÀÌÅÛÀº 1000¸¸Å ¹øÈ£°¡ ´Ã¾ú´Ù.
- itemImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/item/quest/"+str(itemVnum-1000)+".tga")
- elif self.__IsNewHair2(itemVnum):
- itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum))
- elif self.__IsCostumeHair(itemVnum):
- itemImage.LoadImage("icon/hair/%d.sub" % (itemVnum - 100000))
- itemImage.SetPosition(itemImage.GetWidth()/2, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.toolTipHeight += itemImage.GetHeight()
- #self.toolTipWidth += itemImage.GetWidth()/2
- self.childrenList.append(itemImage)
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- ## »çÀÌÁî°¡ Å« Description ÀÏ °æ¿ì ÅøÆÁ »çÀÌÁ Á¶Á¤ÇÑ´Ù
- def __AdjustMaxWidth(self, attrSlot, desc):
- newToolTipWidth = self.toolTipWidth
- newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustAttrMaxWidth(attrSlot), newToolTipWidth)
- newToolTipWidth = max(self.__AdjustDescMaxWidth(desc), newToolTipWidth)
- if newToolTipWidth > self.toolTipWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = newToolTipWidth
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def __AdjustAttrMaxWidth(self, attrSlot):
- if 0 == attrSlot:
- return self.toolTipWidth
- maxWidth = self.toolTipWidth
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- type = attrSlot[i][0]
- value = attrSlot[i][1]
- if self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH.has_key(type):
- if value > 0:
- maxWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], maxWidth)
- #self.toolTipWidth = max(self.ATTRIBUTE_NEED_WIDTH[type], self.toolTipWidth)
- #self.ResizeToolTip()
- return maxWidth
- def __AdjustDescMaxWidth(self, desc):
- if len(desc) < DESC_DEFAULT_MAX_COLS:
- return self.toolTipWidth
- def __SetSkillBookToolTip(self, skillIndex, bookName, skillGrade):
- skillName = skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex)
- if not skillName:
- return
- itemName = skillName + " " + bookName
- self.SetTitle(itemName)
- def __AppendPickInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PICK_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PICK_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- if curEXP == maxEXP:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PICK_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def __AppendRodInformation(self, curLevel, curEXP, maxEXP):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_LEVEL % (curLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_EXP % (curEXP, maxEXP), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- if curEXP == maxEXP:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE1, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE2, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISHINGROD_UPGRADE3, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def __AppendLimitInformation(self):
- appendSpace = False
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if limitValue > 0:
- if False == appendSpace:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- appendSpace = True
- else:
- continue
- if item.LIMIT_LEVEL == limitType:
- color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL), limitValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (limitValue), color)
- """
- elif item.LIMIT_STR == limitType:
- color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.ST), limitValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_STR % (limitValue), color)
- elif item.LIMIT_DEX == limitType:
- color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.DX), limitValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_DEX % (limitValue), color)
- elif item.LIMIT_INT == limitType:
- color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.IQ), limitValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_INT % (limitValue), color)
- elif item.LIMIT_CON == limitType:
- color = self.GetLimitTextLineColor(player.GetStatus(player.HT), limitValue)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_CON % (limitValue), color)
- """
- def __GetAffectString(self, affectType, affectValue):
- if 0 == affectType:
- return None
- if 0 == affectValue:
- return None
- try:
- return self.AFFECT_DICT[affectType](affectValue)
- except TypeError:
- return "UNKNOWN_VALUE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue)
- except KeyError:
- return "UNKNOWN_TYPE[%s] %s" % (affectType, affectValue)
- def __AppendAffectInformation(self):
- for i in xrange(item.ITEM_APPLY_MAX_NUM):
- (affectType, affectValue) = item.GetAffect(i)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- if affectString:
- if affectType == item.APPLY_ACCEDRAIN_RATE:
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue))
- def AppendWearableInformation(self):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_WEARABLE_JOB, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- flagList = (
- not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WARRIOR),
- not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_ASSASSIN),
- not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SURA),
- not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SHAMAN)
- )
- flagList = flagList + (not item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_WOLFMAN),)
- characterNames = ""
- for i in xrange(self.CHARACTER_COUNT):
- name = self.CHARACTER_NAMES[i]
- flag = flagList[i]
- if flag:
- characterNames += " "
- characterNames += name
- textLine = self.AppendTextLine(characterNames, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True)
- textLine.SetFeather()
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_MALE):
- textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_FEMALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True)
- textLine.SetFeather()
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_FEMALE):
- textLine = self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.FOR_MALE, self.NORMAL_COLOR, True)
- textLine.SetFeather()
- def __AppendPotionInformation(self):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- healHP = item.GetValue(0)
- healSP = item.GetValue(1)
- healStatus = item.GetValue(2)
- healPercentageHP = item.GetValue(3)
- healPercentageSP = item.GetValue(4)
- if healHP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_POINT % healHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healHP))
- if healSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_POINT % healSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healSP))
- if healStatus != 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_CURE)
- if healPercentageHP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_HP_PERCENT % healPercentageHP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageHP))
- if healPercentageSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_SP_PERCENT % healPercentageSP, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(healPercentageSP))
- def __AppendAbilityPotionInformation(self):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- abilityType = item.GetValue(0)
- time = item.GetValue(1)
- point = item.GetValue(2)
- if abilityType == item.APPLY_ATT_SPEED:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_ATTACK_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point))
- elif abilityType == item.APPLY_MOV_SPEED:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_PLUS_MOVING_SPEED % point, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(point))
- if time > 0:
- minute = (time / 60)
- second = (time % 60)
- timeString = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_TIME
- if minute > 0:
- timeString += str(minute) + localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_MIN
- if second > 0:
- timeString += " " + str(second) + localeInfo.TOOLTIP_POTION_SEC
- self.AppendTextLine(timeString)
- def GetPriceColor(self, price):
- if price>=constInfo.HIGH_PRICE:
- return self.HIGH_PRICE_COLOR
- if price>=constInfo.MIDDLE_PRICE:
- return self.MIDDLE_PRICE_COLOR
- else:
- return self.LOW_PRICE_COLOR
- def AppendPrice(self, price):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price))
- def AppendPriceBySecondaryCoin(self, price):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_BUYPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToSecondaryCoinString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price))
- def AppendSellingPrice(self, price):
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL):
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price))
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- def AppendMetinInformation(self):
- affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0)
- #affectType = item.GetValue(0)
- #affectValue = item.GetValue(1)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- if affectString:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(affectString, self.GetChangeTextLineColor(affectValue))
- def AppendMetinWearInformation(self):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_REFINABLE_ITEM, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- flagList = (item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_BODY),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_HEAD),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_FOOTS),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WRIST),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_WEAPON),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_NECK),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_EAR),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_UNIQUE),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_SHIELD),
- item.IsWearableFlag(item.WEARABLE_ARROW))
- wearNames = ""
- for i in xrange(self.WEAR_COUNT):
- name = self.WEAR_NAMES[i]
- flag = flagList[i]
- if flag:
- wearNames += " "
- wearNames += name
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight)
- textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- textLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- textLine.SetText(wearNames)
- textLine.Show()
- self.childrenList.append(textLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def GetMetinSocketType(self, number):
- if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE == number:
- return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE
- elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number:
- elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number:
- return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD
- else:
- item.SelectItem(number)
- if item.METIN_NORMAL == item.GetItemSubType():
- elif item.METIN_GOLD == item.GetItemSubType():
- return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD
- elif "USE_PUT_INTO_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number):
- elif "USE_PUT_INTO_RING_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number):
- elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == item.GetUseType(number):
- return player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_NONE
- def GetMetinItemIndex(self, number):
- if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == number:
- return 0
- if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == number:
- return 0
- return number
- def __AppendAccessoryMetinSlotInfo(self, metinSlot, mtrlVnum):
- cur = min(metinSlot[0], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE)
- end = min(metinSlot[1], ACCESSORY_SOCKET_MAX_SIZE)
- affectType1, affectValue1 = item.GetAffect(0)
- affectList1 = [0, max(1, affectValue1 * 10 / 100), max(2, affectValue1 * 20 / 100), max(3, affectValue1 * 40 / 100)]
- affectType2, affectValue2 = item.GetAffect(1)
- affectList2 = [0, max(1, affectValue2 * 10 / 100), max(2, affectValue2 * 20 / 100), max(3, affectValue2 * 40 / 100)]
- affectType3, affectValue3 = item.GetAffect(2)
- affectList3 = [0, max(1, affectValue3 * 10 / 100), max(2, affectValue3 * 20 / 100), max(3, affectValue3 * 40 / 100)]
- mtrlPos = 0
- mtrlList = [mtrlVnum] * cur + [player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER] * (end - cur)
- for mtrl in mtrlList:
- affectString1 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType1, affectList1[mtrlPos + 1] - affectList1[mtrlPos])
- affectString2 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType2, affectList2[mtrlPos + 1] - affectList2[mtrlPos])
- affectString3 = self.__GetAffectString(affectType3, affectList3[mtrlPos + 1] - affectList3[mtrlPos])
- leftTime = 0
- if cur == mtrlPos + 1:
- leftTime = metinSlot[2]
- self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(mtrlPos, mtrl, affectString1, affectString2, affectString3, leftTime)
- mtrlPos += 1
- def __AppendMetinSlotInfo(self, itemVnum, metinSlot):
- if item.GetSocketCountByVnum(itemVnum) == 0 and item.GetItemSubType() == item.WEAPON_QUIVER:
- return
- if self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(metinSlot):
- return
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- self.__AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(i, metinSlot[i])
- def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_IsEmptySlotList(self, metinSlot):
- if 0 == metinSlot:
- return 1
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- metinSlotData=metinSlot[i]
- if 0 != self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData):
- if 0 != self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData):
- return 0
- return 1
- def __AppendMetinSlotInfo_AppendMetinSocketData(self, index, metinSlotData, custumAffectString = "", custumAffectString2 = "", custumAffectString3 = "", leftTime = 0):
- slotType = self.GetMetinSocketType(metinSlotData)
- itemIndex = self.GetMetinItemIndex(metinSlotData)
- if 0 == slotType:
- return
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- slotImage = ui.ImageBox()
- slotImage.SetParent(self)
- slotImage.Show()
- ## Name
- nameTextLine = ui.TextLine()
- nameTextLine.SetParent(self)
- nameTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- nameTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- nameTextLine.SetOutline()
- nameTextLine.SetFeather()
- nameTextLine.Show()
- self.childrenList.append(nameTextLine)
- if player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_SILVER == slotType:
- slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_silver.sub")
- elif player.METIN_SOCKET_TYPE_GOLD == slotType:
- slotImage.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/metin_slot_gold.sub")
- self.childrenList.append(slotImage)
- slotImage.SetPosition(9, self.toolTipHeight - 1)
- nameTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 2)
- metinImage = ui.ImageBox()
- metinImage.SetParent(self)
- metinImage.Show()
- self.childrenList.append(metinImage)
- if itemIndex:
- item.SelectItem(itemIndex)
- ## Image
- try:
- metinImage.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName())
- except:
- dbg.TraceError("ItemToolTip.__AppendMetinSocketData() - Failed to find image file %d:%s" %
- (itemIndex, item.GetIconImageFileName())
- )
- nameTextLine.SetText(item.GetItemName())
- ## Affect
- affectTextLine = ui.TextLine()
- affectTextLine.SetParent(self)
- affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- affectTextLine.SetOutline()
- affectTextLine.SetFeather()
- affectTextLine.Show()
- metinImage.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight)
- affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2)
- if custumAffectString:
- affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString)
- elif itemIndex != constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE:
- affectType, affectValue = item.GetAffect(0)
- affectString = self.__GetAffectString(affectType, affectValue)
- if affectString:
- affectTextLine.SetText(affectString)
- else:
- affectTextLine.SetText(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_APPLY_NOAFFECT)
- self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine)
- if custumAffectString2:
- affectTextLine = ui.TextLine()
- affectTextLine.SetParent(self)
- affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2)
- affectTextLine.SetOutline()
- affectTextLine.SetFeather()
- affectTextLine.Show()
- affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString2)
- self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2
- if custumAffectString3:
- affectTextLine = ui.TextLine()
- affectTextLine.SetParent(self)
- affectTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- affectTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- affectTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2)
- affectTextLine.SetOutline()
- affectTextLine.SetFeather()
- affectTextLine.Show()
- affectTextLine.SetText(custumAffectString3)
- self.childrenList.append(affectTextLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2
- if 0 != leftTime:
- timeText = (localeInfo.LEFT_TIME + " : " + localeInfo.SecondToDHM(leftTime))
- timeTextLine = ui.TextLine()
- timeTextLine.SetParent(self)
- timeTextLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- timeTextLine.SetPackedFontColor(self.POSITIVE_COLOR)
- timeTextLine.SetPosition(50, self.toolTipHeight + 16 + 2 + 16 + 2)
- timeTextLine.SetOutline()
- timeTextLine.SetFeather()
- timeTextLine.Show()
- timeTextLine.SetText(timeText)
- self.childrenList.append(timeTextLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += 16 + 2
- else:
- nameTextLine.SetText(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SOCKET_EMPTY)
- self.toolTipHeight += 35
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- def __AppendFishInfo(self, size):
- if size > 0:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_FISH_LEN % (float(size) / 100.0), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def AppendUniqueItemLastTime(self, restMin):
- if restMin > 0:
- restSecond = restMin*60
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.LEFT_TIME + " : " + localeInfo.SecondToDHM(restSecond), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def AppendMallItemLastTime(self, endTime):
- if endTime > 0:
- leftSec = max(0, endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp())
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.LEFT_TIME + " : " + localeInfo.SecondToDHM(leftSec), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def AppendTimerBasedOnWearLastTime(self, metinSlot):
- if 0 == metinSlot[0]:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.CANNOT_USE, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- else:
- endTime = app.GetGlobalTimeStamp() + metinSlot[0]
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime)
- def AppendRealTimeStartFirstUseLastTime(self, item, metinSlot, limitIndex):
- useCount = metinSlot[1]
- endTime = metinSlot[0]
- if 0 == useCount:
- if 0 == endTime:
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(limitIndex)
- endTime = limitValue
- endTime += app.GetGlobalTimeStamp()
- self.AppendMallItemLastTime(endTime)
- class HyperlinkItemToolTip(ItemToolTip):
- def __init__(self):
- ItemToolTip.__init__(self, isPickable=True)
- def SetHyperlinkItem(self, tokens):
- minTokenCount = 3 + player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM
- maxTokenCount = minTokenCount + 2 * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM
- if tokens and len(tokens) >= minTokenCount and len(tokens) <= maxTokenCount:
- head, vnum, flag = tokens[:3]
- itemVnum = int(vnum, 16)
- metinSlot = [int(metin, 16) for metin in tokens[3:6]]
- rests = tokens[6:]
- if rests:
- attrSlot = []
- rests.reverse()
- while rests:
- key = int(rests.pop(), 16)
- if rests:
- val = int(rests.pop())
- attrSlot.append((key, val))
- attrSlot += [(0, 0)] * (player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM - len(attrSlot))
- else:
- attrSlot = [(0, 0)] * player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.AddItemData(itemVnum, metinSlot, attrSlot)
- ItemToolTip.OnUpdate(self)
- def OnUpdate(self):
- pass
- def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
- self.Hide()
- class SkillToolTip(ToolTip):
- player.LEVEL : localeInfo.SKILL_TOOLTIP_LEVEL,
- player.IQ : localeInfo.SKILL_TOOLTIP_INT,
- }
- ( 8, 3, 20,),
- (14, 4, 30,),
- (22, 5, 45,),
- (28, 6, 60,),
- (34, 7, 80,),
- (38, 8, 100,), )
- (10, 3, 2, 0,),
- (16, 4, 2, 1,),
- (24, 5, 2, 2,), )
- ( 26, 1, ),
- ( 32, 2, ), )
- }
- "DODGE" : "%",
- "RESIST_NORMAL" : "%",
- "REFLECT_MELEE" : "%",
- }
- def __init__(self):
- ToolTip.__init__(self, self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH)
- def __del__(self):
- ToolTip.__del__(self)
- def SetSkill(self, skillIndex, skillLevel = -1):
- if 0 == skillIndex:
- return
- if skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex):
- if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel)
- else:
- if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- skillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex)
- skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex)
- skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex)
- skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex)
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage)
- self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- def SetSkillNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel):
- if 0 == skillIndex:
- return
- if player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL == skillIndex:
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- skillLevel = player.GetSkillLevel(slotIndex)
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendPartySkillData(skillGrade, skillLevel)
- elif player.SKILL_INDEX_RIDING == skillIndex:
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, 30)
- elif player.SKILL_INDEX_SUMMON == skillIndex:
- maxLevel = 10
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- ## Description
- description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex)
- self.AppendDescription(description, 25)
- if skillLevel == 10:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel*10), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel+1), self.NEGATIVE_COLOR)
- self.__AppendSummonDescription(skillLevel+1, self.NEGATIVE_COLOR)
- elif skill.SKILL_TYPE_GUILD == skill.GetSkillType(skillIndex):
- if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendGuildSkillData(skillIndex, skillLevel)
- else:
- if self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH != self.toolTipWidth:
- self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- skillCurrentPercentage = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex)
- skillNextPercentage = player.GetSkillNextEfficientPercentage(slotIndex)
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex)
- self.AppendSkillDataNew(slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage)
- self.AppendSkillRequirement(skillIndex, skillLevel)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- def __SetSkillTitle(self, skillIndex, skillGrade):
- self.SetTitle(skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, skillGrade))
- self.__AppendSkillGradeName(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- def __AppendSkillGradeName(self, skillIndex, skillGrade):
- if self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME.has_key(skillGrade):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(self.SKILL_GRADE_NAME[skillGrade] % (skill.GetSkillName(skillIndex, 0)), self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR)
- def SetSkillOnlyName(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade):
- if 0 == skillIndex:
- return
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- self.toolTipWidth = self.SKILL_TOOL_TIP_WIDTH
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- self.AppendDefaultData(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- self.AppendSkillConditionData(skillIndex)
- self.ShowToolTip()
- def AppendDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade = 0):
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- levelLimit = skill.GetSkillLevelLimit(skillIndex)
- if levelLimit > 0:
- color = self.NORMAL_COLOR
- if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL) < levelLimit:
- color = self.NEGATIVE_COLOR
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ITEM_LIMIT_LEVEL % (levelLimit), color)
- description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex)
- self.AppendDescription(description, 25)
- def AppendSupportSkillDefaultData(self, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, maxLevel):
- self.ClearToolTip()
- self.__SetSkillTitle(skillIndex, skillGrade)
- description = skill.GetSkillDescription(skillIndex)
- self.AppendDescription(description, 25)
- if 1 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel += 19
- elif 2 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel += 29
- elif 3 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel = 40
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_WITH_MAX % (skillLevel, maxLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- def AppendSkillConditionData(self, skillIndex):
- conditionDataCount = skill.GetSkillConditionDescriptionCount(skillIndex)
- if conditionDataCount > 0:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- for i in xrange(conditionDataCount):
- self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillConditionDescription(skillIndex, i), self.CONDITION_COLOR)
- def AppendGuildSkillData(self, skillIndex, skillLevel):
- skillMaxLevel = 7
- skillCurrentPercentage = float(skillLevel) / float(skillMaxLevel)
- skillNextPercentage = float(skillLevel+1) / float(skillMaxLevel)
- if skillLevel > 0:
- if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if skillLevel == skillMaxLevel:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)):
- self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillCurrentPercentage), self.ENABLE_COLOR)
- coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage)
- if coolTime > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.ENABLE_COLOR)
- needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage)
- if needGSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.ENABLE_COLOR)
- if skillLevel < skillMaxLevel:
- if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+1):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevel), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)):
- self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillNextPercentage), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage)
- if coolTime > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- needGSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage)
- if needGSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_GSP % (needGSP), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- def AppendSkillDataNew(self, slotIndex, skillIndex, skillGrade, skillLevel, skillCurrentPercentage, skillNextPercentage):
- self.skillMaxLevelStartDict = { 0 : 17, 1 : 7, 2 : 10, }
- self.skillMaxLevelEndDict = { 0 : 20, 1 : 10, 2 : 10, }
- skillLevelUpPoint = 1
- realSkillGrade = player.GetSkillGrade(slotIndex)
- skillMaxLevelStart = self.skillMaxLevelStartDict.get(realSkillGrade, 15)
- skillMaxLevelEnd = self.skillMaxLevelEndDict.get(realSkillGrade, 20)
- if skillLevel > 0:
- if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if skillGrade == skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT:
- pass
- elif skillLevel == skillMaxLevelEnd:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL_MASTER % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_LEVEL % (skillLevel), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillCurrentPercentage, self.ENABLE_COLOR)
- if skillGrade != skill.SKILL_GRADE_COUNT:
- if skillLevel < skillMaxLevelEnd:
- if self.HasSkillLevelDescription(skillIndex, skillLevel+skillLevelUpPoint):
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- if skillIndex == 141 or skillIndex == 142:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_3 % (skillLevel+1), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEXT_SKILL_LEVEL_1 % (skillLevel+1, skillMaxLevelEnd), self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- self.AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(skillIndex, skillNextPercentage, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- def AppendSkillLevelDescriptionNew(self, skillIndex, skillPercentage, color):
- affectDataCount = skill.GetNewAffectDataCount(skillIndex)
- if affectDataCount > 0:
- for i in xrange(affectDataCount):
- type, minValue, maxValue = skill.GetNewAffectData(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage)
- if not self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type):
- continue
- minValue = int(minValue)
- maxValue = int(maxValue)
- affectText = self.AFFECT_NAME_DICT[type]
- if "HP" == type:
- if minValue < 0 and maxValue < 0:
- minValue *= -1
- maxValue *= -1
- else:
- affectText = localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_AFFECT_HEAL
- affectText += str(minValue)
- if minValue != maxValue:
- affectText += " - " + str(maxValue)
- affectText += self.AFFECT_APPEND_TEXT_DICT.get(type, "")
- self.AppendTextLine(affectText, color)
- else:
- for i in xrange(skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex)):
- self.AppendTextLine(skill.GetSkillAffectDescription(skillIndex, i, skillPercentage), color)
- duration = skill.GetDuration(skillIndex, skillPercentage)
- if duration > 0 and duration < 31536000: #Kleiner als ein Jahr wegen der permanenten Skills, bei perm. soll nix angehangen werden
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_DURATION % (duration), color)
- coolTime = skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillPercentage)
- if coolTime > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SKILL_COOL_TIME + str(coolTime), color)
- needSP = skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage)
- if needSP != 0:
- continuationSP = skill.GetSkillContinuationSP(skillIndex, skillPercentage)
- if skill.IsUseHPSkill(skillIndex):
- self.AppendNeedHP(needSP, continuationSP, color)
- else:
- self.AppendNeedSP(needSP, continuationSP, color)
- def AppendSkillRequirement(self, skillIndex, skillLevel):
- skillMaxLevel = skill.GetSkillMaxLevel(skillIndex)
- if skillLevel >= skillMaxLevel:
- return
- isAppendHorizontalLine = False
- if skill.IsSkillRequirement(skillIndex):
- if not isAppendHorizontalLine:
- isAppendHorizontalLine = True
- self.AppendHorizontalLine()
- requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel = skill.GetSkillRequirementData(skillIndex)
- color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR
- if skill.CheckRequirementSueccess(skillIndex):
- color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_SKILL_LEVEL % (requireSkillName, requireSkillLevel), color)
- requireStatCount = skill.GetSkillRequireStatCount(skillIndex)
- if requireStatCount > 0:
- for i in xrange(requireStatCount):
- type, level = skill.GetSkillRequireStatData(skillIndex, i)
- if self.POINT_NAME_DICT.has_key(type):
- if not isAppendHorizontalLine:
- isAppendHorizontalLine = True
- self.AppendHorizontalLine()
- name = self.POINT_NAME_DICT[type]
- color = self.CANNOT_LEVEL_UP_COLOR
- if player.GetStatus(type) >= level:
- color = self.CAN_LEVEL_UP_COLOR
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_REQUIREMENT_STAT_LEVEL % (name, level), color)
- def HasSkillLevelDescription(self, skillIndex, skillLevel):
- if skill.GetSkillAffectDescriptionCount(skillIndex) > 0:
- return True
- if skill.GetSkillCoolTime(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0:
- return True
- if skill.GetSkillNeedSP(skillIndex, skillLevel) > 0:
- return True
- return False
- def AppendMasterAffectDescription(self, index, desc, color):
- self.AppendTextLine(desc, color)
- def AppendNextAffectDescription(self, index, desc):
- self.AppendTextLine(desc, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- def AppendNeedHP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color):
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP % (needSP), color)
- if continuationSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_HP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color)
- def AppendNeedSP(self, needSP, continuationSP, color):
- if -1 == needSP:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_ALL_SP, color)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP % (needSP), color)
- if continuationSP > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_NEED_SP_PER_SEC % (continuationSP), color)
- def AppendPartySkillData(self, skillGrade, skillLevel):
- if 1 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel += 19
- elif 2 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel += 29
- elif 3 == skillGrade:
- skillLevel = 40
- if skillLevel <= 0:
- return
- skillIndex = player.SKILL_INDEX_TONGSOL
- slotIndex = player.GetSkillSlotIndex(skillIndex)
- skillPower = player.GetSkillCurrentEfficientPercentage(slotIndex)
- k = player.GetSkillLevel(skillIndex) / 100.0
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_PARTY_SKILL_LEVEL % skillLevel, self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- if skillLevel>=10:
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_ATTACKER % chop( 10 + 60 * k ))
- if skillLevel>=20:
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_BERSERKER % chop(1 + 5 * k))
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_TANKER % chop(50 + 1450 * k))
- if skillLevel>=25:
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_BUFFER % chop(5 + 45 * k ))
- if skillLevel>=35:
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_SKILL_MASTER % chop(25 + 600 * k ))
- if skillLevel>=40:
- self.AutoAppendTextLine(localeInfo.PARTY_SKILL_DEFENDER % chop( 5 + 30 * k ))
- self.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- def __AppendSummonDescription(self, skillLevel, color):
- if skillLevel > 1:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (skillLevel * 10), color)
- elif 1 == skillLevel:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (15), color)
- elif 0 == skillLevel:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.SKILL_SUMMON_DESCRIPTION % (10), color)
- def __AppendRealTimeToolTip(self, itemVnum, endTime):
- item.SelectItem(itemVnum)
- for i in xrange(item.LIMIT_MAX_NUM):
- (limitType, limitValue) = item.GetLimit(i)
- if item.LIMIT_REAL_TIME == limitType and limitValue > 0:
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- leftSec = max(0, endTime - app.GetGlobalTimeStamp())
- if leftSec > 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.LEFT_TIME + " : " + localeInfo.SecondToDHM(leftSec), self.NORMAL_COLOR)
- return
- else:
- continue
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import app
- import wndMgr
- import systemSetting
- import mouseModule
- import grp
- import ui
- app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- app.SetHairColorEnable(True)
- wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight())
- app.Create("METIN2 CLOSED BETA", systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1)
- mouseModule.mouseController.Create()
- toolTip = ItemToolTip()
- toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- desc = "Item descriptions:|increase of width of display to 35 digits per row AND installation of function that the displayed words are not broken up in two parts, but instead if one word is too long to be displayed in this row, this word will start in the next row."
- summ = ""
- toolTip.AddItemData_Offline(10, desc, summ, 0, 0)
- toolTip.Show()
- app.Loop()
Klaro. Danke dir
danke für die Antwort. Das hatte ich schon probiert, ändert aber nix. Es wird ja bei AppendTextLine auch standardmäßig centerAlign True gesetzt, wenn man nix mitgibt.
LG -
irgendwer n Plan, wie man das hier in der Mitte zentrieren kann? Ist irgendwie das einzige, was nicht zentriert wird.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Python: uitooltip.py- def AppendSellingPrice(self, price):
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ITEM_ANTIFLAG_SELL):
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL, self.DISABLE_COLOR)
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TOOLTIP_SELLPRICE % (localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(price)), self.GetPriceColor(price))
- self.AppendSpace(5)
- def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- if not self.CanEquip() and self.bCannotUseItemForceSetDisableColor:
- color = self.DISABLE_COLOR
- return ToolTip.AppendTextLine(self, text, color, centerAlign)
- def AppendTextLine(self, text, color = FONT_COLOR, centerAlign = True):
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetFontName(self.defFontName)
- textLine.SetPackedFontColor(color)
- textLine.SetText(text)
- textLine.SetOutline()
- textLine.SetFeather(False)
- textLine.Show()
- if centerAlign:
- textLine.SetPosition(self.toolTipWidth/2, self.toolTipHeight)
- textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- else:
- textLine.SetPosition(10, self.toolTipHeight)
- self.childrenList.append(textLine)
- self.toolTipHeight += self.TEXT_LINE_HEIGHT
- self.ResizeToolTip()
- return textLine
- ui.py
- def SetHorizontalAlignCenter(self):
- wndMgr.SetHorizontalAlign(self.hWnd, wndMgr.TEXT_HORIZONTAL_ALIGN_CENTER)
- locale_game.txt
- TOOLTIP_ANTI_SELL Kann nicht im Geschäft verkauft werden.
Finde dazu nix, was weiterhilft, außer nen älteren unbeantworteten Thread hier im Forum.
Danke im Voraus. Kuss auf die Nuss -
Servus, hab hier noch rausgefunden, dass die Werte nur falsch berechnet werden, wenn der Onyx-Slot leer ist. Hab bisher noch net nachgeschaut, aber das müsste der erste oder letzte Slot sein, wenn da nen Drachenstein drin ist, ist die De-/Aktivierung bzw. Berechnung ganz normal
Hey zusammen,
ich hab grad mal mit der DS rumgespielt und da ist mir folgendes aufgefallen:
Wenn ich eine Rüstung anziehe (z.B. 34er mit 101 Rüstungswert) erhöht sich meine Def um 101 und meine Magie Def um 51, was ja auch normal ist. Wenn ich jetzt aber die DS mit einem Rubin, der 150 Rüstungswert gibt, aktiviere, erhalte ich 150 Def und erstmal gar keine Magie Def. Wenn ich jetzt aber die DS wieder deaktiviere erhalte ich -150 Def aber +75 Magie Def. Hat irgendwer n Plan woran das liegen könnte? Ich hab schon in der DragonSoul.cpp die ActivateDragonSoul-Methode und in der item.cpp die ModifyPoints-Methode überprüft, aber das sieht okay für mich aus.Ich überseh bei sowas aber ganz gerne mal den Fehler, passiert mir auf Arbeit auch ab und zu.
€: Mir ist hier noch aufgefallen, dass sobald ich den Rubin ins Fenster einfüge die 75 Magie Def schon hinzugefügt werden und nicht erst bei Aktivierung, daher sieht das so verschoben aus. Was das jetzt ändert weiß ich aber nicht.
Könnte mir hier evtl irgendwer nen Tipp geben? Ich brauch keine Ikealösung, will ja etwas lernen.
Hier noch ein paar Bilder für das Problem:
Werte des Rubins:Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Vor Rüstung Nach Rüstung Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. Aktivierung DS Deaktivierung DS Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Beste Grüße und Danke im Voraus
Korgaz -
Thank you very much. That was exactly what I was missing.
I added the following lines in def Open(self) of introcreate.py and its working beautifully
Learned something again. I know you could do it better, but it's fine for me now and the Images don't get used anywhere else in the Script.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen. -
Frage zum Char.cpp - wo finde ich diesen um Ihn öffnen und bearbeiten zu können?
vielen Dank im voraus!
Server Source im Game Source Ordner
The solution to my second Problem was quite simple. I just had to change the indices of the declarations... I should really take a better look at the code next time...
Sorry guys.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
But the Problem with the Buttons persists, they can't be clicked persistently. Any hints on where I should look? It seems to be, that I can't click on the Korean Signs in the Buttons. I don't need a complete solution as I want to learn -
Hey together,
i have implemented Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. + Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. in the Fliegev3 Files. Everything is working as expected except Character Creation.
So i basically have two questions and hope you guys can help:- How can I extend the Hitbox for the Race Select Buttons? It's only registering at the upper and lower border.
As you can see I have selected the Lycan, but the female Warrior shows up with Lycan Description. Which ist weird, because before disabling the Female Button for Lycan I could select the Lycan via Female (which doesnt make sense at allEdit: Fix for this one Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.). It is a problem with introcreate.py, but i can't find the corresponding Code Part. I debugged for quite some time and only found out, that when Female is displayed the Gender is 0 and for Male it's one, which is the exact Opposite of the Declarations in the introcreate.py and i dunno why.
Code: introcreate.py- import ui
- import chr
- import grp
- import app
- import net
- import snd
- import math
- import event
- import wndMgr
- import uiToolTip
- import constInfo
- import musicInfo
- import localeInfo
- import networkModule
- import systemSetting
- import uiScriptLocale
- import playerSettingModule
- ################## TEST
- #import sys
- ################## TEST
- MAN = 0
- WOMAN = 1
- SHAPE0 = 0
- SHAPE1 = 1
- else:
- LOCALE_PATH = "uiscript/"+uiScriptLocale.CODEPAGE+"_"
- class CreateCharacterWindow(ui.Window):
- STAT_CON = 0
- STAT_INT = 1
- STAT_STR = 2
- STAT_DEX = 3
- # START_STAT = (
- # [4, 3, 6, 3,],
- # [3, 3, 4, 6,],
- # [3, 5, 5, 3,],
- # [4, 6, 3, 3,],
- # )
- [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior
- [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin
- [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura
- [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman
- [ 4, 3, 6, 3, ], ## Warrior
- [ 3, 3, 4, 6, ], ## Assassin
- [ 3, 5, 5, 3, ], ## Sura
- [ 4, 6, 3, 3, ], ## Shaman
- )
- START_STAT = START_STAT + ([6, 2, 6, 2],)
- net.EMPIRE_A : localeInfo.EMPIRE_A,
- net.EMPIRE_B : localeInfo.EMPIRE_B,
- net.EMPIRE_C : localeInfo.EMPIRE_C
- }
- }
- uiScriptLocale.JOBDESC_SURA_PATH,
- )
- 0 : playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_M,
- 1 : playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_M,
- 2 : playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_M,
- 3 : playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_M,
- 4 : playerSettingModule.RACE_WARRIOR_W,
- 5 : playerSettingModule.RACE_ASSASSIN_W,
- 6 : playerSettingModule.RACE_SURA_W,
- 7 : playerSettingModule.RACE_SHAMAN_W,
- 8 : playerSettingModule.RACE_WOLFMAN_M,
- }
- 0 : "icon/face/warrior_m.tga",
- 1 : "icon/face/assassin_m.tga",
- 2 : "icon/face/sura_m.tga",
- 3 : "icon/face/shaman_m.tga",
- 4 : "icon/face/warrior_w.tga",
- 5 : "icon/face/assassin_w.tga",
- 6 : "icon/face/sura_w.tga",
- 7 : "icon/face/shaman_w.tga",
- 8 : "icon/face/wolfman_m.tga",
- }
- 0 : localeInfo.JOB_WARRIOR,
- 1 : localeInfo.JOB_ASSASSIN,
- 2 : localeInfo.JOB_SURA,
- 3 : localeInfo.JOB_SHAMAN,
- #4 : localeInfo.JOB_WOLFMAN,
- 4 : localeInfo.JOB_WARRIOR,
- 5 : localeInfo.JOB_ASSASSIN,
- 6 : localeInfo.JOB_SURA,
- 7 : localeInfo.JOB_SHAMAN,
- 8 : localeInfo.JOB_WOLFMAN,
- }
- class DescriptionBox(ui.Window):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.Window.__init__(self)
- self.descIndex = 0
- def __del__(self):
- ui.Window.__del__(self)
- def SetIndex(self, index):
- self.descIndex = index
- def OnRender(self):
- event.RenderEventSet(self.descIndex)
- class CharacterRenderer(ui.Window):
- def OnRender(self):
- grp.ClearDepthBuffer()
- grp.SetGameRenderState()
- grp.PushState()
- grp.SetOmniLight()
- screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()
- screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()
- newScreenWidth = float(screenWidth - 270)
- newScreenHeight = float(screenHeight)
- grp.SetViewport(270.0/screenWidth, 0.0, newScreenWidth/screenWidth, newScreenHeight/screenHeight)
- app.SetCenterPosition(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
- app.SetCamera(1550.0, 15.0, 180.0, 95.0)
- grp.SetPerspective(10.0, newScreenWidth/newScreenHeight, 1000.0, 3000.0)
- (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition()
- grp.SetCursorPosition(x, y)
- chr.Deform()
- chr.Render()
- grp.RestoreViewport()
- grp.PopState()
- grp.SetInterfaceRenderState()
- def __init__(self, stream):
- print "NEW CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- ui.Window.__init__(self)
- net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, self)
- self.stream=stream
- def __del__(self):
- print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DELETE CREATE WINDOW"
- net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_CREATE, 0)
- ui.Window.__del__(self)
- def Open(self):
- print "OPEN CREATE WINDOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- playerSettingModule.LoadGameData("INIT")
- self.reservingRaceIndex = -1
- self.reservingShapeIndex = -1
- self.reservingStartTime = 0
- self.stat = [0, 0, 0, 0]
- self.slot = 0
- self.gender = 0
- self.shapeList = [
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
- else:
- self.shapeList = [
- [0, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0, 0]]
- self.descIndex = 0
- try:
- dlgBoard = ui.ScriptWindow()
- pythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(dlgBoard, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "createcharacterwindow.py")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.LoadObject")
- try:
- getChild = dlgBoard.GetChild
- self.backGroundImg1 = getChild("BackGround")
- self.backGroundImg2 = getChild("BackGround2")
- self.backGroundImg2.Hide()
- self.backGroundImg3 = getChild("BackGround3")
- self.backGroundImg3.Hide()
- self.empireName = getChild("EmpireName")
- self.EmpireFlagA = getChild("EmpireFlag_A")
- self.EmpireFlagB = getChild("EmpireFlag_B")
- self.EmpireFlagC = getChild("EmpireFlag_C")
- self.CharacterSlot_0 = getChild("WARRIOR")
- self.CharacterFace_0 = getChild("CharacterFace_0")
- self.CharacterSlot_1 = getChild("ASSASSIN")
- self.CharacterFace_1 = getChild("CharacterFace_1")
- self.CharacterSlot_2 = getChild("SURA")
- self.CharacterFace_2 = getChild("CharacterFace_2")
- self.CharacterSlot_3 = getChild("SHAMAN")
- self.CharacterFace_3 = getChild("CharacterFace_3")
- self.CharacterSlot_4 = getChild("WOLFMAN")
- self.CharacterFace_4 = getChild("CharacterFace_4")
- self.DiscFace = getChild("DiscFace")
- self.raceName = getChild("raceName_Text")
- self.NameList = []
- self.NameList.append(getChild("name_warrior"))
- self.NameList.append(getChild("name_assassin"))
- self.NameList.append(getChild("name_sura"))
- self.NameList.append(getChild("name_shaman"))
- self.NameList.append(getChild("name_wolfman"))
- self.GaugeList = []
- self.GaugeList.append(getChild("hth_gauge"))
- self.GaugeList.append(getChild("int_gauge"))
- self.GaugeList.append(getChild("str_gauge"))
- self.GaugeList.append(getChild("dex_gauge"))
- self.btnCreate = getChild("create_button")
- self.btnCancel = getChild("cancel_button")
- self.btnPrev = getChild("prev_button")
- self.btnNext = getChild("next_button")
- self.textBoard = getChild("text_board")
- self.genderButtonList = []
- self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_01"))
- self.genderButtonList.append(getChild("gender_button_02"))
- self.shapeButtonList = []
- self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_01"))
- self.shapeButtonList.append(getChild("shape_button_02"))
- self.editCharacterName = getChild("character_name_value")
- self.statValue = []
- self.statValue.append(getChild("hth_value"))
- self.statValue.append(getChild("int_value"))
- self.statValue.append(getChild("str_value"))
- self.statValue.append(getChild("dex_value"))
- getChild("hth_slot").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverInStatButton(arg)
- getChild("hth_slot").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_CON: self.OverOutStatButton()
- getChild("int_slot").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverInStatButton(arg)
- getChild("int_slot").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_INT: self.OverOutStatButton()
- getChild("str_slot").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverInStatButton(arg)
- getChild("str_slot").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_STR: self.OverOutStatButton()
- getChild("dex_slot").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverInStatButton(arg)
- getChild("dex_slot").HideToolTip = lambda arg=self.STAT_DEX: self.OverOutStatButton()
- getChild("hth_slot").Hide()
- getChild("int_slot").Hide()
- getChild("str_slot").Hide()
- getChild("dex_slot").Hide()
- self.genderButtonList[0].ShowToolTip = lambda arg=1: self.OverInButton(arg)
- self.genderButtonList[0].HideToolTip = lambda arg=1: self.OverOutButton()
- self.genderButtonList[1].ShowToolTip = lambda arg=2: self.OverInButton(arg)
- self.genderButtonList[1].HideToolTip = lambda arg=2: self.OverOutButton()
- self.shapeButtonList[0].ShowToolTip = lambda arg=3: self.OverInButton(arg)
- self.shapeButtonList[0].HideToolTip = lambda arg=3: self.OverOutButton()
- self.shapeButtonList[1].ShowToolTip = lambda arg=4: self.OverInButton(arg)
- self.shapeButtonList[1].HideToolTip = lambda arg=4: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("prev_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=5: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("prev_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=5: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("next_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=6: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("next_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=6: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("create_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=7: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("create_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=7: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("cancel_button").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=8: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("cancel_button").HideToolTip = lambda arg=8: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("WARRIOR").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=9: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("WARRIOR").HideToolTip = lambda arg=9: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("ASSASSIN").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=10: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("ASSASSIN").HideToolTip = lambda arg=10: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("SURA").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=11: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("SURA").HideToolTip = lambda arg=11: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("SHAMAN").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=12: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("SHAMAN").HideToolTip = lambda arg=12: self.OverOutButton()
- getChild("WOLFMAN").ShowToolTip = lambda arg=13: self.OverInButton(arg)
- getChild("WOLFMAN").HideToolTip = lambda arg=13: self.OverOutButton()
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CreateCharacterWindow.Open.BindObject")
- self.CharacterSlot_0.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__SelectSlot, 0)
- self.CharacterSlot_1.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__SelectSlot, 1)
- self.CharacterSlot_2.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__SelectSlot, 2)
- self.CharacterSlot_3.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__SelectSlot, 3)
- self.CharacterSlot_4.SAFE_SetEvent(self.__SelectSlot, 4)
- self.CharacterSlot_4.Show()
- self.btnCreate.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter))
- self.btnCancel.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate))
- self.btnPrev.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.PrevDescriptionPage))
- self.btnNext.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.NextDescriptionPage))
- self.genderButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), MAN)
- self.genderButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectGender), WOMAN)
- self.shapeButtonList[0].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE0)
- self.shapeButtonList[1].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectShape), SHAPE1)
- self.editCharacterName.SetReturnEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CreateCharacter))
- self.editCharacterName.SetEscapeEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelCreate))
- self.dlgBoard = dlgBoard
- self.curNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- self.destNameAlpha = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- self.curGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- self.destGauge = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
- self.descriptionBox = self.DescriptionBox()
- self.descriptionBox.Show()
- self.toolTip = uiToolTip.ToolTip()
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.editCharacterName.SetText("")
- self.EnableWindow()
- app.SetCamera(500.0, 10.0, 180.0, 95.0)
- self.__SelectSlot(0)
- self.dlgBoard.Show()
- self.Show()
- if musicInfo.createMusic != "":
- snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume())
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic)
- self.SetEmpire(net.GetEmpireID())
- app.ShowCursor()
- def Close(self):
- print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE CREATE WINDOW"
- self.editCharacterName.Enable()
- self.dlgBoard.ClearDictionary()
- self.stream = 0
- self.shapeButtonList = []
- self.genderButtonList = []
- self.btnCreate = 0
- self.btnCancel = 0
- self.btnPrev = 0
- self.btnNext = 0
- self.textBoard = 0
- self.editCharacterName = 0
- self.backGroundImg1 = None
- self.backGroundImg2 = None
- self.backGroundImg3 = None
- self.EmpireFlagA = None
- self.EmpireFlagB = None
- self.EmpireFlagC = None
- if musicInfo.createMusic != "":
- snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.createMusic)
- for id in xrange(BASE_CHR_ID + SLOT_COUNT * PAGE_COUNT):
- chr.DeleteInstance(id)
- self.dlgBoard.Hide()
- self.Hide()
- self.descriptionBox.Hide()
- app.HideCursor()
- event.Destroy()
- def SetEmpire(self, id):
- self.empireName.SetText(self.EMPIRE_NAME.get(id, ""))
- if id == 1:
- self.empireName.SetFontColor(1.0, 0, 0)
- self.EmpireFlagA.Show()
- self.EmpireFlagB.Hide()
- self.EmpireFlagC.Hide()
- self.BackGround = self.backGroundImg1
- self.backGroundImg1.Show()
- self.backGroundImg2.Hide()
- self.backGroundImg3.Hide()
- self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer()
- self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGroundImg1)
- self.chrRenderer.Show()
- elif id == 2:
- self.empireName.SetFontColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0)
- self.EmpireFlagA.Hide()
- self.EmpireFlagB.Show()
- self.EmpireFlagC.Hide()
- self.BackGround = self.backGroundImg2
- self.backGroundImg1.Hide()
- self.backGroundImg2.Show()
- self.backGroundImg3.Hide()
- self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer()
- self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGroundImg2)
- self.chrRenderer.Show()
- elif id == 3:
- self.empireName.SetFontColor(0.0, 0, 1.0)
- self.EmpireFlagA.Hide()
- self.EmpireFlagB.Hide()
- self.EmpireFlagC.Show()
- self.BackGround = self.backGroundImg3
- self.backGroundImg1.Hide()
- self.backGroundImg2.Hide()
- self.backGroundImg3.Show()
- self.chrRenderer = self.CharacterRenderer()
- self.chrRenderer.SetParent(self.backGroundImg3)
- self.chrRenderer.Show()
- def EnableWindow(self):
- self.reservingRaceIndex = -1
- self.reservingShapeIndex = -1
- self.btnCreate.Enable()
- self.btnCancel.Enable()
- self.btnPrev.Enable()
- self.btnNext.Enable()
- self.editCharacterName.SetFocus()
- self.editCharacterName.Enable()
- for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT):
- for slot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT):
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(page, slot)
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- chr.BlendLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT, 0.1)
- def DisableWindow(self):
- self.btnCreate.Disable()
- self.btnCancel.Disable()
- self.btnPrev.Disable()
- self.btnNext.Disable()
- self.editCharacterName.Disable()
- self.btnCreate.SetUp()
- def __GetSlotChrID(self, gender, slot):
- return self.RACE_DECT[gender + slot]
- def __MakeCharacter(self, race):
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot)
- chr.CreateInstance(chr_id)
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- chr.SetVirtualID(chr_id)
- chr.SetRace(chr_id)
- chr.SetArmor(0)
- chr.SetHair(0)
- chr.Refresh()
- chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL)
- chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT)
- chr.SetRotation(0.0)
- distance = 50.0
- rotRadian = 82.0 * (math.pi*2) / 360.0
- x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian)
- y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian)
- chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30)
- chr.Hide()
- def __SelectGender(self, gender):
- slot = self.slot
- if slot == 4 and gender == 1:
- #elif gender == 0:
- for button in self.genderButtonList:
- button.Down()
- self.genderButtonList[gender].SetUp()
- return
- for button in self.genderButtonList:
- button.SetUp()
- self.genderButtonList[gender].Down()
- self.gender = gender
- if gender == 0 and self.slot > 4:
- slot = self.slot - 3
- elif gender == 1 and self.slot < 4:
- slot = self.slot + 3
- if gender == 1 and self.slot > 7:
- slot = self.slot - 3
- # sys.stdout = open("_test.txt", "w+")
- # print "This is the slot: ", self.slot, " and the Gender is: ", self.gender
- for i in xrange(9):
- chr.DeleteInstance(i)
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, slot)
- chr.CreateInstance(chr_id)
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- chr.SetVirtualID(chr_id)
- chr.SetRace(chr_id)
- chr.SetArmor(0)
- chr.SetHair(0)
- chr.Refresh()
- chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL)
- chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT)
- chr.SetRotation(0.0)
- distance = 50.0
- rotRadian = 82.0 * (math.pi*2) / 360.0
- x = distance*math.sin(rotRadian) + distance*math.cos(rotRadian)
- y = distance*math.cos(rotRadian) - distance*math.sin(rotRadian)
- chr.SetPixelPosition(int(x), int(y), 30)
- chr.Show()
- def __SelectShape(self, shape):
- self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot] = shape
- for button in self.shapeButtonList:
- button.SetUp()
- self.shapeButtonList[shape].Down()
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot)
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- chr.ChangeShape(shape)
- chr.SetMotionMode(chr.MOTION_MODE_GENERAL)
- chr.SetLoopMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_WAIT)
- def GetSlotIndex(self):
- return self.slot
- def RefreshStat(self):
- statSummary = self.stat[0] + self.stat[1] + self.stat[2] + self.stat[3]
- self.destGauge = (
- float(self.stat[0])/float(statSummary),
- float(self.stat[1])/float(statSummary),
- float(self.stat[2])/float(statSummary),
- float(self.stat[3])/float(statSummary),
- )
- for i in xrange(4):
- self.statValue[i].SetText(str(self.stat[i]))
- def __SelectSlot(self, slot):
- self.slot = slot
- self.ResetStat()
- for i in xrange(9):
- chr.DeleteInstance(i)
- self.genderButtonList[0].Show()
- self.genderButtonList[1].Show()
- self.DiscFace.LoadImage(self.FACE_IMAGE_DICT[slot])
- self.DiscFace.Show()
- self.raceName.SetText(self.RACE_NAME[slot])
- self.raceName.Show()
- if slot == 0:
- self.CharacterSlot_0.Down()
- self.CharacterSlot_1.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_2.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_3.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_4.SetUp()
- elif slot == 1:
- self.CharacterSlot_1.Down()
- self.CharacterSlot_0.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_2.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_3.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_4.SetUp()
- elif slot == 2:
- self.CharacterSlot_2.Down()
- self.CharacterSlot_0.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_1.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_3.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_4.SetUp()
- elif slot == 3:
- self.CharacterSlot_3.Down()
- self.CharacterSlot_0.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_1.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_2.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_4.SetUp()
- elif slot == 4:
- self.CharacterSlot_4.Down()
- self.CharacterSlot_0.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_1.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_2.SetUp()
- self.CharacterSlot_3.SetUp()
- self.genderButtonList[0].Show()
- self.genderButtonList[1].Hide()
- self.__MakeCharacter(slot)
- self.__SelectGender(0)
- self.__SelectShape(0)
- event.ClearEventSet(self.descIndex)
- self.descIndex = event.RegisterEventSet(self.DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME[self.slot])
- # if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- # event.SetEventSetWidth(self.descIndex, 170)
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, slot)
- if chr.HasInstance(chr_id):
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- self.__SelectShape(self.shapeList[self.gender][slot])
- def CreateCharacter(self):
- if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex:
- return
- textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText()
- if self.__CheckCreateCharacter(textName) == False:
- return
- if musicInfo.selectMusic != "":
- snd.FadeLimitOutMusic("BGM/"+musicInfo.selectMusic, systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*0.05)
- self.DisableWindow()
- chr_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, self.slot)
- chr.SelectInstance(chr_id)
- self.reservingRaceIndex = chr.GetRace()
- print("========================================================")
- print("Race : %d" % (self.reservingRaceIndex))
- print("========================================================")
- self.reservingShapeIndex = self.shapeList[self.gender][self.slot]
- self.reservingStartTime = app.GetTime()
- for eachSlot in xrange(SLOT_COUNT):
- sel_id = self.__GetSlotChrID(self.gender, eachSlot)
- chr.SelectInstance(sel_id)
- #if eachSlot == self.slot:
- # self.slot = self.slot
- chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_SELECTED)
- #else:
- # chr.PushOnceMotion(chr.MOTION_INTRO_NOT_SELECTED)
- self.toolTip.Hide()
- def CancelCreate(self):
- self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase()
- def PrevDescriptionPage(self):
- if event.IsWait(self.descIndex) == True:
- if event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-14 >= 0:
- event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)-14)
- event.Skip(self.descIndex)
- else:
- event.Skip(self.descIndex)
- def NextDescriptionPage(self):
- if True == event.IsWait(self.descIndex):
- event.SetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex, event.GetVisibleStartLine(self.descIndex)+14)
- event.Skip(self.descIndex)
- else:
- event.Skip(self.descIndex)
- def __CheckCreateCharacter(self, name):
- if len(name) == 0:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_INPUT_NAME, self.EnableWindow)
- return False
- elif name.find(localeInfo.CREATE_GM_NAME)!=-1:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_ERROR_GM_NAME, self.EnableWindow)
- return False
- elif net.IsInsultIn(name):
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME, self.EnableWindow)
- return False
- return True
- def ResetStat(self):
- for i in xrange(4):
- self.stat[i] = self.START_STAT[self.slot][i]
- self.lastStatPoint = self.CREATE_STAT_POINT
- self.RefreshStat()
- def OnCreateSuccess(self):
- self.stream.SetSelectCharacterPhase()
- def OnCreateFailure(self, type):
- if type == 1:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_EXIST_SAME_NAME, self.EnableWindow)
- else:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.CREATE_FAILURE, self.EnableWindow)
- def OnUpdate(self):
- chr.Update()
- (xposEventSet, yposEventSet) = self.textBoard.GetGlobalPosition()
- event.UpdateEventSet(self.descIndex, xposEventSet+7, -(yposEventSet+7))
- self.descriptionBox.SetIndex(self.descIndex)
- for page in xrange(PAGE_COUNT):
- for i in xrange(SLOT_COUNT_RES):
- self.curNameAlpha[i] += (self.destNameAlpha[i] - self.curNameAlpha[i]) / 10.0
- self.NameList[i].SetAlpha(self.curNameAlpha[i])
- for i in xrange(4):
- self.curGauge[i] += (self.destGauge[i] - self.curGauge[i]) / 10.0
- if abs(self.curGauge[i] - self.destGauge[i]) < 0.005:
- self.curGauge[i] = self.destGauge[i]
- self.GaugeList[i].SetPercentage(self.curGauge[i], 1.0)
- if -1 != self.reservingRaceIndex:
- if app.GetTime() - self.reservingStartTime >= 1.5:
- chrSlot=self.stream.GetCharacterSlot()
- textName = self.editCharacterName.GetText()
- raceIndex = self.reservingRaceIndex
- shapeIndex = self.reservingShapeIndex
- startStat = self.START_STAT[self.slot]
- statCon = self.stat[0] - startStat[0]
- statInt = self.stat[1] - startStat[1]
- statStr = self.stat[2] - startStat[2]
- statDex = self.stat[3] - startStat[3]
- net.SendCreateCharacterPacket(chrSlot, textName, raceIndex, shapeIndex, statCon, statInt, statStr, statDex)
- self.reservingRaceIndex = -1
- def EmptyFunc(self):
- pass
- def PopupMessage(self, msg, func=0):
- if not func:
- func=self.EmptyFunc
- self.stream.popupWindow.Close()
- self.stream.popupWindow.Open(msg, func, localeInfo.UI_OK)
- def OnPressExitKey(self):
- self.CancelCreate()
- return True
- def OverInStatButton(self, stat):
- if not self.STAT_DESCRIPTION.has_key(stat):
- return
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AppendTextLine(self.STAT_DESCRIPTION[stat])
- self.toolTip.Show()
- def OverOutStatButton(self):
- self.toolTip.Hide()
- def OverInButton(self, stat):
- if stat == 1:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.CHARACTER_CREATE_MALE, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 2:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.CHARACTER_CREATE_FEMALE, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 3:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.CHARACTER_CREATE_APPEARANCE1, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 4:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.CHARACTER_CREATE_APPEARANCE2, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 5:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CREATE_PREV, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 6:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CREATE_NEXT, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 7:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CREATE_CREATE, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 8:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(uiScriptLocale.CANCEL, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 9:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.JOB_WARRIOR, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 10:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.JOB_ASSASSIN, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 11:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.JOB_SURA, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 12:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.JOB_SHAMAN, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- elif stat == 13:
- self.toolTip.ClearToolTip()
- self.toolTip.AlignHorizonalCenter()
- self.toolTip.AutoAppendNewTextLine(localeInfo.JOB_WOLFMAN, grp.GenerateColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0))
- self.toolTip.Show()
- def OverOutButton(self):
- self.toolTip.Hide()
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import app
- import wndMgr
- import systemSetting
- import mouseModule
- import networkModule
- app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- app.SetHairColorEnable(True)
- wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight())
- app.Create(localeInfo.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1)
- mouseModule.mouseController.Create()
- mainStream = networkModule.MainStream()
- mainStream.Create()
- test = CreateCharacterWindow(mainStream)
- test.Open()
- app.Loop()
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Hope someone can help me out, so I can learn from my Mistakes.
Best regards Korgaz - How can I extend the Hitbox for the Race Select Buttons? It's only registering at the upper and lower border.
Jup. Hatte nur bei meinen Fliege v3 den kompletten Release Ordner net drin, obwohl das die offiziellen von dem Forum hier sind.
Benutze grad einfach dein Release und jetzt passt alles. Danke
Aah okay. Ja bei Fliege sind weniger Dateien drin irgendwie, da fehlt der Release Ordner, hab die .bat Dateien gar net gehabt. Oder ich bin blind - was auch sehr gut möglich ist.
Also die JSON hab ich gefunden und bearbeitet, aber mit welcher VS Version muss ich den Build erzeugen? Mit VS 2022 und Toolset v143 meckert er.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Servus zusammen,
wie funktioniert denn das Ding?
Habe die Fliege V3 und müsste mal neue Protos erstellen