Beiträge von .Lean
Erstmal verstehe ich nicht warum hier rum geheult wird. Eurer Probleme könnt ihr Privat erklären.
Wo ist der Unterschied zwischen dein System und das was ich Released habe?
- Bin nur neugierig.
Liebe Grüße,
Es ist intuitiv. Es ist auch schöner ?
Es passt sich perfekt in die Taskbar ein.
Und es funktioniert zu 100%.
Die Taskleiste wird kontinuierlich anhand der Affects des Servers verändert.
Also das was ich Release habe, funktioniert auch zu 100%. Da sehe ich nur, dass deins "schöner" gemacht wurde.
Finde die Idee mit der Taskleiste eigentlich sehr geil.
Liebe Grüße,
Wo ist der Unterschied zwischen dein System und das was ich Released habe?
- Bin nur neugierig.
Liebe Grüße,
Ist verbaut Aktiviert er aber Automatisch,Sinn? Ganz Coole Idee aber^^
Also sobald du auf einer der Zeiten drückst wird der aktiviert.
Dann kann man den natürlich auch ausschalten.
- Die andere Zeiten (3 und 5 Minuten) kann man einfach entfernen. Ist für ein Server gedacht, da verschiedene Tauszeiten hat.
Liebe Grüße,
Hallo Community,
Habe dieses System im meinem alten Client gefunden - vielleicht braucht es jemand.
- Viel spaß damit
Hier mal ein Bild:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Das How-To:
In der am Anfang folgendes einfügen:
- suchen:
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In der folgendes einfügen:
In der am Anfang folgendes einfügen:
- suchen:
Darunter folgendes einfügen:
- suchen:
Darunter folgendes einfügen:
- suchen:
Darunter folgendes einfügen:
WICHTIG: Die im root Ordner einfügen.
WICHTIG: Den chekbox Ordner in ymir work/ui/ einfügen.Download:
Liebe Grüße,.Lean
Ich kann dir nur folgendes empfehlen: OVH
Blazingcrap, KMS usw. braucht kein Schwein!Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Nice, thank you for the release!
King Regards,
.Lean -
Die Sequence Log hat eig eine Wichtige funktion und fehlerhaft ist nicht die Log sondern das Packet was er auswirft
die Sequence Log wirft euch ein Packet aus was nicht geschlossen werden kann ja es ist kacke geschrieben nur wer sich damit beschäfftigt wird merken das sie nützlich ist vorallem wenn neue packets ins Spiel kommen, fazit hätte ich das teil nicht würden manch eine Änderung von mir bis heute noch Kicks/Core Downs auslösen, das ist wie die Syslog oder Syserr aushebeln es entgeht euch ein wichtiger punkt.
zurück zum Thread, Danke fürs rls für einige bestimmt "nützlich" nur nich Optimal.
Sorry, aber wer benutzt den ein System was nicht fertig geschrieben wurde?
Würdest du irgendeinem System benutzen was: 1. Rum bugt, 2. nicht fertig geschrieben wurde und 3. einfach scheiße ist?Jeder hat natürlich seine meinung, aber ich weiß das 90% der Community finden das System scheiße.
Und warum? Weil keiner die Fehlern fixen kann.Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Ich hatte leider nicht wirklich die Zeit um das zu machen.
Wir die Tage gemacht.Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Sobald ich zuhause bin werde ich es mal machen und Releasen.
Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Hallo Community,
Ich fand es immer nervig nach dem Befehl "in" die Rüstung auszuziehen.
Deswegen hab ich es mal gefixt.Wie es vorher aussah:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Wie es jetzt aussieht:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Was ihr machen müsst:
Um das Effekt auszuschalten, müsst ihr die Funktion in char.cpp bearbeiten.
(Das mit dem Effekt wurde von Cian inspiriert)Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Du hast die falsche Funktion geändert.
Probiere mal so:
Code: import os
- import app
- import dbg
- import grp
- import item
- import background
- import chr
- import chrmgr
- import player
- import snd
- import chat
- import textTail
- import snd
- import net
- import effect
- import wndMgr
- import fly
- import systemSetting
- import quest
- import guild
- import skill
- import messenger
- import localeInfo
- import constInfo
- import exchange
- import ime
- import ui
- import uiCommon
- import uiPhaseCurtain
- import uiMapNameShower
- import uiAffectShower
- import uiPlayerGauge
- import uiCharacter
- import uiTarget
- import uiPrivateShopBuilder
- import mouseModule
- import consoleModule
- import localeInfo
- import playerSettingModule
- import interfaceModule
- import musicInfo
- import debugInfo
- import stringCommander
- from _weakref import proxy
- #if localeInfo.IsJAPAN():
- # app.SetTextTailLivingTime(8.0)
- if localeInfo.IsEUROPE():
- if localeInfo.IsCIBN10():
- cameraDistance = 1550.0
- cameraPitch = 27.0
- cameraRotation = 0.0
- cameraHeight = 100.0
- testAlignment = 0
- class GameWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self, stream):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self, "GAME")
- self.SetWindowName("game")
- net.SetPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_GAME, self)
- player.SetGameWindow(self)
- self.quickSlotPageIndex = 0
- self.lastPKModeSendedTime = 0
- self.pressNumber = None
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None
- self.interface = None
- self.targetBoard = None
- self.console = None
- self.mapNameShower = None
- self.affectShower = None
- self.playerGauge = None
- self.interface = interfaceModule.Interface()
- self.interface.MakeInterface()
- self.interface.ShowDefaultWindows()
- self.curtain = uiPhaseCurtain.PhaseCurtain()
- self.curtain.speed = 0.03
- self.curtain.Hide()
- self.targetBoard = uiTarget.TargetBoard()
- self.targetBoard.SetWhisperEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.interface.OpenWhisperDialog))
- self.targetBoard.Hide()
- self.console = consoleModule.ConsoleWindow()
- self.console.BindGameClass(self)
- self.console.SetConsoleSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), 200)
- self.console.Hide()
- self.mapNameShower = uiMapNameShower.MapNameShower()
- self.affectShower = uiAffectShower.AffectShower()
- self.playerGauge = uiPlayerGauge.PlayerGauge(self)
- self.playerGauge.Hide()
- #wj 2014.1.2. ESC≈∞∏¶ ¥©∏¶ Ω√ øϺ±¿˚¿∏∑Œ DropQuestionDialog∏¶ ≤Ùµµ∑œ ∏∏µÈæ˙¥Ÿ. «œ¡ˆ∏∏ √≥¿Ωø° itemDropQuestionDialog∞° º±æµ«æÓ ¿÷¡ˆ æ æ∆ ERROR∞° πflª˝«œø© initø°º≠ º±æ∞˙ µøΩ√ø° √ ±‚»≠ Ω√≈¥.
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None
- self.__SetQuickSlotMode()
- self.__ServerCommand_Build()
- self.__ProcessPreservedServerCommand()
- def __del__(self):
- player.SetGameWindow(0)
- net.ClearPhaseWindow(net.PHASE_WINDOW_GAME, self)
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def Open(self):
- app.SetFrameSkip(1)
- self.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight())
- self.quickSlotPageIndex = 0
- self.PickingCharacterIndex = -1
- self.PickingItemIndex = -1
- self.consoleEnable = False
- self.isShowDebugInfo = False
- self.ShowNameFlag = False
- self.enableXMasBoom = False
- self.startTimeXMasBoom = 0.0
- self.indexXMasBoom = 0
- global cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight
- app.SetCamera(cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight)
- import event
- event.SetLeftTimeString(localeInfo.UI_LEFT_TIME)
- textTail.EnablePKTitle(constInfo.PVPMODE_ENABLE)
- self.testPKMode = ui.TextLine()
- self.testPKMode.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.testPKMode.SetPosition(0, 15)
- self.testPKMode.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.testPKMode.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.testPKMode.SetFeather()
- self.testPKMode.SetOutline()
- self.testPKMode.Show()
- self.testAlignment = ui.TextLine()
- self.testAlignment.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.testAlignment.SetPosition(0, 35)
- self.testAlignment.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.testAlignment.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.testAlignment.SetFeather()
- self.testAlignment.SetOutline()
- self.testAlignment.Show()
- self.__BuildKeyDict()
- self.__BuildDebugInfo()
- uiPrivateShopBuilder.Clear()
- exchange.InitTrading()
- ## Sound
- snd.SetMusicVolume(systemSetting.GetMusicVolume()*net.GetFieldMusicVolume())
- snd.SetSoundVolume(systemSetting.GetSoundVolume())
- netFieldMusicFileName = net.GetFieldMusicFileName()
- if netFieldMusicFileName:
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + netFieldMusicFileName)
- elif musicInfo.fieldMusic != "":
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- self.__SetQuickSlotMode()
- self.__SelectQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex)
- self.SetFocus()
- self.Show()
- app.ShowCursor()
- net.SendEnterGamePacket()
- try:
- self.StartGame()
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("GameWindow.Open")
- # NPC∞° ≈•∫ÍΩ√Ω∫≈€¿∏∑Œ ∏∏µÈ ºˆ ¿÷¥¬ æ∆¿Ã≈€µÈ¿« ∏Ò∑œ¿ª ƒ≥ΩÃ
- # ex) cubeInformation[20383] = [ {"rewordVNUM": 72723, "rewordCount": 1, "materialInfo": "101,1&102,2", "price": 999 }, ... ]
- self.cubeInformation = {}
- self.currentCubeNPC = 0
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- global cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight
- (cameraDistance, cameraPitch, cameraRotation, cameraHeight) = app.GetCamera()
- if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "":
- snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/"+ musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- self.onPressKeyDict = None
- self.onClickKeyDict = None
- chat.Close()
- snd.StopAllSound()
- grp.InitScreenEffect()
- chr.Destroy()
- textTail.Clear()
- quest.Clear()
- background.Destroy()
- guild.Destroy()
- messenger.Destroy()
- skill.ClearSkillData()
- wndMgr.Unlock()
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- if self.guildWarQuestionDialog:
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.guildNameBoard = None
- self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = None
- self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None
- self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = None
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None
- self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = None
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None
- self.confirmDialog = None
- self.PrintCoord = None
- self.FrameRate = None
- self.Pitch = None
- self.Splat = None
- self.TextureNum = None
- self.ObjectNum = None
- self.ViewDistance = None
- self.PrintMousePos = None
- self.ClearDictionary()
- self.playerGauge = None
- self.mapNameShower = None
- self.affectShower = None
- if self.console:
- self.console.BindGameClass(0)
- self.console.Close()
- self.console=None
- if self.targetBoard:
- self.targetBoard.Destroy()
- self.targetBoard = None
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.HideAllWindows()
- self.interface.Close()
- self.interface=None
- player.ClearSkillDict()
- player.ResetCameraRotation()
- self.KillFocus()
- app.HideCursor()
- print "---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSE GAME WINDOW"
- def __BuildKeyDict(self):
- onPressKeyDict = {}
- ##PressKey ¥¬ ¥©∏£∞Ì ¿÷¥¬ µøæ» ∞˺” ¿˚øε«¥¬ ≈∞¿Ã¥Ÿ.
- ## º˝¿⁄ ¥‹√‡≈∞ ƒ¸ΩΩ∑‘ø° ¿Ãø廥Ÿ.(¿Ã»ƒ º˝¿⁄µÈµµ ƒ¸ ΩΩ∑‘øÎ øπæ‡)
- ## F12 ¥¬ ≈¨∂Û µπˆ±◊øÎ ≈∞¿Ãπ«∑Œ æ≤¡ˆ æ ¥¬ ∞‘ ¡¡¥Ÿ.
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_1] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(1)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_2] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(2)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_3] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(3)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_4] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(4)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_5] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(5)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_6] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(6)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_7] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(7)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_8] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(8)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_9] = lambda : self.__PressNumKey(9)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F1] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(4)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F2] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(5)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F3] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(6)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F4] = lambda : self.__PressQuickSlot(7)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LALT] = lambda : self.ShowName()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LCONTROL] = lambda : self.ShowMouseImage()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SYSRQ] = lambda : self.SaveScreen()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda : self.StartAttack()
- #ƒ≥∏Ø≈Õ ¿Ãµø≈∞
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_UP] = lambda : self.MoveUp()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_DOWN] = lambda : self.MoveDown()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LEFT] = lambda : self.MoveLeft()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_RIGHT] = lambda : self.MoveRight()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_W] = lambda : self.MoveUp()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_S] = lambda : self.MoveDown()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_A] = lambda : self.MoveLeft()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_D] = lambda : self.MoveRight()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_E] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_R] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_T] = lambda: app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_G] = self.__PressGKey
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_Q] = self.__PressQKey
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD9] = lambda: app.MovieResetCamera()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD4] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD6] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_PGUP] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_PGDN] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD8] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD2] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_GRAVE] = lambda : self.PickUpItem()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_Z] = lambda : self.PickUpItem()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_C] = lambda state = "STATUS": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_V] = lambda state = "SKILL": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state)
- #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda state = "EMOTICON": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_N] = lambda state = "QUEST": self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state)
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_I] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleInventoryWindow()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_O] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindowWithNoInfo()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_M] = lambda : self.interface.PressMKey()
- #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_H] = lambda : self.interface.OpenHelpWindow()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_ADD] = lambda : self.interface.MiniMapScaleUp()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_SUBTRACT] = lambda : self.interface.MiniMapScaleDown()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_L] = lambda : self.interface.ToggleChatLogWindow()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_COMMA] = lambda : self.ShowConsole() # "`" key
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_LSHIFT] = lambda : self.__SetQuickPageMode()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_J] = lambda : self.__PressJKey()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_H] = lambda : self.__PressHKey()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda : self.__PressBKey()
- onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda : self.__PressFKey()
- #onPressKeyDict[app.DIK_K] = lambda : self.interface.OpenCubeWindow()
- self.onPressKeyDict = onPressKeyDict
- onClickKeyDict = {}
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_UP] = lambda : self.StopUp()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_DOWN] = lambda : self.StopDown()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LEFT] = lambda : self.StopLeft()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_RIGHT] = lambda : self.StopRight()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_SPACE] = lambda : self.EndAttack()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_W] = lambda : self.StopUp()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_S] = lambda : self.StopDown()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_A] = lambda : self.StopLeft()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_D] = lambda : self.StopRight()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_Q] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_E] = lambda: app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_R] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_F] = lambda: app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_T] = lambda: app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_G] = lambda: self.__ReleaseGKey()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD4] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD6] = lambda: app.MovieRotateCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_PGUP] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_PGDN] = lambda: app.MovieZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD8] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_NUMPAD2] = lambda: app.MoviePitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LALT] = lambda: self.HideName()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LCONTROL] = lambda: self.HideMouseImage()
- onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_LSHIFT] = lambda: self.__SetQuickSlotMode()
- # onClickKeyDict[app.DIK_B] = lambda: self.ChangePKMode()
- self.onClickKeyDict=onClickKeyDict
- def __PressNumKey(self,num):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- if num >= 1 and num <= 9:
- if(chrmgr.IsPossibleEmoticon(-1)):
- chrmgr.SetEmoticon(-1,int(num)-1)
- net.SendEmoticon(int(num)-1)
- else:
- if num >= 1 and num <= 4:
- self.pressNumber(num-1)
- def __ClickBKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- return
- else:
- self.ChangePKMode()
- def __PressJKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- if player.IsMountingHorse():
- net.SendChatPacket("/unmount")
- else:
- #net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride")
- if not uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*player.INVENTORY_PAGE_COUNT):
- if player.GetItemIndex(i) in (71114, 71116, 71118, 71120):
- net.SendItemUsePacket(i)
- break
- def __PressHKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_ride")
- else:
- self.interface.OpenHelpWindow()
- def __PressBKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_back")
- else:
- state = "EMOTICON"
- self.interface.ToggleCharacterWindow(state)
- def __PressFKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- net.SendChatPacket("/user_horse_feed")
- else:
- app.ZoomCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- def __PressGKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- net.SendChatPacket("/ride")
- else:
- if self.ShowNameFlag:
- self.interface.ToggleGuildWindow()
- else:
- app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_POSITIVE)
- def __ReleaseGKey(self):
- app.PitchCamera(app.CAMERA_STOP)
- def __PressQKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RCONTROL):
- if 0==interfaceModule.IsQBHide:
- interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 1
- self.interface.HideAllQuestButton()
- else:
- interfaceModule.IsQBHide = 0
- self.interface.ShowAllQuestButton()
- else:
- app.RotateCamera(app.CAMERA_TO_NEGATIVE)
- def __SetQuickSlotMode(self):
- self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__PressQuickSlot)
- def __SetQuickPageMode(self):
- self.pressNumber=ui.__mem_func__(self.__SelectQuickPage)
- def __PressQuickSlot(self, localSlotIndex):
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- if 0 <= localSlotIndex and localSlotIndex < 4:
- player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(3-localSlotIndex)
- else:
- player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(11-localSlotIndex)
- else:
- player.RequestUseLocalQuickSlot(localSlotIndex)
- def __SelectQuickPage(self, pageIndex):
- self.quickSlotPageIndex = pageIndex
- player.SetQuickPage(pageIndex)
- def ToggleDebugInfo(self):
- self.isShowDebugInfo = not self.isShowDebugInfo
- if self.isShowDebugInfo:
- self.PrintCoord.Show()
- self.FrameRate.Show()
- self.Pitch.Show()
- self.Splat.Show()
- self.TextureNum.Show()
- self.ObjectNum.Show()
- self.ViewDistance.Show()
- self.PrintMousePos.Show()
- else:
- self.PrintCoord.Hide()
- self.FrameRate.Hide()
- self.Pitch.Hide()
- self.Splat.Hide()
- self.TextureNum.Hide()
- self.ObjectNum.Hide()
- self.ViewDistance.Hide()
- self.PrintMousePos.Hide()
- def __BuildDebugInfo(self):
- ## Character Position Coordinate
- self.PrintCoord = ui.TextLine()
- self.PrintCoord.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.PrintCoord.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 0)
- ## Frame Rate
- self.FrameRate = ui.TextLine()
- self.FrameRate.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.FrameRate.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 20)
- ## Camera Pitch
- self.Pitch = ui.TextLine()
- self.Pitch.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.Pitch.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 40)
- ## Splat
- self.Splat = ui.TextLine()
- self.Splat.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.Splat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 60)
- ##
- self.PrintMousePos = ui.TextLine()
- self.PrintMousePos.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.PrintMousePos.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 80)
- # TextureNum
- self.TextureNum = ui.TextLine()
- self.TextureNum.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.TextureNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 100)
- # ø¿∫Í¡ß∆Æ ±◊∏Æ¥¬ ∞≥ºˆ
- self.ObjectNum = ui.TextLine()
- self.ObjectNum.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.ObjectNum.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth() - 270, 120)
- # Ω√æfl∞≈∏Æ
- self.ViewDistance = ui.TextLine()
- self.ViewDistance.SetFontName(localeInfo.UI_DEF_FONT)
- self.ViewDistance.SetPosition(0, 0)
- def __NotifyError(self, msg):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, msg)
- def ChangePKMode(self):
- if not app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL):
- return
- if player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)<constInfo.PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL:
- self.__NotifyError(localeInfo.OPTION_PVPMODE_PROTECT % (constInfo.PVPMODE_PROTECTED_LEVEL))
- return
- curTime = app.GetTime()
- if curTime - self.lastPKModeSendedTime < constInfo.PVPMODE_ACCELKEY_DELAY:
- return
- self.lastPKModeSendedTime = curTime
- curPKMode = player.GetPKMode()
- nextPKMode = curPKMode + 1
- if nextPKMode == player.PK_MODE_PROTECT:
- if 0 == player.GetGuildID():
- nextPKMode = 0
- else:
- nextPKMode = player.PK_MODE_GUILD
- elif nextPKMode == player.PK_MODE_MAX_NUM:
- nextPKMode = 0
- net.SendChatPacket("/PKMode " + str(nextPKMode))
- print "/PKMode " + str(nextPKMode)
- def OnChangePKMode(self):
- self.interface.OnChangePKMode()
- try:
- self.__NotifyError(localeInfo.OPTION_PVPMODE_MESSAGE_DICT[player.GetPKMode()])
- except KeyError:
- print "UNKNOWN PVPMode[%d]" % (player.GetPKMode())
- curPKMode = player.GetPKMode()
- alignment, grade = chr.testGetPKData()
- self.pkModeNameDict = { 0 : "PEACE", 1 : "REVENGE", 2 : "FREE", 3 : "PROTECT", }
- self.testPKMode.SetText("Current PK Mode : " + self.pkModeNameDict.get(curPKMode, "UNKNOWN"))
- self.testAlignment.SetText("Current Alignment : " + str(alignment) + " (" + localeInfo.TITLE_NAME_LIST[grade] + ")")
- ###############################################################################################
- ###############################################################################################
- ## Game Callback Functions
- # Start
- def StartGame(self):
- self.RefreshInventory()
- self.RefreshEquipment()
- self.RefreshCharacter()
- self.RefreshSkill()
- # Refresh
- def CheckGameButton(self):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.CheckGameButton()
- def RefreshAlignment(self):
- self.interface.RefreshAlignment()
- def RefreshStatus(self):
- self.CheckGameButton()
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshStatus()
- if self.playerGauge:
- self.playerGauge.RefreshGauge()
- def RefreshStamina(self):
- self.interface.RefreshStamina()
- def RefreshSkill(self):
- self.CheckGameButton()
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshSkill()
- def RefreshQuest(self):
- self.interface.RefreshQuest()
- def RefreshMessenger(self):
- self.interface.RefreshMessenger()
- def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildInfoPage()
- def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildBoardPage()
- def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildMemberPage()
- def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox()
- def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildSkillPage()
- def RefreshGuildGradePage(self):
- self.interface.RefreshGuildGradePage()
- def RefreshMobile(self):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshMobile()
- def OnMobileAuthority(self):
- self.interface.OnMobileAuthority()
- def OnBlockMode(self, mode):
- self.interface.OnBlockMode(mode)
- def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx):
- self.interface.OpenQuestWindow(skin, idx)
- def AskGuildName(self):
- guildNameBoard = uiCommon.InputDialog()
- guildNameBoard.SetTitle(localeInfo.GUILD_NAME)
- guildNameBoard.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ConfirmGuildName))
- guildNameBoard.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CancelGuildName))
- guildNameBoard.Open()
- self.guildNameBoard = guildNameBoard
- def ConfirmGuildName(self):
- guildName = self.guildNameBoard.GetText()
- if not guildName:
- return
- if net.IsInsultIn(guildName):
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.GUILD_CREATE_ERROR_INSULT_NAME)
- return
- net.SendAnswerMakeGuildPacket(guildName)
- self.guildNameBoard.Close()
- self.guildNameBoard = None
- return True
- def CancelGuildName(self):
- self.guildNameBoard.Close()
- self.guildNameBoard = None
- return True
- ## Refine
- def PopupMessage(self, msg):
-, 0, localeInfo.UI_OK)
- def OpenRefineDialog(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type=0):
- self.interface.OpenRefineDialog(targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type)
- def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count):
- self.interface.AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(vnum, count)
- def RunUseSkillEvent(self, slotIndex, coolTime):
- self.interface.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime)
- def ClearAffects(self):
- self.affectShower.ClearAffects()
- def SetAffect(self, affect):
- self.affectShower.SetAffect(affect)
- def ResetAffect(self, affect):
- self.affectShower.ResetAffect(affect)
- def BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(self, type, pointIdx, value, duration):
- self.affectShower.BINARY_NEW_AddAffect(type, pointIdx, value, duration)
- self.interface.DragonSoulActivate(type - chr.NEW_AFFECT_DRAGON_SOUL_DECK1)
- self.BINARY_DragonSoulGiveQuilification()
- def BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(self, type, pointIdx):
- self.affectShower.BINARY_NEW_RemoveAffect(type, pointIdx)
- self.interface.DragonSoulDeactivate()
- def ActivateSkillSlot(self, slotIndex):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex)
- def DeactivateSkillSlot(self, slotIndex):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex)
- def RefreshEquipment(self):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshInventory()
- def RefreshInventory(self):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshInventory()
- def RefreshCharacter(self):
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.RefreshCharacter()
- def OnGameOver(self):
- self.CloseTargetBoard()
- self.OpenRestartDialog()
- def OpenRestartDialog(self):
- self.interface.OpenRestartDialog()
- def ChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber):
- self.interface.OnChangeCurrentSkill(skillSlotNumber)
- ## TargetBoard
- def SetPCTargetBoard(self, vid, name):
- self.targetBoard.Open(vid, name)
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL):
- if not player.IsSameEmpire(vid):
- return
- if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid):
- return
- elif chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(vid):
- return
- self.interface.OpenWhisperDialog(name)
- def RefreshTargetBoardByVID(self, vid):
- self.targetBoard.RefreshByVID(vid)
- def RefreshTargetBoardByName(self, name):
- self.targetBoard.RefreshByName(name)
- def __RefreshTargetBoard(self):
- self.targetBoard.Refresh()
- def SetHPTargetBoard(self, vid, hpPercentage):
- if vid != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID():
- self.targetBoard.ResetTargetBoard()
- self.targetBoard.SetEnemyVID(vid)
- self.targetBoard.SetHP(hpPercentage)
- self.targetBoard.Show()
- def CloseTargetBoardIfDifferent(self, vid):
- if vid != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID():
- self.targetBoard.Close()
- def CloseTargetBoard(self):
- self.targetBoard.Close()
- ## View Equipment
- def OpenEquipmentDialog(self, vid):
- self.interface.OpenEquipmentDialog(vid)
- def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, vid, slotIndex, vnum, count):
- self.interface.SetEquipmentDialogItem(vid, slotIndex, vnum, count)
- def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, vid, slotIndex, socketIndex, value):
- self.interface.SetEquipmentDialogSocket(vid, slotIndex, socketIndex, value)
- def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, vid, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value):
- self.interface.SetEquipmentDialogAttr(vid, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value)
- def ShowMapName(self, mapName, x, y):
- if self.mapNameShower:
- self.mapNameShower.ShowMapName(mapName, x, y)
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.SetMapName(mapName)
- def BINARY_OpenAtlasWindow(self):
- self.interface.BINARY_OpenAtlasWindow()
- ## Chat
- def OnRecvWhisper(self, mode, name, line):
- if mode == chat.WHISPER_TYPE_GM:
- self.interface.RegisterGameMasterName(name)
- chat.AppendWhisper(mode, name, line)
- self.interface.RecvWhisper(name)
- def OnRecvWhisperSystemMessage(self, mode, name, line):
- chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, line)
- self.interface.RecvWhisper(name)
- def OnRecvWhisperError(self, mode, name, line):
- if localeInfo.WHISPER_ERROR.has_key(mode):
- chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, localeInfo.WHISPER_ERROR[mode](name))
- else:
- chat.AppendWhisper(chat.WHISPER_TYPE_SYSTEM, name, "Whisper Unknown Error(mode=%d, name=%s)" % (mode, name))
- self.interface.RecvWhisper(name)
- def RecvWhisper(self, name):
- self.interface.RecvWhisper(name)
- def OnPickMoney(self, money):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.GAME_PICK_MONEY % (money))
- def OnShopError(self, type):
- try:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.SHOP_ERROR_DICT[type])
- except KeyError:
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.SHOP_ERROR_UNKNOWN % (type))
- def OnSafeBoxError(self):
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.SAFEBOX_ERROR)
- def OnFishingSuccess(self, isFish, fishName):
- chat.AppendChatWithDelay(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.FISHING_SUCCESS(isFish, fishName), 2000)
- def OnFishingNotifyUnknown(self):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.FISHING_UNKNOWN)
- def OnFishingWrongPlace(self):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.FISHING_WRONG_PLACE)
- def OnFishingNotify(self, isFish, fishName):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.FISHING_NOTIFY(isFish, fishName))
- def OnFishingFailure(self):
- chat.AppendChatWithDelay(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.FISHING_FAILURE, 2000)
- def OnCannotPickItem(self):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.GAME_CANNOT_PICK_ITEM)
- def OnCannotMining(self):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.GAME_CANNOT_MINING)
- def OnCannotUseSkill(self, vid, type):
- if localeInfo.USE_SKILL_ERROR_TAIL_DICT.has_key(type):
- textTail.RegisterInfoTail(vid, localeInfo.USE_SKILL_ERROR_TAIL_DICT[type])
- if localeInfo.USE_SKILL_ERROR_CHAT_DICT.has_key(type):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_SKILL_ERROR_CHAT_DICT[type])
- def OnCannotShotError(self, vid, type):
- textTail.RegisterInfoTail(vid, localeInfo.SHOT_ERROR_TAIL_DICT.get(type, localeInfo.SHOT_ERROR_UNKNOWN % (type)))
- ## PointReset
- def StartPointReset(self):
- self.interface.OpenPointResetDialog()
- ## Shop
- def StartShop(self, vid):
- self.interface.OpenShopDialog(vid)
- def EndShop(self):
- self.interface.CloseShopDialog()
- def RefreshShop(self):
- self.interface.RefreshShopDialog()
- def SetShopSellingPrice(self, Price):
- pass
- ## Exchange
- def StartExchange(self):
- self.interface.StartExchange()
- def EndExchange(self):
- self.interface.EndExchange()
- def RefreshExchange(self):
- self.interface.RefreshExchange()
- ## Party
- def RecvPartyInviteQuestion(self, leaderVID, leaderName):
- partyInviteQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetText(leaderName + localeInfo.PARTY_DO_YOU_JOIN)
- partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.AnswerPartyInvite(arg))
- partyInviteQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.AnswerPartyInvite(arg))
- partyInviteQuestionDialog.Open()
- partyInviteQuestionDialog.partyLeaderVID = leaderVID
- self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = partyInviteQuestionDialog
- def AnswerPartyInvite(self, answer):
- if not self.partyInviteQuestionDialog:
- return
- partyLeaderVID = self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.partyLeaderVID
- distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(partyLeaderVID)
- if distance < 0.0 or distance > 5000:
- answer = False
- net.SendPartyInviteAnswerPacket(partyLeaderVID, answer)
- self.partyInviteQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.partyInviteQuestionDialog = None
- def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name):
- self.interface.AddPartyMember(pid, name)
- def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid):
- self.interface.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid)
- def RemovePartyMember(self, pid):
- self.interface.RemovePartyMember(pid)
- self.__RefreshTargetBoard()
- def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid):
- self.interface.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid)
- def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid):
- self.interface.UnlinkPartyMember(pid)
- def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self):
- self.interface.UnlinkAllPartyMember()
- def ExitParty(self):
- self.interface.ExitParty()
- self.RefreshTargetBoardByVID(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID())
- def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode):
- self.interface.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode)
- ## Messenger
- def OnMessengerAddFriendQuestion(self, name):
- messengerAddFriendQuestion = uiCommon.QuestionDialog2()
- messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText1(localeInfo.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_1 % (name))
- messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetText2(localeInfo.MESSENGER_DO_YOU_ACCEPT_ADD_FRIEND_2)
- messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAcceptAddFriend))
- messengerAddFriendQuestion.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDenyAddFriend))
- messengerAddFriendQuestion.Open()
- = name
- self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = messengerAddFriendQuestion
- def OnAcceptAddFriend(self):
- name =
- net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth y " + name)
- self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog()
- return True
- def OnDenyAddFriend(self):
- name =
- net.SendChatPacket("/messenger_auth n " + name)
- self.OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog()
- return True
- def OnCloseAddFriendQuestionDialog(self):
- self.messengerAddFriendQuestion.Close()
- self.messengerAddFriendQuestion = None
- return True
- ## SafeBox
- def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size):
- self.interface.OpenSafeboxWindow(size)
- def RefreshSafebox(self):
- self.interface.RefreshSafebox()
- def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self):
- self.interface.RefreshSafeboxMoney()
- def OpenMallWindow(self, size):
- self.interface.OpenMallWindow(size)
- def RefreshMall(self):
- self.interface.RefreshMall()
- ## Guild
- def RecvGuildInviteQuestion(self, guildID, guildName):
- guildInviteQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetText(guildName + localeInfo.GUILD_DO_YOU_JOIN)
- guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg))
- guildInviteQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.AnswerGuildInvite(arg))
- guildInviteQuestionDialog.Open()
- guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID = guildID
- self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = guildInviteQuestionDialog
- def AnswerGuildInvite(self, answer):
- if not self.guildInviteQuestionDialog:
- return
- guildLeaderVID = self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.guildID
- net.SendGuildInviteAnswerPacket(guildLeaderVID, answer)
- self.guildInviteQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.guildInviteQuestionDialog = None
- def DeleteGuild(self):
- self.interface.DeleteGuild()
- ## Clock
- def ShowClock(self, second):
- self.interface.ShowClock(second)
- def HideClock(self):
- self.interface.HideClock()
- ## Emotion
- def BINARY_ActEmotion(self, emotionIndex):
- if self.interface.wndCharacter:
- self.interface.wndCharacter.ActEmotion(emotionIndex)
- ###############################################################################################
- ###############################################################################################
- ## Keyboard Functions
- def CheckFocus(self):
- if False == self.IsFocus():
- if True == self.interface.IsOpenChat():
- self.interface.ToggleChat()
- self.SetFocus()
- def SaveScreen(self):
- print "save screen"
- if not os.path.exists(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"):
- os.mkdir(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot")
- (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShotToPath(os.getcwd()+os.sep+"screenshot"+os.sep)
- (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot(SCREENSHOT_DIR)
- else:
- (succeeded, name) = grp.SaveScreenShot()
- if succeeded:
- pass
- """
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, name + localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE1)
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE2)
- """
- else:
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SCREENSHOT_SAVE_FAILURE)
- def ShowConsole(self):
- if debugInfo.IsDebugMode() or True == self.consoleEnable:
- player.EndKeyWalkingImmediately()
- self.console.OpenWindow()
- def ShowName(self):
- self.ShowNameFlag = True
- self.playerGauge.EnableShowAlways()
- player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex+1)
- def __IsShowName(self):
- if systemSetting.IsAlwaysShowName():
- return True
- if self.ShowNameFlag:
- return True
- return False
- def HideName(self):
- self.ShowNameFlag = False
- self.playerGauge.DisableShowAlways()
- player.SetQuickPage(self.quickSlotPageIndex)
- def ShowMouseImage(self):
- self.interface.ShowMouseImage()
- def HideMouseImage(self):
- self.interface.HideMouseImage()
- def StartAttack(self):
- player.SetAttackKeyState(True)
- def EndAttack(self):
- player.SetAttackKeyState(False)
- def MoveUp(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, True)
- def MoveDown(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, True)
- def MoveLeft(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, True)
- def MoveRight(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, True)
- def StopUp(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_UP, False)
- def StopDown(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_DOWN, False)
- def StopLeft(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_LEFT, False)
- def StopRight(self):
- player.SetSingleDIKKeyState(app.DIK_RIGHT, False)
- def PickUpItem(self):
- player.PickCloseItem()
- ###############################################################################################
- ###############################################################################################
- ## Event Handler
- def OnKeyDown(self, key):
- if self.interface.wndWeb and self.interface.wndWeb.IsShow():
- return
- if key == app.DIK_ESC:
- self.RequestDropItem(False)
- try:
- self.onPressKeyDict[key]()
- except KeyError:
- pass
- except:
- raise
- return True
- def OnKeyUp(self, key):
- try:
- self.onClickKeyDict[key]()
- except KeyError:
- pass
- except:
- raise
- return True
- def OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
- if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown():
- return
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- self.CheckFocus()
- else:
- hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
- if hyperlink:
- return
- else:
- self.CheckFocus()
- player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_PRESS);
- return True
- def OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):
- if self.interface.BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp():
- return
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- attachedType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
- attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
- attachedItemSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
- attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()
- ## QuickSlot
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_QUICK_SLOT == attachedType:
- player.RequestDeleteGlobalQuickSlot(attachedItemSlotPos)
- ## Inventory
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:
- if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
- self.__PutMoney(attachedType, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
- else:
- self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
- ## DragonSoul
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
- self.__PutItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, self.PickingCharacterIndex)
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- else:
- hyperlink = ui.GetHyperlink()
- if hyperlink:
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
- link = chat.GetLinkFromHyperlink(hyperlink)
- ime.PasteString(link)
- else:
- self.interface.MakeHyperlinkTooltip(hyperlink)
- return
- else:
- player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_LEFT, player.MBS_CLICK)
- #player.EndMouseWalking()
- return True
- def __PutItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount, dstChrID):
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType or player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
- attachedInvenType = player.SlotTypeToInvenType(attachedType)
- if True == chr.HasInstance(self.PickingCharacterIndex) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID:
- if player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos) and player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY != attachedType:
-, 0, localeInfo.UI_OK)
- else:
- if chr.IsNPC(dstChrID):
- net.SendGiveItemPacket(dstChrID, attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount)
- else:
- net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID)
- net.SendExchangeItemAddPacket(attachedInvenType, attachedItemSlotPos, 0)
- else:
- self.__DropItem(attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount)
- def __PutMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney, dstChrID):
- if True == chr.HasInstance(dstChrID) and player.GetMainCharacterIndex() != dstChrID:
- net.SendExchangeStartPacket(dstChrID)
- net.SendExchangeElkAddPacket(attachedMoney)
- else:
- self.__DropMoney(attachedType, attachedMoney)
- def __DropMoney(self, attachedType, attachedMoney):
- # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - ∞≥¿ŒªÛ¡° ø≠∞Ì ¿÷¥¬ µøæ» æ∆¿Ã≈€ πˆ∏≤ πÊ¡ˆ
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- return
- if attachedMoney>=1000:
-, 0, localeInfo.UI_OK)
- return
- itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogItem()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DO_YOU_DROP_MONEY % (attachedMoney))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetDestroyEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDestroyItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.Open()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedMoney
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = player.ITEM_MONEY
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog
- def __DropItem(self, attachedType, attachedItemIndex, attachedItemSlotPos, attachedItemCount):
- # PRIVATESHOP_DISABLE_ITEM_DROP - ∞≥¿ŒªÛ¡° ø≠∞Ì ¿÷¥¬ µøæ» æ∆¿Ã≈€ πˆ∏≤ πÊ¡ˆ
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- return
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType and player.IsEquipmentSlot(attachedItemSlotPos):
-, 0, localeInfo.UI_OK)
- else:
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedType:
- dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(attachedItemSlotPos)
- item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex)
- dropItemName = item.GetItemName()
- ## Question Text
- questionText = localeInfo.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount)
- ## Dialog
- itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogItem()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText)
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetDestroyEvent(lambda arg=TRUE: self.RequestDestroyItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.Open()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == attachedType:
- dropItemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY, attachedItemSlotPos)
- item.SelectItem(dropItemIndex)
- dropItemName = item.GetItemName()
- ## Question Text
- questionText = localeInfo.HOW_MANY_ITEM_DO_YOU_DROP(dropItemName, attachedItemCount)
- ## Dialog
- itemDropQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetText(questionText)
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.RequestDropItem(arg))
- itemDropQuestionDialog.Open()
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType = attachedType
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber = attachedItemSlotPos
- itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount = attachedItemCount
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = itemDropQuestionDialog
- def RequestDropItem(self, answer):
- if not self.itemDropQuestionDialog:
- return
- if answer:
- dropType = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType
- dropCount = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropCount
- dropNumber = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == dropType:
- if dropNumber == player.ITEM_MONEY:
- net.SendGoldDropPacketNew(dropCount)
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav")
- else:
- self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount)
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == dropType:
- self.__SendDropItemPacket(dropNumber, dropCount, player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY)
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None
- def RequestDestroyItem(self, answer):
- if not self.itemDropQuestionDialog:
- return
- if answer:
- dropType = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropType
- dropNumber = self.itemDropQuestionDialog.dropNumber
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == dropType:
- if dropNumber == player.ITEM_MONEY:
- return
- else:
- self.__SendDestroyItemPacket(dropNumber)
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.itemDropQuestionDialog = None
- def __SendDropItemPacket(self, itemVNum, itemCount, itemInvenType = player.INVENTORY):
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- return
- net.SendItemDropPacketNew(itemInvenType, itemVNum, itemCount)
- def __SendDestroyItemPacket(self, itemVNum, itemInvenType = player.INVENTORY):
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- return
- net.SendItemDestroyPacket(itemVNum)
- def OnMouseRightButtonDown(self):
- self.CheckFocus()
- if True == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- else:
- player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_PRESS)
- return True
- def OnMouseRightButtonUp(self):
- if True == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- return True
- player.SetMouseState(player.MBT_RIGHT, player.MBS_CLICK)
- return True
- def OnMouseMiddleButtonDown(self):
- player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_PRESS)
- def OnMouseMiddleButtonUp(self):
- player.SetMouseMiddleButtonState(player.MBS_CLICK)
- def OnUpdate(self):
- app.UpdateGame()
- if self.mapNameShower.IsShow():
- self.mapNameShower.Update()
- if self.isShowDebugInfo:
- self.UpdateDebugInfo()
- if self.enableXMasBoom:
- self.__XMasBoom_Update()
- self.interface.BUILD_OnUpdate()
- def UpdateDebugInfo(self):
- #
- # ƒ≥∏Ø≈Õ ¡¬«• π◊ FPS √‚∑¬
- (x, y, z) = player.GetMainCharacterPosition()
- nUpdateTime = app.GetUpdateTime()
- nUpdateFPS = app.GetUpdateFPS()
- nRenderFPS = app.GetRenderFPS()
- nFaceCount = app.GetFaceCount()
- fFaceSpeed = app.GetFaceSpeed()
- nST=background.GetRenderShadowTime()
- (fAveRT, nCurRT) = app.GetRenderTime()
- (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp) = background.GetDistanceSetInfo()
- (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio, sTextureNum) = background.GetRenderedSplatNum()
- if iPatch == 0:
- iPatch = 1
- #(dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC) = background.GetRenderedGraphicThingInstanceNum()
- self.PrintCoord.SetText("Coordinate: %.2f %.2f %.2f ATM: %d" % (x, y, z, app.GetAvailableTextureMemory()/(1024*1024)))
- xMouse, yMouse = wndMgr.GetMousePosition()
- self.PrintMousePos.SetText("MousePosition: %d %d" % (xMouse, yMouse))
- self.FrameRate.SetText("UFPS: %3d UT: %3d FS %.2f" % (nUpdateFPS, nUpdateTime, fFaceSpeed))
- if fAveRT>1.0:
- self.Pitch.SetText("RFPS: %3d RT:%.2f(%3d) FC: %d(%.2f) " % (nRenderFPS, fAveRT, nCurRT, nFaceCount, nFaceCount/fAveRT))
- self.Splat.SetText("PATCH: %d SPLAT: %d BAD(%.2f)" % (iPatch, iSplat, fSplatRatio))
- #self.Pitch.SetText("Pitch: %.2f" % (app.GetCameraPitch())
- #self.TextureNum.SetText("TN : %s" % (sTextureNum))
- #self.ObjectNum.SetText("GTI : %d, CRC : %d" % (dwRenderedThing, dwRenderedCRC))
- self.ViewDistance.SetText("Num : %d, FS : %f, FE : %f, FC : %f" % (iNum, fFogStart, fFogEnd, fFarCilp))
- def OnRender(self):
- app.RenderGame()
- if self.console.Console.collision:
- background.RenderCollision()
- chr.RenderCollision()
- (x, y) = app.GetCursorPosition()
- ########################
- # Picking
- ########################
- textTail.UpdateAllTextTail()
- if True == wndMgr.IsPickedWindow(self.hWnd):
- self.PickingCharacterIndex = chr.Pick()
- if -1 != self.PickingCharacterIndex:
- textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.PickingCharacterIndex)
- if 0 != self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID():
- textTail.ShowCharacterTextTail(self.targetBoard.GetTargetVID())
- if not self.__IsShowName():
- self.PickingItemIndex = item.Pick()
- if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex:
- textTail.ShowItemTextTail(self.PickingItemIndex)
- ## Show all name in the range
- if self.__IsShowName():
- textTail.ShowAllTextTail()
- self.PickingItemIndex = textTail.Pick(x, y)
- textTail.UpdateShowingTextTail()
- textTail.ArrangeTextTail()
- if -1 != self.PickingItemIndex:
- textTail.SelectItemName(self.PickingItemIndex)
- grp.PopState()
- grp.SetInterfaceRenderState()
- textTail.Render()
- textTail.HideAllTextTail()
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- if app.TARGET == app.GetCursor():
- app.SetCursor(app.NORMAL)
- elif True == mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- else:
- self.interface.OpenSystemDialog()
- return True
- def OnIMEReturn(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT):
- self.interface.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget()
- else:
- self.interface.ToggleChat()
- return True
- def OnPressExitKey(self):
- self.interface.ToggleSystemDialog()
- return True
- ######################################################################################
- def BINARY_LoverInfo(self, name, lovePoint):
- if self.interface.wndMessenger:
- self.interface.wndMessenger.OnAddLover(name, lovePoint)
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.SetLoverInfo(name, lovePoint)
- def BINARY_UpdateLovePoint(self, lovePoint):
- if self.interface.wndMessenger:
- self.interface.wndMessenger.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint)
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.OnUpdateLovePoint(lovePoint)
- def BINARY_OnQuestConfirm(self, msg, timeout, pid):
- confirmDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit()
- confirmDialog.Open(msg, timeout)
- confirmDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda answer=True, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide())
- confirmDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda answer=False, pid=pid: net.SendQuestConfirmPacket(answer, pid) or self.confirmDialog.Hide())
- self.confirmDialog = confirmDialog
- # GIFT command
- def Gift_Show(self):
- self.interface.ShowGift()
- # CUBE
- def BINARY_Cube_Open(self, npcVNUM):
- self.currentCubeNPC = npcVNUM
- self.interface.OpenCubeWindow()
- if npcVNUM not in self.cubeInformation:
- net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info")
- else:
- cubeInfoList = self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM]
- i = 0
- for cubeInfo in cubeInfoList:
- self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(cubeInfo["vnum"], cubeInfo["count"])
- j = 0
- for materialList in cubeInfo["materialList"]:
- for materialInfo in materialList:
- itemVnum, itemCount = materialInfo
- self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(i, j, itemVnum, itemCount)
- j = j + 1
- i = i + 1
- self.interface.wndCube.Refresh()
- def BINARY_Cube_Close(self):
- self.interface.CloseCubeWindow()
- # ¡¶¿€ø° « ø‰«— ∞ÒµÂ, øπªÛµ«¥¬ øœº∫«∞¿« VNUM∞˙ ∞≥ºˆ ¡§∫∏ update
- def BINARY_Cube_UpdateInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count):
- self.interface.UpdateCubeInfo(gold, itemVnum, count)
- def BINARY_Cube_Succeed(self, itemVnum, count):
- print "≈•∫Í ¡¶¿€ º∫∞¯"
- self.interface.SucceedCubeWork(itemVnum, count)
- pass
- def BINARY_Cube_Failed(self):
- print "≈•∫Í ¡¶¿€ Ω«∆–"
- self.interface.FailedCubeWork()
- pass
- def BINARY_Cube_ResultList(self, npcVNUM, listText):
- # ResultList Text Format : 72723,1/72725,1/72730.1/50001,5 ¿Ã∑±Ωƒ¿∏∑Œ "/" πÆ¿⁄∑Œ ±∏∫–µ» ∏ÆΩ∫∆Æ∏¶ ¡‹
- #print listText
- if npcVNUM == 0:
- npcVNUM = self.currentCubeNPC
- self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM] = []
- try:
- for eachInfoText in listText.split("/"):
- eachInfo = eachInfoText.split(",")
- itemVnum = int(eachInfo[0])
- itemCount = int(eachInfo[1])
- self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM].append({"vnum": itemVnum, "count": itemCount})
- self.interface.wndCube.AddCubeResultItem(itemVnum, itemCount)
- resultCount = len(self.cubeInformation[npcVNUM])
- requestCount = 7
- modCount = resultCount % requestCount
- splitCount = resultCount / requestCount
- for i in xrange(splitCount):
- #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount))
- net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (i * requestCount, requestCount))
- if 0 < modCount:
- #print("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount))
- net.SendChatPacket("/cube r_info %d %d" % (splitCount * requestCount, modCount))
- except RuntimeError, msg:
- dbg.TraceError(msg)
- return 0
- pass
- def BINARY_Cube_MaterialInfo(self, startIndex, listCount, listText):
- # Material Text Format : 125,1|126,2|127,2|123,5&555,5&555,4/120000
- try:
- #print listText
- if 3 > len(listText):
- dbg.TraceError("Wrong Cube Material Infomation")
- return 0
- eachResultList = listText.split("@")
- cubeInfo = self.cubeInformation[self.currentCubeNPC]
- itemIndex = 0
- for eachResultText in eachResultList:
- cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"] = [[], [], [], [], []]
- materialList = cubeInfo[startIndex + itemIndex]["materialList"]
- gold = 0
- splitResult = eachResultText.split("/")
- if 1 < len(splitResult):
- gold = int(splitResult[1])
- #print "splitResult : ", splitResult
- eachMaterialList = splitResult[0].split("&")
- i = 0
- for eachMaterialText in eachMaterialList:
- complicatedList = eachMaterialText.split("|")
- if 0 < len(complicatedList):
- for complicatedText in complicatedList:
- (itemVnum, itemCount) = complicatedText.split(",")
- itemVnum = int(itemVnum)
- itemCount = int(itemCount)
- self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount)
- materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount))
- else:
- itemVnum, itemCount = eachMaterialText.split(",")
- itemVnum = int(itemVnum)
- itemCount = int(itemCount)
- self.interface.wndCube.AddMaterialInfo(itemIndex + startIndex, i, itemVnum, itemCount)
- materialList[i].append((itemVnum, itemCount))
- i = i + 1
- itemIndex = itemIndex + 1
- self.interface.wndCube.Refresh()
- except RuntimeError, msg:
- dbg.TraceError(msg)
- return 0
- pass
- # øλ•ºÆ
- def BINARY_Highlight_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos):
- # @fixme003 (+if self.interface:)
- if self.interface:
- self.interface.Highligt_Item(inven_type, inven_pos)
- def BINARY_DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self):
- self.interface.DragonSoulGiveQuilification()
- def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_Open(self):
- self.interface.OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow()
- def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineFail(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos):
- self.interface.FailDragonSoulRefine(reason, inven_type, inven_pos)
- def BINARY_DragonSoulRefineWindow_RefineSucceed(self, inven_type, inven_pos):
- self.interface.SucceedDragonSoulRefine(inven_type, inven_pos)
- def BINARY_SetBigMessage(self, message):
- self.interface.bigBoard.SetTip(message)
- def BINARY_SetTipMessage(self, message):
- self.interface.tipBoard.SetTip(message)
- def BINARY_AppendNotifyMessage(self, type):
- if not type in localeInfo.NOTIFY_MESSAGE:
- return
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.NOTIFY_MESSAGE[type])
- def BINARY_Guild_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID):
- self.interface.BULID_EnterGuildArea(areaID)
- def BINARY_Guild_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID):
- self.interface.BULID_ExitGuildArea(areaID)
- def BINARY_GuildWar_OnSendDeclare(self, guildID):
- pass
- def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvDeclare(self, guildID, warType):
- mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName()
- masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName()
- if mainCharacterName == masterName:
- self.__GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(guildID, warType)
- def BINARY_GuildWar_OnRecvPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point):
- self.interface.OnRecvGuildWarPoint(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point)
- def BINARY_GuildWar_OnStart(self, guildSelf, guildOpp):
- self.interface.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- def BINARY_GuildWar_OnEnd(self, guildSelf, guildOpp):
- self.interface.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_SetObserverMode(self, isEnable):
- self.interface.BINARY_SetObserverMode(isEnable)
- def BINARY_BettingGuildWar_UpdateObserverCount(self, observerCount):
- self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount)
- def __GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount(self, guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2, observerCount):
- guildID1 = int(guildID1)
- guildID2 = int(guildID2)
- memberCount1 = int(memberCount1)
- memberCount2 = int(memberCount2)
- observerCount = int(observerCount)
- self.interface.UpdateMemberCount(guildID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2)
- self.interface.wndMiniMap.UpdateObserverCount(observerCount)
- def __GuildWar_OpenAskDialog(self, guildID, warType):
- guildName = guild.GetGuildName(guildID)
- if "Noname" == guildName:
- return
- import uiGuild
- questionDialog = uiGuild.AcceptGuildWarDialog()
- questionDialog.SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnAccept)
- questionDialog.SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self.__GuildWar_OnDecline)
- questionDialog.Open(guildName, warType)
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog = questionDialog
- def __GuildWar_CloseAskDialog(self):
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.guildWarQuestionDialog = None
- def __GuildWar_OnAccept(self):
- guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName()
- net.SendChatPacket("/war " + guildName)
- self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog()
- return 1
- def __GuildWar_OnDecline(self):
- guildName = self.guildWarQuestionDialog.GetGuildName()
- net.SendChatPacket("/nowar " + guildName)
- self.__GuildWar_CloseAskDialog()
- return 1
- ######################################################################################
- def __ServerCommand_Build(self):
- serverCommandList={
- "ConsoleEnable" : self.__Console_Enable,
- "DayMode" : self.__DayMode_Update,
- "PRESERVE_DayMode" : self.__PRESERVE_DayMode_Update,
- "CloseRestartWindow" : self.__RestartDialog_Close,
- "OpenPrivateShop" : self.__PrivateShop_Open,
- "PartyHealReady" : self.PartyHealReady,
- "ShowMeSafeboxPassword" : self.AskSafeboxPassword,
- "CloseSafebox" : self.CommandCloseSafebox,
- "CloseMall" : self.CommandCloseMall,
- "ShowMeMallPassword" : self.AskMallPassword,
- "item_mall" : self.__ItemMall_Open,
- "RefineSuceeded" : self.RefineSuceededMessage,
- "RefineFailed" : self.RefineFailedMessage,
- "xmas_snow" : self.__XMasSnow_Enable,
- "xmas_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable,
- "xmas_song" : self.__XMasSong_Enable,
- "xmas_tree" : self.__XMasTree_Enable,
- "newyear_boom" : self.__XMasBoom_Enable,
- "PartyRequest" : self.__PartyRequestQuestion,
- "PartyRequestDenied" : self.__PartyRequestDenied,
- "horse_state" : self.__Horse_UpdateState,
- "hide_horse_state" : self.__Horse_HideState,
- "WarUC" : self.__GuildWar_UpdateMemberCount,
- "test_server" : self.__EnableTestServerFlag,
- "mall" : self.__InGameShop_Show,
- "lover_login" : self.__LoginLover,
- "lover_logout" : self.__LogoutLover,
- "lover_near" : self.__LoverNear,
- "lover_far" : self.__LoverFar,
- "lover_divorce" : self.__LoverDivorce,
- "PlayMusic" : self.__PlayMusic,
- "MyShopPriceList" : self.__PrivateShop_PriceList,
- }
- self.serverCommander=stringCommander.Analyzer()
- for serverCommandItem in serverCommandList.items():
- self.serverCommander.SAFE_RegisterCallBack(
- serverCommandItem[0], serverCommandItem[1]
- )
- def BINARY_ServerCommand_Run(self, line):
- #dbg.TraceError(line)
- try:
- #print " BINARY_ServerCommand_Run", line
- return self.serverCommander.Run(line)
- except RuntimeError, msg:
- dbg.TraceError(msg)
- return 0
- def __ProcessPreservedServerCommand(self):
- try:
- command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand()
- while command:
- print " __ProcessPreservedServerCommand", command
- self.serverCommander.Run(command)
- command = net.GetPreservedServerCommand()
- except RuntimeError, msg:
- dbg.TraceError(msg)
- return 0
- def PartyHealReady(self):
- self.interface.PartyHealReady()
- def AskSafeboxPassword(self):
- self.interface.AskSafeboxPassword()
- def AskMallPassword(self):
- self.interface.AskMallPassword()
- def __ItemMall_Open(self):
- self.interface.OpenItemMall();
- def CommandCloseMall(self):
- self.interface.CommandCloseMall()
- def RefineSuceededMessage(self):
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/make_soket.wav")
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.REFINE_SUCCESS)
- def RefineFailedMessage(self):
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav")
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE)
- def CommandCloseSafebox(self):
- self.interface.CommandCloseSafebox()
- def __PrivateShop_PriceList(self, itemVNum, itemPrice):
- uiPrivateShopBuilder.SetPrivateShopItemPrice(itemVNum, itemPrice)
- def __Horse_HideState(self):
- self.affectShower.SetHorseState(0, 0, 0)
- def __Horse_UpdateState(self, level, health, battery):
- self.affectShower.SetHorseState(int(level), int(health), int(battery))
- def __IsXMasMap(self):
- mapDict = ( "metin2_map_n_flame_01",
- "metin2_map_n_desert_01",
- "metin2_map_spiderdungeon",
- "metin2_map_deviltower1", )
- if background.GetCurrentMapName() in mapDict:
- return False
- return True
- def __XMasSnow_Enable(self, mode):
- self.__XMasSong_Enable(mode)
- if "1"==mode:
- if not self.__IsXMasMap():
- return
- print "XMAS_SNOW ON"
- background.EnableSnow(1)
- else:
- print "XMAS_SNOW OFF"
- background.EnableSnow(0)
- def __XMasBoom_Enable(self, mode):
- if "1"==mode:
- if not self.__IsXMasMap():
- return
- print "XMAS_BOOM ON"
- self.__DayMode_Update("dark")
- self.enableXMasBoom = True
- self.startTimeXMasBoom = app.GetTime()
- else:
- print "XMAS_BOOM OFF"
- self.__DayMode_Update("light")
- self.enableXMasBoom = False
- def __XMasTree_Enable(self, grade):
- print "XMAS_TREE ", grade
- background.SetXMasTree(int(grade))
- def __XMasSong_Enable(self, mode):
- if "1"==mode:
- print "XMAS_SONG ON"
- XMAS_BGM = "xmas.mp3"
- if app.IsExistFile("BGM/" + XMAS_BGM)==1:
- if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "":
- snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- musicInfo.fieldMusic=XMAS_BGM
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- else:
- print "XMAS_SONG OFF"
- if musicInfo.fieldMusic != "":
- snd.FadeOutMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- musicInfo.fieldMusic=musicInfo.METIN2THEMA
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
- def __RestartDialog_Close(self):
- self.interface.CloseRestartDialog()
- def __Console_Enable(self):
- constInfo.CONSOLE_ENABLE = True
- self.consoleEnable = True
- app.EnableSpecialCameraMode()
- ui.EnablePaste(True)
- ## PrivateShop
- def __PrivateShop_Open(self):
- self.interface.OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog()
- def BINARY_PrivateShop_Appear(self, vid, text):
- self.interface.AppearPrivateShop(vid, text)
- def BINARY_PrivateShop_Disappear(self, vid):
- self.interface.DisappearPrivateShop(vid)
- ## DayMode
- def __PRESERVE_DayMode_Update(self, mode):
- if "light"==mode:
- background.SetEnvironmentData(0)
- elif "dark"==mode:
- if not self.__IsXMasMap():
- return
- background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT)
- background.SetEnvironmentData(1)
- def __DayMode_Update(self, mode):
- if "light"==mode:
- self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight)
- elif "dark"==mode:
- if not self.__IsXMasMap():
- return
- self.curtain.SAFE_FadeOut(self.__DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark)
- def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToLight(self):
- background.SetEnvironmentData(0)
- self.curtain.FadeIn()
- def __DayMode_OnCompleteChangeToDark(self):
- background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, constInfo.ENVIRONMENT_NIGHT)
- background.SetEnvironmentData(1)
- self.curtain.FadeIn()
- ## XMasBoom
- def __XMasBoom_Update(self):
- self.BOOM_DATA_LIST = ( (2, 5), (5, 2), (7, 3), (10, 3), (20, 5) )
- if self.indexXMasBoom >= len(self.BOOM_DATA_LIST):
- return
- boomTime = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][0]
- boomCount = self.BOOM_DATA_LIST[self.indexXMasBoom][1]
- if app.GetTime() - self.startTimeXMasBoom > boomTime:
- self.indexXMasBoom += 1
- for i in xrange(boomCount):
- self.__XMasBoom_Boom()
- def __XMasBoom_Boom(self):
- x, y, z = player.GetMainCharacterPosition()
- randX = app.GetRandom(-150, 150)
- randY = app.GetRandom(-150, 150)
- snd.PlaySound3D(x+randX, -y+randY, z, "sound/common/etc/salute.mp3")
- def __PartyRequestQuestion(self, vid):
- vid = int(vid)
- partyRequestQuestionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetText(chr.GetNameByVID(vid) + localeInfo.PARTY_DO_YOU_ACCEPT)
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptText(localeInfo.UI_ACCEPT)
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelText(localeInfo.UI_DENY)
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(lambda arg=True: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg))
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.SetCancelEvent(lambda arg=False: self.__AnswerPartyRequest(arg))
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.Open()
- partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid = vid
- self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = partyRequestQuestionDialog
- def __AnswerPartyRequest(self, answer):
- if not self.partyRequestQuestionDialog:
- return
- vid = self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.vid
- if answer:
- net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_accept " + str(vid))
- else:
- net.SendChatPacket("/party_request_deny " + str(vid))
- self.partyRequestQuestionDialog.Close()
- self.partyRequestQuestionDialog = None
- def __PartyRequestDenied(self):
- self.PopupMessage(localeInfo.PARTY_REQUEST_DENIED)
- def __EnableTestServerFlag(self):
- app.EnableTestServerFlag()
- def __InGameShop_Show(self, url):
- if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE:
- self.interface.OpenWebWindow(url)
- def __LoginLover(self):
- if self.interface.wndMessenger:
- self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLoginLover()
- def __LogoutLover(self):
- if self.interface.wndMessenger:
- self.interface.wndMessenger.OnLogoutLover()
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.HideLoverState()
- def __LoverNear(self):
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.ShowLoverState()
- def __LoverFar(self):
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.HideLoverState()
- def __LoverDivorce(self):
- if self.interface.wndMessenger:
- self.interface.wndMessenger.ClearLoverInfo()
- if self.affectShower:
- self.affectShower.ClearLoverState()
- def __PlayMusic(self, flag, filename):
- flag = int(flag)
- if flag:
- snd.FadeOutAllMusic()
- musicInfo.SaveLastPlayFieldMusic()
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + filename)
- else:
- snd.FadeOutAllMusic()
- musicInfo.LoadLastPlayFieldMusic()
- snd.FadeInMusic("BGM/" + musicInfo.fieldMusic)
Poste mal deine
Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Es gibt bei mehreren ausländische Clients wo das ganze auch mit .MP3, .PNG Dateien gemacht.
Das ganze ist eigentlich nicht public. Aber ist ganz leicht zu machen.Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Create one by yourself, it's not that hard...
King Regards,
.Lean -
Das System ist so gut wie scheiße. Das System buggt erstmal richtig rum, ist nicht fertig geschrieben und führt zur vielen Probleme. Man könnte es natürlich umschreiben, aber ist dann viel einfach den Müll zu löschen/deaktivieren.
- Hiermit bekommt ihr kein Sequence Log error mehr.Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Hallo Community,
Ich hab euch mal ein kleines Tutorial geschrieben wie man das Sequence System Deaktivieren/ausschalten kann.
- Viel spaß damit!Download:
Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Würde sicherlich hilfreich für viele wenn du das ganze als "Tutorial" postet.
Heißt du schreibst in welche Dateien und was man verändern muss.- Sonst gute arbeit. Danke dafür.
Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Metin2 Erfahrung 8 Jahre
Metin2 P-server Erfahrung 5 Jahre
Metin2 eigenen Server erfahrungen 3 JahreMeine Hauptbereiche Navicat Filezilla d.h Upp-Systeme Drop Systeme Quest
alles im Bereich Oldschool
Nebenbei Fun Mappen
Client verschlüsselung neuer Bereich wenn benötigt und ausreichend?Ich binde die .eix Dateien die Index Datei und die Miles Dateien via einem Programm an die exe bzw füge sie in die exe ein.
Dies reicht für den Schutz von Möchtegern Dieben nicht von Profidieben.Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Also eine 0815 verschlüsselung. Jedes Kind kennt schon dieser weg.
Und btw: Die Verschlüsselung ist nicht 25€ wert^^Liebe Grüße,
.Lean -
Wegen sowas hier:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Willst du ein PvP Fun Server machen um easy Geld zu verdienen, dann lass es lieber.
Wenn du ein erfolgreichen PvP Fun Server haben willst (& nicht nur um viel Geld zu verdienen) brauchst du ein gutes Konzept.Liebe Grüße,