If you mean effect when you equip it, you can, just add a control by vnum in source
Beiträge von Sil3nce
If you have lycan, you have to add some line of code; source change the button function so you need to change every Python files for call button2 instead of button; page bonus not work (miss collaps menu part)
Is not full and some code is wrong
Anti-Lycan have +262144 on flag... for example... basic sword (vnum 10) if have as flag 32 shaman can't equip it...
if you put 262176 (32+262144 = 262176) as flag.. shaman and lycan can't equip it -
Did you edit item flag?
I tried to update skill, following new rules made with patch 17.5 (assassin & shaman).
Skill 93 now is not showed on caster but on victim etc... so i add new mse, and effect now is showed on victim; change DB according on new skill_proto (dwTargetRange, dwSplashRange, remove "SELF_ONLY" etc...) but no damage is applied on victim.
So question is: i have to change something also in source?
Haben wir hier einen ehemaligen Jura Studenten ?
Ganz richtig. Wenn er sie an Dritte weitergibt ohne bezahlt zu haben, erlischt das Recht auf das Eigentum. Deswegen gibt es den Eigentumsvorbehalt §449 BGB.
You talk about copyright but ... do you have the Metin2 license? I don't tink so
Solved... thank you Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. for your support
Ok now they are not mirroring sash slot and mount slot but not work. Let me explain:
if i change in one item the type to 33 (ITEM_RING in my source) it is not put in RING slotitem.cpp
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.ProtoReader.cpp
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.db
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.In game
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Solved this problem: i'm again without brain.exe open... i changed db, update item_proto for client but i not reloaded proto for server...
Ok... i think this is last problem... if i equip item with type 33 it is not showed on slot... if i check on table item, i can see it is "EQUIPMENT" on slot 25 so is refresh problem... i will check python
I know... is a little bit confused... source base use slot 21 for ring1 or costume mount, slot 22 for ring2 or sash
I just add new define for use it again with now slot. Don't care about it
Hello community, i tryed to add 2 now slots for rings. In my source client/server (Martysama) WEAR_RING1 and WEAR_RING2 are declared but their wear position are used for WEAR_COSTUME_MOUNT (pos 21) and WEAR_COSTUME_SASH (pos 22)
So i added after WEAR_BELT (pos 23) and WEAR_COSTUME_WEAPON (pos 24) the new rings slots
CI add they in ItemData.cpp for client and & length.h for server.
In inventorywindow i uncomment this 2 linesand change this line
In game i see new image but this slots are a copy of slots for sash and mount seal
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.indeed i can remove sash or mount seal from new slots.
In item.cpp i add (in function int CItem::FindEquipCell(LPCHARACTER ch, int iCandidateCell) )
Someone have any ideas ?
Have you try to remove the if statment into define?
quest problem
if you buy this system go to Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. he will help you
Why do you say this? If you think is illegal or immoral, use/post system from other dev...then why didn't write this on every client/server source? No one can use source of metin because no one have license for it...so or here we refuse all illegal files or we accept to be hypocrit.
Peace -
Post syserr of DB
Solved...thanks anyway
I was with brain offline
Nach dem einloggen schließt sich einfach der Client.
Syserr Client/Serverside= leer
Debug Mode = Nichts auffälligeshat jemand eine Idee
Try to repack again the pack that you edit
What change you made? Anyway... if your game/db, before adding Meley, was perfect (no error in compiling and you can connect without problem with they) AND your client bin, before adding Meley, was perfect (as for the server... no error etc...) then... your problem is wrong implementation.
Ok that is a simple copy/paste but...
1) a simple paste "before" instead of "after" will can generate error;
2) take your brain active (is not insult vs you) because my source can be different from the owner of system. -
It's stupid but... did you add in src folder this files?
questlua_MeleyLair.cpp -
Maybe you wrong/miss some parts...because i never had this kind of errors