Eventuell wird dein Auth gefloodet
Hast du es getestet?
wenn ja hilft eventuell eine PF Firewall dagegen
Sowas wurde schonmal public gemacht
Es gibt’s sehr viele threads was dir helfen könnte gegen auth flood
teste es mal
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Because flooding the Auth closes (shutdown) the server, you have literally no clue what you're talking about mate.
It's just API Tool or someone accessing through basic ports which is really common if a admin don't know to protect themselfs.
There is no sense in try to help people if you dont know anything either you know things and you help them or you just get in touch with more Informations before you write stuff like that.
And please don't play the "Oh I know it" Part again, i hear'd you try'd to help someone with a Ingame Wiki and you've done just Bullshit on this guys Anydesk. Luckly this guy had git and He was able to return the changes. Your Hint to solve the issue with a ingame Wiki was, to create the same class multiple Times in game.py and ui.py. He fixed the issue it was just 2 lines on the binary. So please just stop, its just a good advice.