Received some feedback since the last updates
Message from a popular turkish bot discord:
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Personal message from a turkish bot dev:
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Received some feedback since the last updates
Message from a popular turkish bot discord:
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Personal message from a turkish bot dev:
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I can recommend this service, his protection works well. There might be some client issues for few users but he's always down to fix it pretty fast.
Thanks for redirecting the players to me All these issues affected an extremly small amount of players:
big update
and hlbot is still fixed
server lib update
Alles anzeigenIch hab jetzt schon sehr sehr oft in Erwägung gezogen mir ebenso Cshield zu holen. Allerdings hat jeder Server der damit online kommt ständig Probleme damit. Jede Servervorstellung wird damit überflutet das Spieler Probleme haben und nicht spielen können, demnach hab ich mich selbst immer wieder davon abgeraten was eigentlich echt schade ist.
Teilweise immer noch die selben Probleme wie vor einer Ewigkeit oder sogar noch aus Zeiten von Colossus.
Die Serverside Variante wird wohl ausreichen müssen bis irgendwann etwas gescheites ohne Probleme auf dem Markt ist.
Sollten irgendwann keine ständigen Clientprobleme mehr zu lesen/hören/sehen sein, dann entscheide ich mich sehr gerne für das Cshield.
As far as I understand, you mentioned some problems on the client side. You may be referring to the launch of Ashura. They agreed to use a beta version that contained a lot of new things , and as everyone knows, Metin players have a lot of weird things on their machines. After 3 days of debugging on players machines, I have fixed all the bugs and also a lot of old bugs from Colossus. I have to rely on user feedback since I don't send any debug data. I'm thinking of changing that in a future version to be able to react faster and not have to rely on feedback.
Here is the changelog for the new version:
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Added a serverside only option, which costs half the price
Its from .colossus.
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.colossus. was kind enough to provide me his captcha image generation code, since he no longer sells this version. The GUI is ripped from lalaker anyway to clarify the posts above me. Otherwise it is pretty entertaining that someone is already asking for a bypass
com2 is still detected. After the captcha implementation i will focus on serverside detections as i already mentioned in my first post