Oberst ist sehr kompetent und effizient. Kann den Service sehr weiterempfehlen :
Beiträge von Chritation
Hallo, ich möchte gerne die Länge der Fertigkeiten verkürzen, also am besten nicht, dass die Animation kürzer ist, sondern dass man sie z.B. mit einer neuen Fertigkeit "überschreiben" kann.
Weiß jemand wo man das im Client machen kann?
Danke für eure Antworten, soweit ich weiß, wird die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Slows in szPointOn2 eingetragen. Bei mir sieht das ganze so aus:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
Laut meiner Formel müsste der Slow dann zu 80% hinzugefügt werden bei Stufe 1 der Fähigkeit. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit scheint aber sehr bei weniger als 10% zu liegen, da der Slow fast gar nicht vorkommt. Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte?
mich würde interessieren, wo die Vergiftungschance bei z.b. Giftwolke festgelegt ist.
Ich möchte beispielsweise der Fähigkeit "Wiederholter Schuss" Betäubung und Gift auslösen lassen.
Wird das im Source geregelt?
Navicat -> skill_proto -> dwTargetRange
Frage steht im Titel. Früher gab es scheinbar im quest Ordner eine hair.quest, wo die Frisuren bestimmten Items zugewiesen wurden.
Da die Datei bei mir allerdings nicht existiert frage ich mich, wo die Frisuren sonst festgelegt werden, also dass ich diese mit Items verändern kann.
Ich freue mich auf gute Antworten.
Ja danke, habe das System jetzt auf 5 Inventarseiten umgestellt. Danke klappt jetzt alles
Im Client syserr steht dazu nichts drin.
Wenn ich versuche die Seiten mit einem Schlüssel freizugeben funktioniert es nicht un im syserr(Client) steht das drin:
Code- 0206 13:36:04901 :: File "game.py", line 2071, in BINARY_ServerCommand_Run
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 63, in Run
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 31, in __call__
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: File "stringCommander.py", line 11, in __call__
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: File "game.py", line 2422, in Update_inventory_ref
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: AttributeError
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: :
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: 'Interface' object has no attribute 'SetInventoryPageKilit'
- 0206 13:36:04901 ::
- 0206 13:36:04901 :: Unknown Server Command refreshinven | refreshinven
Hallo, habe soeben die Inventarerweiterung aus einem Release aus TurkMMO eingebaut.
Ich glaube aber das System ist nur für 4 Inventarseiten konzipiert (ich habe 5 Seiten im Server).
Denn wenn ich auf Inventarseite 5 klicke, bleibt sie dauerhaft markiert, ich kann aber weiterhin auf andere Inventarseiten wechseln, diese werden dann halt
nicht markiert, sind aber dennoch zugänglich. Lediglich auf Inventarseite 5 kann man nicht mehr zugreifen.
Hier mal ein Bild von einem Ausschnitt aus der uiinventory.py die man einfügen muss:Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
Kann es sein, dass es mit der Änderung in uiinventory.py zu tun hat? Das wäre nämlich der Abschnitt hier oben im Bild.
Muss man da vielleicht noch ein elif page == 4 hinzufügen?Oder hat sonst jemand ne Idee?
Viele Grüße
wollte gerade eine "portable" Ausbildungsquest einfügen. Es handelt sich um diese hier:
Code- quest skill_group_new begin
- state start begin
- when login or levelup with pc.get_level() >= 5 begin
- set_state(teacher_information)
- end
- end
- state teacher_information begin
- when letter begin
- send_letter('Die Ausbildung')
- end
- when button or info begin
- if pc.get_skill_group()!=0 then
- set_state(quest_completed)
- end
- local skill_group_name_list = {}
- local skill_group_list = {
- [0] = {'Körper-Kampf Ausbildung','Mental-Kampf Ausbildung'},
- [1] = {'Nahkampf Ausbildung','Fernkampf Ausbildung'},
- [2] = {'Magische-Waffen Ausbildung','Schwarze-Magie Ausbildung'},
- [3] = {'Drachenmacht Ausbildung','Heilung Ausbildung'}
- }
- for a = 1, table.getn(skill_group_list[pc.get_job()]) do
- table.insert(skill_group_name_list, skill_group_list[pc.get_job()][a])
- end
- table.insert(skill_group_name_list, 'Abbrechen')
- say_title('Ausbildung')
- say('[ENTER]Du hast die Möglichkeit eine Ausbildung anzufangen.[ENTER]Wähle bitte eine Ausbildung aus:[ENTER]')
- local select_job = select3(skill_group_name_list) if skill_group_name_list[select_job] == 'Abbrechen' then return end
- if pc.get_skill_group()!=0 then
- syschat('Du hast bereits eine Ausbildung angefangen!')
- set_state(quest_completed)
- return
- end
- pc.set_skill_group(select_job) -- !
- pc.clear_skill()
- char_log(0, "CLEAR_SKILL", "Fertigkeit nach Fertigkeitsmeister löschen")
- setdelay(0)
- say_title(gameforge.skill_group._310_sayTitle)
- say(gameforge.skill_group._320_say)
- if not pc.is_clear_skill_group() then
- setdelay(0)
- say(gameforge.skill_group._330_say)
- say_title(gameforge.buy_fishrod._210_sayTitle)
- say_reward(gameforge.skill_group._340_sayReward)
- else
- setdelay(0)
- say_reward(gameforge.skill_group._350_sayReward)
- end
- set_state(quest_completed)
- end
- end
- state quest_completed begin
- end
- end
Ingame bekomme ich mit Level 5 aber diesen Fehler:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
Wenn ich auch Abbrechen drücke, wird normal die quest abgebrochen.
Sollte ich aber auf "Abbruch" drücken, erhalte ich die Körper-Kampf-Lehre (egal mit welcher Charakterklasse).Hat jemand ne Idee was an der Quest falsch sein könnte?
Ja danke, daran lags. Geht jetzt. Danke
wollte gerade dem 5er metin (ID: 8001) neue Spawns zuweisen (von mir erstellte Gruppen, die sich auch per regen.txt spawnen lassen).
Hab also bei attack_speed und mov_speed die IDs der Gruppen eingetragen (33371 und 33373).
Wenn ich jedoch ingame auf den Metin haue passiert nichts. Spawnanimation des Metins ist da, aber keine Viecher kommen raus.
Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte? -
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
Scheint leider nicht zu funktionieren, selber Fehler.Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
Hello, I checked all my Tabs but I didnt find an error. I put my uiinventory.py in the spoiler below:Code- import ui
- import player
- import mouseModule
- import net
- import app
- import snd
- import item
- import player
- import chat
- import event
- import grp
- import uiScriptLocale
- import uiRefine
- import uiAttachMetin
- import uiPickMoney
- import uiCommon
- import uiPrivateShopBuilder # 개인상점 열동안 ItemMove 방지
- import uiOfflineShopBuilder
- import uiOfflineShop
- import localeInfo
- import constInfo
- import ime
- import wndMgr
- class CostumeWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self, wndInventory):
- import exception
- exception.Abort("What do you do?")
- return
- if not wndInventory:
- exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow")
- return
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.isLoaded = 0
- self.wndInventory = wndInventory;
- self.__LoadWindow()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def Show(self):
- self.__LoadWindow()
- self.RefreshCostumeSlot()
- ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self)
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- def __LoadWindow(self):
- if self.isLoaded == 1:
- return
- self.isLoaded = 1
- try:
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/CostumeWindow.py")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject")
- try:
- wndEquip = self.GetChild("CostumeSlot")
- self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close))
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject")
- ## Equipment
- wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem))
- wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem))
- wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot))
- wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot))
- wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot))
- wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot))
- self.wndEquip = wndEquip
- def RefreshCostumeSlot(self):
- getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex
- for i in xrange(item.COSTUME_SLOT_COUNT):
- slotNumber = item.COSTUME_SLOT_START + i
- self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), 0)
- self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot()
- class BeltInventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self, wndInventory):
- import exception
- exception.Abort("What do you do?")
- return
- if not wndInventory:
- exception.Abort("wndInventory parameter must be set to InventoryWindow")
- return
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.isLoaded = 0
- self.wndInventory = wndInventory;
- self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = None
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot = None
- self.expandBtn = None
- self.minBtn = None
- self.__LoadWindow()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def Show(self, openBeltSlot = FALSE):
- self.__LoadWindow()
- self.RefreshSlot()
- ui.ScriptWindow.Show(self)
- if openBeltSlot:
- self.OpenInventory()
- else:
- self.CloseInventory()
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- def IsOpeningInventory(self):
- return self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.IsShow()
- def OpenInventory(self):
- self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Show()
- self.expandBtn.Hide()
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC() == 0:
- self.AdjustPositionAndSize()
- def CloseInventory(self):
- self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.Hide()
- self.expandBtn.Show()
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC() == 0:
- self.AdjustPositionAndSize()
- ## 현재 인벤토리 위치를 기준으로 BASE 위치를 계산, 리턴.. 숫자 하드코딩하기 정말 싫지만 방법이 없다..
- def GetBasePosition(self):
- x, y = self.wndInventory.GetGlobalPosition()
- return x - 148, y + 241
- def AdjustPositionAndSize(self):
- bx, by = self.GetBasePosition()
- if self.IsOpeningInventory():
- self.SetPosition(bx, by)
- self.SetSize(self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH, self.GetHeight())
- else:
- self.SetPosition(bx + 138, by);
- self.SetSize(10, self.GetHeight())
- def __LoadWindow(self):
- if self.isLoaded == 1:
- return
- self.isLoaded = 1
- try:
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/BeltInventoryWindow.py")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject")
- try:
- self.ORIGINAL_WIDTH = self.GetWidth()
- wndBeltInventorySlot = self.GetChild("BeltInventorySlot")
- self.wndBeltInventoryLayer = self.GetChild("BeltInventoryLayer")
- self.expandBtn = self.GetChild("ExpandBtn")
- self.minBtn = self.GetChild("MinimizeBtn")
- self.expandBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenInventory))
- self.minBtn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseInventory))
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC() :
- self.expandBtn.SetPosition(self.expandBtn.GetWidth() - 2, 15)
- self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.SetPosition(self.wndBeltInventoryLayer.GetWidth() - 5, 0)
- self.minBtn.SetPosition(self.minBtn.GetWidth() + 3, 15)
- for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT):
- slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetCoverButton(slotNumber, "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\
- "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\
- "d:/ymir work/ui/game/quest/slot_button_01.sub",\
- "d:/ymir work/ui/game/belt_inventory/slot_disabled.tga", FALSE, FALSE)
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("CostumeWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject")
- ## Equipment
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverInItem))
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.OverOutItem))
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot))
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.UseItemSlot))
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectEmptySlot))
- wndBeltInventorySlot.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.wndInventory.SelectItemSlot))
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot = wndBeltInventorySlot
- def RefreshSlot(self):
- getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex
- for i in xrange(item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_COUNT):
- slotNumber = item.BELT_INVENTORY_SLOT_START + i
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetItemSlot(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), player.GetItemCount(slotNumber))
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot.SetAlwaysRenderCoverButton(slotNumber, TRUE)
- avail = "0"
- if player.IsAvailableBeltInventoryCell(slotNumber):
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot.EnableCoverButton(slotNumber)
- else:
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot.DisableCoverButton(slotNumber)
- self.wndBeltInventorySlot.RefreshSlot()
- class InventoryWindow(ui.ScriptWindow):
- liHighlightedItems = []
- questionDialog = None
- tooltipItem = None
- wndCostume = None
- wndBelt = None
- dlgPickMoney = None
- sellingSlotNumber = -1
- isLoaded = 0
- isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 인벤토리 닫을 때 코스츔이 열려있었는지 여부-_-; 네이밍 ㅈㅅ
- isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 인벤토리 닫을 때 벨트 인벤토리가 열려있었는지 여부-_-; 네이밍 ㅈㅅ
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = 0 # 인벤토리 닫을 때 벨트 인벤토리가 열려있었는지 여부-_-; 네이밍 ㅈㅅ
- self.__LoadWindow()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def BindInterfaceClass(self, interface):
- self.interface = interface
- def __LoadWindow(self):
- if self.isLoaded == 1:
- return
- self.isLoaded = 1
- try:
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "InventoryWindow.py")
- else:
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/InventoryWindow.py")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.LoadObject")
- try:
- wndItem = self.GetChild("ItemSlot")
- wndEquip = self.GetChild("EquipmentSlot")
- self.GetChild("TitleBar").SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close))
- self.wndMoney = self.GetChild("Money")
- self.wndMoneySlot = self.GetChild("Money_Slot")
- self.mallButton = self.GetChild2("MallButton")
- self.DSSButton = self.GetChild2("DSSButton")
- self.costumeButton = self.GetChild2("CostumeButton")
- self.offlineShopButton = self.GetChild2("OfflineShopButton")
- self.inventoryTab = []
- self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_01"))
- self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_02"))
- self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_03"))
- self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_04"))
- self.inventoryTab.append(self.GetChild("Inventory_Tab_05"))
- self.equipmentTab = []
- self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_01"))
- self.equipmentTab.append(self.GetChild("Equipment_Tab_02"))
- if self.costumeButton and not app.ENABLE_COSTUME_SYSTEM:
- self.costumeButton.Hide()
- self.costumeButton.Destroy()
- self.costumeButton = 0
- # Belt Inventory Window
- self.wndBelt = None
- self.wndBelt = BeltInventoryWindow(self)
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("InventoryWindow.LoadWindow.BindObject")
- ## Item
- wndItem.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot))
- wndItem.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot))
- wndItem.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot))
- wndItem.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot))
- wndItem.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem))
- wndItem.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem))
- ## Equipment
- wndEquip.SetSelectEmptySlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectEmptySlot))
- wndEquip.SetSelectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SelectItemSlot))
- wndEquip.SetUnselectItemSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot))
- wndEquip.SetUseSlotEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.UseItemSlot))
- wndEquip.SetOverInItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverInItem))
- wndEquip.SetOverOutItemEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OverOutItem))
- ## PickMoneyDialog
- dlgPickMoney = uiPickMoney.PickMoneyDialog()
- dlgPickMoney.LoadDialog()
- dlgPickMoney.Hide()
- ## RefineDialog
- self.refineDialog = uiRefine.RefineDialog()
- self.refineDialog.Hide()
- ## AttachMetinDialog
- self.attachMetinDialog = uiAttachMetin.AttachMetinDialog()
- self.attachMetinDialog.Hide()
- ## MoneySlot
- self.wndMoneySlot.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPickMoneyDialog))
- self.inventoryTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))
- self.inventoryTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))
- self.inventoryTab[2].SetEvent(lambda arg=2: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))
- self.inventoryTab[3].SetEvent(lambda arg=3: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))
- self.inventoryTab[4].SetEvent(lambda arg=4: self.SetInventoryPage(arg))
- self.inventoryPageIndex = 0
- self.equipmentTab[0].SetEvent(lambda arg=0: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg))
- self.equipmentTab[1].SetEvent(lambda arg=1: self.SetEquipmentPage(arg))
- self.equipmentTab[0].Down()
- self.equipmentTab[0].Hide()
- self.equipmentTab[1].Hide()
- self.wndItem = wndItem
- self.wndEquip = wndEquip
- self.dlgPickMoney = dlgPickMoney
- # MallButton
- if self.mallButton:
- self.mallButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickMallButton))
- if self.DSSButton:
- self.DSSButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickDSSButton))
- # Costume Button
- if self.costumeButton:
- self.costumeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickCostumeButton))
- # Offline Shop Button
- if (self.offlineShopButton):
- self.offlineShopButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClickOfflineShopButton))
- self.wndCostume = None
- #####
- ## Refresh
- self.SetInventoryPage(0)
- self.SetEquipmentPage(0)
- self.RefreshItemSlot()
- self.RefreshStatus()
- def Destroy(self):
- self.ClearDictionary()
- self.dlgPickMoney.Destroy()
- self.dlgPickMoney = 0
- self.refineDialog.Destroy()
- self.refineDialog = 0
- self.attachMetinDialog.Destroy()
- self.attachMetinDialog = 0
- self.tooltipItem = None
- self.wndItem = 0
- self.wndEquip = 0
- self.dlgPickMoney = 0
- self.wndMoney = 0
- self.wndMoneySlot = 0
- self.questionDialog = None
- self.mallButton = None
- self.DSSButton = None
- self.interface = None
- if self.wndCostume:
- self.wndCostume.Destroy()
- self.wndCostume = 0
- if self.wndBelt:
- self.wndBelt.Destroy()
- self.wndBelt = None
- self.inventoryTab = []
- self.equipmentTab = []
- def Hide(self):
- self.OnCloseQuestionDialog()
- return
- if None != self.tooltipItem:
- self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip()
- if self.wndCostume:
- self.isOpenedCostumeWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndCostume.IsShow() # 인벤토리 창이 닫힐 때 코스츔이 열려 있었는가?
- self.wndCostume.Close()
- if self.wndBelt:
- self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory = self.wndBelt.IsOpeningInventory() # 인벤토리 창이 닫힐 때 벨트 인벤토리도 열려 있었는가?
- print "Is Opening Belt Inven?? ", self.isOpenedBeltWindowWhenClosingInventory
- self.wndBelt.Close()
- if self.dlgPickMoney:
- self.dlgPickMoney.Close()
- wndMgr.Hide(self.hWnd)
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- def SetInventoryPage(self, page):
- self.inventoryTab[self.inventoryPageIndex].SetUp()
- self.inventoryPageIndex = page
- self.inventoryTab[self.inventoryPageIndex].Down()
- self.RefreshBagSlotWindow()
- def SetEquipmentPage(self, page):
- self.equipmentPageIndex = page
- self.equipmentTab[1-page].SetUp()
- self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow()
- def ClickMallButton(self):
- print "click_mall_button"
- net.SendChatPacket("/click_mall")
- # DSSButton
- def ClickDSSButton(self):
- print "click_dss_button"
- self.interface.ToggleDragonSoulWindow()
- # Offline Shop Button
- def ClickOfflineShopButton(self):
- print "click_offline_shop_button"
- self.interface.ToggleOfflineShopAdminPanelWindow()
- def ClickCostumeButton(self):
- print "Click Costume Button"
- if self.wndCostume:
- if self.wndCostume.IsShow():
- self.wndCostume.Hide()
- else:
- self.wndCostume.Show()
- else:
- self.wndCostume = CostumeWindow(self)
- self.wndCostume.Show()
- def OpenPickMoneyDialog(self):
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType():
- if player.ITEM_MONEY == mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex():
- net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount())
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav")
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- else:
- curMoney = player.GetElk()
- if curMoney <= 0:
- return
- self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(localeInfo.PICK_MONEY_TITLE)
- self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickMoney))
- self.dlgPickMoney.Open(curMoney)
- self.dlgPickMoney.SetMax(7) # 인벤토리 990000 제한 버그 수정
- def OnPickMoney(self, money):
- mouseModule.mouseController.AttachMoney(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, money)
- def OnPickItem(self, count):
- itemSlotIndex = self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex
- selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)
- mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, count)
- def __InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(self, local):
- if player.IsEquipmentSlot(local) or player.IsCostumeSlot(local) or (app.ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM and player.IsBeltInventorySlot(local)):
- return local
- return self.inventoryPageIndex*player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE + local
- def RefreshBagSlotWindow(self):
- is_activated = 0
- getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex
- getItemCount=player.GetItemCount
- setItemVNum=self.wndItem.SetItemSlot
- for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE*2):
- slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)
- itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)
- if 0 == itemCount:
- self.wndItem.ClearSlot(i)
- continue
- elif 1 == itemCount:
- itemCount = 0
- itemVnum = getItemVNum(slotNumber)
- setItemVNum(i, itemVnum, itemCount)
- if itemVnum == 0 and slotNumber in self.liHighlightedItems:
- self.liHightlightedItems.remove(slotNumber)
- if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION(itemVnum):
- metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]
- else:
- self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(slotNumber)
- self.__RefreshHighlights()
- if slotNumber >= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE:
- slotNumber -= player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE
- isActivated = 0 != metinSocket[0]
- if isActivated:
- self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i)
- potionType = 0;
- if constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_HP(itemVnum):
- potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_HP
- elif constInfo.IS_AUTO_POTION_SP(itemVnum):
- potionType = player.AUTO_POTION_TYPE_SP
- usedAmount = int(metinSocket[1])
- totalAmount = int(metinSocket[2])
- player.SetAutoPotionInfo(potionType, isActivated, (totalAmount - usedAmount), totalAmount, self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i))
- else:
- self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(i)
- elif constInfo.IS_ACCE_ITEM(itemVnum, 1) == TRUE:
- metinSocket = [player.GetItemMetinSocket(slotNumber, j) for j in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM)]
- isActivated = metinSocket[0]
- if isActivated == 1:
- player.SetAcceInfo(isActivated, i)
- self.wndItem.ActivateAcceSlot(i)
- else:
- self.wndItem.DeactivateAcceSlot(i)
- self.wndItem.RefreshSlot()
- if self.wndBelt:
- self.wndBelt.RefreshSlot()
- def RefreshEquipSlotWindow(self):
- getItemVNum=player.GetItemIndex
- getItemCount=player.GetItemCount
- setItemVNum=self.wndEquip.SetItemSlot
- for i in xrange(player.EQUIPMENT_PAGE_COUNT):
- slotNumber = player.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i
- itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)
- if itemCount <= 1:
- itemCount = 0
- setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount)
- for i in xrange(player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_COUNT):
- slotNumber = player.NEW_EQUIPMENT_SLOT_START + i
- itemCount = getItemCount(slotNumber)
- if itemCount <= 1:
- itemCount = 0
- setItemVNum(slotNumber, getItemVNum(slotNumber), itemCount)
- print "ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM", slotNumber, itemCount, getItemVNum(slotNumber)
- self.wndEquip.RefreshSlot()
- if self.wndCostume:
- self.wndCostume.RefreshCostumeSlot()
- def RefreshItemSlot(self):
- self.RefreshBagSlotWindow()
- self.RefreshEquipSlotWindow()
- def RefreshStatus(self):
- money = player.GetElk()
- self.wndMoney.SetText(localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(money))
- def SetItemToolTip(self, tooltipItem):
- self.tooltipItem = tooltipItem
- def SellItem(self):
- if self.sellingSlotitemIndex == player.GetItemIndex(self.sellingSlotNumber):
- if self.sellingSlotitemCount == player.GetItemCount(self.sellingSlotNumber):
- ## 용혼석도 팔리게 하는 기능 추가하면서 인자 type 추가
- net.SendShopSellPacketNew(self.sellingSlotNumber, self.questionDialog.count, player.INVENTORY)
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav")
- self.OnCloseQuestionDialog()
- def OnDetachMetinFromItem(self):
- if None == self.questionDialog:
- return
- #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos)
- self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(self.questionDialog.sourcePos, self.questionDialog.targetPos)
- self.OnCloseQuestionDialog()
- def OnCloseQuestionDialog(self):
- if not self.questionDialog:
- return
- self.questionDialog.Close()
- self.questionDialog = None
- ## Slot Event
- def SelectEmptySlot(self, selectedSlotPos):
- return
- selectedSlotPos = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(selectedSlotPos)
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
- attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
- attachedItemCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()
- attachedItemIndex = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType:
- itemCount = player.GetItemCount(attachedSlotPos)
- attachedCount = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount()
- self.__SendMoveItemPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos, attachedCount)
- if item.IsRefineScroll(attachedItemIndex):
- self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE)
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_PRIVATE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:
- mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY")
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_OFFLINE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:
- mouseModule.mouseController.RunCallBack("INVENTORY")
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SHOP == attachedSlotType:
- net.SendShopBuyPacket(attachedSlotPos)
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_SAFEBOX == attachedSlotType:
- if player.ITEM_MONEY == attachedItemIndex:
- net.SendSafeboxWithdrawMoneyPacket(mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemCount())
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/money.wav")
- else:
- net.SendSafeboxCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos)
- elif player.SLOT_TYPE_MALL == attachedSlotType:
- net.SendMallCheckoutPacket(attachedSlotPos, selectedSlotPos)
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- def SelectItemSlot(self, itemSlotIndex):
- return
- itemSlotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(itemSlotIndex)
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- attachedSlotType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
- attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
- attachedItemVID = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedSlotType:
- self.__DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(attachedItemVID, attachedSlotPos, itemSlotIndex)
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- else:
- curCursorNum = app.GetCursor()
- if app.SELL == curCursorNum:
- self.__SellItem(itemSlotIndex)
- elif app.BUY == curCursorNum:
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.SHOP_BUY_INFO)
- elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT):
- link = player.GetItemLink(itemSlotIndex)
- ime.PasteString(link)
- elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT):
- itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex)
- if itemCount > 1:
- self.dlgPickMoney.SetTitleName(localeInfo.PICK_ITEM_TITLE)
- self.dlgPickMoney.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPickItem))
- self.dlgPickMoney.Open(itemCount)
- self.dlgPickMoney.itemGlobalSlotIndex = itemSlotIndex
- #else:
- #selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)
- #mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum)
- elif app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LCONTROL):
- itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)
- if TRUE == item.CanAddToQuickSlotItem(itemIndex):
- player.RequestAddToEmptyLocalQuickSlot(player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex)
- else:
- else:
- selectedItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotIndex)
- itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotIndex)
- mouseModule.mouseController.AttachObject(self, player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY, itemSlotIndex, selectedItemVNum, itemCount)
- if self.__IsUsableItemToItem(selectedItemVNum, itemSlotIndex):
- self.wndItem.SetUseMode(TRUE)
- else:
- self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE)
- snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/pick.wav")
- def __DropSrcItemToDestItemInInventory(self, srcItemVID, srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos):
- if srcItemSlotPos == dstItemSlotPos:
- return
- elif srcItemVID == player.GetItemIndex(dstItemSlotPos):
- self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)
- return
- elif item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVID):
- self.RefineItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- self.wndItem.SetUseMode(FALSE)
- elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVID):
- self.AttachMetinToItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVID):
- self.DetachMetinFromItem(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- elif item.IsKey(srcItemVID):
- self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcItemSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:
- self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- elif item.GetUseType(srcItemVID) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:
- self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos)
- else:
- #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/drop.wav")
- ## 이동시킨 곳이 장착 슬롯일 경우 아이템을 사용해서 장착 시킨다 - [levites]
- if player.IsEquipmentSlot(dstItemSlotPos):
- ## 들고 있는 아이템이 장비일때만
- if item.IsEquipmentVID(srcItemVID):
- self.__UseItem(srcItemSlotPos)
- else:
- self.__SendMoveItemPacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)
- #net.SendItemMovePacket(srcItemSlotPos, dstItemSlotPos, 0)
- def __SellItem(self, itemSlotPos):
- if not player.IsEquipmentSlot(itemSlotPos):
- self.sellingSlotNumber = itemSlotPos
- itemIndex = player.GetItemIndex(itemSlotPos)
- itemCount = player.GetItemCount(itemSlotPos)
- self.sellingSlotitemIndex = itemIndex
- self.sellingSlotitemCount = itemCount
- item.SelectItem(itemIndex)
- ## 안티 플레그 검사 빠져서 추가
- ## 20140220
- if item.IsAntiFlag(item.ANTIFLAG_SELL):
- popup = uiCommon.PopupDialog()
- popup.SetText(localeInfo.SHOP_CANNOT_SELL_ITEM)
- popup.SetAcceptEvent(self.__OnClosePopupDialog)
- popup.Open()
- self.popup = popup
- return
- itemPrice = item.GetISellItemPrice()
- if item.Is1GoldItem():
- itemPrice = itemCount / itemPrice / 5
- else:
- itemPrice = itemPrice * itemCount / 5
- item.GetItemName(itemIndex)
- itemName = item.GetItemName()
- self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DO_YOU_SELL_ITEM(itemName, itemCount, itemPrice))
- self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.SellItem))
- self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog))
- self.questionDialog.Open()
- self.questionDialog.count = itemCount
- def __OnClosePopupDialog(self):
- self.pop = None
- def RefineItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos):
- scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos)
- targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)
- if player.REFINE_OK != player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos):
- return
- ###########################################################
- self.__SendUseItemToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)
- #net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)
- return
- ###########################################################
- ###########################################################
- #net.SendRequestRefineInfoPacket(targetSlotPos)
- #return
- ###########################################################
- result = player.CanRefine(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos)
- if player.REFINE_ALREADY_MAX_SOCKET_COUNT == result:
- #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav")
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_MORE_SOCKET)
- elif player.REFINE_NEED_MORE_GOOD_SCROLL == result:
- #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav")
- elif player.REFINE_CANT_MAKE_SOCKET_ITEM == result:
- #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav")
- elif player.REFINE_NOT_NEXT_GRADE_ITEM == result:
- #snd.PlaySound("sound/ui/jaeryun_fail.wav")
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM)
- if player.REFINE_OK != result:
- return
- self.refineDialog.Open(scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos)
- def DetachMetinFromItem(self, scrollSlotPos, targetSlotPos):
- scrollIndex = player.GetItemIndex(scrollSlotPos)
- targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)
- if constInfo.IS_ACCE_ITEM_DETACH(scrollIndex) == TRUE:
- item.SelectItem(targetIndex)
- if item.GetItemSubType() == item.COSTUME_TYPE_ACCE:
- if self.GetAcceAttribute(targetSlotPos) == 0:
- return
- self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.ACCE_DO_YOU_REMOVE_ATTR)
- self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem))
- self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog))
- self.questionDialog.Open()
- self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos
- self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos
- else:
- return
- else:
- if not player.CanDetach(scrollIndex, targetSlotPos):
- return
- self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.REFINE_DO_YOU_SEPARATE_METIN)
- self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnDetachMetinFromItem))
- self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnCloseQuestionDialog))
- self.questionDialog.Open()
- self.questionDialog.sourcePos = scrollSlotPos
- self.questionDialog.targetPos = targetSlotPos
- def AttachMetinToItem(self, metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos):
- metinIndex = player.GetItemIndex(metinSlotPos)
- targetIndex = player.GetItemIndex(targetSlotPos)
- item.SelectItem(metinIndex)
- itemName = item.GetItemName()
- result = player.CanAttachMetin(metinIndex, targetSlotPos)
- if player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_MATCHABLE_ITEM == result:
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_CAN_NOT_ATTACH(itemName))
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_SOCKET(itemName))
- elif player.ATTACH_METIN_NOT_EXIST_GOLD_SOCKET == result:
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_NO_GOLD_SOCKET(itemName))
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.REFINE_FAILURE_EQUIP_ITEM)
- if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK != result:
- return
- self.attachMetinDialog.Open(metinSlotPos, targetSlotPos)
- def OverOutItem(self):
- self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(FALSE)
- if None != self.tooltipItem:
- self.tooltipItem.HideToolTip()
- def OverInItem(self, overSlotPos):
- overSlotPosGlobal = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(overSlotPos)
- self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(False)
- if overSlotPosGlobal in self.liHighlightedItems:
- self.liHighlightedItems.remove(overSlotPosGlobal)
- self.wndItem.DeactivateSlot(overSlotPos)
- if mouseModule.mouseController.isAttached():
- attachedItemType = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedType()
- if player.SLOT_TYPE_INVENTORY == attachedItemType:
- attachedSlotPos = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedSlotNumber()
- attachedItemVNum = mouseModule.mouseController.GetAttachedItemIndex()
- if self.__CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(attachedItemVNum, attachedSlotPos, overSlotPosGlobal):
- self.wndItem.SetUsableItem(True)
- self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPosGlobal)
- return
- self.ShowToolTip(overSlotPosGlobal)
- def __IsUsableItemToItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos):
- "다른 아이템에 사용할 수 있는 아이템인가?"
- if item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum):
- return TRUE
- elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum):
- return TRUE
- elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum):
- return TRUE
- elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum):
- return TRUE
- elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:
- return TRUE
- else:
- if item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum) in self.USE_TYPE_TUPLE:
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def __CanUseSrcItemToDstItem(self, srcItemVNum, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos):
- "대상 아이템에 사용할 수 있는가?"
- if srcSlotPos == dstSlotPos:
- return FALSE
- if srcItemVNum == player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos):
- if player.GetItemCount(dstSlotPos) < 200:
- return True
- elif item.IsRefineScroll(srcItemVNum):
- if player.REFINE_OK == player.CanRefine(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):
- return True
- elif item.IsMetin(srcItemVNum):
- if player.ATTACH_METIN_OK == player.CanAttachMetin(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif item.IsDetachScroll(srcItemVNum):
- if player.DETACH_METIN_OK == player.CanDetach(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif item.IsKey(srcItemVNum):
- if player.CanUnlock(srcItemVNum, dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif (player.GetItemFlags(srcSlotPos) & ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE) == ITEM_FLAG_APPLICABLE:
- return TRUE
- else:
- useType=item.GetUseType(srcItemVNum)
- if "USE_CLEAN_SOCKET" == useType:
- if self.__CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif "USE_CHANGE_ATTRIBUTE" == useType:
- if self.__CanChangeItemAttrList(dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" == useType:
- if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif "USE_ADD_ATTRIBUTE2" == useType:
- if self.__CanAddItemAttr(dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- elif "USE_ADD_ACCESSORY_SOCKET" == useType:
- if self.__CanAddAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos):
- return TRUE
- if self.__CanPutAccessorySocket(dstSlotPos, srcItemVNum):
- return TRUE;
- elif "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET" == useType:
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- print "USE_PUT_INTO_BELT_SOCKET", srcItemVNum, dstItemVNum
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if item.ITEM_TYPE_BELT == item.GetItemType():
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def __CanCleanBrokenMetinStone(self, dstSlotPos):
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- if dstItemVNum == 0:
- return FALSE
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON != item.GetItemType():
- return FALSE
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- if player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, i) == constInfo.ERROR_METIN_STONE:
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def __CanChangeItemAttrList(self, dstSlotPos):
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- if dstItemVNum == 0:
- return FALSE
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR):
- return FALSE
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0:
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def __CanPutAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos, mtrlVnum):
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- if dstItemVNum == 0:
- return FALSE
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
- return FALSE
- if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR):
- return FALSE
- curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0)
- maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1)
- if mtrlVnum != constInfo.GET_ACCESSORY_MATERIAL_VNUM(dstItemVNum, item.GetItemSubType()):
- return FALSE
- if curCount>=maxCount:
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- def __CanAddAccessorySocket(self, dstSlotPos):
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- if dstItemVNum == 0:
- return FALSE
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if item.GetItemType() != item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR:
- return FALSE
- if not item.GetItemSubType() in (item.ARMOR_WRIST, item.ARMOR_NECK, item.ARMOR_EAR):
- return FALSE
- curCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 0)
- maxCount = player.GetItemMetinSocket(dstSlotPos, 1)
- return FALSE
- return TRUE
- def __CanAddItemAttr(self, dstSlotPos):
- dstItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(dstSlotPos)
- if dstItemVNum == 0:
- return FALSE
- item.SelectItem(dstItemVNum)
- if not item.GetItemType() in (item.ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, item.ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR):
- return FALSE
- attrCount = 0
- for i in xrange(player.METIN_SOCKET_MAX_NUM):
- if player.GetItemAttribute(dstSlotPos, i) != 0:
- attrCount += 1
- if attrCount<4:
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def ShowToolTip(self, slotIndex):
- if None != self.tooltipItem:
- self.tooltipItem.SetInventoryItem(slotIndex)
- def OnTop(self):
- if None != self.tooltipItem:
- self.tooltipItem.SetTop()
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- self.Close()
- return TRUE
- def UseItemSlot(self, slotIndex):
- curCursorNum = app.GetCursor()
- if app.SELL == curCursorNum:
- return
- return
- slotIndex = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(slotIndex)
- if self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.AutoSetItem((player.INVENTORY, slotIndex), 1)
- return
- self.__UseItem(slotIndex)
- mouseModule.mouseController.DeattachObject()
- self.OverOutItem()
- def __UseItem(self, slotIndex):
- ItemVNum = player.GetItemIndex(slotIndex)
- item.SelectItem(ItemVNum)
- if item.IsFlag(item.ITEM_FLAG_CONFIRM_WHEN_USE):
- self.questionDialog = uiCommon.QuestionDialog()
- self.questionDialog.SetText(localeInfo.INVENTORY_REALLY_USE_ITEM)
- self.questionDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept))
- self.questionDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel))
- self.questionDialog.Open()
- self.questionDialog.slotIndex = slotIndex
- else:
- self.__SendUseItemPacket(slotIndex)
- #net.SendItemUsePacket(slotIndex)
- def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnCancel(self):
- self.OnCloseQuestionDialog()
- def __UseItemQuestionDialog_OnAccept(self):
- self.__SendUseItemPacket(self.questionDialog.slotIndex)
- self.OnCloseQuestionDialog()
- def __SendUseItemToItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos):
- # 개인상점 열고 있는 동안 아이템 사용 방지
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP)
- return
- if (uiOfflineShopBuilder.IsBuildingOfflineShop()):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_OFFLINE_SHOP)
- return
- if (uiOfflineShop.IsEditingOfflineShop()):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_OFFLINE_SHOP)
- return
- net.SendItemUseToItemPacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos)
- def __SendUseItemPacket(self, slotPos):
- # 개인상점 열고 있는 동안 아이템 사용 방지
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_PRIVATE_SHOP)
- return
- if (uiOfflineShopBuilder.IsBuildingOfflineShop()):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_OFFLINE_SHOP)
- return
- if (uiOfflineShop.IsEditingOfflineShop()):
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.USE_ITEM_FAILURE_OFFLINE_SHOP)
- return
- net.SendItemUsePacket(slotPos)
- def __SendMoveItemPacket(self, srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount):
- # 개인상점 열고 있는 동안 아이템 사용 방지
- if uiPrivateShopBuilder.IsBuildingPrivateShop():
- return
- if (uiOfflineShopBuilder.IsBuildingOfflineShop()):
- return
- if (uiOfflineShop.IsEditingOfflineShop()):
- return
- net.SendItemMovePacket(srcSlotPos, dstSlotPos, srcItemCount)
- def SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self, wndDragonSoulRefine):
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine
- def OnMoveWindow(self, x, y):
- # print "Inventory Global Pos : ", self.GetGlobalPosition()
- if self.wndBelt:
- # print "Belt Global Pos : ", self.wndBelt.GetGlobalPosition()
- self.wndBelt.AdjustPositionAndSize()
- def GetAcceAttribute(self, srcSlotPos):
- result = 0
- attrSlot = []
- for i in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- attrSlot.append(player.GetItemAttribute(srcSlotPos, i))
- if 0 != attrSlot:
- for c in xrange(player.ATTRIBUTE_SLOT_MAX_NUM):
- type = attrSlot[c][0]
- if type != 0:
- result = result + 1
- return result
- def HighlightSlot(self, slot):
- if not slot in self.liHighlightedItems:
- self.liHighlightedItems.append(slot)
- def __RefreshHighlights(self):
- for i in xrange(player.INVENTORY_PAGE_SIZE):
- slotNumber = self.__InventoryLocalSlotPosToGlobalSlotPos(i)
- if slotNumber in self.liHighlightedItems:
- self.wndItem.ActivateSlot(i)
Hallo, habe gerade dieses System eingefügt:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
Sobald ich mich einlogge, schließt sich der Client. Das hier ist die Fehlermeldung in der syserr:
Code- 0121 00:47:08930 ::
- networkModule.py(line:208) SetSelectCharacterPhase
- system.py(line:130) __pack_import
- system.py(line:110) _process_result
- introSelect.py(line:18) <module>
- system.py(line:130) __pack_import
- networkModule.SetSelectCharacterPhase - <type 'exceptions.IndentationError'>:unexpected indent (uiInventory.py, line 561)
- 0121 00:47:08930 :: ============================================================================================================
- 0121 00:47:08930 :: Abort!!!!
Hier noch der Abschnitt aus meiner uiinventory.py:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
Hoffe mir kann jemand weiterhelfen
I didn't test it, but you can do some tricks for that.
With what i made here you can delete the file ../root/introEmpire.py, will no longer be used.
________________________________________________________________- ../root/networkmodule.py
Search for:
Python- def SetSelectEmpirePhase(self):
- try:
- import introEmpire
- self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.SelectEmpireWindow(self))
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("networkModule.SetSelectEmpirePhase")
- def SetReselectEmpirePhase(self):
- try:
- import introEmpire
- self.SetPhaseWindow(introEmpire.ReselectEmpireWindow(self))
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("networkModule.SetReselectEmpirePhase")
Replace it with:
Python- def SetSelectEmpirePhaseAuto(self, baseCreatePhase, baseDefaultEmpire = net.EMPIRE_A):
- net.SendSelectEmpirePacket(baseDefaultEmpire) #eg. net.EMPIRE_A | net.EMPIRE_B | net.EMPIRE_C
- import operator
- operator.getitem([lambda : self.SetSelectCharacterPhase(), lambda : self.SetCreateCharacterPhase()], baseCreatePhase)()
- def SetSelectEmpirePhase(self):
- self.SetSelectEmpirePhaseAuto(False)
- def SetReselectEmpirePhase(self):
- self.SetSelectEmpirePhaseAuto(True)
After that, do it on source this change aswell.
CSS- //@src/Server/db/src/ClientManager.cpp
- //Search for:
- snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE player_index%s SET empire=%u WHERE id=%u", GetTablePostfix(), p->bEmpire, p->dwAccountID);
- //Replace with:
- static const uint8_t bDefaultEmpire = EMPIRE_A;
- snprintf(szQuery, sizeof(szQuery), "UPDATE player_index%s SET empire=%u WHERE id=%u", GetTablePostfix(), (p->bEmpire == bDefaultEmpire) ? p->bEmpire : bDefaultEmpire, p->dwAccountID);
Hello, thanks for your reply. I did everything like you said, but when I want to login with my new created character, I am kicked and I get this syserr (serverside):
(Note: I changed start map in start_position.cpp, here is a picture:)
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.Code- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:48:28.32731 :: heart_idle: losing 41 seconds. (lag occured)
- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:48:55.219738 :: PlayerCreateSuccess: InputDB::PlayerCreateSuccess: cannot find server for mapindex 0 282 x -84 (name Arscas)
- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:49:01.501033 :: GetServerLocation: location error name Arscas mapindex 0 282 x -84 empire 0
- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:49:04.214815 :: GetServerLocation: location error name Arscas mapindex 0 469300 x 964200 empire 1
- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:49:04.812942 :: GetValidLocation: cannot find tree by 469300 964200 (map index 1)
- SYSERR: Jan 14 12:49:04.812975 :: PlayerLoad: InputDB::PlayerLoad : cannot find valid location 469300 x 964200 (name: Arscas)
Hallo, da ich für meinen Server nur ein Reich benötige, wollte ich fragen, ob jemand weiß wie das funktioniert.
Zum einen muss man ja einstellen, dass man einem Reich automatisch zugewiesen wird (z.b. rot) und gleich-
zeitig dass die Reichsauswahl übersprungen wird. Hat jemand ne Idee? Müsste ja in der introselect.py zu ver-
wirklichen sein oder?LG
Ich habe mich damit früher immer auseinandergesetzt. Sobald ich mich wieder in die Materie reingearbeitet habe, kann ich dir helfen.
Hi, weiß jemand von euch, wie ich meinen Server auf VirtualBox nur für mich nutzen kann also ohne Hamachi?
Möchte nämlich einfach mal wieder einige Sachen ausprobierenmfg