Beiträge von Nuzzo995

    Guys, I have entered this system, I have followed all the tutorials + fixes, but I cannot sell anything to npcs, only private shops, could you help me?


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    Vai su Battle.cpp e cerca int CalcAttBonus

    sostituire l'altro se a se presente

    Ich habe es auch nicht auf diese Weise gelöst, aber ich habe festgestellt, dass die Struktur anders ist als bei Ihnen

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    Guys, can anyone help me with "target info system"?

    I'm having problems with the race display. If there are 2 elements in the mob_proto, for example DEVIL, ATT_WIND, the system does not display them. While if it is only 1 it sees it.

    In the proto mob, the separation is done with the "," and I checked that indeed it was like that in dump_proto and in the server as well


    Hi all, I have included "target info system" in my files.

    But I have a problem, I have rechecked the files several times and I can't find any errors.

    When I open the client, the screen appears black and closes without errors in the syserr, I can't figure out where the problem is.

    Could you please help me out? I don't even understand where to look.

    as far as i remember cryptoppLibLink.h was used to link cryptopp libraries on windows. so its not related to your problem :)

    Thank you, however I solved by making changes to the system, I had wrong files.

    I also kindly ask, if you can, to send me your if you have offlineshop of great.

    The one I have doesn't work and I can't readjust it.

    Thank you very much

    Guys, I entered the offlineshop system, everything works perfectly but I have a problem unrelated to the system. I don't see npc names and pg names anymore.

    The only changes I made by inserting the system was to comment out the string "item->SetCreateTime();" for I don't have this statement anywhere.

    I also did not enter in stadfx.h #include <cryptopp/cryptoppLibLink.h> because this is not present either.

    Is this problem related in your opinion?

    Thanks for help.

    The whole thing is linked. You have to look for RefreshSlotBag and something like that. Whether you have inserted it all neatly into the, and the other files.

    I don't know which version you have, I'll add mine that I have lying around. I just put it back in recently and everything worked right away.

    Thank you very much! solved it, there was a problem with the system I downloaded

    Hi all, I have inserted the slot marking system.

    I have the same problem as this guy, does anyone know how to solve?

    I have rechecked the files over and over again.

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    Hi all, I recently upgraded mysql5.5 to mysql 5.6 in VDI. I thought there was no difference between the two versions in terms of changes, however I am experiencing several problems.

    I have problems on some tables in player, performance_schema and others.

    I tried to load the database manually on vps via "Execute SQL file", but I get several problems, it seems it is not compatible.

    (On vps I have mysql 5.6 installed).

    File 40250 tmp4

    (Error in performance_schema: [Err] [Dtf] 1682 - Native table 'performance_schema'.'accounts' has the wrong structure)

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    This is just an example of the errors I get, this I solved by replacing "enum" in size, with "set"

    Hi all, could someone help me with the sanii switchbot? During the compilation of the db I get these errors, I have tried several times but I have not solved. The tables.h file includes service.h and length.h Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    thank you very much

    S.F. 40250 by tmp4