Beiträge von Divs

    35% Gebühren für 0-30k Umsatz zu verlangen ist zu übertrieben. Überlegt es euch sehr gut was ihr hier macht. Für mich scheint es, wie wenn sich hier jemand die Taschen ordentlich vollstopfen will.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    Selbst bei 20% fände ich es noch too much, zumal ja noch die Transaktionsgebühren von dem Payment Gateway dazukommen.

    Vielen Dank das du die Community aufklärst!

    Wer nicht für Sicherheit und Anonymität bezahlen möchte, darf sich dann am Ende auch nicht beschweren wenn sein Geld einbehalten wird, wie es bei dir der Fall war, denn z.B. Steuern sind für dich ein Fremdwort. Kauf dir bitte dein Bankdrop wie du es gesagt hast und versuche dein Glück auf deine Art und Weise aber dann darfst du den Provider auch nicht beschuldigen, dein Geld einzubehalten, wenn du Solche Wege gehst.

    Einen angenehmen Tag wünsche ich.

    Hey Fellas, I'm Divs and I can provide you with a payment gateway for your private server or any other online business.

    I have been offering my service to lots of different projects and people mainly outside of the private server section for a few years already, but I also already cooperated with some big names in the private server section in the past. Just recently, I got into cooperation with a currently running private server again, as well as some soon starting ones.

    However, my service was pretty much private until now. You either had to know me personally or had to reach out to me through contacts to use my service, but I now decided to offer my service publically because I've noticed that a lot of server owners currently process their payments manually or are missing essential payment methods. Since automatic processing of as much different payment methods as possible is much more user friendly and therefore users are much more likely to donate, you're missing out on a lot of potential income.

    Until now, a website for my service was not needed but if there is demand there will be a website for this service where operators then get all the information that is relevant.

    But now its time for some facts about why you might need me and my service.

    • Its fully automatic for Paysafecards, SOFORT, Giropay, Crypto and lots of other payment methods.
    • Its fully anonymous! You don't need to provide me with any personal data or anything like that!
    • Payouts can be done through any crypto currency or in some cases even in cash.
    • If you wish so, the full implementation to your itemshop/website can be done by me. Otherwise, you'll be provided with the API documentation and the required information.

    Why all this? It is completely anonymous and has no risks for the operator. Especially lately some operators got problems because their payments were not anonymous. Since I have been doing this for years now, I'm experienced enough to know how to properly and securely run this service.

    Since its running through, there are fix fees charged by them, these are not avoidable but depend on the payment method. Additionally, I charge a fee for providing this service, but the rate depends on your monthly income. The higher your income, the lower the rate. Also, when cooperating for a while, the rate can be re-negotiated independently from the average monthly income.

    Further can be discussed preferably on Discord: Divs#5479
