Hallo zusammen,
ich wollte mir zum tüfteln die Fliege V3 Files aufsetzen. Serverseitig hat das auch funktioniert. Clientseitig jedoch nicht.
Wenn ich die Debug Exe starte crasht diese direkt und ich erhalte folgende Mitteilungen im Log:
- 0623 05:29:30584 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_de]
- 0623 05:29:30584 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/locale_de_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30593 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_warrior_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30604 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_assassin_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30610 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_sura_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30618 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_shaman_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30619 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_common_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30622 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/pc_wolfman_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30629 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30648 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30655 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch2_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30668 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch3_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30672 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_event_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30676 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30679 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30682 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/maps]
- 0623 05:29:30682 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/maps_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30682 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empirewar]
- 0623 05:29:30683 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empirewar_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30699 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/costume_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30699 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/costume_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30700 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/costume_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30715 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/monster_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30742 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/monster2_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30750 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/effect_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30774 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/zone_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30776 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/terrain_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30780 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30782 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc2_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30788 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc_pet_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30791 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/npc_mount_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30792 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/tree_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30797 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30816 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/item_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30820 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/textureset_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30844 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/property_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30866 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/icon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30870 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30881 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/season_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30923 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30925 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30925 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30928 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30936 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30939 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30941 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_empire_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30946 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30948 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30953 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30954 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30955 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30959 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30961 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30962 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30968 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_event_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30968 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30973 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30973 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30975 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30977 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30979 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_dungeon_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30980 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30982 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30984 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_guild_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30987 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30987 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_event_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:30990 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/map_patch1_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31029 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31034 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31035 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31037 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31039 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31039 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31040 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31046 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31053 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/sound_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31067 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/etc_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31067 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/etc_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31070 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/etc_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:31072 :: The eterpack doesn't exist [pack/uiscript_texcache]
- 0623 05:29:00008 ::
- 0623 05:29:00011 :: ## Network - OffLine Phase ##
- 0623 05:29:00012 ::
- 0623 05:29:00018 :: SYSERR: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [locale/de/atlasinfo.txt]
- 0623 05:29:00060 :: SYSERR: CANNOT_FIND_PACK_FILE [root/system.py]
- 0623 05:29:00060 :: SYSERR: RunMain Error
- 0623 05:29:00063 :: SYSERR: granny_shared_vbs:
- 0623 05:29:00068 :: SYSERR: 0: 0
- 0623 05:29:00068 :: SYSERR: 1: 0
- 0623 05:29:00071 :: SYSERR: 2: 0
- 0623 05:29:00071 :: SYSERR: 3: 0
- 0623 05:29:00071 :: SYSERR: 4: 0
- 0623 05:29:00073 :: SYSERR: 5: 0
- 0623 05:29:00074 :: SYSERR: 6: 0
- 0623 05:29:00074 :: SYSERR: 7: 0
- 0623 05:29:00074 :: SYSERR: 8: 0
- 0623 05:29:00077 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyDeletingResourceMap 0
- 0623 05:29:00079 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyResourceMap 0
- 0623 05:29:00082 :: CResourceManager::__DestroyResourceMap 0
- 0623 05:29:00082 :: CPythonBackground Clear
- 0623 05:29:00084 :: PythonIME Clear
- 0623 05:29:00089 :: PythonNetworkMainStream Clear
- 0623 05:29:00107 :: Python Graphic Clear
Folgende Schritte habe ich nach dem Download der Files auf Clientseite gemacht:
- Client entpackt:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
- root, locale und uiscript mithilfe von Eterpack gepackt und nach pack verschoben
- Client im Debug modus aus der Source kompiliert
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
- Client sah nun so aus, wurde im Debug gestartet und crasht instant
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
Wo genau ist mein Denkfehler?