Beiträge von sensational

    Hi. I prepared lottery system.

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    All items and settings stored in file in your server (e.g locale/poland/lottery.txt). You can choose lottery for items or yang.

    Items are automatically shuffling. You will get message in window after won common item (if common is higher than 2/3)

    If you want stop lottery you'll receive message in game.

    You can reload lottery in game using command.

    Currently you can open lottery by using the NPC (quest)

    Full support and updates.

    Skype: live:sxvoyz - PM to me cause my skype account is broken

    Price: 50 euro

    Thanks, its working but i dont know if is me but when i scroll down this goes up, and if i scroll up this goes down wtf xD

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    If i scroll down it shows 2 and it should show 5, and if i scroll up it shows 5 and should show 2 xD

    If nLen value less than 0 scroll have to trigger OnDown function

    1. def OnRunMouseWheel(self, nLen):
    2. if nLen > 0:
    3. self.scrollBar.OnUp()
    4. else:
    5. self.scrollBar.OnDown()

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    PythonApplicatioEvent.cpp (Replace)



    1. /*
    2. Find declaration
    3. void RunMouseMiddleButtonUp(long x, long y);
    4. And add this
    5. */
    6. bool RunMouseWheelEvent(long nLen);



    1. /*
    2. Find declaration
    3. virtual BOOL OnMouseMiddleButtonUp();
    4. And add this
    5. */
    6. virtual BOOL RunMouseWheelEvent(long nLen);

    I'm not available until Sunday.
    I'm preparing updates next week. This is a list of changes:

    * Player can buy a item for selected player as gift.
    * Add discount inside table
    * ::SendItemShop is now buffered packet
    * You can display bought item in game (log)
    * Some functions are moved into client binary
    * Add new currency

    I'll update main thread with some screens soon.