Beiträge von Thorrone

    Thank you guys :)

    Now, the only thing i would need is a function that would load the default skybox .msenv of the map.
    For example, istead of this "def wetter2" there should be a function for the default map.

    1. def wetter2(self):
    2. background.RegisterEnvironmentData(1, "d:/ymir work/environment/skybox1.msenv")
    3. background.SetEnvironmentData(1)
    4. constInfo.ENVIORMENT_SAVE = "d:/ymir work/environment/skybox1.msenv"
    5. constInfo.ENVIORMENT_DATA = 1
    6. environment = open("lib/environment.cfg","w")
    7. environment.write(constInfo.ENVIORMENT_SAVE)

    Hello, i would be interested in a Skybox System in the game options.

    I will explain how i would like it:
    In "game options" you can select skybox number: 1 Day, 2 Night, 3 Sunset, 4 Cloudy, 5 Rainy ( this is just an example ).
    The default option is "1" and when you change to another number it remains saved even when you close the client or change maps etc...

    I was thinking a price range of 20/25€
    If anyone have or can make the System send me a private message, thanks! :)