Hello there, I'm using this quest for the Razador Purgatory:
- quest BlazingPurgatory_Zone begin
- state start begin
- when login with BlazingPurgatory.isInDungeon() begin
- local data = BlazingPurgatory.ReturnData();
- local outside_coords_l = data["outside_Pos"];
- local FirstBossCoords = data["boss_Posit"];
- d.set_warp_location(data["outside_index"], outside_coords_l["x"], outside_coords_l["y"]);
- if (party.is_party() and party.is_leader() or not party.is_party()) then
- d.spawn_mob(data["PurgatoryKing"], FirstBossCoords["x"], FirstBossCoords["y"]);
- d.regen_file(get_locale_base_path().."/quest/dungeon/flame_dungeon/blazingpurgatory_monster_7.txt");
- server_timer("blazingpurgatory_time_out", data["time_until_you_got_kicked"], d.get_map_index());
- d.notice(string.format("From now on you will have %s.", get_time_format(data["time_until_you_got_kicked"])))
- d.notice("to complete the dungeon.")
- end
- end
- when logout with BlazingPurgatory.isInDungeon() begin
- local data = BlazingPurgatory.ReturnData();
- if (data["time_after_you_complete_the_dungeon"] > 0) then
- local party_pids = party_get_member_pids();
- BlazingPurgatory.setWatingTime(party_pids);
- end
- end
- when kill with BlazingPurgatory.isInDungeon() begin
- local data = BlazingPurgatory.ReturnData();
- if npc.get_race() == data["PurgatoryKing"] then
- clear_server_timer("blazingpurgatory_time_out", get_server_timer_arg());
- server_timer("blazingpurgatory_time_out", 60, d.get_map_index());
- BlazingPurgatory.ClearDungeon();
- d.notice(" Congralutions, Razador was defeated.")
- d.notice(" You will be teleported in 60 seconds.")
- end
- end
- when blazingpurgatory_time_out.server_timer begin
- if (d.select(get_server_timer_arg())) then
- d.notice("Time expired, you will be teleported outside.")
- d.exit_all();
- end
- end
- when 20394.chat."Enter the BlazingPurgatory" with not BlazingPurgatory.isInDungeon() begin
- say_title(string.format("%s:[ENTER]", mob_name(npc.get_race())))
- say("Would you like to enter and destroy the Razador?")
- if (select("Yes", "No") == 1) then
- if BlazingPurgatory.CheckInfo() then
- BlazingPurgatory.EnterInDungeon();
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
The problem is that the timer is not working at all, I can re-enter the dungeon how many times I want, could you please tell me what's wrong or anything that can help me?