Beiträge von cream
nice that you also have removed the copy right informations which were in the headline, of the elaked src version where you've extracted these (old) version
now I understand what people told me in the past about this scene
maybe next time with copyright ?? KEKW
Soweit sogut, aber beim einloggen bzw. sobald es Load macht.... Wird der zeiger bis am ende gesetzt obwohl die Postion stimmt (Slider Pos).
Anfang wäre dies 6.0 aber er setzt es nicht .... Oo was hab ich falsch gemacht?... Sehe da keinen fehler
I have the same problem. Have you solved it?
If he isnt sure, that he want to change it, I think he would not ask directly how to change this.
to make your sura skill working on horse, you have to modify this function
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My files GrpTextInstance.cpp and PythonApplication.cpp are different from the ones possibly referenced in the tutorial. Could someone experienced in battle add changes to these two files for me?
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Aug 12 23:20:41 :: XXX target too far testyou must synchronize the targetrange values server and client side, if it's already synchronous, check the function which is responsible for the calculation / interpretation of this value. Also you should add chat outputs which shows you the distance and range values, so that you quickly know which isn't working correctly
Was macht ein schlauer Mensch?
Ein schlauer Mensch haut sich ein "System" wie Shop-Ex rein und nutzt die Tabelle zum Einsetzen der Slots, Erze what ever.
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Damit die Stützräder auch wirklich angebracht sind hier noch ein Beispiel für dich.bin auch darauf gekommen, Versuch du das doch mal selbst?
Den socket kannst du per Item_proto.TXT nicht ersetzen mein lieber haham8 all you need to do is to set the socket for the specific item type in the ::Buy when he adds the item to your character, don't make it more complicate as it's
Yoo thats right bro, thanks for the right way.
Now i use in char.cpp the function void CHARACTER::RestartAtSamePos()
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but i have problems with SCMD_RESTART_TOWN in cmd_general.cpp
sorry but what you're doing doesn't make sense.
you say in your topic and in your gif the animation is missing but when you look in the ::Dead function you can see by yourself "If he's riding then stop riding" and then few lines later he change to POS_DEAD so he can't show you the animation because you're not riding anymore
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so that he call this function in ::Dead is your problem so remove your changes and just delete
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check the granny version of the files, which are responsible for this action
check out your CHARACTER::Dead as you can see on your gif, you don't die on your horse, you stop riding when you die. so when you reach the ::Dead he just stops riding and then he sets your position to POS_DEAD
Ich möchte ungerne meine ungebildete Meinung abgeben, aber kann man den Key nicht einfach von der Binary extrahieren und selbst entschlüsseln? Das klingt irgendwie nicht schwerer als diese .eix / .epk Keys zu finden
In dieser Form der Entwicklung: Ja.
Nächste Ausbaustufe wäre z.B. die keys per Packet vom Server zu holen, wenn in UserInterface Main die App Initialisiert wird. Bin in dem Thema aber nicht fit genug um sagen zu können ob das so viel sicherer ist.
I like your idea but i'm not sure if it's worth to make this effort, because you can still decrypt all via ram dumping, so idk
Which files do i have to Edit
char item
horse rider
for the future if you work on a freebsd vm you can search things by cmd like
this in not for mini map?
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. that what you've showed is the atlas of orctal so if you want to have a constant mark (not realtime position) on the atlas from the boss, you need to extend these functions.
1) packet problem
2) the reason is the refine set value
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3) the reason is the extra stats which you get by horselevel
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Punkt 2:
In der constants.cpp werden soweit ich mich da richtig eingelesen habe,die Geiststeindrops (aller Stufen) prozentual pro Metinstein festgelegt.
Code- const SStoneDropInfo aStoneDrop[STONE_INFO_MAX_NUM] =
- {
- // mob pct {+0 +1 +2 +3 +4}
- {8005, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8006, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8007, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8008, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8009, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8010, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8011, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8012, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8013, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8014, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- };
Kann ich die Liste jetzt einfach beliebig erweitern? Denn wenn ich das Versuche
was dann wie folgt aussieht (denn die 4 weiteren Metinsteine droppen eigtl. auch Geiststeine)Code- const SStoneDropInfo aStoneDrop[STONE_INFO_MAX_NUM] =
- {
- // mob pct {+0 +1 +2 +3 +4}
- {8005, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8006, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8007, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8008, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8009, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8010, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8011, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8012, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8013, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8014, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8024, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8025, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8026, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- {8027, 75, {9, 18, 18, 36, 27} },
- };
Bekomme ich folgenden Fehler beim compilen
Würde mich freuen wenn jemand zu Punkt 1 weiß wie das genau berechnet wird,
und zu Punkt 2 weiß wieso er da mucken macht - muss ich da noch irgendwo etwas
kind regardsmusst du demnach auch den wert von
when you extend with a new item type you also have to extend the other functions
so add a "0," (when you don't have special subtypes) to the functions which you show on screenshot 3&4 (provided it's string* arSubType & arNumberOfSubtype)
ah sorry I've read incorrectly, check also that all item types are activated (defines)
du musst das jeweils unter den case des richtigen types und applytypes eintragen
dann jeweils ändern in z.B.
geht leider nicht hatte das auch schon so drinnen...
gibt 2
stell sicher das es unter dem richtigen itemtype case ist (sofern alles auf default)
without seeing how the special storage is coded or any debug outputs no one can help you.
but I suppose that your storage is coded with a new window_type then you also need to edit the CShopManager::Sell function
du musst das jeweils unter den case des richtigen types und applytypes eintragen
dann jeweils ändern in z.B.