Client Leaks
- Fixing leaks of the client (rewarp/teleport)
Example (using /rewarp):
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Client Leaks
- Fixing leaks of the client (rewarp/teleport)
Example (using /rewarp):
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.
Wikipedia Extension
- Crafting Info added (Crafting Origin)
- If you search for a chest, the drop is also displayed directly.
- Linking to guides in windows
- You can use items in guides, when player goes with mouse overin, he see tooltip of this item.
- You can click on items (for example refine page)
- You can click on mob / chest names ("Origin:")
- If you go to an Upgrade Item, you can see which item you need it for example: Poison Sword+6
- Linking of guides for items possible
- Linking of guides in PM possible
- Origin 'Shop' added
extensions fit with aeldra wikipedia.
for price or questions contact me on discord
few functions added on wikipedia extension
Is the rename teleportation scroll feature fully client side and supports multiple accounts/char slots?
Switchbot (Sanii) Update
- item remains in the inventory if you have dragged it into the switchbot and switchbot is active on it
- 5 alternative bonuses selectable. Standart: 2/5 unlocked. The locked ones can be unlocked with an item
- When the switchbot successfully switched, he says also how many switchers he used for this item
for price or questions contact me on discord
now avaible:
direct dungeon warp, rejoin across channels
- teleport from anywhere directly into the dungeon without talking to an npc
- if you get kicked out of the dungeon and log into the wrong channel you can still re-enter (you don't need to be on the right channel)
optional with dungeon manager (includes completed, damage, time rankings)
for more information or price write me on discord
Scroll of Bonus Protection
- Player can protect the bonuses of an item. In other words, they cannot be changed as long as the protection is active.
- Item is still tradable
for price or questions contact me on discord
Wikipedia extension
- Crafting Info added (Crafting Origin)
- If you search for a chest, the drop is also displayed directly.
- Linking to guides in windows
- You can use items in guides, when player goes with mouse overin, he see tooltip of this item.
- You can click on items (for example refine page)
- You can click on mob / chest names ("Origin:")
- If you go to an Upgrade Item, you can see which item you need it for example: Poison Sword+6
- Linking of guides for items possible
for price or questions contact me on discord
Guild System extended
- Guild missions (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)
- Guild Skills
- Change Guild name
I sell this system just 1x
for price or questions contact me on discord
Metin Queue Attack mode
- New attack mode, so player dont have to press shift + mouse click everytime. just mouseclick is enough.
for price or questions contact me on discord
Scroll of location - name update
- Player can give his scroll of location a new name like: "Position Orc Boss"
for price or questions contact me on discord
Alchemy Refine helper
- This helper opens all your cors and refine the selected alchemy stone type. You can also select until which stone type he should refine.
- refine all function also included
for price or questions contact me on discord
Open chests without lag and direct count
- No lag anymore when you open 2k stacks at once
- Instead 2k Chat outputs with "You received xy" he say a summary. example:
You received 75x energy shard
(1 chest = 1 energy shard, so you got from 75 chest this item, but instead 75x message player see 1 message (summary).
for price or questions contact me on discord
Slot Color avaible
- give items a colored frame
- for example: all your equipment parts with "Strong against devils" -> blue
- so player knows, blue = devil equipment
- frame is saved clientside
- frame is saved by playername and still visible after the trade
- Extensions possible on request (for example: pre sets, favorites, ..)
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for more infos or price contact me on discord
Biolog System avaible:
- New biologist missions, more fast and relaxed than ever before, via .txt
- Use of the researcher's elixir and cooldown remover via click on UI
- If cooldown is over and you can submit a new item, you get a PM
- Bonus via affect or an Item or both as reward
- multi bonuses possible as reward
- also the option to choose between several bonuses
additional buyable: anti mouse macro (window pos gets a new pos after submit)
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for more information and also the price write me on discord
Switchmode added
- player-friendly system. players don't have to switch items or run the risk of having crap bonuses
- Sanii switchbot is supported
- player can cancel switchmode
- if when the item is finished, with switch mode active, the player can choose the bonus
- can be config like you want (currently only AVG/SD weapons)
- additional options: switchmode for 6/7 bonuses, or also other systems
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for price or questions add me on discord
pre sale request opened, for:
- Switch mode (For example, you have 50avg poison sword but want to try more avg, after switchbot done you can select between old and new bonuses)
- Marking items with a colored frame (For example, the Devil equipment blue frame)
contact and details, price via discord.
Metin Scale and Damage Number Scale
- Scale Size of metin via slider
- Scale size of damage numbers via slider
- Can be purchased separately
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new event avaible
Soccer Bet
- games are entered in a txt
- opening and closing of the voting can be determined
- results are entered via ingame command
-if the player was correct he receives a credit on his account
- he can redeem the bonus at any time.
optional: with hwid bonus, with hwid credit balance
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New Systems avaible:
Mount & Pet Nickname:
- You can give your mount/pet a name
- Player gets a extra bonus when his companion has a active nickname scroll
- if time expired, the companion name is not displayed anymore.
- system comes with standart hatching window (like rb) and with other affect icon / desc
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for price or questions write me on discord
- Buffi sumon via item
- Buffi has standart skill M1 (Dragon skills)
- Buffi Healing skills (110,111) can be unlocked by buffi nickname scroll
- Train skills of buffi via books
- Buffi can equip: Costume Weapon, Costume Body, Costume hair, sash, shining.
- Skill and Costume has 1 interface
- optional: with marriage items, skill color
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for price or questions write me on discord
pity refinement & seal of god
- You can set how often an item may fail (at the same level) until it fails 100%.
- Example: max fail = 3, if 3x failed (3/3) then 4th refine is 100%
- you see the fails on the refinewindow
- you can activate seal of god via checkbox
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for price or questions write me on discord
Battlepass avaible
- performance friendly code
- Free and Paid version (paid gets activated by item x)
- Rewards can be collected when you achieve level, that you get by completing missions and get exp from them
- you can skip missions with an item
- Standart missions:
Write Shout, kill x (mob/player), use specific items, buy from npc shop
new missiontypes I can add on request (example: Complete Dungeons, Combine Sash)
- Optional:
Daily/weekly missions,
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for price write me on discord.
Extension of Ikarus Shopsearch avaible
Note: a suitable rework of the offlineshop is already available above.
- Multi Buy function
- Search by playername, search by itemname
- exact search
- race filter
- gender filter
- min, max refine level filter
- min, max stack filter
- min, max avg filter
- min, max sd filter
- min, max absorbation filter
- alchemy grade filter
- alchemy level filter
- item duration filter
- bonus filter
- option to save filter
- option to load saved filter
- reset all filter options via 1 click
- quick PM to shop owner
custom changes and extensions are possible on request.
Filter can be folded out and is placed over the categories.
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Hi, I would like to offer my services. My name is cream, I have several years of dev experience in metin2 and was one of the developers of the most successful metin2 private server in the past.
What can I do?
- Create systems from 0 (scratch)
- extend / modify existing systems
- Coding of UI's (Login, Charselect, ingame UI's, .. )
- Fixing of bugs
- Setup of the server or source and various upgrades.
- Adding existing systems to your files
- The price will be discussed individually. I accept Paypal or crypto.
- Discord: ruth7877s
Systems for Sell:
Ikarus Shop Search rework
- Multi Buy function
- Search by playername, search by itemname
- exact search
- race filter
- gender filter
- min, max refine level filter
- min, max stack filter
- min, max avg filter
- min, max sd filter
- min, max absorbation filter
- alchemy grade filter
- alchemy level filter
- item duration filter
- bonus filter
- option to save filter
- option to load saved filter
- reset all filter options via 1 click
- quick PM to shop owner
custom changes and extensions are possible on request.
Filter can be folded out and is placed over the categories.
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write me on discord for price.
- performance friendly code
- Free and Paid version (paid gets activated by item x)
- Rewards can be collected when you achieve level, that you get by completing missions and get exp from them
- you can skip missions with an item
- Standart missions:
Write Shout, kill x (mob/player), use specific items, buy from npc shop
new missiontypes I can add on request (example: Complete Dungeons, Combine Sash)
- Optional:
Daily/weekly missions,
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for price write me on discord.
New Systems avaible:
Mount & Pet Nickname:
- You can give your mount/pet a name
- Player gets a extra bonus when his companion has a active nickname scroll
- if time expired, the companion name is not displayed anymore.
- system comes with standart hatching window (like rb) and with other affect icon / desc
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Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.
for price or questions write me on discord
Metin Scale and Damage Number Scale
- Scale Size of metin via slider
- Scale size of damage numbers via slider
- Can be purchased separately
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for price write me on discord
- Buffi sumon via item
- Buffi has standart skill M1 (Dragon skills)
- Buffi Healing skills (110,111) can be unlocked by buffi nickname scroll
- Train skills of buffi via books
- Buffi can equip: Costume Weapon, Costume Body, Costume hair, sash, shining.
- Skill and Costume has 1 interface
- optional: with marriage items, skill color
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for price or questions write me on discord
pity refinement & seal of god
- You can set how often an item may fail (at the same level) until it fails 100%.
- Example: max fail = 3, if 3x failed (3/3) then 4th refine is 100%
- you see the fails on the refinewindow
- you can activate seal of god via checkbox
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for price or questions write me on discord
- player-friendly system. players don't have to switch items or run the risk of having crap bonuses
- Sanii switchbot is supported
- player can cancel switchmode
- if when the item is finished, with switch mode active, the player can choose the bonus
- can be config like you want, it works for all kind of items.
- additional options: switchmode for 6/7 bonuses, or also other systems
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for price or questions add me on discord
Biolog System
- New biologist missions, more fast and relaxed than ever before, via .txt
- Use of the researcher's elixir and cooldown remover via click on UI
- If cooldown is over and you can submit a new item, you get a PM
- Bonus via affect or an Item or both as reward
- multi bonuses possible as reward
- also the option to choose between several bonuses
additional buyable: anti mouse macro (window pos gets a new pos after submit)
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for more information and also the price write me on discord
direct dungeon warp, rejoin across channels
- teleport from anywhere directly into the dungeon without talking to an npc
- if you get kicked out of the dungeon and log into the wrong channel you can still re-enter (you don't need to be on the right channel)
for more information or price write me on discord
Slot Color avaible
- give items a colored frame
- for example: all your equipment parts with "Strong against devils" -> blue
- so player knows, blue = devil equipment
- frame is saved clientside
- frame is saved by playername and still visible after the trade
- Extensions possible on request (for example: pre sets, favorites, ..)
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for more infos or price contact me on discord
Soccer Event
- games are entered in a txt
- opening and closing of the voting can be determined
- results are entered via ingame command
- if the player was correct he receives a credit on his account
- he can redeem the bonus at any time.
optional: with hwid bonus, with hwid credit balance
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Monster/Metin/Boss as Server/Empire Rates
- extension of priv_empire command
- extended with: monster,metin,boss bonus as argument
/priv_empire 0 5 10 24 - enables 10% monster bonus at all empires for 24h
/priv_empire 1 6 10 24 - enables 10% metin bonus at red empire for 24h
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For exact price please contact me on Discord
Leadership without Party:
- You can select a Leadership bonus without party
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Ikarus Offline Shop - Shop Decoration
- Details on pictures
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For exact price please contact me on Discord
Mount / Pet / Sash Skin System:
- can also be purchased separately
- Sash Skin can also be an effect (wings)
- customization to pet system possible (if you have 2 pet systems, so 2 skins also possible)
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Pet System
- More informations on Discord
- Official like or custom like
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Special Storage with Sort / Stack / Item Search Function + Safebox & Mall Category:
- Categories & pages can be customized
- Customization on systems such as inventory slot unlock possible
- I can offer also a version WITHOUT: Sort / Stack / Item Search Function + Safebox & Mall Category
- You can purchase one of the desired functions: Sort / Stack / Item Search Function + Safebox & Mall Category
- design elements (buttons, images) are not included
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Fast Sash (Auto) combine
- Combine all sashes in inventory via 1 click
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Scroll of Bonus Protection
- Player can protect the bonuses of an item. In other words, they cannot be changed as long as the protection is active.
- Item is still tradable
for price or questions contact me on discord
Wikipedia extension
- Crafting Info added (Crafting Origin)
- If you search for a chest, the drop is also displayed directly.
- Linking to guides in windows
- You can use items in guides, when player goes with mouse overin, he see tooltip of this item.
- You can click on items (for example refine page)
- You can click on mob / chest names ("Origin:")
- If you go to an Upgrade Item, you can see which item you need it for example: Poison Sword+6
- Linking of guides for items possible
for price or questions contact me on discord
Guild System extended
- Guild missions (Daily/Weekly/Monthly)
- Guild Skills
- Change Guild name
I sell this system just 1x
for price or questions contact me on discord
Metin Queue Attack mode
- New attack mode, so player dont have to press shift + mouse click everytime. just mouseclick is enough.
for price or questions contact me on discord
Scroll of location - name update
- Player can give his scroll of location a new name like: "Position Orc Boss"
for price or questions contact me on discord
Alchemy Refine helper
- This helper opens all your cors and refine the selected alchemy stone type. You can also select until which stone type he should refine.
- refine all function also included
for price or questions contact me on discord
Switchbot (Sanii) Update
- item remains in the inventory if you have dragged it into the switchbot and switchbot is active on it
- 5 alternative bonuses selectable. Standart: 2/5 unlocked. The locked ones can be unlocked with an item
- When the switchbot successfully switched, he says also how many switchers he used for this item
for price or questions contact me on discord
Open chests without lag and direct count
- No lag anymore when you open 2k stacks at once
- Instead 2k Chat outputs with "You received xy" he say a summary. example:
You received 75x energy shard
(1 chest = 1 energy shard, so you got from 75 chest this item, but instead 75x message player see 1 message (summary).
for price or questions contact me on discord
Global Player Ranking:
- Standart Categories: Level, Killed Monster, Killed Stones, Killed Bosses, Playtim, Yang, Opend chest
- New categories can be added on request
- Permanent ranking and optional monthly
- system works via cache
- design from screenshot is not included (you get basic design)
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For exact price please contact me on Discord
Skills come back after Dispel:
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For exact price please contact me on Discord
- Total worth of all items in shop
- Item Sell history
- Item sell notification
- Extend Time without closing shop
- Multiple Shop pages
- Shop Search with Category & Filter
- Shop Search, Search by playername
- Multi Buy
[..] much more
For exact price please contact me on Discord
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Other Information:
- Customization of offered systems to your source can cause extra costs. With the closing of this thread the claim for support ends.
Not recommend
says can fulfill requirements, he cannot.
he puts no love into the details (suddenly different colors, fonts, things stand out ...)
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Begründung, belegt durch code ausschnitte?
Belegt dadurch, dass ihn keiner mehr nutzt. Gibt genug Videos/Beiträge, die belegen was ich sage.
Dachte aufgrund deines Developer Rangs könnte man mit dir auf Basis von Code ausschnitten sich unterhalten, schade.
Würde dem Ikarus Shop eine 7 bzw. 7.5 von 10 Punkten geben, ist in vielen Punkten sicherlich Geschmackssache aber an sich gut gemacht.
Die deinerseits erwähnten Dupe bugs sind nicht durch den Code von ikarus zu stande gekommen, sondern sind ein Grund Problem, was Metin2 hat.
Jeder Server Admin sollte sich informieren wie Dupe Bugs etc. zu stande kommen. Ikarus ist kein Babysitter der dich vor deinen Fehlern beschützen muss.
Deiner Argumentation nach würdest du jeden Developer schlecht reden, der der nicht das Problem behebt, was eig. mit seinem System nichts zutun hat, sondern du als Admin in der Verantwortung stehst maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Verantwortung auf andere abzulassen, aber dick abcashen wollen ist bisschen cringe
Ikarus V1 (..) leider zu nichts zu gebrauchen. Ob ich auf einen V2 warten würde? Nein.
Begründung, belegt durch code ausschnitte?
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