Beiträge von Thorek.


    I am able to prepare a Patcher using PSD, or without.

    Here are some examples of my work (along with more, I'll try to update the topic regularly).

    To start, a version that doesn't support PSD

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    and now the more interesting ones, which are based on the graphics I've sliced

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    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    This might interest you:

    + Simple setup

    + Fast file verification

    + Low resource usage (i.e. low RAM/CPU consumption)

    + Undetectable by VirusTotal database (Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.)

    What more, the patcher was written entirely using C++

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Anhang zu sehen.

    If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord: sndth


    Completely new and fresh approach to load blend items using Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen..

    Better than previous versions?

    I suppose so. The source file for this version has only about 50 lines so it is very slim.

    I have decided to adhere to the YMIR coding style, so there are no classes or structures.

    So - how to install this „system”?

    • Make sure the compiler you are using supports (at least) C++11.
      • Install Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. parser.
        • Replace blend_item.h and blend_item.cpp with the old ones, and that is it.
          • If you want hot-reloading the JSON file, you can add the cmd_gm.cpp part (recommended).

    Example blend.json file content below.

    Why u did that in exe, no one will use, just do a py script.

    On another forum I mentioned that my tool (written in C++) is soooo faster than Python script created by dracaryS. Nothing stands in the way to use his tool, write own or use dissassembler to reverse executable file xd