Beiträge von Crew1337

    I've heard that multi-threaded optimazation will not work, unless you re-write like 50% of the source code, I doubt you did that, cause its worthy.

    I want to see parts of the thread optimazation code - wonder how you did that.

    It's not something very complex, it's just a thread a single started for few seconds.. it's used only to load resources not for other operations. As i said it's resource loading optimizations, nothing more.

    We will see :)

    Can you show the code and legitimate that you didn't steel it from anywhere? Don't get me wrong but you're a Noname here and one of your first thread is one, where you sell a 600e system without even Screens, Proof or anything related to that. Do you have proven references of your work or?

    I can't show anything, as i said i'm pretty busy these days and i don't have time to install and make video. I did this resource optimization few months ago and i had a little pause from m2 scene.. so i don't have it installed.. but tommorow i'm gonna make video for sure :)

    I will u[pdate tommorow the topic with screens and video. About codes ofc i can't share anything in topic, if anyone have doubs one of admins can look at few parts of codes and compare with vegas, vegas is the only one who actually sell this optimization but i think mine is better :)

    One person already bought the optimization, he is very happy so far :)

    He did not added a feedback in my topic yet because he want to test the optimizations

    1. Optimization of client resources.

    - Load resources only once, when the client starts.

    - Files are stored in ram memory and are accessed much faster.

    - No more lag

    - No more fps drop

    - Loading time 1 second

    - Warp time 1 second

    - multithreading (A new thread will be started to load resources, then the thread will disappear)

    - modern coding

    - No dll / no lib

    - IN few days video

    - Everything is wrote by me and not stole from other devs

    - When not to buy this ? When you have a very big client, with lot of gr2 models.. All resources will be cached in RAM memory so the usage will stay always around 900mb/1gb depending on how much resources exist. The client will stay at fixed usage always, there's no more memory leak.. As i said it depends on how much resources you have, a 2GB client with my optimizations will have usage 900-1gb but always like this.

    Price: 600 euro!

    Contact: In few hours , if you are impatient to buy... u can send me a message here/ on forum.

    More systems and stuff will come soon, (few days) right now i don't have time to post all.