Beiträge von World Ard

    If I had problems why didn't you write to me for support?

    friend admits that I install public system.

    if all my systems support. and when a client presents problems write to me and fix it.



    Thanks for the criticism. Regards!

    Friend when you install a normal public system that errors appear, jajajajaja

    Thanks for your criticism


    -[New System] Elemental Spell

    20% Offer on the Elemental Spell system until 30/08/2020

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Sykpe: felipe.ardila8

    Discord: WorldArd#6255


    Good everyone

    This section will be updated with new projects and systems for sale.

    ***Extra Equipment Page[C++/Python]***


    ***Flower Event[C++/Python]***

    ***Fast Equip[C++/Python]***


    ***Elemental Spell [C++/Python]***

    ***Stone (Add - Change - Transfer) [C++/Python]***

    ***Bonus 6&7 [C++/Python]***

    ***Multi Refine [C++/Python]***

    ***Cube Renewal [C++/Python]***

    ***Search Drop Item[C++/Python]***

    ***Change Bonus Alchemy [C++/Python]***

    ***Hide Costume Final Version [C++/Python]***

    ***Emotions V0.1 [C++/Python]***

    ***MailBox v0.1 [C++/Lua/Python]***

    ***Gaya System v0.1 [C++/Lua/Python]***

    ***GiftsCode V0.1 [C++/Python]***

    ***Change Bonus V0.1 [C++/Python]***

    ***Search Chest [C++/Python]***

    ***Search Shop [C++/Python]***

    ***Shop Decoration [C++/Python]***


    * The installation of any system mentioned here is totally free.

    * The fix of any bug or problem that said system has. It can be fixed at no cost.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Sykpe: felipe.ardila8

    Discord: WorldArd#6255

    15% Offer on all my systems until 07/08/2020

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
