nice stuff
Beiträge von M2Freak
die buttons sind ziemlich weit unten
hier mal angepasst:öffnet die (uiscript)
guckt euch die rot markierten felder an und passt es bei euch so an
Hier mal ne neue Granny Version.
Wenn ihr schon auf Version 9.x seit sind keine Codeänderungen erforderlich.
Darunter solltet ihr euch folgendes Tutorial anschauen: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.Link:
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.danke fürs teilen
The hacker managed to hack into the Skype account of a certain staff in Gameforge. From there, he found a way to whitelist his server in Ymir's firewall to access Ymir's mantis system.
In this mantis system there was a sql injection vulnerability. With that, they got the account credentials of a senior technician in Ymir who is also responsible for server security. They got his password and accessed to his email account. There was a mail which has all Ymir internal servers with password listed. From there, it was easy to get into the server where the source file was located and download everything.
The hacker has obtained the source code of Ymir and not only Metin2. That included Metin1 and Inferna.
In early Dec 2013, the hacker shared the source file of Metin2 to a guy by the name of Nova. Nova went on Teamspeak channel and boasted to a group of 2 people giving them access to the source file of Metin2. The 2 people are known as Steven Tappert, an employee of Intercolo (Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.) and a co-owner of Intercolo known as Maxim Gade. Intercolo is the hoster for several Metin2 private servers which included Undergroundmt3 / Reloadedmt2.
Maxim Gade is closely related to the owner of both the 3 private servers and shared the source file to Blackout45 and Soniice who is known as Marcel Weber. Blackout45 shared it to Deskorner and he tried to sell the source file to raise fund for his project to create a new game with it and he successfully sold it to 4 Metin2 private servers for a sum of 8,000euro. Soniice was unhappy that the source file has been leaked and published it openly on every Metin2 fan site and game forum.
However, the public files are not the most recent ones. For example, the client source in dev line is pretty outdated (rev 38xxx). Blackout Skype ID is "shock-industries".
The entire asset of Metin2 is more than 200 GB and the hacker with his friends have everything with them. We think sooner or later, the entire source file for Metin2, Metin1 and Inferna will be leaked.
From the public files, the timestamp of the files is dated 30th September. The hacking was done probably a few days earlier. Additional information we have gathered that the hacker has close all ways someone could possibly get into Ymir's internal servers, making it impossible for anyone to trace who hacked the servers and stolen all the deutsch
Der Hacker schaffte es, in den Skype-Account eines bestimmten Stabs in Gameforge einzudringen. Von dort aus fand er einen Weg, seinen Server in Ymirs Firewall auf die weiße Liste zu setzen, um auf Ymirs Mantis-System zuzugreifen.In diesem Mantis-System gab es eine SQL-Injection-Schwachstelle. Damit erhielten sie die Kontoausweise eines leitenden Technikers in Ymir, der auch für die Serversicherheit verantwortlich ist. Sie haben sein Passwort erhalten und auf sein E-Mail-Konto zugegriffen. Es gab eine Mail, die alle internen Ymir-Server mit Passwort aufgelistet hat. Von dort war es einfach, auf den Server zu gelangen, auf dem sich die Quelldatei befand, und alles herunterzuladen.Der Hacker hat den Quellcode von Ymir und nicht nur von Metin2 erhalten. Das beinhaltete Metin1 und Inferna.Anfang Dezember 2013 teilte der Hacker die Quelldatei von Metin2 einem Typen namens Nova. Nova ging auf den Teamspeak-Kanal und prahlte mit einer Gruppe von 2 Leuten, die ihnen Zugriff auf die Quelldatei von Metin2 gaben. Die 2 Personen sind bekannt als Steven Tappert, ein Mitarbeiter von Intercolo (Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.) und Miteigentümer von Intercolo, bekannt als Maxim Gade. Intercolo ist der Hoster für mehrere private Metin2-Server, darunter Undergroundmt3 / Reloadedmt2.Maxim Gade ist eng mit dem Besitzer der 3 privaten Server verbunden und teilte die Quelldatei an Blackout45 und Soniice, bekannt als Marcel Weber. Blackout45 teilte es Deskorner und er versuchte, die Quelldatei zu verkaufen, um Geld für sein Projekt zu sammeln, um damit ein neues Spiel zu erstellen, und er verkaufte es erfolgreich an 4 private Metin2-Server für eine Summe von 8.000 Euro. Soniice war unglücklich darüber, dass die Quelldatei durchgesickert und auf allen Metin2-Fanseiten und Spielforen veröffentlicht wurde.Die öffentlichen Dateien sind jedoch nicht die neuesten. Zum Beispiel ist die Client-Quelle in der Dev-Zeile ziemlich veraltet (Rev 38xxx). Blackout Skype ID ist "shock-industries".Das gesamte Vermögen von Metin2 beträgt mehr als 200 GB und der Hacker mit seinen Freunden hat alles dabei. Wir denken früher oder später, die gesamte Quelldatei für Metin2, Metin1 und Inferna wird durchsickern. Aus den öffentlichen Dateien stammt der Zeitstempel der Dateien vom 30. September. Das Hacken wurde wahrscheinlich vor ein paar Tagen gemacht. Zusätzliche Informationen, die wir gesammelt haben, haben ergeben, dass der Hacker alle möglichen Möglichkeiten hat, in die internen Server von Ymir zu gelangen, was es für jeden unmöglich macht, zu verfolgen, wer die Server gehackt und alle Dateien gestohlen hat.hab mal was gefunden.. aber keine ahnung ob das alles stimmt
syserr ist leer
standard 40k files und test client für 40250
alle aktuellen reittiere/pets/kostüme/frisuren/schulterbänder eingefügt
servus com
mein client hängt sich manchmal auf und im chat steht dann pvp schutz aktiviert und kann dann nichts mehr machen
wenn ich dann /g c eingebe ist alles schwarz und muss den client neu starten
liegt das vielleicht daran dass ich zu viele eix/epk dateien im pack ordner habe ? -
Der fehlt mir auch noch
wäre nett wenn den jemand uploaden würde -
Sperr den Type ITEM_COSTUME im Source für den 6/7, vermutlich läuft dein Mount auch über den neuen kostümslot
sollte so klappen oder ?
edit: funktioniert
aber jetzt kommt ein neuer fehlerCode- 1231 09:33:09357 :: File "", line 1371, in CallEvent
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: File "", line 88, in __call__
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: File "", line 70, in __call__
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: File "", line 1381, in ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: ReferenceError
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: :
- 1231 09:33:09357 :: weakly-referenced object no longer exists
- 1231 09:33:09358 ::
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: File "", line 1371, in CallEvent
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: File "", line 88, in __call__
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: File "", line 70, in __call__
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: File "", line 1389, in OpenPrivateShopBuilder
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: TypeError
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: :
- 1231 11:27:16400 :: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
- 1231 11:27:16400 ::
in der player tabelle quest.sql vorhanden ?
kommt sobald wenn ich 2x auf das bündel klicke
ansonsten funktioniert das
weiß jemand weiter ?syserr:
Code- 1230 19:01:17735 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
- 1230 19:01:17735 :: File "", line 1371, in CallEvent
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: File "", line 88, in __call__
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: File "", line 70, in __call__
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: File "", line 1389, in OpenPrivateShopBuilder
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: File "", line 262, in GetText
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: AttributeError
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: :
- 1230 19:01:17736 :: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetText'
- 1230 19:01:17736 ::
Code- import ui
- import localeInfo
- import app
- import ime
- import uiScriptLocale
- class PopupDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__LoadDialog()
- self.acceptEvent = lambda *arg: None
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __LoadDialog(self):
- try:
- PythonScriptLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- PythonScriptLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "UIScript/")
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.message = self.GetChild("message")
- self.accceptButton = self.GetChild("accept")
- self.accceptButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.Close))
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("PopupDialog.LoadDialog.BindObject")
- def Open(self):
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- self.acceptEvent()
- def Destroy(self):
- self.Close()
- self.ClearDictionary()
- def SetWidth(self, width):
- height = self.GetHeight()
- self.SetSize(width, height)
- self.board.SetSize(width, height)
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.UpdateRect()
- def SetText(self, text):
- self.message.SetText(text)
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptEvent = event
- def SetButtonName(self, name):
- self.accceptButton.SetText(ButtonName)
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- self.Close()
- return TRUE
- def OnIMEReturn(self):
- self.Close()
- return TRUE
- class InputDialogShop(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- self.type = 0
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- getObject = self.GetChild
- self.board = getObject("Board")
- self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton")
- self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton")
- self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot")
- self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue")
- self.inputType0 = getObject("InputType0")
- self.inputType1 = getObject("InputType1")
- self.inputType2 = getObject("InputType2")
- self.inputType3 = getObject("InputType3")
- self.inputType4 = getObject("InputType4")
- self.inputType5 = getObject("InputType5")
- self.inputType6 = getObject("InputType6")
- self.inputType7 = getObject("InputType7")
- self.inputType0.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType0)
- self.inputType1.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType1)
- self.inputType2.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType2)
- self.inputType3.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType3)
- self.inputType4.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType4)
- self.inputType5.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType5)
- self.inputType6.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType6)
- self.inputType7.SetEvent(self.__ChangeInputType7)
- def Open(self):
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- self.__ChangeInputType0()
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.ClearDictionary()
- self.board = None
- self.acceptButton = None
- self.cancelButton = None
- self.inputSlot = None
- self.inputValue = None
- self.inputType0 = None
- self.inputType1 = None
- self.inputType2 = None
- self.inputType3 = None
- self.inputType4 = None
- self.inputType5 = None
- self.inputType6 = None
- self.inputType7 = None
- self.type = None
- self.Hide()
- def SetTitle(self, name):
- self.board.SetTitleName(name)
- def SetNumberMode(self):
- self.inputValue.SetNumberMode()
- def SetSecretMode(self):
- self.inputValue.SetSecret()
- def SetFocus(self):
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- def SetMaxLength(self, length):
- width = length * 6 + 10
- self.SetBoardWidth(max(width + 50, 160))
- self.SetSlotWidth(width)
- self.inputValue.SetMax(length)
- def SetSlotWidth(self, width):
- self.inputSlot.SetSize(width, self.inputSlot.GetHeight())
- self.inputValue.SetSize(width, self.inputValue.GetHeight())
- if self.IsRTL():
- self.inputValue.SetPosition(self.inputValue.GetWidth(), 0)
- def SetBoardWidth(self, width):
- self.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight())
- self.board.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight())
- if self.IsRTL():
- self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0)
- self.UpdateRect()
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event
- def SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.board.SetCloseEvent(event)
- self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event
- def __ChangeInputType0(self):
- self.type = 0
- self.GetChild("InputType0").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType1(self):
- self.type = 1
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType2(self):
- self.type = 2
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType3(self):
- self.type = 3
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType4(self):
- self.type = 4
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType5(self):
- self.type = 5
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType6(self):
- self.type = 6
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").Down()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").SetUp()
- def __ChangeInputType7(self):
- self.type = 7
- self.GetChild("InputType0").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType1").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType2").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType3").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType4").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType5").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType6").SetUp()
- self.GetChild("InputType7").Down()
- def GetText(self):
- return self.inputValue.GetText()
- def GetType(self):
- return int(self.type)
- class InputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- getObject = self.GetChild
- self.board = getObject("Board")
- self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton")
- self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton")
- self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot")
- self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue")
- def Open(self):
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.ClearDictionary()
- self.board = None
- self.acceptButton = None
- self.cancelButton = None
- self.inputSlot = None
- self.inputValue = None
- self.Hide()
- def SetTitle(self, name):
- self.board.SetTitleName(name)
- def SetNumberMode(self):
- self.inputValue.SetNumberMode()
- def SetSecretMode(self):
- self.inputValue.SetSecret()
- def SetFocus(self):
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- def SetMaxLength(self, length):
- width = length * 6 + 10
- self.SetBoardWidth(max(width + 50, 160))
- self.SetSlotWidth(width)
- self.inputValue.SetMax(length)
- def SetSlotWidth(self, width):
- self.inputSlot.SetSize(width, self.inputSlot.GetHeight())
- self.inputValue.SetSize(width, self.inputValue.GetHeight())
- if self.IsRTL():
- self.inputValue.SetPosition(self.inputValue.GetWidth(), 0)
- def SetBoardWidth(self, width):
- self.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight())
- self.board.SetSize(max(width + 50, 160), self.GetHeight())
- if self.IsRTL():
- self.board.SetPosition(self.board.GetWidth(), 0)
- self.UpdateRect()
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event
- def SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.board.SetCloseEvent(event)
- self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event
- def GetText(self):
- return self.inputValue.GetText()
- class InputDialogWithDescription(InputDialog):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- InputDialog.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC() :
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, uiScriptLocale.LOCALE_UISCRIPT_PATH + "")
- else:
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- try:
- getObject = self.GetChild
- self.board = getObject("Board")
- self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton")
- self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton")
- self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot")
- self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue")
- self.description = getObject("Description")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject")
- def SetDescription(self, text):
- self.description.SetText(text)
- class InputDialogWithDescription2(InputDialog):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- InputDialog.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- try:
- getObject = self.GetChild
- self.board = getObject("Board")
- self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton")
- self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton")
- self.inputSlot = getObject("InputSlot")
- self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue")
- self.description1 = getObject("Description1")
- self.description2 = getObject("Description2")
- except:
- import exception
- exception.Abort("InputDialogWithDescription.LoadBoardDialog.BindObject")
- def SetDescription1(self, text):
- self.description1.SetText(text)
- def SetDescription2(self, text):
- self.description2.SetText(text)
- class QuestionDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.textLine = self.GetChild("message")
- self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept")
- self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel")
- def Open(self):
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- def SetWidth(self, width):
- height = self.GetHeight()
- self.SetSize(width, height)
- self.board.SetSize(width, height)
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.UpdateRect()
- def SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event)
- def SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event)
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event)
- def SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event)
- def SetText(self, text):
- self.textLine.SetText(text)
- def SetAcceptText(self, text):
- self.acceptButton.SetText(text)
- def SetCancelText(self, text):
- self.cancelButton.SetText(text)
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- self.Close()
- return TRUE
- class QuestionDialogItem(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.textLine = self.GetChild("message")
- self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept")
- self.destroyButton = self.GetChild("destroy")
- self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel")
- def Open(self):
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.Hide()
- def SetWidth(self, width):
- height = self.GetHeight()
- self.SetSize(width, height)
- self.board.SetSize(width, height)
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.UpdateRect()
- def SAFE_SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event)
- def SAFE_SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.cancelButton.SAFE_SetEvent(event)
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event)
- def SetDestroyEvent(self, event):
- self.destroyButton.SetEvent(event)
- def SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event)
- def SetText(self, text):
- self.textLine.SetText(text)
- def SetAcceptText(self, text):
- self.acceptButton.SetText(text)
- def SetCancelText(self, text):
- self.cancelButton.SetText(text)
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- self.Close()
- return TRUE
- class QuestionDialog2(QuestionDialog):
- def __init__(self):
- QuestionDialog.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- def __del__(self):
- QuestionDialog.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1")
- self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2")
- self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept")
- self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel")
- def SetText1(self, text):
- self.textLine1.SetText(text)
- def SetText2(self, text):
- self.textLine2.SetText(text)
- class QuestionDialogWithTimeLimit(QuestionDialog2):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.__CreateDialog()
- self.endTime = 0
- def __del__(self):
- QuestionDialog2.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.textLine1 = self.GetChild("message1")
- self.textLine2 = self.GetChild("message2")
- self.acceptButton = self.GetChild("accept")
- self.cancelButton = self.GetChild("cancel")
- def Open(self, msg, timeout):
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- self.SetText1(msg)
- self.endTime = app.GetTime() + timeout
- def OnUpdate(self):
- leftTime = max(0, self.endTime - app.GetTime())
- self.SetText2(localeInfo.UI_LEFT_TIME % (leftTime))
- class MoneyInputDialog(ui.ScriptWindow):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__init__(self)
- self.moneyHeaderText = localeInfo.MONEY_INPUT_DIALOG_SELLPRICE
- self.__CreateDialog()
- self.SetMaxLength(13)
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ScriptWindow.__del__(self)
- def __CreateDialog(self):
- pyScrLoader = ui.PythonScriptLoader()
- pyScrLoader.LoadScriptFile(self, "uiscript/")
- getObject = self.GetChild
- self.board = self.GetChild("board")
- self.acceptButton = getObject("AcceptButton")
- self.cancelButton = getObject("CancelButton")
- self.inputValue = getObject("InputValue")
- self.inputValue.SetNumberMode()
- self.inputValue.OnIMEUpdate = ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnValueUpdate)
- self.moneyText = getObject("MoneyValue")
- def Open(self):
- self.inputValue.SetText("")
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- self.__OnValueUpdate()
- self.SetCenterPosition()
- self.SetTop()
- self.Show()
- def Close(self):
- self.ClearDictionary()
- self.board = None
- self.acceptButton = None
- self.cancelButton = None
- self.inputValue = None
- self.Hide()
- def SetTitle(self, name):
- self.board.SetTitleName(name)
- def SetFocus(self):
- self.inputValue.SetFocus()
- def SetMaxLength(self, length):
- length = min(13, length)
- self.inputValue.SetMax(length)
- def SetMoneyHeaderText(self, text):
- self.moneyHeaderText = text
- def SetAcceptEvent(self, event):
- self.acceptButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnIMEReturn = event
- def SetCancelEvent(self, event):
- self.board.SetCloseEvent(event)
- self.cancelButton.SetEvent(event)
- self.inputValue.OnPressEscapeKey = event
- def SetValue(self, value):
- value=str(value)
- self.inputValue.SetText(value)
- self.__OnValueUpdate()
- ime.SetCursorPosition(len(value))
- def GetText(self):
- return self.inputValue.GetText()
- def __OnValueUpdate(self):
- ui.EditLine.OnIMEUpdate(self.inputValue)
- text = self.inputValue.GetText()
- money = 0
- if text and text.isdigit():
- try:
- money = long(text)
- except ValueError:
- money = 199999999
- self.moneyText.SetText(self.moneyHeaderText + localeInfo.NumberToMoneyString(money))
Code- ##
- ## Interface
- ##
- import constInfo
- import systemSetting
- import wndMgr
- import chat
- import app
- import player
- import uiTaskBar
- import uiCharacter
- import uiInventory
- import uiDragonSoul
- import uiChat
- import uiMessenger
- import uiguildstorage
- import guild
- import ui
- import uiHelp
- import uiWhisper
- import uiPointReset
- import uiShop
- import uiExchange
- import uiSystem
- import uiRestart
- import uiToolTip
- import uiMiniMap
- import uiParty
- import uiSafebox
- import uiGuild
- import uiQuest
- import uiPrivateShopBuilder
- import uiCommon
- import uiRefine
- import uiEquipmentDialog
- import uiGameButton
- import uiTip
- import uiCube
- import uiCards
- import miniMap
- import uiSelectItem
- import uiScriptLocale
- import event
- import localeInfo
- import uidragonlairranking
- import uisash
- IsQBHide = 0
- class Interface(object):
- def __init__(self):
- systemSetting.SetInterfaceHandler(self)
- self.windowOpenPosition = 0
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None
- self.inputDialog = None
- self.tipBoard = None
- self.bigBoard = None
- self.mallPageDlg = None
- self.wndWeb = None
- self.wndTaskBar = None
- self.wndCharacter = None
- self.wndInventory = None
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar = None
- self.wndDragonSoul = None
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine = None
- self.wndChat = None
- self.wndMessenger = None
- self.wndMiniMap = None
- self.wndGuild = None
- self.wndGuildBuilding = None
- self.listGMName = {}
- self.wndQuestWindow = []
- self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {}
- self.guildScoreBoardDict = {}
- self.equipmentDialogDict = {}
- event.SetInterfaceWindow(self)
- def __del__(self):
- systemSetting.DestroyInterfaceHandler()
- event.SetInterfaceWindow(None)
- ################################
- ## Make Windows & Dialogs
- def __MakeUICurtain(self):
- wndUICurtain = ui.Bar("TOP_MOST")
- wndUICurtain.SetSize(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth(), wndMgr.GetScreenHeight())
- wndUICurtain.SetColor(0x77000000)
- wndUICurtain.Hide()
- self.wndUICurtain = wndUICurtain
- def __MakeMessengerWindow(self):
- self.wndMessenger = uiMessenger.MessengerWindow()
- from _weakref import proxy
- self.wndMessenger.SetWhisperButtonEvent(lambda n,i=proxy(self):i.OpenWhisperDialog(n))
- self.wndMessenger.SetGuildButtonEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleGuildWindow))
- def __MakeGuildWindow(self):
- self.wndGuild = uiGuild.GuildWindow()
- def __MakeChatWindow(self):
- wndChat = uiChat.ChatWindow()
- wndChat.SetSize(wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH, 0)
- wndChat.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - wndChat.CHAT_WINDOW_WIDTH/2, wndMgr.GetScreenHeight() - wndChat.EDIT_LINE_HEIGHT - 37)
- wndChat.SetHeight(200)
- wndChat.Refresh()
- wndChat.Show()
- self.wndChat = wndChat
- self.wndChat.BindInterface(self)
- self.wndChat.SetSendWhisperEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget))
- self.wndChat.SetOpenChatLogEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChatLogWindow))
- def __MakeTaskBar(self):
- wndTaskBar = uiTaskBar.TaskBar()
- wndTaskBar.LoadWindow()
- self.wndTaskBar = wndTaskBar
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHARACTER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage))
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_INVENTORY, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleInventoryWindow))
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_MESSENGER, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleMessenger))
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_SYSTEM, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleSystemDialog))
- if uiTaskBar.TaskBar.IS_EXPANDED:
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_EXPAND, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleExpandedButton))
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar = uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar()
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.LoadWindow()
- #self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleDragonSoulWindow))
- #self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_PET_GUI, ui.__mem_func__(self.TogglePetMain))
- else:
- self.wndTaskBar.SetToggleButtonEvent(uiTaskBar.TaskBar.BUTTON_CHAT, ui.__mem_func__(self.ToggleChat))
- self.wndEnergyBar = None
- import app
- wndEnergyBar = uiTaskBar.EnergyBar()
- wndEnergyBar.LoadWindow()
- self.wndEnergyBar = wndEnergyBar
- def __MakeParty(self):
- wndParty = uiParty.PartyWindow()
- wndParty.Hide()
- self.wndParty = wndParty
- def __MakeGameButtonWindow(self):
- wndGameButton = uiGameButton.GameButtonWindow()
- wndGameButton.SetTop()
- wndGameButton.Show()
- wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("STATUS", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickStatusPlusButton))
- wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("SKILL", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickSkillPlusButton))
- wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("QUEST", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickQuestButton))
- wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("HELP", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickHelpButton))
- wndGameButton.SetButtonEvent("BUILD", ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnClickBuildButton))
- self.wndGameButton = wndGameButton
- def __IsChatOpen(self):
- return TRUE
- def __MakeWindows(self):
- wndCharacter = uiCharacter.CharacterWindow()
- wndInventory = uiInventory.InventoryWindow()
- wndInventory.BindInterfaceClass(self)
- wndDragonSoul = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulWindow()
- wndDragonSoulRefine = uiDragonSoul.DragonSoulRefineWindow()
- else:
- wndDragonSoul = None
- wndDragonSoulRefine = None
- wndMiniMap = uiMiniMap.MiniMap()
- wndSafebox = uiSafebox.SafeboxWindow()
- wndMall = uiSafebox.MallWindow()
- self.wndMall = wndMall
- wndChatLog = uiChat.ChatLogWindow()
- wndChatLog.BindInterface(self)
- self.wndCharacter = wndCharacter
- self.wndInventory = wndInventory
- self.wndDragonSoul = wndDragonSoul
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine = wndDragonSoulRefine
- self.wndMiniMap = wndMiniMap
- self.wndSafebox = wndSafebox
- self.wndChatLog = wndChatLog
- self.wndDragonSoul.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine)
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetInventoryWindows(self.wndInventory, self.wndDragonSoul)
- self.wndInventory.SetDragonSoulRefineWindow(self.wndDragonSoulRefine)
- def __MakeDialogs(self):
- self.dlgExchange = uiExchange.ExchangeDialog()
- self.GuildStorageWindow = uiguildstorage.GuildStorage()
- self.dlgExchange.LoadDialog()
- self.dlgExchange.SetCenterPosition()
- self.dlgExchange.Hide()
- self.dlgPointReset = uiPointReset.PointResetDialog()
- self.dlgPointReset.LoadDialog()
- self.dlgPointReset.Hide()
- self.dlgShop = uiShop.ShopDialog()
- self.dlgShop.LoadDialog()
- self.dlgShop.Hide()
- self.dlgRestart = uiRestart.RestartDialog()
- self.dlgRestart.LoadDialog()
- self.dlgRestart.Hide()
- self.dlgSystem = uiSystem.SystemDialog()
- self.dlgSystem.LoadDialog()
- self.dlgSystem.SetOpenHelpWindowEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenHelpWindow))
- self.dlgSystem.Hide()
- self.dlgPassword = uiSafebox.PasswordDialog()
- self.dlgPassword.Hide()
- self.hyperlinkItemTooltip = uiToolTip.HyperlinkItemToolTip()
- self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.Hide()
- self.tooltipItem = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip()
- self.tooltipItem.Hide()
- self.tooltipSkill = uiToolTip.SkillToolTip()
- self.tooltipSkill.Hide()
- self.privateShopBuilder = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopBuilder()
- self.privateShopBuilder.Hide()
- self.dlgRefineNew = uiRefine.RefineDialogNew()
- self.dlgRefineNew.Hide()
- def __MakeHelpWindow(self):
- self.wndHelp = uiHelp.HelpWindow()
- self.wndHelp.LoadDialog()
- self.wndHelp.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseHelpWindow))
- self.wndHelp.Hide()
- def __MakeTipBoard(self):
- self.tipBoard = uiTip.TipBoard()
- self.tipBoard.Hide()
- self.bigBoard = uiTip.BigBoard()
- self.bigBoard.Hide()
- def __MakeWebWindow(self):
- if constInfo.IN_GAME_SHOP_ENABLE:
- import uiWeb
- self.wndWeb = uiWeb.WebWindow()
- self.wndWeb.LoadWindow()
- self.wndWeb.Hide()
- def __MakeMeleyRanking(self):
- self.wndMeleyRanking = uidragonlairranking.Window()
- self.wndMeleyRanking.LoadWindow()
- self.wndMeleyRanking.Hide()
- def __MakeSashWindow(self):
- self.wndSashCombine = uisash.CombineWindow()
- self.wndSashCombine.LoadWindow()
- self.wndSashCombine.Hide()
- self.wndSashAbsorption = uisash.AbsorbWindow()
- self.wndSashAbsorption.LoadWindow()
- self.wndSashAbsorption.Hide()
- if self.wndInventory:
- self.wndInventory.SetSashWindow(self.wndSashCombine, self.wndSashAbsorption)
- def __MakeCubeWindow(self):
- self.wndCube = uiCube.CubeWindow()
- self.wndCube.LoadWindow()
- self.wndCube.Hide()
- def __MakeCubeResultWindow(self):
- self.wndCubeResult = uiCube.CubeResultWindow()
- self.wndCubeResult.LoadWindow()
- self.wndCubeResult.Hide()
- def __MakeCardsInfoWindow(self):
- self.wndCardsInfo = uiCards.CardsInfoWindow()
- self.wndCardsInfo.LoadWindow()
- self.wndCardsInfo.Hide()
- def __MakeCardsWindow(self):
- self.wndCards = uiCards.CardsWindow()
- self.wndCards.LoadWindow()
- self.wndCards.Hide()
- def __MakeCardsIconWindow(self):
- self.wndCardsIcon = uiCards.IngameWindow()
- self.wndCardsIcon.LoadWindow()
- self.wndCardsIcon.Hide()
- def __MakeItemSelectWindow(self):
- self.wndItemSelect = uiSelectItem.SelectItemWindow()
- self.wndItemSelect.Hide()
- def MakeInterface(self):
- self.__MakeMessengerWindow()
- self.__MakeGuildWindow()
- self.__MakeChatWindow()
- self.__MakeParty()
- self.__MakeWindows()
- self.__MakeDialogs()
- self.__MakeUICurtain()
- self.__MakeTaskBar()
- self.__MakeGameButtonWindow()
- self.__MakeHelpWindow()
- self.__MakeTipBoard()
- self.__MakeWebWindow()
- self.__MakeMeleyRanking()
- self.__MakeSashWindow()
- self.__MakeCubeWindow()
- self.__MakeCubeResultWindow()
- self.__MakeCardsInfoWindow()
- self.__MakeCardsWindow()
- self.__MakeCardsIconWindow()
- self.__MakeItemSelectWindow()
- self.questButtonList = []
- self.whisperButtonList = []
- self.whisperDialogDict = {}
- self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {}
- self.wndInventory.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndDragonSoul.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndSafebox.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndSashCombine.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndSashAbsorption.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndCube.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndCubeResult.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndMall.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndCharacter.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill)
- self.wndTaskBar.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.wndTaskBar.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill)
- self.wndGuild.SetSkillToolTip(self.tooltipSkill)
- self.wndItemSelect.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.dlgShop.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.dlgExchange.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.privateShopBuilder.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- self.__InitWhisper()
- def MakeHyperlinkTooltip(self, hyperlink):
- tokens = hyperlink.split(":")
- if tokens and len(tokens):
- type = tokens[0]
- if "item" == type:
- self.hyperlinkItemTooltip.SetHyperlinkItem(tokens)
- ## Make Windows & Dialogs
- ################################
- def Close(self):
- if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget:
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy()
- del self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget
- if uiQuest.QuestDialog.__dict__.has_key("QuestCurtain"):
- uiQuest.QuestDialog.QuestCurtain.Close()
- if self.wndQuestWindow:
- for eachQuestWindow in self.wndQuestWindow:
- eachQuestWindow.nextCurtainMode = -1
- eachQuestWindow.CloseSelf()
- eachQuestWindow = None
- if self.wndChat:
- self.wndChat.Destroy()
- if self.wndTaskBar:
- self.wndTaskBar.Destroy()
- if self.wndExpandedTaskBar:
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Destroy()
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- self.wndEnergyBar.Destroy()
- if self.wndCharacter:
- self.wndCharacter.Destroy()
- if self.wndInventory:
- self.wndInventory.Destroy()
- if self.wndDragonSoul:
- self.wndDragonSoul.Destroy()
- if self.wndDragonSoulRefine:
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Destroy()
- if self.dlgExchange:
- self.dlgExchange.Destroy()
- if self.dlgPointReset:
- self.dlgPointReset.Destroy()
- if self.dlgShop:
- self.dlgShop.Destroy()
- if self.dlgRestart:
- self.dlgRestart.Destroy()
- if self.dlgSystem:
- self.dlgSystem.Destroy()
- if self.dlgPassword:
- self.dlgPassword.Destroy()
- if self.wndMiniMap:
- self.wndMiniMap.Destroy()
- if self.wndSafebox:
- self.wndSafebox.Destroy()
- if self.wndWeb:
- self.wndWeb.Destroy()
- self.wndWeb = None
- if self.wndMall:
- self.wndMall.Destroy()
- if self.wndParty:
- self.wndParty.Destroy()
- if self.wndHelp:
- self.wndHelp.Destroy()
- if self.wndCardsInfo:
- self.wndCardsInfo.Destroy()
- if self.wndCards:
- self.wndCards.Destroy()
- if self.wndCardsIcon:
- self.wndCardsIcon.Destroy()
- if self.wndMeleyRanking:
- self.wndMeleyRanking.Destroy()
- if self.wndSashCombine:
- self.wndSashCombine.Destroy()
- if self.wndSashAbsorption:
- self.wndSashAbsorption.Destroy()
- if self.wndCube:
- self.wndCube.Destroy()
- if self.wndCubeResult:
- self.wndCubeResult.Destroy()
- if self.wndMessenger:
- self.wndMessenger.Destroy()
- if self.wndGuild:
- self.wndGuild.Destroy()
- if self.GuildStorageWindow:
- self.GuildStorageWindow.Destroy()
- if self.privateShopBuilder:
- self.privateShopBuilder.Destroy()
- if self.dlgRefineNew:
- self.dlgRefineNew.Destroy()
- if self.wndGuildBuilding:
- self.wndGuildBuilding.Destroy()
- if self.wndGameButton:
- self.wndGameButton.Destroy()
- if self.mallPageDlg:
- self.mallPageDlg.Destroy()
- if self.wndItemSelect:
- self.wndItemSelect.Destroy()
- self.wndChatLog.Destroy()
- for btn in self.questButtonList:
- btn.SetEvent(0)
- for btn in self.whisperButtonList:
- btn.SetEvent(0)
- for dlg in self.whisperDialogDict.itervalues():
- dlg.Destroy()
- for brd in self.guildScoreBoardDict.itervalues():
- brd.Destroy()
- for dlg in self.equipmentDialogDict.itervalues():
- dlg.Destroy()
- del self.mallPageDlg
- del self.wndGuild
- del self.GuildStorageWindow
- del self.wndMessenger
- del self.wndUICurtain
- del self.wndChat
- del self.wndTaskBar
- if self.wndExpandedTaskBar:
- del self.wndExpandedTaskBar
- del self.wndEnergyBar
- del self.wndCharacter
- del self.wndInventory
- if self.wndDragonSoul:
- del self.wndDragonSoul
- if self.wndDragonSoulRefine:
- del self.wndDragonSoulRefine
- del self.dlgExchange
- del self.dlgPointReset
- del self.dlgShop
- del self.dlgRestart
- del self.dlgSystem
- del self.dlgPassword
- del self.hyperlinkItemTooltip
- del self.tooltipItem
- del self.tooltipSkill
- del self.wndMiniMap
- del self.wndSafebox
- del self.wndMall
- del self.wndParty
- del self.wndHelp
- del self.wndCardsInfo
- del self.wndCards
- del self.wndCardsIcon
- del self.wndMeleyRanking
- del self.wndSashCombine
- del self.wndSashAbsorption
- del self.wndCube
- del self.wndCubeResult
- del self.privateShopBuilder
- del self.inputDialog
- del self.wndChatLog
- del self.dlgRefineNew
- del self.wndGuildBuilding
- del self.wndGameButton
- del self.tipBoard
- del self.bigBoard
- del self.wndItemSelect
- self.questButtonList = []
- self.whisperButtonList = []
- self.whisperDialogDict = {}
- self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict = {}
- self.guildScoreBoardDict = {}
- self.equipmentDialogDict = {}
- uiChat.DestroyChatInputSetWindow()
- ## Self
- def SetOpenBoniSwitcherEvent(self, event):
- self.wndInventory.SetOpenBoniSwitcherEvent(event)
- ## Skill
- def OnUseSkill(self, slotIndex, coolTime):
- self.wndCharacter.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime)
- self.wndTaskBar.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime)
- self.wndGuild.OnUseSkill(slotIndex, coolTime)
- def OnActivateSkill(self, slotIndex):
- self.wndCharacter.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex)
- self.wndTaskBar.OnActivateSkill(slotIndex)
- def OnDeactivateSkill(self, slotIndex):
- self.wndCharacter.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex)
- self.wndTaskBar.OnDeactivateSkill(slotIndex)
- def OnChangeCurrentSkill(self, skillSlotNumber):
- self.wndTaskBar.OnChangeCurrentSkill(skillSlotNumber)
- def SelectMouseButtonEvent(self, dir, event):
- self.wndTaskBar.SelectMouseButtonEvent(dir, event)
- ## Refresh
- def RefreshAlignment(self):
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment()
- def RefreshStatus(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStatus()
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshStatus()
- self.wndInventory.RefreshStatus()
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- self.wndEnergyBar.RefreshStatus()
- self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshStatus()
- def RefreshStamina(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.RefreshStamina()
- def RefreshSkill(self):
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshSkill()
- self.wndTaskBar.RefreshSkill()
- def RefreshInventory(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot()
- self.wndInventory.RefreshItemSlot()
- self.wndDragonSoul.RefreshItemSlot()
- def RefreshCharacter(self): ## Character ÆäÀÌÁöÀÇ ¾ó±¼, Inventory ÆäÀÌÁöÀÇ Àü½Å ±×¸² µîÀÇ Refresh
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshCharacter()
- self.wndTaskBar.RefreshQuickSlot()
- def RefreshQuest(self):
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshQuest()
- def RefreshSafebox(self):
- self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafebox()
- def RefreshMall(self):
- self.wndMall.RefreshMall()
- def OpenItemMall(self):
- if not self.mallPageDlg:
- self.mallPageDlg = uiShop.MallPageDialog()
- self.mallPageDlg.Open()
- def RefreshMessenger(self):
- self.wndMessenger.RefreshMessenger()
- def RefreshGuildInfoPage(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildInfoPage()
- def RefreshGuildBoardPage(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildBoardPage()
- def RefreshGuildMemberPage(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPage()
- def RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildMemberPageGradeComboBox()
- def RefreshGuildSkillPage(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildSkillPage()
- def RefreshGuildGradePage(self):
- self.wndGuild.RefreshGuildGradePage()
- def DeleteGuild(self):
- self.wndMessenger.ClearGuildMember()
- self.wndGuild.DeleteGuild()
- def RefreshMobile(self):
- self.dlgSystem.RefreshMobile()
- def OnMobileAuthority(self):
- self.dlgSystem.OnMobileAuthority()
- def OnBlockMode(self, mode):
- self.dlgSystem.OnBlockMode(mode)
- ## Calling Functions
- # PointReset
- def OpenPointResetDialog(self):
- self.dlgPointReset.Show()
- self.dlgPointReset.SetTop()
- def ClosePointResetDialog(self):
- self.dlgPointReset.Close()
- # Shop
- def OpenShopDialog(self, vid):
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- self.wndInventory.SetTop()
- self.dlgShop.Open(vid)
- self.dlgShop.SetTop()
- def CloseShopDialog(self):
- self.dlgShop.Close()
- def RefreshShopDialog(self):
- self.dlgShop.Refresh()
- ## Quest
- def OpenCharacterWindowQuestPage(self):
- self.wndCharacter.Show()
- self.wndCharacter.SetState("QUEST")
- def OpenQuestWindow(self, skin, idx):
- wnds = ()
- q = uiQuest.QuestDialog(skin, idx)
- q.SetWindowName("QuestWindow" + str(idx))
- q.Show()
- if skin:
- q.Lock()
- wnds = self.__HideWindows()
- q.AddOnDoneEvent(lambda tmp_self, args=wnds: self.__ShowWindows(args))
- if skin:
- q.AddOnCloseEvent(q.Unlock)
- q.AddOnCloseEvent(lambda s = self, qw = q: s.__dict__.__getitem__("wndQuestWindow").remove(qw))
- self.wndQuestWindow.append(q)
- def HideAllQuestWindow(self):
- tempList = []
- for i,v in self.wndQuestWindow.iteritems():
- tempList.append(v)
- for i in tempList:
- i.OnCancel()
- ## Exchange
- def StartExchange(self):
- self.dlgExchange.OpenDialog()
- self.dlgExchange.Refresh()
- def EndExchange(self):
- self.dlgExchange.CloseDialog()
- def RefreshExchange(self):
- self.dlgExchange.Refresh()
- ## Party
- def AddPartyMember(self, pid, name):
- self.wndParty.AddPartyMember(pid, name)
- self.__ArrangeQuestButton()
- def UpdatePartyMemberInfo(self, pid):
- self.wndParty.UpdatePartyMemberInfo(pid)
- def RemovePartyMember(self, pid):
- self.wndParty.RemovePartyMember(pid)
- ##!! 20061026.levites.Äù½ºÆ®_À§Ä¡_º¸Á¤
- self.__ArrangeQuestButton()
- def LinkPartyMember(self, pid, vid):
- self.wndParty.LinkPartyMember(pid, vid)
- def UnlinkPartyMember(self, pid):
- self.wndParty.UnlinkPartyMember(pid)
- def UnlinkAllPartyMember(self):
- self.wndParty.UnlinkAllPartyMember()
- def ExitParty(self):
- self.wndParty.ExitParty()
- ##!! 20061026.levites.Äù½ºÆ®_À§Ä¡_º¸Á¤
- self.__ArrangeQuestButton()
- def PartyHealReady(self):
- self.wndParty.PartyHealReady()
- def ChangePartyParameter(self, distributionMode):
- self.wndParty.ChangePartyParameter(distributionMode)
- ## Safebox
- def AskSafeboxPassword(self):
- if self.wndSafebox.IsShow():
- return
- self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(localeInfo.PASSWORD_TITLE)
- self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/safebox_password ")
- self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog()
- def OpenSafeboxWindow(self, size):
- self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog()
- self.wndSafebox.ShowWindow(size)
- def RefreshSafeboxMoney(self):
- self.wndSafebox.RefreshSafeboxMoney()
- def CommandCloseSafebox(self):
- self.wndSafebox.CommandCloseSafebox()
- def AskMallPassword(self):
- if self.wndMall.IsShow():
- return
- self.dlgPassword.SetTitle(localeInfo.MALL_PASSWORD_TITLE)
- self.dlgPassword.SetSendMessage("/mall_password ")
- self.dlgPassword.ShowDialog()
- def OpenMallWindow(self, size):
- self.dlgPassword.CloseDialog()
- self.wndMall.ShowWindow(size)
- def CommandCloseMall(self):
- self.wndMall.CommandCloseMall()
- ## Guild
- def OnStartGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp):
- self.wndGuild.OnStartGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- guildWarScoreBoard = uiGuild.GuildWarScoreBoard()
- guildWarScoreBoard.Open(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- guildWarScoreBoard.Show()
- self.guildScoreBoardDict[uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp)] = guildWarScoreBoard
- def OnEndGuildWar(self, guildSelf, guildOpp):
- self.wndGuild.OnEndGuildWar(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(guildSelf, guildOpp)
- if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key):
- return
- self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].Destroy()
- del self.guildScoreBoardDict[key]
- def UpdateMemberCount(self, gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2):
- key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gulidID1, guildID2)
- if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key):
- return
- self.guildScoreBoardDict[key].UpdateMemberCount(gulidID1, memberCount1, guildID2, memberCount2)
- def OnRecvGuildWarPoint(self, gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point):
- key = uiGuild.GetGVGKey(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID)
- if not self.guildScoreBoardDict.has_key(key):
- return
- guildBoard = self.guildScoreBoardDict[key]
- guildBoard.SetScore(gainGuildID, opponentGuildID, point)
- ## PK Mode
- def OnChangePKMode(self):
- self.wndCharacter.RefreshAlignment()
- self.dlgSystem.OnChangePKMode()
- ## Refine
- def OpenRefineDialog(self, targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type):
- self.dlgRefineNew.Open(targetItemPos, nextGradeItemVnum, cost, prob, type)
- def AppendMaterialToRefineDialog(self, vnum, count):
- self.dlgRefineNew.AppendMaterial(vnum, count)
- ## Show & Hide
- def ShowDefaultWindows(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.Show()
- self.wndMiniMap.Show()
- self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap()
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- self.wndEnergyBar.Show()
- def ShowAllWindows(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.Show()
- self.wndCharacter.Show()
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- self.wndDragonSoul.Show()
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show()
- self.wndChat.Show()
- self.wndMiniMap.Show()
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- self.wndEnergyBar.Show()
- if self.wndExpandedTaskBar:
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show()
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop()
- def HideAllWindows(self):
- if self.wndTaskBar:
- self.wndTaskBar.Hide()
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- self.wndEnergyBar.Hide()
- if self.wndCharacter:
- self.wndCharacter.Hide()
- if self.wndInventory:
- self.wndInventory.Hide()
- self.wndDragonSoul.Hide()
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Hide()
- if self.wndChat:
- self.wndChat.Hide()
- if self.wndMiniMap:
- self.wndMiniMap.Hide()
- if self.wndMessenger:
- self.wndMessenger.Hide()
- if self.wndGuild:
- self.wndGuild.Hide()
- if self.wndExpandedTaskBar:
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Hide()
- def ShowMouseImage(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.ShowMouseImage()
- def HideMouseImage(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.HideMouseImage()
- def ToggleChat(self):
- if TRUE == self.wndChat.IsEditMode():
- self.wndChat.CloseChat()
- else:
- # À¥ÆäÀÌÁö°¡ ¿·ÈÀ»¶§´Â äÆà ÀÔ·ÂÀÌ ¾ÈµÊ
- if self.wndWeb and self.wndWeb.IsShow():
- pass
- else:
- self.wndChat.OpenChat()
- def IsOpenChat(self):
- return self.wndChat.IsEditMode()
- def SetChatFocus(self):
- self.wndChat.SetChatFocus()
- def OpenRestartDialog(self):
- self.dlgRestart.OpenDialog()
- self.dlgRestart.SetTop()
- def CloseRestartDialog(self):
- self.dlgRestart.Close()
- def ToggleSystemDialog(self):
- if FALSE == self.dlgSystem.IsShow():
- self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog()
- self.dlgSystem.SetTop()
- else:
- self.dlgSystem.Close()
- def OpenSystemDialog(self):
- self.dlgSystem.OpenDialog()
- self.dlgSystem.SetTop()
- def ToggleMessenger(self):
- if self.wndMessenger.IsShow():
- self.wndMessenger.Hide()
- else:
- self.wndMessenger.SetTop()
- self.wndMessenger.Show()
- def ToggleMiniMap(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LSHIFT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RSHIFT):
- if FALSE == self.wndMiniMap.isShowMiniMap():
- self.wndMiniMap.ShowMiniMap()
- self.wndMiniMap.SetTop()
- else:
- self.wndMiniMap.HideMiniMap()
- else:
- self.wndMiniMap.ToggleAtlasWindow()
- def PressMKey(self):
- if app.IsPressed(app.DIK_LALT) or app.IsPressed(app.DIK_RALT):
- self.ToggleMessenger()
- else:
- self.ToggleMiniMap()
- def SetMapName(self, mapName):
- self.wndMiniMap.SetMapName(mapName)
- def MiniMapScaleUp(self):
- self.wndMiniMap.ScaleUp()
- def MiniMapScaleDown(self):
- self.wndMiniMap.ScaleDown()
- def ToggleCharacterWindow(self, state):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndCharacter.IsShow():
- self.OpenCharacterWindowWithState(state)
- else:
- if state == self.wndCharacter.GetState():
- self.wndCharacter.OverOutItem()
- self.wndCharacter.Hide()
- else:
- self.wndCharacter.SetState(state)
- def OpenCharacterWindowWithState(self, state):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- self.wndCharacter.SetState(state)
- self.wndCharacter.Show()
- self.wndCharacter.SetTop()
- def ToggleCharacterWindowStatusPage(self):
- self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS")
- def ToggleInventoryWindow(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow():
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- self.wndInventory.SetTop()
- else:
- self.wndInventory.OverOutItem()
- self.wndInventory.Close()
- def TogglePetMain(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndExpandedTaskBar.IsShow():
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show()
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop()
- else:
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Close()
- net.SendChatPacket("/gift")
- def ToggleExpandedButton(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndExpandedTaskBar.IsShow():
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Show()
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetTop()
- else:
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.Close()
- # ¿ëÈ¥¼®
- def DragonSoulActivate(self, deck):
- self.wndDragonSoul.ActivateDragonSoulByExtern(deck)
- def DragonSoulDeactivate(self):
- self.wndDragonSoul.DeactivateDragonSoul()
- def Highligt_Item(self, inven_type, inven_pos):
- if player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY == inven_type:
- self.wndDragonSoul.HighlightSlot(inven_pos)
- else:
- if inven_type == player.INVENTORY:
- self.wndInventory.HighlightSlot(inven_pos)
- elif inven_type == player.DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY:
- self.wndDragonSoul.HighlightSlot(inven_pos)
- def DragonSoulGiveQuilification(self):
- self.wndExpandedTaskBar.SetToolTipText(uiTaskBar.ExpandedTaskBar.BUTTON_DRAGON_SOUL, uiScriptLocale.TASKBAR_DRAGON_SOUL)
- def ToggleDragonSoulWindow(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoul.Show()
- else:
- try:
- self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED)
- self.wndPopupDialog.Open()
- except:
- self.wndPopupDialog = uiCommon.PopupDialog()
- self.wndPopupDialog.SetText(localeInfo.DRAGON_SOUL_UNQUALIFIED)
- self.wndPopupDialog.Open()
- else:
- self.wndDragonSoul.Close()
- def ToggleDragonSoulWindowWithNoInfo(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoul.Show()
- else:
- self.wndDragonSoul.Close()
- def FailDragonSoulRefine(self, reason, inven_type, inven_pos):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineFail(reason, inven_type, inven_pos)
- def SucceedDragonSoulRefine(self, inven_type, inven_pos):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.RefineSucceed(inven_type, inven_pos)
- def OpenDragonSoulRefineWindow(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Show()
- if None != self.wndDragonSoul:
- if FALSE == self.wndDragonSoul.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoul.Show()
- def CloseDragonSoulRefineWindow(self):
- if FALSE == player.IsObserverMode():
- if TRUE == self.wndDragonSoulRefine.IsShow():
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine.Close()
- # ¿ëÈ¥¼® ³¡
- def ToggleGuildWindow(self):
- if not self.wndGuild.IsShow():
- if self.wndGuild.CanOpen():
- self.wndGuild.Open()
- else:
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_INFO, localeInfo.GUILD_YOU_DO_NOT_JOIN)
- else:
- self.wndGuild.OverOutItem()
- self.wndGuild.Hide()
- def ToggleChatLogWindow(self):
- if self.wndChatLog.IsShow():
- self.wndChatLog.Hide()
- else:
- self.wndChatLog.Show()
- def CheckGameButton(self):
- if self.wndGameButton:
- self.wndGameButton.CheckGameButton()
- def __OnClickStatusPlusButton(self):
- self.ToggleCharacterWindow("STATUS")
- def __OnClickSkillPlusButton(self):
- self.ToggleCharacterWindow("SKILL")
- def __OnClickQuestButton(self):
- self.ToggleCharacterWindow("QUEST")
- def __OnClickHelpButton(self):
- player.SetPlayTime(1)
- self.CheckGameButton()
- self.OpenHelpWindow()
- def __OnClickBuildButton(self):
- self.BUILD_OpenWindow()
- def OpenHelpWindow(self):
- self.wndUICurtain.Show()
- self.wndHelp.Open()
- def CloseHelpWindow(self):
- self.wndUICurtain.Hide()
- self.wndHelp.Close()
- def OpenWebWindow(self, url):
- self.wndWeb.Open(url)
- # À¥ÆäÀÌÁö¸¦ ¿¸é äÆÃÀ» ´Ý´Â´Ù
- self.wndChat.CloseChat()
- def OpenMeleyRanking(self):
- self.wndMeleyRanking.Open()
- def RankMeleyRanking(self, line, name, members, time):
- self.wndMeleyRanking.AddRank(line, name, members, time)
- # show GIFT
- def ShowGift(self):
- self.wndTaskBar.ShowGift()
- def CloseWbWindow(self):
- self.wndWeb.Close()
- def OpenCardsInfoWindow(self):
- self.wndCardsInfo.Open()
- def OpenCardsWindow(self, safemode):
- self.wndCards.Open(safemode)
- def UpdateCardsInfo(self, hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, hand_4, hand_4_v, hand_5, hand_5_v, cards_left, points):
- self.wndCards.UpdateCardsInfo(hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, hand_4, hand_4_v, hand_5, hand_5_v, cards_left, points)
- def UpdateCardsFieldInfo(self, hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, points):
- self.wndCards.UpdateCardsFieldInfo(hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, points)
- def CardsPutReward(self, hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, points):
- self.wndCards.CardsPutReward(hand_1, hand_1_v, hand_2, hand_2_v, hand_3, hand_3_v, points)
- def CardsShowIcon(self):
- self.wndCardsIcon.Show()
- def ActSash(self, iAct, bWindow):
- if iAct == 1:
- if bWindow == True:
- if not self.wndSashCombine.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashCombine.Open()
- if not self.wndInventory.IsShow():
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- else:
- if not self.wndSashAbsorption.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashAbsorption.Open()
- if not self.wndInventory.IsShow():
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- self.wndInventory.RefreshBagSlotWindow()
- elif iAct == 2:
- if bWindow == True:
- if self.wndSashCombine.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashCombine.Close()
- else:
- if self.wndSashAbsorption.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashAbsorption.Close()
- self.wndInventory.RefreshBagSlotWindow()
- elif iAct == 3 or iAct == 4:
- if bWindow == True:
- if self.wndSashCombine.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashCombine.Refresh(iAct)
- else:
- if self.wndSashAbsorption.IsOpened():
- self.wndSashAbsorption.Refresh(iAct)
- self.wndInventory.RefreshBagSlotWindow()
- def OpenCubeWindow(self):
- self.wndCube.Open()
- if FALSE == self.wndInventory.IsShow():
- self.wndInventory.Show()
- def UpdateCubeInfo(self, gold, itemVnum, count):
- self.wndCube.UpdateInfo(gold, itemVnum, count)
- def CloseCubeWindow(self):
- self.wndCube.Close()
- def FailedCubeWork(self):
- self.wndCube.Refresh()
- def SucceedCubeWork(self, itemVnum, count):
- self.wndCube.Clear()
- print "Å¥ºê Á¦ÀÛ ¼º°ø! [%d:%d]" % (itemVnum, count)
- if 0: # °á°ú ¸Þ½ÃÁö Ãâ·ÂÀº »ý·« ÇÑ´Ù
- self.wndCubeResult.SetPosition(*self.wndCube.GetGlobalPosition())
- self.wndCubeResult.SetCubeResultItem(itemVnum, count)
- self.wndCubeResult.Open()
- self.wndCubeResult.SetTop()
- def __HideWindows(self):
- hideWindows = self.wndTaskBar,\
- self.wndCharacter,\
- self.wndInventory,\
- self.wndMiniMap,\
- self.wndGuild,\
- self.wndMessenger,\
- self.wndChat,\
- self.wndParty,\
- self.wndGameButton,
- if self.wndEnergyBar:
- hideWindows += self.wndEnergyBar,
- if self.wndExpandedTaskBar:
- hideWindows += self.wndExpandedTaskBar,
- hideWindows += self.wndDragonSoul,\
- self.wndDragonSoulRefine,
- hideWindows = filter(lambda x:x.IsShow(), hideWindows)
- map(lambda x:x.Hide(), hideWindows)
- import sys
- self.HideAllQuestButton()
- self.HideAllWhisperButton()
- if self.wndChat.IsEditMode():
- self.wndChat.CloseChat()
- return hideWindows
- def __ShowWindows(self, wnds):
- import sys
- map(lambda x:x.Show(), wnds)
- global IsQBHide
- if not IsQBHide:
- self.ShowAllQuestButton()
- else:
- self.HideAllQuestButton()
- self.ShowAllWhisperButton()
- def BINARY_OpenAtlasWindow(self):
- if self.wndMiniMap:
- self.wndMiniMap.ShowAtlas()
- def BINARY_SetObserverMode(self, flag):
- self.wndGameButton.SetObserverMode(flag)
- def BINARY_OpenSelectItemWindow(self):
- self.wndItemSelect.Open()
- #####################################################################################
- ### Private Shop ###
- def OpenPrivateShopInputNameDialog(self):
- #if player.IsInSafeArea():
- # return
- inputDialog = uiCommon.InputDialogShop()
- inputDialog.SetTitle(localeInfo.CHOIX_DES_SKIN)
- inputDialog.SetMaxLength(32)
- inputDialog.SetAcceptEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OpenPrivateShopBuilder))
- inputDialog.SetCancelEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog))
- inputDialog.Open()
- self.inputDialog = inputDialog
- def ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog(self):
- self.inputDialog.Close()
- return True
- def OpenPrivateShopBuilder(self):
- if not self.inputDialog:
- return True
- if not len(self.inputDialog.GetText()):
- return True
- self.privateShopBuilder.Open(self.inputDialog.GetText(), self.inputDialog.GetType())
- self.ClosePrivateShopInputNameDialog()
- return True
- def AppearPrivateShop(self, vid, text):
- board = uiPrivateShopBuilder.PrivateShopAdvertisementBoard()
- board.Open(vid, text)
- self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid] = board
- def DisappearPrivateShop(self, vid):
- if not self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict.has_key(vid):
- return
- del self.privateShopAdvertisementBoardDict[vid]
- uiPrivateShopBuilder.DeleteADBoard(vid)
- #####################################################################################
- ### Equipment ###
- def OpenEquipmentDialog(self, vid):
- dlg = uiEquipmentDialog.EquipmentDialog()
- dlg.SetItemToolTip(self.tooltipItem)
- dlg.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.CloseEquipmentDialog))
- dlg.Open(vid)
- self.equipmentDialogDict[vid] = dlg
- def SetEquipmentDialogItem(self, vid, slotIndex, vnum, count):
- if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict:
- return
- self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogItem(slotIndex, vnum, count)
- def SetEquipmentDialogSocket(self, vid, slotIndex, socketIndex, value):
- if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict:
- return
- self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogSocket(slotIndex, socketIndex, value)
- def SetEquipmentDialogAttr(self, vid, slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value):
- if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict:
- return
- self.equipmentDialogDict[vid].SetEquipmentDialogAttr(slotIndex, attrIndex, type, value)
- def CloseEquipmentDialog(self, vid):
- if not vid in self.equipmentDialogDict:
- return
- del self.equipmentDialogDict[vid]
- #####################################################################################
- #####################################################################################
- ### Quest ###
- def BINARY_ClearQuest(self, index):
- btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index)
- if 0 != btn:
- self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn)
- def RecvQuest(self, index, name):
- self.BINARY_RecvQuest(index, name, "file", localeInfo.GetLetterImageName())
- def BINARY_RecvQuest(self, index, name, iconType, iconName):
- btn = self.__FindQuestButton(index)
- if 0 != btn:
- self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn)
- btn = uiWhisper.WhisperButton()
- ##!! 20061026.levites.Äù½ºÆ®_À̹ÌÁö_±³Ã¼
- import item
- if "item"==iconType:
- item.SelectItem(int(iconName))
- buttonImageFileName=item.GetIconImageFileName()
- else:
- buttonImageFileName=iconName
- if localeInfo.IsEUROPE():
- if "highlight" == iconType:
- btn.SetUpVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest.tga")
- btn.SetOverVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga")
- btn.SetDownVisual("locale/ymir_ui/highlighted_quest_r.tga")
- else:
- btn.SetUpVisual(localeInfo.GetLetterCloseImageName())
- btn.SetOverVisual(localeInfo.GetLetterOpenImageName())
- btn.SetDownVisual(localeInfo.GetLetterOpenImageName())
- else:
- btn.SetUpVisual(buttonImageFileName)
- btn.SetOverVisual(buttonImageFileName)
- btn.SetDownVisual(buttonImageFileName)
- btn.Flash()
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- btn.SetToolTipText(name, 0, 35)
- btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- else:
- btn.SetToolTipText(name, -20, 35)
- btn.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignLeft()
- btn.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__StartQuest), btn)
- btn.Show()
- btn.index = index
- = name
- self.questButtonList.insert(0, btn)
- self.__ArrangeQuestButton()
- #chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, localeInfo.QUEST_APPEND)
- def __ArrangeQuestButton(self):
- screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()
- screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()
- ##!! 20061026.levites.Äù½ºÆ®_À§Ä¡_º¸Á¤
- if self.wndParty.IsShow():
- xPos = 100 + 30
- else:
- xPos = 20
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- xPos = xPos + 15
- yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600
- yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63
- count = 0
- for btn in self.questButtonList:
- btn.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * 100), yPos + (count%yCount * 63))
- count += 1
- global IsQBHide
- if IsQBHide:
- btn.Hide()
- else:
- btn.Show()
- def __StartQuest(self, btn):
- event.QuestButtonClick(btn.index)
- self.__DestroyQuestButton(btn)
- def __FindQuestButton(self, index):
- for btn in self.questButtonList:
- if btn.index == index:
- return btn
- return 0
- def __DestroyQuestButton(self, btn):
- btn.SetEvent(0)
- self.questButtonList.remove(btn)
- self.__ArrangeQuestButton()
- def HideAllQuestButton(self):
- for btn in self.questButtonList:
- btn.Hide()
- def ShowAllQuestButton(self):
- for btn in self.questButtonList:
- btn.Show()
- #####################################################################################
- #####################################################################################
- ### Whisper ###
- def __InitWhisper(self):
- chat.InitWhisper(self)
- ## äÆÃâÀÇ "¸Þ½ÃÁö º¸³»±â"¸¦ ´·¶À»¶§ À̸§ ¾ø´Â ´ëÈâÀ» ¿©´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- ## À̸§ÀÌ ¾ø±â ¶§¹®¿¡ ±âÁ¸ÀÇ WhisperDialogDict ¿Í º°µµ·Î °ü¸®µÈ´Ù.
- def OpenWhisperDialogWithoutTarget(self):
- if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget:
- dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog)
- dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self)
- dlgWhisper.LoadDialog()
- dlgWhisper.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog)
- dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30)
- dlgWhisper.Show()
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = dlgWhisper
- self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5
- else:
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.SetTop()
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithoutTarget(self.RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog)
- ## À̸§ ¾ø´Â ´ëÈâ¿¡¼ À̸§À» °áÁ¤ÇßÀ»¶§ WhisperDialogDict¿¡ âÀ» ³Ö¾îÁÖ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- def RegisterTemporaryWhisperDialog(self, name):
- if not self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget:
- return
- btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name)
- if 0 != btn:
- self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn)
- elif self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name):
- oldDialog = self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- oldDialog.Destroy()
- del self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- self.whisperDialogDict[name] = self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.OpenWithTarget(name)
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None
- self.__CheckGameMaster(name)
- ## ij¸¯ÅÍ ¸Þ´ºÀÇ 1:1 ´ëÈ Çϱ⸦ ´·¶À»¶§ À̸§À» °¡Áö°í ¹Ù·Î âÀ» ¿©´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- def OpenWhisperDialog(self, name):
- if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name):
- dlg = self.__MakeWhisperDialog(name)
- dlg.OpenWithTarget(name)
- dlg.chatLine.SetFocus()
- dlg.Show()
- self.__CheckGameMaster(name)
- btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name)
- if 0 != btn:
- self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn)
- ## ´Ù¸¥ ij¸¯ÅͷκÎÅÍ ¸Þ¼¼Áö¸¦ ¹Þ¾ÒÀ»¶§ ÀÏ´Ü ¹öÆ°¸¸ ¶ç¿ö µÎ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- def RecvWhisper(self, name):
- if not self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name):
- btn = self.__FindWhisperButton(name)
- if 0 == btn:
- btn = self.__MakeWhisperButton(name)
- btn.Flash()
- chat.AppendChat(chat.CHAT_TYPE_NOTICE, localeInfo.RECEIVE_MESSAGE % (name))
- else:
- btn.Flash()
- elif self.IsGameMasterName(name):
- dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- dlg.SetGameMasterLook()
- def MakeWhisperButton(self, name):
- self.__MakeWhisperButton(name)
- ## ¹öÆ°À» ´·¶À»¶§ âÀ» ¿©´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- def ShowWhisperDialog(self, btn):
- try:
- self.__MakeWhisperDialog(
- dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[]
- dlgWhisper.OpenWithTarget(
- dlgWhisper.Show()
- self.__CheckGameMaster(
- except:
- import dbg
- dbg.TraceError("interface.ShowWhisperDialog - Failed to find key")
- ## ¹öÆ° ÃʱâÈ
- self.__DestroyWhisperButton(btn)
- ## WhisperDialog â¿¡¼ ÃÖ¼ÒÈ ¸í·ÉÀ» ¼öÇàÇßÀ»¶§ È£ÃâµÇ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- ## âÀ» ÃÖ¼ÒÈ ÇÕ´Ï´Ù.
- def MinimizeWhisperDialog(self, name):
- if 0 != name:
- self.__MakeWhisperButton(name)
- self.CloseWhisperDialog(name)
- ## WhisperDialog â¿¡¼ ´Ý±â ¸í·ÉÀ» ¼öÇàÇßÀ»¶§ È£ÃâµÇ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- ## âÀ» Áö¿ó´Ï´Ù.
- def CloseWhisperDialog(self, name):
- if 0 == name:
- if self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget:
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget.Destroy()
- self.dlgWhisperWithoutTarget = None
- return
- try:
- dlgWhisper = self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- dlgWhisper.Destroy()
- del self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- except:
- import dbg
- dbg.TraceError("interface.CloseWhisperDialog - Failed to find key")
- ## ¹öÆ°ÀÇ °³¼ö°¡ ¹Ù²î¾úÀ»¶§ ¹öÆ°À» ÀçÁ¤·Ä ÇÏ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- def __ArrangeWhisperButton(self):
- screenWidth = wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()
- screenHeight = wndMgr.GetScreenHeight()
- xPos = screenWidth - 70
- yPos = 170 * screenHeight / 600
- yCount = (screenHeight - 330) / 63
- #yCount = (screenHeight - 285) / 63
- count = 0
- for button in self.whisperButtonList:
- button.SetPosition(xPos + (int(count/yCount) * -50), yPos + (count%yCount * 63))
- count += 1
- ## À̸§À¸·Î Whisper ¹öÆ°À» ã¾Æ ¸®ÅÏÇØ ÁÖ´Â ÇÔ¼ö
- ## ¹öÆ°Àº µñ¼Å³Ê¸®·Î ÇÏÁö ¾Ê´Â °ÍÀº Á¤·Ä µÇ¾î ¹ö·Á ¼ø¼°¡ À¯Áö µÇÁö ¾ÊÀ¸¸ç
- ## ÀÌ·Î ÀÎÇØ ToolTipµéÀÌ ´Ù¸¥ ¹öÆ°µé¿¡ ÀÇÇØ °¡·ÁÁö±â ¶§¹®ÀÌ´Ù.
- def __FindWhisperButton(self, name):
- for button in self.whisperButtonList:
- if == name:
- return button
- return 0
- ## âÀ» ¸¸µì´Ï´Ù.
- def __MakeWhisperDialog(self, name):
- dlgWhisper = uiWhisper.WhisperDialog(self.MinimizeWhisperDialog, self.CloseWhisperDialog)
- dlgWhisper.BindInterface(self)
- dlgWhisper.LoadDialog()
- dlgWhisper.SetPosition(self.windowOpenPosition*30,self.windowOpenPosition*30)
- self.whisperDialogDict[name] = dlgWhisper
- self.windowOpenPosition = (self.windowOpenPosition+1) % 5
- return dlgWhisper
- ## ¹öÆ°À» ¸¸µì´Ï´Ù.
- def __MakeWhisperButton(self, name):
- whisperButton = uiWhisper.WhisperButton()
- whisperButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub")
- whisperButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub")
- whisperButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/game/windows/btn_mail_up.sub")
- if self.IsGameMasterName(name):
- whisperButton.SetToolTipTextWithColor(name, 0xffffa200)
- else:
- whisperButton.SetToolTipText(name)
- whisperButton.ToolTipText.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- whisperButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.ShowWhisperDialog), whisperButton)
- whisperButton.Show()
- = name
- self.whisperButtonList.insert(0, whisperButton)
- self.__ArrangeWhisperButton()
- return whisperButton
- def __DestroyWhisperButton(self, button):
- button.SetEvent(0)
- self.whisperButtonList.remove(button)
- self.__ArrangeWhisperButton()
- def HideAllWhisperButton(self):
- for btn in self.whisperButtonList:
- btn.Hide()
- def ShowAllWhisperButton(self):
- for btn in self.whisperButtonList:
- btn.Show()
- def __CheckGameMaster(self, name):
- if not self.listGMName.has_key(name):
- return
- if self.whisperDialogDict.has_key(name):
- dlg = self.whisperDialogDict[name]
- dlg.SetGameMasterLook()
- def RegisterGameMasterName(self, name):
- if self.listGMName.has_key(name):
- return
- self.listGMName[name] = "GM"
- def IsGameMasterName(self, name):
- if self.listGMName.has_key(name):
- return TRUE
- else:
- return FALSE
- #####################################################################################
- #####################################################################################
- ### Guild Building ###
- def BUILD_OpenWindow(self):
- self.wndGuildBuilding = uiGuild.BuildGuildBuildingWindow()
- self.wndGuildBuilding.Open()
- self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds = self.__HideWindows()
- self.wndGuildBuilding.SetCloseEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.BUILD_CloseWindow))
- def BUILD_CloseWindow(self):
- self.__ShowWindows(self.wndGuildBuilding.wnds)
- self.wndGuildBuilding = None
- def BUILD_OnUpdate(self):
- if not self.wndGuildBuilding:
- return
- if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode():
- import background
- x, y, z = background.GetPickingPoint()
- self.wndGuildBuilding.SetBuildingPosition(x, y, z)
- def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonDown(self):
- if not self.wndGuildBuilding:
- return
- if self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPositioningMode():
- self.wndGuildBuilding.SettleCurrentPosition()
- return TRUE
- elif self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode():
- pass
- else:
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def BUILD_OnMouseLeftButtonUp(self):
- if not self.wndGuildBuilding:
- return
- if not self.wndGuildBuilding.IsPreviewMode():
- return TRUE
- return FALSE
- def BULID_EnterGuildArea(self, areaID):
- mainCharacterName = player.GetMainCharacterName()
- masterName = guild.GetGuildMasterName()
- if mainCharacterName != masterName:
- return
- if areaID != player.GetGuildID():
- return
- self.wndGameButton.ShowBuildButton()
- def BULID_ExitGuildArea(self, areaID):
- self.wndGameButton.HideBuildButton()
- #####################################################################################
- def IsEditLineFocus(self):
- if self.ChatWindow.chatLine.IsFocus():
- return 1
- if self.ChatWindow.chatToLine.IsFocus():
- return 1
- return 0
- def EmptyFunction(self):
- pass
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import app
- import wndMgr
- import systemSetting
- import mouseModule
- import grp
- import ui
- import localeInfo
- app.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- app.SetHairColorEnable(TRUE)
- wndMgr.SetMouseHandler(mouseModule.mouseController)
- wndMgr.SetScreenSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight())
- app.Create(localeInfo.APP_TITLE, systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight(), 1)
- mouseModule.mouseController.Create()
- class TestGame(ui.Window):
- def __init__(self):
- ui.Window.__init__(self)
- localeInfo.LoadLocaleData()
- player.SetItemData(0, 27001, 10)
- player.SetItemData(1, 27004, 10)
- self.interface = Interface()
- self.interface.MakeInterface()
- self.interface.ShowDefaultWindows()
- self.interface.RefreshInventory()
- #self.interface.OpenCubeWindow()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.Window.__del__(self)
- def OnUpdate(self):
- app.UpdateGame()
- def OnRender(self):
- app.RenderGame()
- grp.PopState()
- grp.SetInterfaceRenderState()
- game = TestGame()
- game.SetSize(systemSetting.GetWidth(), systemSetting.GetHeight())
- game.Show()
- app.Loop()
guckt mal auf das datum
und er hat es ja gelöst -
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Medienelement zu sehen.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Medienelement zu sehen. -
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Medienelement zu sehen.
char.cpp such nach
Code- void CHARACTER::DetermineDropMetinStone()
- ersetzen mit
- void CHARACTER::DetermineDropMetinStone()
- {
- const int METIN_STONE_NUM = 14;
- static DWORD c_adwMetin[METIN_STONE_NUM] =
- {
- // 28030,
- // 28031,
- // 28032,
- // 28033,
- // 28034,
- // 28035,
- // 28036,
- // 28037,
- // 28038,
- // 28039,
- // 28040,
- // 28041,
- // 28042,
- // 28043,
- };