Beiträge von Sal78

    i am looking for a developer that is able to work and make the server and systems i d like to have.
    if you can please send me your contact of skype and\or discord i would appriciated a lot,
    please i'd like to talk with someone that has some fame\reputation or it is known to be a fair person.
    i was scammed so many times in my past that i can't handle anymore.
    please send me a private message to discuss about prices and time-release and other things.

    Cerco un developer per fare un server privato con me, vorrei discutere dei prezzi e delle tempistiche reali per fare certe cose
    se mi potete mandare un messaggio privato con il vostro skype e\o discord perfavore
    è necessario che abbiate abbastanza reputazione perchè in passato sono stato fregato e derubato tantissime volte e non ce la faccio piu.