Beiträge von Pedobear

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    look guild level from mysql. if level is really 461, there is an integer overflow problem.

    if level is not 461 in mysql, you probably have wrong packet problem. also upload button appears if this condition is met;

    if mainCharacterName == masterName:

    add this to above if cond (idk if this function will work, i am suck at python);

    print "mainCharacterName: %s -- mastername: %s" % mainCharacterName, masterName

    and compare the names. (also you can change page.uploadMarkButton.Hide() to page.uploadMarkButton.Show() for the problem is uiscript related or not)

    Hello community,

    I have decided to sell the files I have worked on for many years.

    What makes these files different from others?

    These files have been completely overhauled. Every single function has been updated with modern C++.

    I fixed all the bugs I could find. I made a completely performance-oriented upgrading.

    I made updates to the files that no one had applied before.

    The major features of the files are;

    X64 Client / Server

    Upgraded to Intel C++ (oneAPI / latest) with VS 2022 (Server part is Clang / latest)

    Old DX Math library fully upgraded to Eigen (latest)

    Fully usage of FMT library (latest)

    Upgraded to MSS 9.3b

    Upgraded to LZ4HC

    Upgraded to DX9Ex

    Usage of MiMalloc

    UTF-8 Client / Server


    Static (MT) linking for Client / Server

    70+ unused major functions from server deleted, 102+ from client deleted.

    Almost everything is latest version (except LUA and SpeedTree), included libs and MariaDB + FreeBSD (x64)

    240 FPS with auto limiter (Limiting screen Hz.)

    and other minor changes I can't even count.

    Client and Server analyzed with Cppcheck Premium, Reshaper, PVS-Studio and Clang-Tidy and fixed every warning.

    What will you take from me besides files?

    Full support for Client/Server related problems, partial support for Eigen / Intel C++.

    As a seller, I do not recommend inexperienced people to buy these files.

    The current language of the files is Turkish and English - (I will add German -> Polish)

    All bug fixes and minor upgrades / updates will be free.

    There is a Test Server for anyone want to test;

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    For contact (Discord) : denizeri24


    Client's Locale_inc.h;

    Server's service.h;

    I noticed a problem on my server that one person had before, the problem is this;

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    As you can see, when I close the game with the shutdown command, if I try to log in, a packet error occurs and the game closes. I think this problem occurs after removing packet encryption (cryptopp).

    The cause of the problem is that AUTH core does not establish P2P connection like other cores, it only establishes connection with DB. Therefore, the P2P packet sent during the shutdown command does not reach AUTH.

    The solution is as follows;

    open game/cmd_general.cpp and search;

    1. ACMD(do_shutdown)

    and add this on top of " Shutdown(10); ";

    1. db_clientdesc->DBPacketHeader(HEADER_GD_GO_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0);

    open game/input_db.cpp and search;


    and add below this;

    2. g_bNoMoreClient = true;
    3. break;

    open common/tables.h and search;


    and add below this;


    search again;


    add below again this;


    open db/clientmanager.cpp and search;


    add below this;

    2. m_pkAuthPeer->EncodeHeader(HEADER_DG_GO_SHUTDOWN, 0, 0);
    3. break;


    After the fix, it will now give a popup message instead of closing the game;

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    Hello bois,

    I do development and modernization for fantasy purposes. I invite you too my server, I would be very happy if you let me know if you have a problem.

    Server is completely focused on performance. I made a lot of QoL changes.

    The design of my server is OldSchool PvM / PvP, it is the same as metin2 in 2008.

    It is currently in the testing phase, I need to see if my server is stable. I will open a server in the future but I need your help, I would be very grateful if you test it and tell me your opinion about the game.


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    idk what model your hdd is but it seems not normal. your hdds 4 KB write speed is very low.

    > 50 IOPS are normal for a hdd (because there is a mechanical disc inside them). (also your IOPS is not 1.71, you have not selected IOPS mode from CDM)

    The hdd in the link you threw is only good if you use it for storage purposes. its slower than a typical HDD (5400 RPM vs 7200 RPM) --> higher RPM == more speed

    3 and 4 is IOPS.

    In general terms, the most important and most noticeable are 3 and 4.

    Everything up there is IOPS (Input/Output per Second > 1/2/1/2)

    Deine Zahlen sind sehr gering falls nur das deine Frage ist.

    no its not. writing and reading large files is always fast, but the important thing is that they read and write 4 kilobytes randomly. IOPS refers to the total input and output the device can do in one second, not just input and output.

    e.g benchmark (u can see IOPS);

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    (980 pro nmve ssd)

    Also, offline shop systems working with cache are prone to bugs as long as mutex / lock is not used.

    this is propaganda, the problem is not caching but wrong application of it. i'd strongly recommend working with the db-core as soon as a system has to deal with items. the problem is that items are created through the game-cores and that those trigger queries, which is simply not their job. ofc shit will hit the fan if you start throwing it around randomly

    no, not propaganda. i didn't say "cache is problem", i say "shop systems working with cache".

    and as you said;


    the problem is that items are created through the game-cores and that those trigger queries

    Yes, that's the problem I was talking about. The most correct solution to this problem is use a mutex / lock.