Beiträge von Panchi

    Ein Flugzeug das abstürzt fliegt zwar noch ne Weile bevor es aufprallt, aber alles gut ist was anderes !

    Das ist normal bei den Files, der startet die cores über den corerestarter, der checkt ob der core an ist und wenn nicht startet er diesen, einfach mal die aufmachen und reinschauen, das ist nur ne ausgabe

    Alles klar vielen dank dann ist das also normal bei der files :)

    Hallo habe ein problem wieso wird bei mir Server is not running angezeigt aber der server ist online komme ganz normal rein ???

    AP ALLOW 62

    MAP ALLOW 63

    MAP ALLOW 64

    MAP ALLOW 65

    MAP ALLOW 66

    MAP ALLOW 351


    LocaleService locale/germany/locale_string.txt

    Kern2_Ch1 is not running

    PUBLIC_IP: ssssss interface re0

    HOSTNAME: channel1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    CommonSQL connected

    Setting Locale "germany" (Path: locale/germany)

    Setting DB to locale latin1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    PlayerSQL connected

    LogSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    MAP ALLOW 67

    MAP ALLOW 68

    MAP ALLOW 69

    MAP ALLOW 70

    MAP ALLOW 71

    MAP ALLOW 104

    MAP ALLOW 217

    MAP ALLOW 216


    LocaleService locale/germany/locale_string.txt

    Kern3_Ch1 is not running

    PUBLIC_IP: sssss interface re0

    HOSTNAME: channel1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    CommonSQL connected

    Setting Locale "germany" (Path: locale/germany)

    Setting DB to locale latin1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    PlayerSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    LogSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    MAP ALLOW 72

    MAP ALLOW 73

    MAP ALLOW 301

    MAP ALLOW 302

    MAP ALLOW 303

    MAP ALLOW 304


    LocaleService locale/germany/locale_string.txt

    Neutraler_Server is not running

    PUBLIC_IP: sssss interface re0

    HOSTNAME: game99

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    CommonSQL connected

    Setting Locale "germany" (Path: locale/germany)

    Setting DB to locale latin1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    PlayerSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    LogSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)




    MAP ALLOW 81

    MAP ALLOW 103

    MAP ALLOW 105

    MAP ALLOW 110

    MAP ALLOW 111

    MAP ALLOW 112

    MAP ALLOW 113

    MAP ALLOW 181

    MAP ALLOW 182

    MAP ALLOW 183

    MAP ALLOW 114

    MAP ALLOW 118

    MAP ALLOW 119

    MAP ALLOW 150


    LocaleService locale/germany/locale_string.txt

    auth is not running

    PUBLIC_IP: sssss interface re0

    HOSTNAME: auth

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    CommonSQL connected

    Setting Locale "germany" (Path: locale/germany)

    Setting DB to locale latin1

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    PlayerSQL connected

    LogSQL connected

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AsyncSQL: connected to localhost (reconnect 1)

    AUTH_SERVER: I am the master

    MasterAuth 6 Der Loginserver wurde gestartet.

    Serverstarter by Fliege