Beiträge von UnStoppable


    I want to offer my development services:

    • Development of almost any system for your server;
    • Fix of bugs in any of your systems;
    • Development of quests;
    • Development of an autopatcher for your server.

    Price: individual for each case.

    To clarify the details of the order, write to me in PM or in discord: UnStoppable#7558


    Sorry that I was not on the forum for a while, since there were holidays.

    But I prepared global update v 2.0:

    • Since client-side protection is still more resistant to circumvention, I decided to revise the anti-cheat structure, and now the client part will be installed as an add-on (optional), and server-side protection will now be the main one.
    • I updated the anti-cheat system, supplementing the calculations on the server side, the system will calculate the main functions of the Cheat, such as: attack speed hack, Pro damage, wait hack ... (and all that is connected with this). The system will detect fraud after a few hits, after which the player will be disconnected from the server and entered into the log file (if the logging option is enabled).

    P.S. If you want to contact me, please write to discord (where I often go) or to private messages here.


    Today I want to present you anti cheat system. It work in server side.

    Testing anti-cheat, these cheats did not work:

    • M2bob;
    • Lalaker1 (v. 3);
    • Various multi-hacks;
    • DMG hacks;

    You can see an example of work Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Payment for anti-cheat is monthly. Customer support for this product will be provided until the client himself for any reason wants to refuse my services.

    You can contact me through:

    - Discord: UnStoppable#5338

    - PM here.

    You don't know how enable ipfw, or what your problem?

    For enable ipfw you should in /etc/rc.conf add:

    1. firewall_enable="YES" # enable ipfw
    2. firewall_script="/etc/rc.firewall" # path firewall rules

    For block IP country, you should in google find ip address(CIDR) of country.

    ex. rule for block all from table:

    1. ipfw add deny all from "table(1)" to any

    and in table 1 need add all CIDR country, ex:

    1. ipfw table 1 add