Beiträge von Baltazar

    Your stuff does not fit Metin2 at all and when I see the armor how crappy they are rigged I see everything but that does not surprise me at this cheap prices

    I understand. I believe some people might like this type of stuff and some just dont. I am glad about your opinion on my rigging skills, it definitely needs some polishing and I have to practice a little more. Anyway thanks for your opinion, maybe some day you will like one of my future sets. Have a nice day mate!

    First Halloween set is OUT! Second one will come next week, mounts and pets in progress.


    Sword: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Twohand: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
    Dagger: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Bow: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Sword sura: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Fan: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
    Staff/Bell: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Wings and shining is also part of GIFs.

    Price: 25€ only weapons

    Price: 15€ Wings only

    Price:5€ Shining costume only

    Whole set: 45€


    Discord: Baltazar#1560
    Skype: elementary125
    Discord server: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Its everything beautiful and good BUT

    if you put to much .mde files (which has 8-15 Megabytes each) in your client, you will lose performance at high player count.

    Absolutely true. Thats why I am trying to cut the size of it as much as possible now. When I started doing 3D I didnt pay much attention to those sizes. Right now my last set I made have maximum of 1MB per .mde.

    New sets coming soon! This time also with claws.

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    Hello guys, I created weapons with changing texture using .ifl files. I noticed that on one client its working properly, but on another one which is created on martysama serverfiles its not working, it just shutdowns client and says that its unrecognized format when I equip that weapon. I noticed that code for .ifl files in client source is absolutely same. Is there anyone who had at least similar problem? I want to add this set to my 3D topic for sale, but in this state its not possible, cause I dont know if ifl files are actually running on all clients or its just problem on my side. Let me know and thanks for any hints! <3

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    I added animated turquoise wings.
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    The animation seems too fast to me. But its just my opinion, otherwise it looks amazing. ^^

    Cant really recommend, I am waiting for offline shop for more than 1 year. Price was 800€, so basically I threw money from window. Really didnt expect it, cause before I bought other systems and everything was okey. I didnt even want to write this comment, but its good to know that something like this can happen to you also.:sweat_smile:

    Very unbelievable announcements from the seller. He ended a relationship after 9 years but posts this Monday that a new system is up for sale. Obviously scam. Would appreciate if you could create a pillory to deter potential customers. I'm sorry about what happened to you with him.

    Everything is now alright, MosXiiN finished those offlineshops. So I am satisfied.

    New effects for ramadan costume are out!

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    Hello, you can also try marshal instead of pickle.
    Just write import marshal at begging of file then in function:
    def LoadConfigurations

    change it like this: self.dict = marshal.load(f)

    and in
    def SaveConfigurations(self):

    change it like this: marshal.dump(self.dict, f)

    Hello guys, I noticed really weird bug. I added new costume weapon id of this sword is 77004. I can see the model in model preview, but I cant see it in hand of warrior. When I tried to replace it for already existing costume weapon then its working. I have no idea where this bug is coming from to be honest, no syserr etc. I am really clueless. Thanks a lot for any hint. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Hello guys! I would like to ask. I tried to change range of bravery cape. In my case if player have VIP enabled then the range is 10 000 (normal range is 5000), but I dont see any change. I also tried it without VIP, just changed 5000 range to 10 000 and nothing changed. Is there anything else I forgot to do? Do I have to change something else? Much appreciate any answer, thanks a lot guys!

    From now on I am also offering custom effects. Creating new effect is for 25€ and adjusting existing one is for 10€.
    Here are newest effects I made for customers:

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