[Doubt] Special Storage

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  • Hello again : Sweat_smile: I want to publish the special storage that I found and was fixing, but there is only one mistake that I have not been able to fix and I would like to know if anyone has any kind of idea, since I don't know much about C ++. The problem is in char_item.cpp when you edit the lines of that file and compile and enter the game, the blacksmith, the blessings, enhancement metals stop working. I was reviewing and I can not understand the error, because i dind't edit "do_refine or improvement items". I think the error is some line that blocks it but I would not know which, otherwise the store works great, and I wanted to publish it, but first I need to fix this error, I would be very grateful.

    This is char_item.cpp of system:

    really thanks someone help me!:(:(

  • SolitaryVoice1362

    Hat das Thema geschlossen