I wrote this small tool in python to manage easly the server source in a unique script to run.
The tool is written in Python 2.7 but it should works fine with next version.
Basically, the tool can help you to build/touch/strip without navigate in the differents paths.
The tool can perform:
build game/db
build game/db with clean
build game&db (consecutively)
build game&db with clean
-Touch (which dont' create new file when is used with a wrong name):
perform Touch of one or more files in game/src (by inserting the names separated with a space)
perform Touch of one or more files in db/src (by inserting the names separated with a space)
Strip game (by copying it)
Strip db (--same)
Additional features:
- the tool find if a file is edited $val seconds in the future (eg. if you have set a wrong date in your compiler) and it will touch the file automatically.
- the tool is written in procedural python (no OOP) so you should read easly it even if you are not an expert with python.
- You can run more than one commands in sequence by separating them with one of these character : ("&&","&","|"," ",'\t',"-",',') (es. : 1&9 -> build game and strip game)
- the tool can get command-line arguments to perform what you need (you could take a look under to know the command you can pass)
- To run a script in python in the compiler you need to have installed Python (i recommend python27 which i can guarantee it will works). If you haven't installed python you can do it by using pkg manager (pkg install pyhon27) or ports (cd /usr/ports/lang/python27 && make config-recursive && make install clean)
- If you get some problem with the script you can post a comment in this thread to know the solution, anyway it should works perfectly with martysama source (most commonly used).
- To run the script you should give 7XX octal permission.
- To run the script you need to go at the same path where is the script and to use "./scriptname.py" to run it.
- If you are creating the scriptfile using notepad++ (or some external editor) is possible to have a problem about the EOL character (you have to set it on "Unix EOL").
- You have way to enable/disable the question "exit?" when the build fail
- To run the script you should put it on "Server" folder, when you can find game, db, common, etc.
For any kind of problems i recommend you to write a comment in this thread (instead of pm) because another user could get same problem and find here the solution.
i hope it would be usefull.
- #!/usr/local/bin/python2.7
- import os
- import time
- import sys
- def get_revision_filename(file):
- if os.path.isfile("__REVISION__"):
- line = open("__REVISION__","r").readline()
- return file + "_r" + line.strip()
- else:
- return file
- def check_last_edit(path):
- def check_last_edit_single_file(file):
- nowtime = time.time()
- lastedit = os.path.getmtime(file)
- if nowtime < lastedit:
- touch_file("" , file)
- return
- ans = ""
- while ans == "":
- print("file [%s] has modified %s seconds in future. do you want to touch it or to change date?\nchoose:(touch/date/n)"%(file , int(lastedit-nowtime)))
- ans = raw_input().strip()
- if ans == 'n':
- break
- if ans == 'touch':
- touch_file("" , file)
- elif ans == 'date':
- print("enter date (YYYYMMDDHHMM):")
- mydate = raw_input().strip()
- res = os.system("date %s"%mydate)
- if not res in (0,512):
- print("cannot set datetime. try another option.")
- ans = ""
- continue
- nowtime = time.time()
- else:
- print("unknown answer [%s]"%ans)
- ans = ""
- #end of single file
- if path[-4:] != '/src' and path[-4:] != '\\src':
- path += "/src"
- common = "common"
- files = [path+"/"+file for file in os.listdir(path) if os.path.isfile(path+"/"+file)]
- files += [common+"/"+file for file in os.listdir(common) if os.path.isfile(common+"/"+file)]
- for file in files:
- check_last_edit_single_file(file)
- def ask_if_exit():
- print("exit!")
- sys.exit()
- print("do you want to stop the script operations?y/n\n")
- ans = ""
- while ans == "":
- ans = raw_input().strip()
- if ans == 'y':
- sys.exit()
- return
- elif ans == 'n':
- return
- else:
- print("unknow answer [%s] , try again"%(ans))
- print("do you want to stop the script operations?y/n\n(press just 'y' or 'n')\n")
- ans = ""
- def close():
- print("bye bye")
- sys.exit()
- def run_os_command(cmd):
- try:
- res = os.system(cmd)
- if res:
- print("cannot run os command [%s] error %s"%(cmd,str(res)))
- ask_if_exit()
- return False
- except Exception ,e:
- print("an exception during run os command [%s] exception[%s]"%(cmd,str(e)))
- ask_if_exit()
- return False
- return True
- def strip_file(file):
- stripfile = file+"_s"
- sourcefile= get_revision_filename(file)
- if not os.path.isfile(file+"/"+sourcefile):
- print("cannot find source file [%s]"%(file+"/"+sourcefile))
- ans=""
- while ans == "":
- print("do you want to build it?y/n")
- ans = raw_input().strip()
- if ans == 'y':
- build_file(file)
- strip_file(file)
- return
- if ans == 'n':
- return
- else:
- print("unknown answer [%s] try again."%ans)
- ans = ""
- return
- if os.path.isfile("%s/%s"%(file,stripfile)):
- os.remove("%s/%s"%(file,stripfile))
- if not run_os_command("cp %s/%s %s/%s"%(file,sourcefile, file , stripfile)):
- return
- run_os_command("strip -s %s/%s"%(file,stripfile))
- def strip_db():
- strip_file("db")
- def strip_game():
- strip_file("game")
- def strip_all():
- strip_db()
- strip_game()
- def touch_file(dir , files = ""):
- if len(dir)>0 and dir[-1] != '\\' and dir[-1] != '/':
- dir += "/"
- if files != "":
- files = files.split(" ")
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isfile(dir+file):
- print("cannot find the file required [%s]."%file)
- continue
- else:
- if not run_os_command("touch %s"%(dir + file)):
- print("cannot find the file required [%s]."%file)
- continue
- else:
- print("touched %s"%file)
- else:
- print("the path [%s] will automatically added to the file path\nyou can use a space to separate the names to touch more one file"%(dir))
- ans = ""
- while ans == "":
- print("enter the names of the files (exit to exit):")
- ans = raw_input().strip()
- if ans == 'exit':
- print("You didn't touch any file.")
- ask_if_exit()
- return
- files = ans.split(' ')
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isfile(dir+file):
- print("cannot find the file required [%s]."%file)
- if len(files) == 1:
- ans = ""
- continue
- else:
- if not run_os_command("touch %s"%(dir + file)):
- print("cannot find the file required [%s]."%file)
- if len(files) == 1:
- ans = ""
- continue
- else:
- print("touched %s"%file)
- def touch_in_db_src():
- touch_file("db/src")
- def touch_in_game_src():
- touch_file("game/src")
- def build_all():
- build_game()
- build_db()
- def build_all_clean():
- build_game_clean()
- build_db_clean()
- def build_file(file):
- check_last_edit(file)
- cmd = "cd %s/src && gmake && cd ../../"%file
- if not run_os_command(cmd):
- return
- output=get_revision_filename("%s/%s"%(file,file))
- if os.path.isfile(output):
- print("build %s successful."%output)
- else:
- print("cannot build file %s."%output)
- ask_if_exit()
- def build_game():
- build_file("game")
- def build_db():
- build_file("db")
- def clean_build(file):
- return run_os_command("cd %s/src && gmake clean && cd ../../"%file) == True
- def build_clean(file):
- if not clean_build(file):
- ask_if_exit()
- else:
- print("%s cleaned"%file)
- build_file(file)
- def build_db_clean():
- build_clean("db")
- def build_game_clean():
- build_clean("game")
- EVENTS = {
- 1: {
- "name" : "BUILD GAME",
- "event": build_game,
- "cmd" : "--build-game",
- },
- 2: {
- "name" : "BUILD DB",
- "event": build_db,
- "cmd" : "--build-db",
- },
- 3: {
- "name" : "BUILD GAME CLEAN",
- "event": build_game_clean,
- "cmd" : "--build-game-clean",
- },
- 4: {
- "name" : "BUILD DB CLEAN",
- "event": build_db_clean,
- "cmd" : "--build-db-clean",
- },
- 5:{
- "name" : "BUILD ALL",
- "event": build_all,
- "cmd" : "--build-all",
- },
- 6: {
- "name" : "BUILD ALL CLEAN",
- "event": build_all_clean,
- "cmd" : "--build-all-clean",
- },
- 7: {
- "name" : "TOUCH FILE IN game/src",
- "event": touch_in_game_src,
- "cmd" : "--touch-file-gamesrc",
- },
- 8: {
- "name" : "TOUCH FILE db/src",
- "event": touch_in_db_src,
- "cmd" : "--touch-file-dbsrc",
- },
- 9:{
- "name" : "STRIP GAME",
- "event": strip_game,
- "cmd" : "--strip-game",
- },
- 10:{
- "name" : "STRIP DB",
- "event": strip_db,
- "cmd" : "--strip-db",
- },
- 11:{
- "name" : "STRIP ALL",
- "event": strip_all,
- "cmd" : "--strip-all",
- },
- 0:{
- "name" : "CLOSE",
- "event": close,
- "cmd" : "--close",
- },
- }
- def print_commandlist():
- print("What do you want to do?\n")
- toprint = [ (EVENTS[key]["name"],str(key)) for key in EVENTS]
- for thing in toprint: print("%s.\t%s"%(thing[1],thing[0]))
- def do_cmd(cmd):
- key = int(cmd)
- if not key in EVENTS:
- print("Unknown command [%d] (ignored)\n")
- return
- print("executing [%s]..."%(EVENTS[key]["name"]))
- event = EVENTS[key]["event"]
- event()
- def is_right_ans(ans):
- andchar = ("&&","&","|"," ",'\t',"-",',')
- return len([char for char in ans if not char in andchar and not char.isdigit()]) == 0
- def do_commands(cmdstr):
- andchar = ("&&","&","|"," ",'\t',"-",',')
- cmdlist = [cmdstr]
- tmp = []
- for char in andchar:
- for cmd in cmdlist:
- tmp = list(cmdlist)
- cmdlist = []
- for part in tmp:
- cmdlist+= part.split(char)
- wrong = [cmd for cmd in cmdlist if not cmd.isdigit()]
- if len(wrong) != 0:
- print("found wrong command/commands [%s] (ignored)."%str(wrong))
- for cmd in cmdlist:
- if cmd in wrong:
- continue
- do_cmd(cmd)
- def main():
- if len(sys.argv) > 1:
- cmdargs = [ (EVENTS[key]["cmd"] , key) for key in EVENTS]
- listofargs = [value["cmd"] for value in EVENTS.values()]
- wrongargs = [arg for arg in sys.argv if not arg in listofargs and arg != sys.argv[0]]
- if len(wrongargs) != 0:
- print("wrong args [%s] ignored."%(str(wrongargs)))
- for cmdarg in cmdargs:
- if cmdarg[0] in sys.argv and not cmdarg[0] in wrongargs:
- do_cmd(cmdarg[1])
- return
- print_commandlist()
- ans = ""
- while ans == "":
- ans = raw_input().strip()
- if not is_right_ans(ans):
- print("wrong input command.")
- print_commandlist()
- ans = ""
- do_commands(ans)
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()