I installed everything correctly on the binary side and the source of the game.
On the client side I got the following error:
- 0318 10:00:28384 :: Traceback (most recent call last):
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: File "networkModule.py", line 247, in SetGamePhase
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: File "game.py", line 106, in __init__
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: File "uiTarget.py", line 505, in __init__
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: File "uiTarget.py", line 133, in __init__
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: AttributeError
- 0318 10:00:28385 :: :
- 0318 10:00:28386 :: 'InfoBoard' object has no attribute 'HideCorners'
- 0318 10:00:28386 ::
I'm new to python, I know just the basics
If someone can give me the solution I would be very grateful
- import app
- import ui
- import player
- import net
- import wndMgr
- import messenger
- import guild
- import chr
- import nonplayer
- import localeInfo
- import constInfo
- import uiToolTip
- import item
- def HAS_FLAG(value, flag):
- return (value & flag) == flag
- class TargetBoard(ui.ThinBoard):
- class InfoBoard(ui.ThinBoard):
- class ItemListBoxItem(ui.ListBoxExNew.Item):
- def __init__(self, width):
- ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.__init__(self)
- image = ui.ExpandedImageBox()
- image.SetParent(self)
- image.Show()
- self.image = image
- nameLine = ui.TextLine()
- nameLine.SetParent(self)
- nameLine.SetPosition(32 + 5, 0)
- nameLine.Show()
- self.nameLine = nameLine
- self.SetSize(width, 32 + 5)
- def LoadImage(self, image, name = None):
- self.image.LoadImage(image)
- self.SetSize(self.GetWidth(), self.image.GetHeight() + 5 * (self.image.GetHeight() / 32))
- if name != None:
- self.SetText(name)
- def SetText(self, text):
- self.nameLine.SetText(text)
- def RefreshHeight(self):
- ui.ListBoxExNew.Item.RefreshHeight(self)
- self.image.SetRenderingRect(0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeTop) / float(self.GetHeight()), 0.0, 0.0 - float(self.removeBottom) / float(self.GetHeight()))
- self.image.SetPosition(0, - self.removeTop)
- 1, # -15 0
- 5, # -14 1
- 10, # -13 2
- 20, # -12 3
- 30, # -11 4
- 50, # -10 5
- 70, # -9 6
- 80, # -8 7
- 85, # -7 8
- 90, # -6 9
- 92, # -5 10
- 94, # -4 11
- 96, # -3 12
- 98, # -2 13
- 100, # -1 14
- 100, # 0 15
- 105, # 1 16
- 110, # 2 17
- 115, # 3 18
- 120, # 4 19
- 125, # 5 20
- 130, # 6 21
- 135, # 7 22
- 140, # 8 23
- 145, # 9 24
- 150, # 10 25
- 155, # 11 26
- 160, # 12 27
- 165, # 13 28
- 170, # 14 29
- 180, # 15 30
- ]
- 1 << 0 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ANIMAL,
- 1 << 1 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_UNDEAD,
- 1 << 2 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DEVIL,
- 1 << 3 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_HUMAN,
- 1 << 4 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ORC,
- 1 << 5 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_MILGYO,
- }
- 1 << 11 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ELEC,
- 1 << 12 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_FIRE,
- 1 << 13 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_ICE,
- 1 << 14 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_WIND,
- 1 << 15 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_EARTH,
- 1 << 16 : localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_DARK,
- }
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self)
- self.HideCorners(self.LT)
- self.HideCorners(self.RT)
- self.HideLine(self.T)
- self.race = 0
- self.hasItems = False
- self.itemTooltip = uiToolTip.ItemToolTip()
- self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip()
- self.stoneImg = None
- self.stoneVnum = None
- self.lastStoneVnum = 0
- self.nextStoneIconChange = 0
- self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, 0)
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self)
- def __UpdatePosition(self, targetBoard):
- self.SetPosition(targetBoard.GetLeft() + (targetBoard.GetWidth() - self.GetWidth()) / 2, targetBoard.GetBottom() - 17)
- def Open(self, targetBoard, race):
- self.__LoadInformation(race)
- self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10)
- self.__UpdatePosition(targetBoard)
- self.Show()
- def Refresh(self):
- self.__LoadInformation(self.race)
- self.SetSize(self.BOARD_WIDTH, self.yPos + 10)
- def Close(self):
- self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip()
- self.Hide()
- def __LoadInformation(self, race):
- self.yPos = 7
- self.children = []
- self.race = race
- self.stoneImg = None
- self.stoneVnum = None
- self.nextStoneIconChange = 0
- self.__LoadInformation_Default(race)
- self.__LoadInformation_Race(race)
- self.__LoadInformation_Drops(race)
- def __LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(self, race):
- attacker_dx = nonplayer.GetMonsterDX(race)
- attacker_level = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race)
- self_dx = player.GetStatus(player.DX)
- self_level = player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)
- iARSrc = min(90, (attacker_dx * 4 + attacker_level * 2) / 6)
- iERSrc = min(90, (self_dx * 4 + self_level * 2) / 6)
- fAR = (float(iARSrc) + 210.0) / 300.0
- fER = (float(iERSrc) * 2 + 5) / (float(iERSrc) + 95) * 3.0 / 10.0
- return fAR - fER
- def __LoadInformation_Default(self, race):
- self.AppendSeperator()
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAX_HP % str(nonplayer.GetMonsterMaxHP(race)))
- # calc att damage
- monsterLevel = nonplayer.GetMonsterLevel(race)
- fHitRate = self.__LoadInformation_Default_GetHitRate(race)
- iDamMin, iDamMax = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamage(race)
- iDamMin = int((iDamMin + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2
- iDamMax = int((iDamMax + nonplayer.GetMonsterST(race)) * 2 * fHitRate) + monsterLevel * 2
- iDef = player.GetStatus(player.DEF_GRADE) * (100 + player.GetStatus(player.DEF_BONUS)) / 100
- fDamMulti = nonplayer.GetMonsterDamageMultiply(race)
- iDamMin = int(max(0, iDamMin - iDef) * fDamMulti)
- iDamMax = int(max(0, iDamMax - iDef) * fDamMulti)
- if iDamMin < 1:
- iDamMin = 1
- if iDamMax < 5:
- iDamMax = 5
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_DAMAGE % (str(iDamMin), str(iDamMax)))
- idx = min(len(self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA) - 1, max(0, (monsterLevel + 15) - player.GetStatus(player.LEVEL)))
- iExp = nonplayer.GetMonsterExp(race) * self.EXP_BASE_LVDELTA[idx] / 100
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_EXP % str(iExp))
- def __LoadInformation_Race(self, race):
- dwRaceFlag = nonplayer.GetMonsterRaceFlag(race)
- self.AppendSeperator()
- mainrace = ""
- subrace = ""
- for i in xrange(17):
- curFlag = 1 << i
- if HAS_FLAG(dwRaceFlag, curFlag):
- if self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag):
- mainrace += self.RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", "
- elif self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME.has_key(curFlag):
- subrace += self.SUB_RACE_FLAG_TO_NAME[curFlag] + ", "
- if nonplayer.IsMonsterStone(race):
- mainrace += localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_RACE_METIN + ", "
- if mainrace == "":
- mainrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE
- else:
- mainrace = mainrace[:-2]
- if subrace == "":
- subrace = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_RACE
- else:
- subrace = subrace[:-2]
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_MAINRACE % mainrace)
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_SUBRACE % subrace)
- def __LoadInformation_Drops(self, race):
- self.AppendSeperator()
- if race in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA:
- if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) == 0:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT)
- else:
- itemListBox = ui.ListBoxExNew(32 + 5, self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
- itemListBox.SetSize(self.GetWidth() - 15 * 2 - ui.ScrollBar.SCROLLBAR_WIDTH, (32 + 5) * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT)
- height = 0
- for curItem in constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]:
- if curItem.has_key("vnum_list"):
- height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum_list"], curItem["count"])
- else:
- height += self.AppendItem(itemListBox, curItem["vnum"], curItem["count"])
- if height < itemListBox.GetHeight():
- itemListBox.SetSize(itemListBox.GetWidth(), height)
- self.AppendWindow(itemListBox, 15)
- itemListBox.SetBasePos(0)
- if len(constInfo.MONSTER_INFO_DATA[race]["items"]) > itemListBox.GetViewItemCount():
- itemScrollBar = ui.ScrollBar()
- itemScrollBar.SetParent(self)
- itemScrollBar.SetPosition(itemListBox.GetRight(), itemListBox.GetTop())
- itemScrollBar.SetScrollBarSize(32 * self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT + 5 * (self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT - 1))
- itemScrollBar.SetMiddleBarSize(float(self.MAX_ITEM_COUNT) / float(height / (32 + 5)))
- itemScrollBar.Show()
- itemListBox.SetScrollBar(itemScrollBar)
- else:
- self.AppendTextLine(localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_NO_ITEM_TEXT)
- def AppendTextLine(self, text):
- textLine = ui.TextLine()
- textLine.SetParent(self)
- textLine.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- textLine.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- textLine.SetText(text)
- textLine.SetPosition(0, self.yPos)
- textLine.Show()
- self.children.append(textLine)
- self.yPos += 17
- def AppendSeperator(self):
- img = ui.ImageBox()
- img.LoadImage("d:/ymir work/ui/seperator.tga")
- self.AppendWindow(img)
- img.SetPosition(img.GetLeft(), img.GetTop() - 15)
- self.yPos -= 15
- def AppendItem(self, listBox, vnums, count):
- if type(vnums) == int:
- vnum = vnums
- else:
- vnum = vnums[0]
- item.SelectItem(vnum)
- itemName = item.GetItemName()
- if type(vnums) != int and len(vnums) > 1:
- vnums = sorted(vnums)
- realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")]
- if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN:
- realName = localeInfo.TARGET_INFO_STONE_NAME
- itemName = realName + "+0 - +4"
- else:
- itemName = realName + "+" + str(vnums[0] % 10) + " - +" + str(vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 10)
- vnum = vnums[len(vnums) - 1]
- myItem = self.ItemListBoxItem(listBox.GetWidth())
- myItem.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName())
- if count <= 1:
- myItem.SetText(itemName)
- else:
- myItem.SetText("%dx %s" % (count, itemName))
- myItem.SAFE_SetOverInEvent(self.OnShowItemTooltip, vnum)
- myItem.SAFE_SetOverOutEvent(self.OnHideItemTooltip)
- listBox.AppendItem(myItem)
- if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN:
- self.stoneImg = myItem
- self.stoneVnum = vnums
- self.lastStoneVnum = self.STONE_LAST_VNUM + vnums[len(vnums) - 1] % 1000 / 100 * 100
- return myItem.GetHeight()
- def OnShowItemTooltip(self, vnum):
- item.SelectItem(vnum)
- if item.GetItemType() == item.ITEM_TYPE_METIN:
- self.itemTooltip.isStone = True
- self.itemTooltip.isBook = False
- self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = False
- self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(self.lastStoneVnum)
- else:
- self.itemTooltip.isStone = False
- self.itemTooltip.isBook = True
- self.itemTooltip.isBook2 = True
- self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(vnum)
- def OnHideItemTooltip(self):
- self.itemTooltip.HideToolTip()
- def AppendWindow(self, wnd, x = 0, width = 0, height = 0):
- if width == 0:
- width = wnd.GetWidth()
- if height == 0:
- height = wnd.GetHeight()
- wnd.SetParent(self)
- if x == 0:
- wnd.SetPosition((self.GetWidth() - width) / 2, self.yPos)
- else:
- wnd.SetPosition(x, self.yPos)
- wnd.Show()
- self.children.append(wnd)
- self.yPos += height + 5
- def OnUpdate(self):
- if self.stoneImg != None and self.stoneVnum != None and app.GetTime() >= self.nextStoneIconChange:
- nextImg = self.lastStoneVnum + 1
- if nextImg % 100 > self.STONE_LAST_VNUM % 100:
- nextImg -= (self.STONE_LAST_VNUM - self.STONE_START_VNUM) + 1
- self.lastStoneVnum = nextImg
- self.nextStoneIconChange = app.GetTime() + 2.5
- item.SelectItem(nextImg)
- itemName = item.GetItemName()
- realName = itemName[:itemName.find("+")]
- realName = realName + "+0 - +4"
- self.stoneImg.LoadImage(item.GetIconImageFileName(), realName)
- if self.itemTooltip.IsShow() and self.itemTooltip.isStone:
- self.itemTooltip.SetItemToolTip(nextImg)
- )
- nonplayer.PAWN : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_PAWN,
- nonplayer.S_PAWN : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_S_PAWN,
- nonplayer.KNIGHT : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_KNIGHT,
- nonplayer.S_KNIGHT : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_S_KNIGHT,
- nonplayer.BOSS : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_BOSS,
- nonplayer.KING : localeInfo.TARGET_LEVEL_KING,
- }
- def __init__(self):
- ui.ThinBoard.__init__(self)
- name = ui.TextLine()
- name.SetParent(self)
- name.SetDefaultFontName()
- name.SetOutline()
- name.Show()
- hpGauge = ui.Gauge()
- hpGauge.SetParent(self)
- hpGauge.MakeGauge(130, "red")
- hpGauge.Hide()
- closeButton = ui.Button()
- closeButton.SetParent(self)
- closeButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_01.sub")
- closeButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_02.sub")
- closeButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/close_button_03.sub")
- closeButton.SetPosition(30, 13)
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- hpGauge.SetPosition(55, 17)
- hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft()
- closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft()
- else:
- hpGauge.SetPosition(175, 17)
- hpGauge.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight()
- closeButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignRight()
- infoButton = ui.Button()
- infoButton.SetParent(self)
- infoButton.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/q_mark_01.tga")
- infoButton.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/q_mark_02.tga")
- infoButton.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/pattern/q_mark_01.tga")
- infoButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedInfoButton))
- infoButton.Hide()
- infoBoard = self.InfoBoard()
- infoBoard.Hide()
- infoButton.showWnd = infoBoard
- closeButton.SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPressedCloseButton))
- closeButton.Show()
- self.buttonDict = {}
- self.showingButtonList = []
- for buttonName in self.BUTTON_NAME_LIST:
- button = ui.Button()
- button.SetParent(self)
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_01.sub")
- button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_02.sub")
- button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/Small_Button_03.sub")
- else:
- button.SetUpVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_01.sub")
- button.SetOverVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_02.sub")
- button.SetDownVisual("d:/ymir work/ui/public/small_thin_button_03.sub")
- button.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- button.SetText(buttonName)
- button.Hide()
- self.buttonDict[buttonName] = button
- self.showingButtonList.append(button)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnWhisper))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnExchange))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPVP))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnAppendToMessenger))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyInvite))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyExit))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.OnPartyRemove))
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnGuildAddMember)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDismount)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnExitObserver)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_VIEW_EQUIPMENT].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnViewEquipment)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnRequestParty)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnDestroyBuilding)
- self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW].SAFE_SetEvent(self.__OnEmotionAllow)
- self.buttonDict["VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT"].SetEvent(ui.__mem_func__(self.__OnVoteBlockChat))
- self.name = name
- self.hpGauge = hpGauge
- self.infoButton = infoButton
- self.vnum = 0
- self.closeButton = closeButton
- self.nameString = 0
- self.nameLength = 0
- self.vid = 0
- self.eventWhisper = None
- self.isShowButton = FALSE
- self.__Initialize()
- self.ResetTargetBoard()
- def __del__(self):
- ui.ThinBoard.__del__(self)
- print "===================================================== DESTROYED TARGET BOARD"
- def __Initialize(self):
- self.nameString = ""
- self.nameLength = 0
- self.vid = 0
- self.vnum = 0
- self.isShowButton = FALSE
- def Destroy(self):
- self.eventWhisper = None
- self.infoButton = None
- self.closeButton = None
- self.showingButtonList = None
- self.buttonDict = None
- self.name = None
- self.hpGauge = None
- self.__Initialize()
- def RefreshMonsterInfoBoard(self):
- if not self.infoButton.showWnd.IsShow():
- return
- self.infoButton.showWnd.Refresh()
- def OnPressedInfoButton(self):
- net.SendTargetInfoLoad(player.GetTargetVID())
- if self.infoButton.showWnd.IsShow():
- self.infoButton.showWnd.Close()
- elif self.vnum != 0:
- self.infoButton.showWnd.Open(self, self.vnum)
- def OnPressedCloseButton(self):
- player.ClearTarget()
- self.Close()
- def Close(self):
- self.__Initialize()
- self.infoButton.showWnd.Close()
- self.Hide()
- def Open(self, vid, name):
- if vid:
- if not player.IsSameEmpire(vid):
- self.Hide()
- return
- if vid != self.GetTargetVID():
- self.ResetTargetBoard()
- self.SetTargetVID(vid)
- self.SetTargetName(name)
- if player.IsMainCharacterIndex(vid):
- self.__ShowMainCharacterMenu()
- elif chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid):
- self.Hide()
- else:
- self.RefreshButton()
- self.Show()
- else:
- self.HideAllButton()
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER)
- self.__ShowButton("VOTE_BLOCK_CHAT")
- self.__ArrangeButtonPosition()
- self.SetTargetName(name)
- self.Show()
- def Refresh(self):
- if self.IsShow():
- if self.IsShowButton():
- self.RefreshButton()
- def RefreshByVID(self, vid):
- if vid == self.GetTargetVID():
- self.Refresh()
- def RefreshByName(self, name):
- if name == self.GetTargetName():
- self.Refresh()
- def __ShowMainCharacterMenu(self):
- canShow=0
- self.HideAllButton()
- if player.IsMountingHorse():
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_DISMOUNT)
- canShow=1
- if player.IsObserverMode():
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXIT_OBSERVER)
- canShow=1
- if canShow:
- self.__ArrangeButtonPosition()
- self.Show()
- else:
- self.Hide()
- def __ShowNameOnlyMenu(self):
- self.HideAllButton()
- def SetWhisperEvent(self, event):
- self.eventWhisper = event
- def UpdatePosition(self):
- self.SetPosition(wndMgr.GetScreenWidth()/2 - self.GetWidth()/2, 10)
- def ResetTargetBoard(self):
- for btn in self.buttonDict.values():
- btn.Hide()
- self.__Initialize()
- self.name.SetPosition(0, 13)
- self.name.SetHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignCenter()
- self.hpGauge.Hide()
- self.infoButton.Hide()
- self.infoButton.showWnd.Close()
- self.SetSize(250, 40)
- def SetTargetVID(self, vid):
- self.vid = vid#
- self.vnum = 0
- def SetEnemyVID(self, vid):
- self.SetTargetVID(vid)
- name = chr.GetNameByVID(vid)
- vnum = nonplayer.GetRaceNumByVID(vid)
- level = nonplayer.GetLevelByVID(vid)
- grade = nonplayer.GetGradeByVID(vid)
- nameFront = ""
- if -1 != level:
- nameFront += "Lv." + str(level) + " "
- if self.GRADE_NAME.has_key(grade):
- nameFront += "(" + self.GRADE_NAME[grade] + ") "
- self.SetTargetName(nameFront + name)
- (textWidth, textHeight) = self.name.GetTextSize()
- self.infoButton.SetPosition(textWidth + 25, 12)
- self.infoButton.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft()
- self.vnum = vnum
- self.infoButton.Show()
- def GetTargetVID(self):
- return self.vid
- def GetTargetName(self):
- return self.nameString
- def SetTargetName(self, name):
- self.nameString = name
- self.nameLength = len(name)
- self.name.SetText(name)
- def SetHP(self, hpPercentage):
- if not self.hpGauge.IsShow():
- self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, self.GetHeight())
- if localeInfo.IsARABIC():
- self.name.SetPosition( self.GetWidth()-23, 13)
- else:
- self.name.SetPosition(23, 13)
- self.name.SetWindowHorizontalAlignLeft()
- self.name.SetHorizontalAlignLeft()
- self.hpGauge.Show()
- self.UpdatePosition()
- self.hpGauge.SetPercentage(hpPercentage, 100)
- def ShowDefaultButton(self):
- self.isShowButton = TRUE
- self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_WHISPER])
- self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE])
- self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT])
- self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EMOTION_ALLOW])
- for button in self.showingButtonList:
- button.Show()
- def HideAllButton(self):
- self.isShowButton = FALSE
- for button in self.showingButtonList:
- button.Hide()
- self.showingButtonList = []
- def __ShowButton(self, name):
- if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name):
- return
- self.buttonDict[name].Show()
- self.showingButtonList.append(self.buttonDict[name])
- def __HideButton(self, name):
- if not self.buttonDict.has_key(name):
- return
- button = self.buttonDict[name]
- button.Hide()
- for btnInList in self.showingButtonList:
- if btnInList == button:
- self.showingButtonList.remove(button)
- break
- def OnWhisper(self):
- if None != self.eventWhisper:
- self.eventWhisper(self.nameString)
- def OnExchange(self):
- net.SendExchangeStartPacket(self.vid)
- def OnPVP(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/pvp %d" % (self.vid))
- def OnAppendToMessenger(self):
- net.SendMessengerAddByVIDPacket(self.vid)
- def OnPartyInvite(self):
- net.SendPartyInvitePacket(self.vid)
- def OnPartyExit(self):
- net.SendPartyExitPacket()
- def OnPartyRemove(self):
- net.SendPartyRemovePacket(self.vid)
- def __OnGuildAddMember(self):
- net.SendGuildAddMemberPacket(self.vid)
- def __OnDismount(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/unmount")
- def __OnExitObserver(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/observer_exit")
- def __OnViewEquipment(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/view_equip " + str(self.vid))
- def __OnRequestParty(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/party_request " + str(self.vid))
- def __OnDestroyBuilding(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/build d %d" % (self.vid))
- def __OnEmotionAllow(self):
- net.SendChatPacket("/emotion_allow %d" % (self.vid))
- def __OnVoteBlockChat(self):
- cmd = "/vote_block_chat %s" % (self.nameString)
- net.SendChatPacket(cmd)
- def OnPressEscapeKey(self):
- self.OnPressedCloseButton()
- return TRUE
- def IsShowButton(self):
- return self.isShowButton
- def RefreshButton(self):
- self.HideAllButton()
- if chr.INSTANCE_TYPE_BUILDING == chr.GetInstanceType(self.vid):
- #self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_BUILDING_DESTROY)
- #self.__ArrangeButtonPosition()
- return
- if player.IsPVPInstance(self.vid) or player.IsObserverMode():
- self.SetSize(200 + 7*self.nameLength, 40)
- self.UpdatePosition()
- return
- self.ShowDefaultButton()
- if guild.MainPlayerHasAuthority(guild.AUTH_ADD_MEMBER):
- if not guild.IsMemberByName(self.nameString):
- if 0 == chr.GetGuildID(self.vid):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_GUILD)
- if not messenger.IsFriendByName(self.nameString):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND)
- if player.IsPartyMember(self.vid):
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT)
- if player.IsPartyLeader(self.vid):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_LEAVE_PARTY)
- elif player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCLUDE)
- else:
- if player.IsPartyMember(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()):
- if player.IsPartyLeader(player.GetMainCharacterIndex()):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY)
- else:
- if chr.IsPartyMember(self.vid):
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_REQUEST_ENTER_PARTY)
- else:
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY)
- if player.IsRevengeInstance(self.vid):
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT)
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_AVENGE)
- elif player.IsChallengeInstance(self.vid):
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT)
- self.__ShowButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_ACCEPT_FIGHT)
- elif player.IsCantFightInstance(self.vid):
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT)
- if not player.IsSameEmpire(self.vid):
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_INVITE_PARTY)
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FRIEND)
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_FIGHT)
- distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid)
- if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE:
- self.__HideButton(localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE)
- self.__ArrangeButtonPosition()
- self.__ArrangeButtonPosition()
- def __ArrangeButtonPosition(self):
- showingButtonCount = len(self.showingButtonList)
- pos = -(showingButtonCount / 2) * 68
- if 0 == showingButtonCount % 2:
- pos += 34
- for button in self.showingButtonList:
- button.SetPosition(pos, 33)
- pos += 68
- self.SetSize(max(150, showingButtonCount * 75), 65)
- self.UpdatePosition()
- def OnUpdate(self):
- if self.isShowButton:
- exchangeButton = self.buttonDict[localeInfo.TARGET_BUTTON_EXCHANGE]
- distance = player.GetCharacterDistance(self.vid)
- if distance < 0:
- return
- if exchangeButton.IsShow():
- if distance > self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE:
- self.RefreshButton()
- else:
- if distance < self.EXCHANGE_LIMIT_RANGE:
- self.RefreshButton()