Hello.I use the same mount system as the rubinum. And I have a problem. When I call the mount, he doesnt give me any bonus he has in the quest. Is it possible to solve it somehow? Thank you
- quest ride begin
- state start begin
- function Ride( vnum, remain_time )
- ride_info = {
- [71118] = { 20112, 5*60, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 10, 1, true },
- [71114] = { 20110, 5*60, apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 1, true },
- [71116] = { 20111, 5*60, apply.MAX_HP, 1000, 1, true },
- [71120] = { 20113, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 100, 1, true },
- [71165] = { 20222, 5*60, apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [71166] = { 20120, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [71124] = { 20114, 5*60, apply.MAX_HP, 2000, 1, true },
- [71171] = { 20121, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [71172] = { 20219, 5*60, apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [71161] = { 20219, 5*60, apply.MOV_SPEED, 60, 1, true },
- [71126] = { 20116, 5*60, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 20, 20, true },
- [71125] = { 20115, 5*60, apply.MAX_HP, 1500, 1, true },
- [52015] = { 20123, 5*60, apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [52030] = { 20124, 5*60, apply.MAX_HP, 3000, 1, true },
- [52060] = { 20125, 5*60, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 25, 1, true },
- [52045] = { 20122, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 350, 1, true },
- [52011] = { 20114, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 400, 1, true },
- [52006] = { 20115, 5*60, apply.DEF_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 1, true },
- [52021] = { 20116, 5*60, apply.CRITICAL_PCT, 15, 1, true },
- [52036] = { 20208, 5*60, apply.ATT_GRADE_BONUS, 150, 1, true },
- [52051] = { 20117, 5*60, apply.MAX_HP, 1500, 1, true },
- }
- if pc.level < ride_info[vnum][5] then
- say("")
- say(gameforge.ride._010_say)
- say("")
- else
- if 112 == pc.get_map_index() then
- return
- end
- if ride_info[vnum][2] == 0 and remain_time != 0 then
- pc.mount( ride_info[vnum][1], remain_time*60 )
- pc.mount_bonus( ride_info[vnum][3], ride_info[vnum][4], remain_time*60 )
- else
- pc.mount( ride_info[vnum][1], ride_info[vnum][2] )
- pc.mount_bonus( ride_info[vnum][3], ride_info[vnum][4], ride_info[vnum][2] )
- end
- if true == ride_info[vnum][6] then
- end
- end
- end
- when login begin
- local vnum, remain_time = pc.get_special_ride_vnum()
- if vnum <= 71111 or vnum >71172 then
- return
- end
- if 0 != vnum then
- ride.Ride(vnum, remain_time)
- end
- end
- when 71114.use or 71116.use or 71120.use or 71124.use or 71166.use or 71165.use or 71171.use or 71172.use or 71161.use or 71126.use or 71125.use or 71118.use or 52015.use or 52030.use or 52060.use or 52045.use or 52011.use or 52006.use or 52021.use or 52036.use or 52051.use begin
- if pc.is_polymorphed() then
- say("")
- say(gameforge.ride._020_say)
- say("")
- elseif false == pc.is_riding() then
- if true == horse.is_summon() then
- horse.unsummon()
- end
- ride.Ride(item.vnum, 0)
- else
- say("")
- say(gameforge.ride._030_say)
- say("")
- end
- end
- end
- end