[C++] The transformation into a monster during the event ox

  • A guy asked me that Skype, so I said why not make a topic of these small functions.

    You can change settings from here:

    1. enum ETypeInformationsEventOx
    2. { //@functionMe492
    3. OX_MOBNAME_PLAYER = 101, // MobVnum
    4. OX_MOBNAME_MODERATOR = 102, // MobVnum
    5. OX_MOBNAME_VIP = 103, // MobVnum
    6. OX_MAPINDEX = 113, // MapIndex
    7. OX_TIME_AFFECT = 60*60*24*7, // Is not important time because when you will finish event ox, will be removed to 0.
    8. };


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von VegaS ()