Hallo liebe Developer,
kann wer die Quest so umschreiben das der Pfad account.account nicht nur über account.account läuft
sondern auch über player.player also beide wege in einer quest.
Es gibt eine währung "Coins" die sich in account.account befindet.
Die zweite währung "A-Points" die sich in player.player befindet.
AnyShop muss aus der Tabelle account und aus der Tabelle player lesen können.
25€ PSC für den der es schaffen kann.
Hier die Quest.
Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
- -- Quest File written by Kilroy.
- -- Function: AnyShop Lua/Python/Sql
- -- Questpart: 1/1
- quest AnyShop begin
- state start begin
- when login begin
- cmdchat(string.format("AnyShop index/%d", q.getcurrentquestindex()))
- end
- when button begin
- cmdchat("getinputbegin")
- local INPUT = AnyShop.stringSplit(input(cmdchat("AnyShop input/")), "/")
- cmdchat("getinputend")
- if INPUT[1]=="open" then
- if not AnyShop.AntiFlood_(1, 3) then return end
- local stringTable, tableItems = {}, mysql_query("SELECT shopitems.vnum, shops.shop_id, categories.name as category, shopitems.preis, shopitems.rabatt, IFNULL(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, NOW(), shopitems.angebot),0) as seconds, shops.suffix, categories.cat_id FROM anyshop.shopitems JOIN anyshop.shops ON shops.shop_id = shopitems.shop_id JOIN anyshop.categories ON categories.cat_id = shopitems.cat_id ORDER BY verkauft DESC;")
- if (tableItems==nil or tableItems[1]==nil) then syschat("Abbruch. Bitte fülle die Tabelle korrekt! Error:1") return end
- local tableCount = table.getn(tableItems)
- cmdchat("AnyShop ClearBoard/")
- local moneyQuery, moneyColumns = "", mysql_query("SELECT coin_column, suffix, name, shop_id FROM anyshop.shops;")
- if (moneyColumns==nil or moneyColumns[1]==nil) then syschat("Abbruch. Bitte fülle die Tabelle korrekt! Error:2") return end
- for i=1, table.getn(moneyColumns), 1 do moneyQuery = moneyQuery..(i==1 and "" or ",")..moneyColumns[i][1] end
- local money = mysql_query("SELECT "..moneyQuery.." FROM account.account WHERE id = "..pc.get_account_id()..";")
- if (money==nil or money[1]==nil) then syschat("Abbruch. Bitte fülle die Tabelle korrekt! Error:3") return end
- local moneyCMD = "AnyShop config/"
- for i=1, table.getn(money[1]), 1 do moneyCMD = moneyCMD..(i==1 and "" or "|")..money[1][i]..","..moneyColumns[i][2]..","..moneyColumns[i][3]..","..moneyColumns[i][4] end
- cmdchat(moneyCMD)
- if tableCount==0 then return end
- for i=1, tableCount, 1 do table.insert(stringTable, string.format("%d,%d,%s,%d,%d,%d,%s,%d", unpack(tableItems[i]))) end
- local AddToListCMD = "AnyShop AddToList/"..stringTable[1]
- for i=2, tableCount, 1 do
- if string.len(AddToListCMD)+string.len(stringTable[i])>=490 then
- cmdchat(AddToListCMD)
- AddToListCMD = "AnyShop AddToList/"..stringTable[i]
- else
- AddToListCMD = AddToListCMD.."|"..stringTable[i]
- end
- if i==tableCount then
- cmdchat(AddToListCMD)
- break
- end
- end
- cmdchat("AnyShop FinishSending/")
- elseif INPUT[1]=="buy" then
- if not AnyShop.AntiFlood_(2, 3) then return end
- local itemVnum = tonumber(INPUT[2])
- local itemCount = tonumber(INPUT[3])
- local shopId = tonumber(INPUT[4])
- if (itemVnum==nil or itemVnum<10) or (itemCount==nil or itemCount<1) then return end
- local choosenItem = mysql_query("SELECT shopitems.vnum, shopitems.preis, shopitems.rabatt, IFNULL(TIMESTAMPDIFF(second, NOW(), shopitems.angebot),0) as seconds, shops.coin_column, shops.suffix, shops.shop_id FROM anyshop.shopitems JOIN anyshop.shops ON shops.shop_id = shopitems.shop_id WHERE shopitems.vnum="..itemVnum.." and shopitems.shop_id="..shopId..";")
- if (choosenItem[1]~=nil or table.getn(choosenItem[1]))==0 then syschat("Das Item ist nicht (mehr) vorhanden!") return end
- local sqlVnum, itemPrice, itemRabatt, itemAngebotSek, moneyColumn, Suffix, sqlShopId = tonumber(choosenItem[1][1]),tonumber(choosenItem[1][2]),tonumber(choosenItem[1][3]),tonumber(choosenItem[1][4]),choosenItem[1][5],choosenItem[1][6],tonumber(choosenItem[1][7])
- if (sqlVnum~=itemVnum) or (sqlShopId~=shopId) then return end
- itemPrice = itemPrice * itemCount
- if (itemAngebotSek>=0 and itemRabatt>0) then
- itemPrice = itemPrice-math.floor(itemPrice*(itemRabatt/100))
- end
- local money = mysql_query("SELECT "..moneyColumn.." FROM account.account WHERE id = "..pc.get_account_id()..";")[1][1]
- if money<itemPrice then syschat("<Shop> Du hast nicht genug "..Suffix.." für dieses Item.") return end
- mysql_query("UPDATE account.account, anyshop.shopitems SET account."..moneyColumn.." = account."..moneyColumn.."-"..itemPrice..", shopitems.verkauft = shopitems.verkauft+1 WHERE account.id = "..pc.get_account_id().." AND (shopitems.vnum="..itemVnum.." AND shopitems.shop_id="..shopId..") ;")
- money = mysql_query("SELECT "..moneyColumn.." FROM account.account WHERE id = "..pc.get_account_id()..";")[1][1]
- cmdchat("AnyShop setmoney/"..shopId.."/"..money)
- pc.give_item2_select(itemVnum, 1)
- itemCount = itemCount - 1
- if item.has_flag(4) and itemCount>0 then
- for i=1, math.floor(itemCount/200), 1 do
- pc.give_item2(itemVnum, 200)
- end
- pc.give_item2(itemVnum, (itemCount - math.floor(itemCount/200)*200))
- else
- for i=1, itemCount, 1 do pc.give_item2(itemVnum) end
- end
- end
- end
- function stringSplit(str, sep)
- local sep, fields = sep or ",", {}
- local pattern = string.format("([^%s]+)", sep)
- string.gsub(str, pattern, function(c) table.insert(fields, c) end)
- return fields
- end
- function AntiFlood_(n, t)
- if pc.getqf("AntiFlood"..n)>get_time() then
- syschat(string.format("Deine nächste Anfrage geht erst in %d Sekunden!", pc.getqf("AntiFlood"..n)-get_time()))
- return false
- end
- pc.setqf("AntiFlood"..n, get_time()+t)
- return true
- end
- end
- end