Advanced Regen Tool

  • Advanced Regen Editor
    I have worked in the past week on a new regen tool(made in C#-WPF) to make the life easier for the mappers/server owner between us.
    It is an advanced regen tool that includes all the basic functions + new ones such as:

    • mob/group file viewer.
    • Importing regen file.
    • Remember information - Remember the last data entered such as direction, respawn time,count etc.
    • Color Character by color(Mob-Red, Stone-Blue, Boss-turquoise, NPC-Belge, Group-Black).
    • Add a character - Left click.
    • Remove a character - right click on a character dot.
    • Load MOB/Group information - select mob_names.txt/group.txt to view information on a data grid(shown on screen shots below). When choosing a group.txt make sure you have type field set on group.
    • Ctrl Z Feature - Reverse action, that means that if you added a character it will be deleted and if you removed a character it will be added back.
    • Separation of exported files - Files will be exported upon the type of the map character, if you had stone,boss and npc character then stone.txt,boss.txt and npc.txt will be generated.

    If you find any bugs, please reply here with the bug information in specific details.
    Please Like this thread if you find my tool useful! Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

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    Version 1.0 Download Link:

    Update 06/10/2017:

    • Zoom in/out feature has been added.
    • View entities seperately feature has been added.
    • Import regen bug has been fixed.

    Version 1.1 Download Link:

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von M2GW ()

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