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  • Greetings, Community!

    I'm 100% sure, that there are people who want to test their knowledge but they did not have the chance yet to use it in real. Now, I am offering a chance to everyone, to test their knowledge. Within a project, I am looking for appropriate and enthusiastic people for some unfilled position (developer, modeling, quest writer, mapper, designer)!

    Of course it is not for free. Until the server opens, I am asking your diligence, I mean, without paying, but after the server opens, I offer you certaion percent of the income money! Does not sounds so bad, does it? But also looking for volunteers, who would do it for themselves, I mean, to improve their knowledge and test their things! Bitte melden Sie sich an, um dieses Bild zu sehen.

    There would be some criteria and I am going to let you know the details. The server based on PVM/PVP. I am planning to do a server, which will have name in communities, which will have uniqueness. I have planty of unique plans about the server (for example: exterior objects, unique and changed maps/map1). The only thing which is in my way is the lack of the team. VPS and TS3 server is currently active, so the only thing that I am waiting for is YOU!

    I was planning to make a description about the certain unfilled positions, but I will not steal your time with this! If you are interested and want to know more details, send me an e-mail, which contains at least: introduction, references (if you have, but not disadvantage if you don't have, just be ideal for the position) and some other sentences. The subject must contain the position that you are applying for!

    E-mail address: [email protected]

    BE AWARE, THAT IT IS A HUNGARIAN SERVER WITH A HUNGARIAN OWNER (but as you can see, communication won't be problem). THE LANGUAGE WILL BE ENGLISH TOO, THE GOAL IS TO MAKE AN INTERNATIONAL SERVER (for Hungary and other english-speaked countries)

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