Eingebaut: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.
syserr im core:
Meine Konfiguration:
- void CHARACTER::ChannelSwitch(int new_ch){
- long lAddr;
- long lMapIndex;
- WORD wPort;
- long x = this->GetX();
- long y = this->GetY();
- if (!CMapLocation::instance().Get(x, y, lMapIndex, lAddr, wPort))
- {
- sys_err("cannot find map location index %d x %d y %d name %s", lMapIndex, x, y, GetName());
- return;
- }
- if(lMapIndex >= 10000){
- return;
- }
- std::map<WORD, int>micha;
- for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){ //replace with maximum channels -1 actual 1300x - 1330x
- for(int i2 = 0; i2 < 4; i2++){ //replace with your core values actual 13x02 - 13x08
- micha[13*1000 + i*100 + i2] = i+1;
- }
- }
- //micha[13090] = 1;
- int chan;
- if(micha.find(wPort) != micha.end()){
- chan = micha[wPort];
- }else{return;}
- Stop();
- Save();
- if(GetSectree()){
- GetSectree()->RemoveEntity(this);
- ViewCleanup();
- EncodeRemovePacket(this);
- }
- TPacketGCWarp p;
- p.bHeader = HEADER_GC_WARP;
- p.lX = x;
- p.lY = y;
- p.lAddr = lAddr;
- p.wPort = (wPort - 1000*(chan-1) + 1000*(new_ch-1));
- sys_err("x : %d y: %d, addr: %d, port: %d , newPort: %d", x, y, lAddr, wPort, (wPort - 1000*chan + 1000*new_ch));
- GetDesc()->Packet(&p, sizeof(TPacketGCWarp));
- }
Meine Ports:
CH1 = 13000 - 13003
CH2 = 13100 - 13103
CH3 = 13200 - 13203
CH4 = 13300 - 13303
P2P Ports CH1 = 14000 - 14003
P2P Ports CH2 = 14100 - 14103
P2P Ports CH3 = 14200 - 14203
P2P Ports CH4 = 14300 - 14303
Hoffe ihr könnt mir helfen!
Liebe Grüße