Hallo, ich habe ein Problem mit der Start.sh von den Akaya2 Files
Shell-Script: start.sh
- #!/usr/local/bin/zsh
- basepath=/usr/home/m2user/metin2
- if [ "$UID" -eq 0 ]
- then
- echo -e "\033[31m Sorry, but you can not start the server as \"root\".\n Please use the user \"metin2\"\033[0m"
- exit
- fi
- cd $basepath
- echo -e "\033[31m
- Wie viele Channels möchtest du starten ? \n
- (1) - 1 Channel\n
- (2) - 2 Channels\n
- (3) - 3 Channels\n
- (4) - 4 Channels\033[0m"
- function findLibs {
- ld_preload=""
- lib_path="$basepath/share/libs/"
- lib_name=""
- if [ "$1" = "db" ]
- then
- lib_name="libdb_*.so"
- elif [ "$1" = "game" ]
- then
- lib_name="libgame_*.so"
- else
- lib_name="*.so"
- fi
- for library in `find $basepath/share/libs -name $lib_name`
- do
- if [ "$ld_preload" = "" ]
- then
- ld_preload="$library"
- else
- ld_preload="$ld_preload $library"
- fi
- done
- echo $ld_preload
- function startDatabase {
- cd $basepath
- echo -e "\033[31m \n Starting database server..\033[0m"
- cd ./db
- if [ -f pid ] && ps ax | grep -v grep | grep `cat pid` > /dev/null
- then
- echo -e "\033[31m \n database server already running..\033[0m"
- else
- if [ `getconf LONG_BIT` = "64" ]
- then
- LD_32_PRELOAD=`findLibs db` ./db &
- else
- LD_PRELOAD=`findLibs db` ./db &
- fi
- sleep 3
- echo -e "\033[31m \n database server started..\033[0m"
- fi
- sleep 1
- cd $basepath
- }
- function startAuth {
- cd $basepath
- echo -e "\033[31m \n Starting login server..\033[0m"
- cd ./login
- if [ -f pid ] && ps ax | grep -v grep | grep `cat pid` > /dev/null
- then
- echo -e "\033[31m \n Loginserver already running..\033[0m"
- else
- sleep 3
- LD_32_PRELOAD=`findLibs game` ./auth &
- echo -e "\033[31m \n Loginserver started..\033[0m"
- fi
- sleep 2
- cd $basepath
- }
- function startMe {
- echo -e "\033[31m \n Starting $1; Core: $2..\033[0m"
- if [[ -e $3 ]]
- then
- cd ./$3
- if [ -f pid ] && ps ax | grep -v grep | grep `cat pid` > /dev/null
- then
- echo -e "\033[31m \n $1 core $2 already running..\033[0m"
- else
- LD_32_PRELOAD=$5 ./$4 &
- fi
- cd -
- fi
- }
- function startCore {
- cd $basepath/$1
- preload_string=`findLibs game`
- if [ "$1" = "special" ]
- then
- startMe $1 "Event-Core" "core_event" "game_event" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Eventmaps" "core_eventmaps" "game_eventmap" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Nemere" "core_nemere" "game_nemere" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Baroness" "core_baroness" "game_baroness" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Azrael" "core_azrael" "game_azrael" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Blazing" "core_blazing" "game_blazing" $preload_string
- else
- startMe $1 "Core 1" "core1" "game_$1_core1" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Core 2" "core2" "game_$1_core2" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Core 3" "core3" "game_$1_core3" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Farmcore 1" "farmcore1" "game_$1_farm1" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Farmcore 2" "farmcore2" "game_$1_farm2" $preload_string
- startMe $1 "Farmcore 3" "farmcore3" "game_$1_farm3" $preload_string
- fi
- cd $basepath
- echo -e "\033[31m \n $1 started..\033[0m";
- }
- read channels
- # $basepath/clear.sh
- case $channels in
- 1*)
- startDatabase
- startCore special
- startCore ch1
- startAuth
- ;;
- 2*)
- startDatabase
- startCore special
- startCore ch1
- startCore ch2
- startAuth
- ;;
- 3*)
- startDatabase
- startCore special
- startCore ch1
- startCore ch2
- startCore ch3
- startAuth
- ;;
- 4*)
- startDatabase
- startCore special
- startCore ch1
- startCore ch2
- startCore ch3
- startCore ch4
- startAuth
- ;;
- db*)
- startDatabase
- ;;
- login*)
- startAuth
- ;;
- esac
start.sh: function: not found
find: -name: requires additional arguments
start.sh: 49: Syntax error "}" unexpected
Währe nett wenn ihr mir Helfen könntet
Mfg Marcel