I dont post much, but I appreciate the work you all take to provide contributions
so i was motivated to make a small contribution, because no one had taken this simple change into consideration and i think it should not be modified in the client to take the name of the character
open our cmd_gm.cpp:
- // search:
- ACMD(do_notice)
- {
- // inside we replace:
- BroadcastNotice(argument);
- // for this:
- if (!*argument)
- {
- ch->ChatPacket(CHAT_TYPE_INFO, "Usage: /notice <message>");
- return;
- }
- // Create a buffer for the final message
- char final_message[512];
- // Concatenate the player name with the complete argument
- snprintf(final_message, sizeof(final_message), "[%s]: %s", ch->GetName(), argument);
- // Send the message as a global notice
- BroadcastNotice(final_message);
- #else
- BroadcastNotice(argument);
- #endif
its quite simple, I hope some of you will find it useful
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