[C++] Bouquet Damage Exploit Fix (Serverside)


    Hello, i am sharing this fix for a vulnerability that i examined after seeing a topic on a foreign forum that included the explanation and solution of a friend who discovered this problem, and then decided that it required a detailed control on the server src side. If i need to briefly talk about the vulnerability, let me quote from the friend who wrote the first topic that mentioned this problem;

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    In the original topic, this problem was solved via Client Src, but this is a very unhealthy method, because bypassing a control on the Clientside can sometimes be much easier than you think, so i created a more robust fix for this, it does not only include Bouquet, but also all marriage items and items such as Fishing Rod/Pickaxe are controlled on the serverside, after this fix, cheats using this method will not work anymore.

    HOW TO DO?

    Let's start, first open the "char.cpp" file from Game Src.

    Then open "char.h"

    1. // FIND;
    2. bool CanMove() const;
    3. // ADD ABOVE;
    4. // START OF DevFix 129
    5. bool IsPCAbleToAttack() const; // Is this PC able to attack someone ? - [MT2Dev Note]
    6. // END OF DevFix 129

    Lastly open "char_battle.cpp"

    Best regards, MT2Dev.

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