Boss Damage Ranking

  • Hi, i coded in October, and iI was planning to update it, but I haven't had much time. If I find the time, I might release an update. Enjoy using it!

    • Ranks the damage dealt by players attacking a mob.
    • Any mob can be dynamically added to or removed from the ranking system in real-time.
    • Displays the top 5 players with the highest damage on a table (configurable).
    • The damage bar of the player who poisons the mob is displayed in "green."
    • Can be used for mobs with the same vnum on the same map, even if they are located at different points (works completely dynamically).
    • Mobs included in the ranking cannot recovery hp.
    • Minimum C++ version required: 17 (some parts use C++20 features; you can adjust it as needed).
    • The PythonHelper file is not mine.

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Larry Watterson ()

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