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  • Professional Translation Service for Metin2 Servers

    I offer flawless translations from English to Turkish or Turkish to English for Metin2 servers. As an experienced translator with a strong command of languages, I will provide high-quality, accurate translations for in-game texts, dialogues, quests, and other content.

    My Services:

    • English to Turkish Translation: I translate your game texts into Turkish fluently and understandably.

    • Turkish to English Translation: I translate your Turkish content into English accurately and naturally.

    • Professional Quality: All translations are done with strong language knowledge and consideration of specific Metin2 game terminology.

    • Fast Delivery: I guarantee timely delivery with quick and efficient solutions.

    Why Work with Me?

    • Flawless Language Skills: With my proficiency in both Turkish and English, I ensure error-free and clear translations.
    • Gaming Experience: With experience in Metin2 and similar games, I translate in-game terms and jargon correctly.
    • Tailored Translations: I handle your projects with attention to detail, thoroughly reviewing every text to ensure the highest quality.
    • Contact: Feel free to contact me for your projects. I will respond promptly and start the translation process as soon as possible.

    DİSCORD: mitozglobal

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von mıtoz ()

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