Game Client crash when Summon Horse

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  • Hi,

    I have an issue with the game client crashing when i summon a Horse and i get nothing in my Syserr (server or client)

    The issue only happens when the horse npc is summoned.

    If i use "/ride_horse" and get mounted on the horse straight away Client doesn't crash but it does crash when i Dismount.

    Game also crashes when i try to spawn the horse npc by using /mob command.

    Nothing in syserr but in ch syslog i get this:

    1. Nov 6 18:55:10 :: COMMAND: ShadowsPR0: mob
    2. Nov 6 18:55:10 :: RegisterRaceNumMap Brown Horse 20102
    3. Nov 6 18:55:10 :: FlushPendingDestroy size 1
    4. Nov 6 18:55:11 :: DISCONNECT: ShadowsPR0 (DESC::~DESC)
    5. Nov 6 18:55:11 :: SAVE: ShadowsPR0 963018x276796
    6. Nov 6 18:55:11 :: QUEST clear timer 0
    7. Nov 6 18:55:11 :: SYSTEM: closing socket. DESC #22

    EDIT: I managed to get an error by running the game in debug mode:
    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Any help/pointers would be very appreciated !

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