Wrong Affect ID??

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  • Hello nice people,

    I'm trying to adapt the Premium system to affectshower, but I'm running into a problem.

    On client side I have declared the 'NEW_PREMIUM_AFFECT' under ID 981 in InstanceBase.h(Same in PythonCharacterModule.cpp). I also have this same affect on the server side in affect.h.

    1. enum{
    2. NEW_PREMIUM_AFFECT = 981,
    4. };

    However, the problem occurs when I try to call affect.add_*, which I have in quest:

    I saw some post about these affect.add being problematic, but I tried changing it a bit and nothing works for me.

    Also tried to find the ID of this affect but there isn't already made function for it :/

    I can't figure out why this affect is not added and I don't know how to deal with it :/ Could someone please point me to the right way?

    Thank you and have a nice rest of the day :saint:

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