[Question] Add Cores Fliege V3 ?

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  • Hey together,

    I am currently working with the Fliege Files V3.

    There is only one Core for each Channel which contains all Maps (Count > 32), which prevents me to enter the Lv. 90 Maps as they can't be found. They are Index 35+ in MAP ALLOW in the config. I was confused as to why I can't enter them even though atlas_info.txt, Index and Settings.txt were completely fine and then I remembered the whole max Maps per Core thingy... :sweat_smile:

    I am not that educated on the whole Core Thematic yet, but I am trying. When I add the Files (Game-, Data-, log- and share-Links + the Config) in a new Folder named Core1 and "copy" exactly the same into another Folder named Core2, do the Ports need to be adapted per Core or are they Channel-wide? The latter would make more sense imo. :shrug:

    I would change the HOSTNAME to channel1_core2 and move some of the Maps to Core2. Do I have to do anything else? Also what happens to the syserr-files? Do they move to the respective Core Folders or are they Channel-specific? :/ Has been a while since I worked with Metin2 Files.

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    I already extended the max Map Count per Core to 64, but I don't really wanna clutter everything into one Core. So that's not really an option here :P

    The thought behind this was doing 3(-4) Cores per Channel (any Suggestions here?):
    Core1: Low-Level Maps
    Core2: High-Level Maps

    Core3: Dungeons

    Maybe Core4 for Yohara Stuff, when I manage to make it work lol.

    One last Question ? Is there a way to calculate the RAM I need?

    Kind regards
    Korgaz :)

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